995 research outputs found

    The effect of family-centered empowerment program on self-efficacy of adolescents with thalassemia major: A randomized controlled clinical trial

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    Background: Chronic nature of thalassemia causes changes in different aspects of life in patients, including their self-efficacy. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of family-centered empowerment program on the self-efficacy of adolescents with Thalassemia major. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was performed on adolescents with thalassemia major in 2013 in Bandar Abbas, Iran. The participants were divided into intervention and control groups, respectively. Research instruments included demographic data questionnaire, need assessment selfmade questionnaire, general self-efficacy scale, and sickle cell self-efficacy scale. After collecting the data from the pre-intervention step, family-centered empowerment program was implemented for the intervention group and secondary test was conducted six weeks after the intervention and the results were analyzed by statistical SPSS-21 software, using independent t-test, paired t-test, Chi-square and Fisher�s exact test, and descriptive statistics. A significance level of P<0.05 was considered as significant. Results: The mean and standard deviation of the adolescents� age were 16±1.9 in the intervention group and 15.2±2 in the control group. Independent t-test showed a significant difference between the two groups after the intervention for both self-efficacies (P<0.01 and P=0.02). In the control group, the results of general self-efficacy scores after six weeks� time were reduced compared to the previous one while disease-related self-efficacy scores in the same group after six weeks� time increased and paired t-test indicated a significant difference in the mean scores for both self-efficacies in both groups. Conclusion: Implementation of family-centered empowerment program for patients with thalassemia major is practically feasible and it can increase self-efficacy in these patients. It is suggested that the program should be used in comprehensive care protocols of children and adolescents. © 2018, Shriaz University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    The effect of family-centered empowerment program on self-efficacy of adolescents with thalassemia major: A randomized controlled clinical trial

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    Background: Chronic nature of thalassemia causes changes in different aspects of life in patients, including their self-efficacy. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of family-centered empowerment program on the self-efficacy of adolescents with Thalassemia major. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was performed on adolescents with thalassemia major in 2013 in Bandar Abbas, Iran. The participants were divided into intervention and control groups, respectively. Research instruments included demographic data questionnaire, need assessment selfmade questionnaire, general self-efficacy scale, and sickle cell self-efficacy scale. After collecting the data from the pre-intervention step, family-centered empowerment program was implemented for the intervention group and secondary test was conducted six weeks after the intervention and the results were analyzed by statistical SPSS-21 software, using independent t-test, paired t-test, Chi-square and Fisher�s exact test, and descriptive statistics. A significance level of P<0.05 was considered as significant. Results: The mean and standard deviation of the adolescents� age were 16±1.9 in the intervention group and 15.2±2 in the control group. Independent t-test showed a significant difference between the two groups after the intervention for both self-efficacies (P<0.01 and P=0.02). In the control group, the results of general self-efficacy scores after six weeks� time were reduced compared to the previous one while disease-related self-efficacy scores in the same group after six weeks� time increased and paired t-test indicated a significant difference in the mean scores for both self-efficacies in both groups. Conclusion: Implementation of family-centered empowerment program for patients with thalassemia major is practically feasible and it can increase self-efficacy in these patients. It is suggested that the program should be used in comprehensive care protocols of children and adolescents. © 2018, Shriaz University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Customized clinical practice guidelines for management of adult cataract in Iran

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    Purpose: To customize clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for cataract management in the Iranian population. Methods: First, four CPGs (American Academy of Ophthalmology 2006 and 2011, Royal College of Ophthalmologists 2010, and Canadian Ophthalmological Society 2008) were selected from a number of available CPGs in the literature for cataract management. All recommendations of these guidelines, together with their references, were studied. Each recommendation was summarized in 4 tables. The first table showed the recommendation itself in clinical question components format along with its level of evidence. The second table contained structured abstracts of supporting articles related to the clinical question with their levels of evidence. The third table included the customized recommendation of the internal group respecting its clinical advantage, cost, and complications. In the fourth table, the internal group their recommendations from 1 to 9 based on the customizing capability of the recommendation (applicability, acceptability, external validity). Finally, customized recommendations were sent one month prior to a consensus session to faculty members of all universities across the country asking for their comments on recommendations. Results: The agreed recommendations were accepted as conclusive while those with no agreement were discussed at the consensus session. Finally, all customized recommendations were codified as 80 recommendations along with their sources and levels of evidence for the Iranian population. Conclusion: Customization of CPGs for management of adult cataract for the Iranian population seems to be useful for standardization of referral, diagnosis and treatment of patients. © 2015 Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

