4,479 research outputs found

    Velocity measurements by laser resonance fluorescence

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    The photonburst correlation method was used to detect single atoms in a buffer gas. Real time flow velocity measurements with laser induced resonance fluorescence from single or multiple atoms was demonstrated and this method was investigated as a tool for wind tunnel flow measurement. Investigations show that single atoms and their real time diffusional motion on a buffer gas can be measured by resonance fluorescence. By averaging over many atoms, flow velocities up to 88 m/s were measured in a time of 0.5 sec. It is expected that higher flow speeds can be measured and that the measurement time can be reduced by a factor of 10 or more by careful experimental design. The method is clearly not ready for incorporation in high speed wind tunnels because it is not yet known whether the stray light level will be higher or lower, and it is not known what detection efficiency can be obtained in a wind tunnel situation

    Scalar-tensor analysis of an exponential Lagrangian for the Gravitational Field

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    Within the scheme of modified gravity, an exponential Lagrangian density will be considered, and the corresponding scalar-tensor description will be addressed for both positive and negative values of the cosmological constant. For negative values of the cosmological term, the potential of the scalar field exhibits a minimum, around which scalar-field equations can be linearized. The study of the deSitter regime shows that a comparison with the modified-gravity description is possible in an off-shell region, i.e., in a region where the classical equivalence between the two formulations is not fulfilled. Furthermore, despite the negative cosmological constant, an accelerating deSitter phase is predicted in the region where the series expansion of the exponential term does not hold. For positive values of the cosmological constant, the quantum regime is analyzed within the framework of Loop Quantum Cosmology.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of'' 4th Italian-Sino Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics'', AIP Conference Serie

    On the Mass to Charge Ratio of Neutron Cores and Heavy Nuclei

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    We determine theoretically the relation between the total number of protons NpN_{p} and the mass number AA (the charge to mass ratio) of nuclei and neutron cores with the model recently proposed by Ruffini et al. (2007) and we compare it with other NpN_p versus AA relations: the empirical one, related to the Periodic Table, and the semi-empirical relation, obtained by minimizing the Weizs\"{a}cker mass formula. We find that there is a very good agreement between all the relations for values of AA typical of nuclei, with differences of the order of per cent. Our relation and the semi-empirical one are in agreement up to A∼104A\sim 10^4; for higher values, we find that the two relations differ. We interprete the different behaviour of our theoretical relation as a result of the penetration of electrons (initially confined in an external shell) inside the core, that becomes more and more important by increasing AA; these effects are not taken into account in the semi-empirical mass-formula.Comment: Some misprints of the published version corrected (value of nuclear density and eq. 7). Talk given at the 4th Italian-Sino Workshop, July 20-30 (2007), Pescara (Italy

    Observation of a push force on the end face of a nm fiber taper exerted by outgoing light

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    There are two different proposals for the momentum of light in a transparent dielectric of refractive index n: Minkowski's version nE/c and Abrahm's version E/(nc), where E and c are the energy and vacuum speed of light, respectively. Despite many tests and debates over nearly a century, momentum of light in a transparent dielectric remains controversial. In this Letter, we report a direct observation of the inward push force on the end face of a free nm fiber taper exerted by the outgoing light. Our results clearly support Abraham momentum. Our experiment also indicates an inward surface pressure on a dielectric exerted by the incident light, different from the commonly recognized pressure due to the specular reflection. Such an inward surface pressure by the incident light may be useful for precise design of the laser-induced inertially-confined fusion.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures;Accepted for publication as a Letter in Physical Review Letters(CODE: LP11093

    Flow Near Submarine Canyons Driven by Constant Winds

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    Circulation over coastal submarine canyons driven by constant upwelling or downwelling wind stress is simulated and analyzed with a primitive equation ocean model. Astoria Canyon, on the west coast of North America, is the focus of this study, and model results are consistent with most major features of mean canyon circulation observed in Astoria Canyon. Near-surface flow crosses over the canyon, while a closed cyclone occurs within the canyon. Upwelling prevails within the canyon and is larger than wind-driven upwelling along the adjacent shelf break. Water rises from depths reaching 300 m to the canyon rim and, subsequently, onto the adjacent shelf. Onshore flow within the canyon is driven by the onshore pressure gradient force, due to the free surface slope created by the upwelling wind, and is enhanced by the limitation to alongshore flow by the canyon topography. Density gradients largely compensate the surface slope with realistic stratification, but continual upwelling persists near the edges of the canyon. Within the upper canyon (50-150 m below the canyon rim) a cyclone is created by flow turning into the canyon mouth, separating from the upstream edge, and advecting toward the downstream rim. Below this layer the cyclone is created by vortex stretching due to the upwelling. Downwelling winds create nearly the opposite flow, in which compression and momentum advection create a strong anticyclone within the canyon. Momentum advection is found to be important both in creating strong circulation within the canyon and in allowing the surface flow to cross the canyon undisturbed. Model results indicate that Astoria-like submarine canyons produce across shore transport of sufficient volume to flush a continental shelf in a few (2-5) years

