1,034 research outputs found

    Improved 3D thinning algorithms for skeleton extraction

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    In this study, we focused on developing a novel 3D Thinning algorithm to extract one-voxel wide skeleton from various 3D objects aiming at preserving the topological information. The 3D Thinning algorithm was testified on computer-generated and real 3D reconstructed image sets acquired from TEMT and compared with other existing 3D Thinning algorithms. It is found that the algorithm has conserved medial axes and simultaneously topologies very well, demonstrating many advantages over the existing technologies. They are versatile, rigorous, efficient and rotation invariant.<br /

    Sodium and potassiumvapor Faraday filters re-visited: Theory and applications

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    A complete theory describing the transmission of atomic vapor Faraday filters is developed. The dependence of the filter transmission on atomic density and external magnetic field strength, as well as the frequency dependence of transmission, are explained in physical terms. As examples, applications of the computed results to ongoing research to suppress sky background, thus allowing Na lidar operation under sunlit conditions, and to enable measurement of the density of mesospheric oxygen atoms are briefly discussed

    Search for Light Weakly-Interacting-Massive-Particle Dark Matter by Annual Modulation Analysis with a Point-Contact Germanium Detector at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory

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    We present results on light weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) searches with annual modulation (AM) analysis on data from a 1-kg mass pp-type point-contact germanium detector of the CDEX-1B experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory. Datasets with a total live time of 3.2 yr within a 4.2 yr span are analyzed with analysis threshold of 250 eVee. Limits on WIMP-nucleus (χ{\chi}-NN) spin-independent cross sections as function of WIMP mass (mχm_{\chi}) at 90\% confidence level (C.L.) are derived using the dark matter halo model. Within the context of the standard halo model, the 90\% C.L. allowed regions implied by the DAMA/LIBRA and CoGeNT AM-based analysis are excluded at >>99.99\% and 98\% C.L., respectively. These results correspond to the best sensitivity at mχm_{\chi}<<6 GeV/c2~{\rm GeV}/c^2 among WIMP AM measurements to date.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Constraints on Spin-Independent Nucleus Scattering with sub-GeV Weakly Interacting Massive Particle Dark Matter from the CDEX-1B Experiment at the China Jin-Ping Laboratory

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    We report results on the searches of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) with sub-GeV masses (mχm_{\chi}) via WIMP-nucleus spin-independent scattering with Migdal effect incorporated. Analysis on time-integrated (TI) and annual modulation (AM) effects on CDEX-1B data are performed, with 737.1 kg\cdotday exposure and 160 eVee threshold for TI analysis, and 1107.5 kg\cdotday exposure and 250 eVee threshold for AM analysis. The sensitive windows in mχm_{\chi} are expanded by an order of magnitude to lower DM masses with Migdal effect incorporated. New limits on σχNSI\sigma_{\chi N}^{\rm SI} at 90\% confidence level are derived as 2×2\times10327×^{-32}\sim7\times1035^{-35} cm2\rm cm^2 for TI analysis at mχm_{\chi}\sim 50-180 MeV/c2c^2, and 3×3\times10329×^{-32}\sim9\times1038^{-38} cm2\rm cm^2 for AM analysis at mχm_{\chi}\sim75 MeV/c2c^2-3.0 GeV/c2c^2.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Supersymmetric Intersecting Branes on the Waves

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    We construct a general family of supersymmetric solutions in time- and space-dependent wave backgrounds in general supergravity theories describing single and intersecting p-branes embedded into time-dependent dilaton-gravity plane waves of an arbitrary (isotropic) profile, with the brane world-volume aligned parallel to the propagation direction of the wave. We discuss how many degrees of freedom we have in the solutions. We also propose that these solutions can be used to describe higher-dimensional time-dependent "black holes", and discuss their property briefly.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    A Note on Noncommutative Brane Inflation

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    In this paper, we investigate the noncommutative KKLMMT D3/anti-D3 brane inflation scenario in detail. Incorporation of the brane inflation scenario and the noncommutative inflation scenario can nicely explain the large negative running of the spectral index as indicated by WMAP three-year data and can significantly release the fine-tuning for the parameter β\beta. Using the WMAP three year results (blue-tilted spectral index with large negative running), we explore the parameter space and give the constraints and predictions for the inflationary parameters and cosmological observables in this scenario. We show that this scenario predicts a quite large tensor/scalar ratio and what is more, a too large cosmic string tension (assuming that the string coupling gsg_s is in its likely range from 0.1 to 1) to be compatible with the present observational bound. A more detailed analysis reveals that this model has some inconsistencies according to the fit to WMAP three year results.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in JCA

    Bottleneck effects in turbulence: Scaling phenomena in r- versus p-space

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    We (analytically) calculate the energy spectrum corresponding to various experimental and numerical turbulence data analyzed by Benzi et al.. We find two bottleneck phenomena: While the local scaling exponent ζr(r)\zeta_r(r) of the structure function decreases monotonically, the local scaling exponent ζp(p)\zeta_p(p) of the corresponding spectrum has a minimum of ζp(pmin)0.45\zeta_p(p_{min})\approx 0.45 at pmin(10η)1p_{min}\approx (10 \eta)^{-1} and a maximum of ζp(pmax)0.77\zeta_p(p_{max})\approx 0.77 at pmax8L1p_{max}\approx 8 L^{-1}. A physical argument starting from the constant energy flux in p--space reveals the general mechanism underlying the energy pileups at both ends of the p--space scaling range. In the case studied here, they are induced by viscous dissipation and the reduced spectral strength on the scale of the system size, respectively.Comment: 9 pages, 3figures on reques

    A Matrix Model for the Null-Brane

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    The null-brane background is a simple smooth 1/2 BPS solution of string theory. By tuning a parameter, this background develops a big crunch/big bang type singularity. We construct the DLCQ description of this space-time in terms of a Yang-Mills theory on a time-dependent space-time. Our dual Matrix description provides a non-perturbative framework in which the fate of both (null) time, and the string S-matrix can be studied.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX; references adde

    Non-escaping frost tolerant QTL linked genetic loci at reproductive stage in six wheat DH populations

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    Reproductive stage frost poses a major constraint for wheat production in countries such as Australia. However, little progress has been made in identifying key genes to overcome the constraint. In the present study, a severe frost event hit two large-scale field trials consisting of six doubled haploid (DH) wheat populations at reproductive stage (young microspore stage) in Western Australia, leading to the identification of 30 robust frost QTL on 17 chromosomes. The major 18 QTL with the phenotype variation over 9.5% were located on 13 chromosomes including 2A, 2B, 2D, 3A, 4A, 4B, 4D, 5A, 5D, 6D, 7A, 7B and 7D. Most frost QTL were closely linked to the QTL of anthesis, maturity, Zadok stages as well as linked to anthesis related genes. Out of those, six QTL were repetitively detected on the homologous regions on 2B, 4B, 4D, 5A, 5D, 7A in more than two populations. Results showed that the frost damage is associated with alleles of Vrn-A1a, Vrn-D1a, Rht-B1b, Rht-D1b, and the high copy number of Ppd-B1. However, anthesis QTL and anthesis related genes of Vrn-B1a and TaFT3-1B on chromosomes 5B and 1B did not lead to frost damage, indicating that these early-flowering phenotype related genes are compatible with frost tolerance and thus can be utilised in breeding. Our results also indicate that wild-type alleles Rht-B1a and Rht-D1a can be used when breeding for frost-tolerant varieties without delaying flowering time