    Expression of Bcl-2 and Bax in Mouse Renal Tubules during Kidney Development

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    Bcl-2 and Bax play an important role in apoptosis regulation, as well as in cell adhesion and migration during kidney morphogenesis, which is structurally and functionally related to mitochondria. In order to elucidate the role of Bcl-2 and Bax during kidney development, it is essential to establish the exact location of their expression in the kidney. The present study localized their expression during kidney development. Kidneys from embryonic (E) 16-, 17-, 18-day-old mouse fetuses, and postnatal (P) 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, 14-, 21-day-old pups were embedded in Epon. Semi-thin serial sections from two E17 kidneys underwent computer assisted 3D tubule tracing. The tracing was combined with a newly developed immunohistochemical technique, which enables immunohistochemistry on glutaraldehyde fixated plastic embedded sections. Thereby, the microstructure could be described in detail, and the immunochemistry can be performed using exactly the same sections. The study showed that Bcl-2 and Bax were strongly expressed in mature proximal convoluted tubules at all time points, less strongly expressed in proximal straight tubules, and only weakly in immature proximal tubules and distal tubules. No expression was detected in ureteric bud and other earlier developing structures, such as comma bodies, S shaped bodies, glomeruli, etc. Tubules expressing Bcl-2 only were occasionally observed. The present study showed that, during kidney development, Bcl-2 and Bax are expressed differently in the proximal and distal tubules, although these two tubule segments are almost equally equipped with mitochondria. The functional significance of the different expression of Bcl-2 and Bax in proximal and distal tubules is unknown. However, the findings of the present study suggest that the mitochondrial function differs between mature proximal tubules and in the rest of the tubules. The function of Bcl-2 and Bax during tubulogenesis still needs to be investigated

    E2F-1 Directly Regulates Thrombospondin 1 Expression

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    Thrombospondin 1 (TSP1) has been shown to play a critical role in inhibiting angiogenesis, resulting in inhibition of tumor growth and metastases. To figure out TSP1's regulators will lead to reveal its biological function mechanistically. In this study, we show that E2F-1 could activate the transcription of TSP1 by both promoter assays and Northern blot. Analysis of various TSP1 promoter mutant constructs showed that a sequence located −144/−137 up-stream of the transcriptional initiation site, related to the consensus E2F-responsive sequence, is necessary for the activation. In consistence with up-regulation of TSP-1 activity by over-expression of E2F-1, the knockdown of endogenous E2F-1 inhibited TSP-1 promoter activity significantly, implying that E2F-1 mediated regulation of TSP-1 is relevant in vivo. In addition, E2F-1 could also directly bind to the TSP1 promoter region covering −144/−137 region as revealed by ChIP assays. Furthermore, the E2F-1-induced activation of TSP1 gene transcription is suppressed by pRB1 in a dose-dependent manner. Taken together, the results demonstrate that TSP1 is a novel target for E2F1, which might imply that E2F-1 can affect angiogenesis by modulating TSP1 expression

    Inclusive and multiplicity dependent production of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in pp and p-Pb collisions

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    Measurements of the production of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in pp collisions at root s = 13 TeV at midrapidity with the ALICE detector are presented down to a transverse momentum (p(T)) of 0.2 GeV/c and up to p(T) = 35 GeV/c, which is the largest momentum range probed for inclusive electron measurements in ALICE. In p-Pb collisions, the production cross section and the nuclear modification factor of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays are measured in the p(T) range 0.5 < p(T) < 26 GeV/c at root s(NN) = 8.16 TeV. The nuclear modification factor is found to be consistent with unity within the statistical and systematic uncertainties. In both collision systems, first measurements of the yields of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in different multiplicity intervals normalised to the multiplicity-integrated yield (self-normalised yield) at midrapidity are reported as a function of the self-normalised charged-particle multiplicity estimated at midrapidity. The self-normalised yields in pp and p-Pb collisions grow faster than linear with the self-normalised multiplicity. A strong p(T) dependence is observed in pp collisions, where the yield of high-p(T) electrons increases faster as a function of multiplicity than the one of low-p(T) electrons. The measurement in p-Pb collisions shows no p(T) dependence within uncertainties. The self-normalised yields in pp and p-Pb collisions are compared with measurements of other heavy-flavour, light-flavour, and strange particles, and with Monte Carlo simulations

    Measurement of the non-prompt D-meson fraction as a function of multiplicity in proton-proton collisions at s \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV

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    The fractions of non-prompt (i.e. originating from beauty-hadron decays) D0 and D+ mesons with respect to the inclusive yield are measured as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The results are reported in intervals of transverse momentum (pT) and integrated in the range 1 < pT < 24 GeV/c. The fraction of non-prompt D0 and D+ mesons is found to increase slightly as a function of pT in all the measured multiplicity intervals, while no significant dependence on the charged- particle multiplicity is observed. In order to investigate the production and hadronisation mechanisms of charm and beauty quarks, the results are compared to PYTHIA 8 as well as EPOS 3 and EPOS 4 Monte Carlo simulations, and to calculations based on the colour glass condensate including three-pomeron fusion

    Investigation of K+K- interactions via femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN =2.76 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

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    Femtoscopic correlations of nonidentical charged kaons (K+K-) are studied in Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon collision sNN=2.76 TeV by ALICE at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. One-dimensional K+K- correlation functions are analyzed in three centrality classes and eight intervals of particle-pair transverse momentum. The Lednický and Luboshitz interaction model used in the K+K- analysis includes the final-state Coulomb interactions between kaons and the final-state interaction through a0(980) and f0(980) resonances. The mass of f0(980) and coupling were extracted from the fit to K+K- correlation functions using the femtoscopic technique. The measured mass and width of the f0(980) resonance are consistent with other published measurements. The height of the φ(1020) meson peak present in the K+K- correlation function rapidly decreases with increasing source radius, qualitatively in agreement with an inverse volume dependence. A phenomenological fit to this trend suggests that the φ(1020) meson yield is dominated by particles produced directly from the hadronization of the system. The small fraction subsequently produced by final-state interactions could not be precisely quantified with data presented in this paper and will be assessed in future work