    Bifractality of the Devil's staircase appearing in the Burgers equation with Brownian initial velocity

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    It is shown that the inverse Lagrangian map for the solution of the Burgers equation (in the inviscid limit) with Brownian initial velocity presents a bifractality (phase transition) similar to that of the Devil's staircase for the standard triadic Cantor set. Both heuristic and rigorous derivations are given. It is explained why artifacts can easily mask this phenomenon in numerical simulations.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    A 20-year reanalysis experiment in the Baltic Sea using three-dimensional variational (3DVAR) method

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    A 20-year retrospective reanalysis of the ocean state in the Baltic Sea is constructed by assimilating available historical temperature and salinity profiles into an operational numerical model with three-dimensional variational (3DVAR) method. To determine the accuracy of the reanalysis, the authors present a series of comparisons to independent observations on a monthly mean basis. <br><br> In the reanalysis, temperature (T) and salinity (S) fit better with independent measurements than the free run at different depths. Overall, the mean biases of temperature and salinity for the 20 year period are reduced by 0.32 °C and 0.34 psu, respectively. Similarly, the mean root mean square error (RMSE) is decreased by 0.35 °C for temperature and 0.3 psu for salinity compared to the free run. The modeled sea surface temperature, which is mainly controlled by the weather forcing, shows the least improvements due to sparse in situ observations. Deep layers, on the other hand, witness significant and stable model error improvements. In particular, the salinity related to saline water intrusions into the Baltic Proper is largely improved in the reanalysis. The major inflow events such as in 1993 and 2003 are captured more accurately as the model salinity in the bottom layer is increased by 2–3 psu. Compared to independent sea level at 14 tide gauge stations, the correlation between model and observation is increased by 2%–5%, while the RMSE is generally reduced by 10 cm. It is found that the reduction of RMSE comes mainly from the reduction of mean bias. In addition, the changes in density induced by the assimilation of T/S contribute little to the barotropic transport in the shallow Danish Transition zone. <br><br> The mixed layer depth exhibits strong seasonal variations in the Baltic Sea. The basin-averaged value is about 10 m in summer and 30 m in winter. By comparison, the assimilation induces a change of 20 m to the mixed layer depth in deep waters and wintertime, whereas small changes of about 2 m occur in summer and shallow waters. It is related to the strong heating in summer and the dominant role of the surface forcing in shallow water, which largely offset the effect of the assimilation

    GRB970228 and the class of GRBs with an initial spikelike emission: do they follow the Amati relation?

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    On the basis of the recent understanding of GRB050315 and GRB060218, we return to GRB970228, the first Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) with detected afterglow. We proposed it as the prototype for a new class of GRBs with "an occasional softer extended emission lasting tenths of seconds after an initial spikelike emission". Detailed theoretical computation of the GRB970228 light curves in selected energy bands for the prompt emission are presented and compared with observational BeppoSAX data. From our analysis we conclude that GRB970228 and likely the ones of the above mentioned new class of GRBs are "canonical GRBs" have only one peculiarity: they exploded in a galactic environment, possibly the halo, with a very low value of CBM density. Here we investigate how GRB970228 unveils another peculiarity of this class of GRBs: they do not fulfill the "Amati relation". We provide a theoretical explanation within the fireshell model for the apparent absence of such correlation for the GRBs belonging to this new class.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, in the Proceedings of the "4th Italian-Sino Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics", held in Pescara, Italy, July 20-28, 2007, C.L. Bianco, S.-S. Xue, Editor

    Universal statistics of non-linear energy transfer in turbulent models

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    A class of shell models for turbulent energy transfer at varying the inter-shell separation, λ\lambda, is investigated. Intermittent corrections in the continuous limit of infinitely close shells (λ→1\lambda \rightarrow 1) have been measured. Although the model becomes, in this limit, non-intermittent, we found universal aspects of the velocity statistics which can be interpreted in the framework of log-poisson distributions, as proposed by She and Waymire (1995, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 262). We suggest that non-universal aspects of intermittency can be adsorbed in the parameters describing statistics and properties of the most singular structure. On the other hand, universal aspects can be found by looking at corrections to the monofractal scaling of the most singular structure. Connections with similar results reported in other shell models investigations and in real turbulent flows are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures available upon request to [email protected]
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