143 research outputs found

    Diagnostics of crystal-radiator of positrons by backward-going X-rays

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    In the production of positrons by ultra-relativistic electrons channeling in a crystal-radiator the incident electrons produce X-ray radiation in the Crystal that is not used by now. In present paper we consider the properties of 3 kinds of X-ray radiation as the parametric X-ray radiation, the characteristic X-ray radiation, the diffracted transition radiation emitted in the backward direction from the crystalline radiator of positrons. We found that these kinds of quasi-monochromatic radiations can be registered by an X-ray spectrometer simultaneously with the production of positrons. We propose the observation of backward-going X-rays for the diagnostics of the crystal-radiator and electron beam status during production of positrons. Such on-line diagnostics can contribute to the optimization of the positron production. The same 3 kinds of radiation can be used for the diagnostics of the crystal-radiator during production of a coherent bremsstrahlung by the ultrarelativistic electron beam in a crystal and also for the diagnostics of bent crystals that are used for the steering of the high-energy particle beams trajectory. Besides, the diffracted transition radiation can be considered as a source of intense quasimonochromatic tunable X-rays beam excited by the high-energy particle beam in a crystal

    DarkSide status and prospects

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    DarkSide uses a dual-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber to search for WIMP dark matter. The current detector, DarkSide-50, is running since mid 2015 with a target of 50 kg of Argon from an underground sourc

    Spectral distribution in the reflection of parametric X-rays

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    The parametric X-ray radiation (PXR) spectra are measured on condition when the angular size of PXR cone is smaller than the angular resolution of the experiment. The PXR is generated under interaction of 50GeV proton beam with silicon crystal in Bragg geometry. The comparison of experimental data with results of developed theoretical model is presented and discusse

    Piezoelectric accelerator

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    Here we propose the conception of small-size piezoelectric accelerator of charged particles that operates due to the piezoelectric effect at varying mechanical force applied to piezoelectrics in vacuum. The accelerating voltage and the energy of accelerated particles are estimated. In the proof-of-principle experiment we demonstrate the effect of the emission of X-ray radiation at the mechanical compression of piezoelectric ceramics in vacuu

    Sensitivity of future liquid argon dark matter search experiments to core-collapse supernova neutrinos

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    Future liquid-argon DarkSide-20k and Argo detectors, designed for direct dark matter search, will be sensitive also to core-collapse supernova neutrinos, via coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering. This interaction channel is flavor-insensitive with a high-cross section, enabling for a high-statistics neutrino detection with target masses of ∼50 t and ∼360 t for DarkSide-20k and Argo respectivel

    SiPM-matrix readout of two-phase argon detectors using electroluminescence in the visible and near infrared range

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    Proportional electroluminescence (EL) in noble gases is used in two-phase detectors for dark matter searches to record (in the gas phase) the ionization signal induced by particle scattering in the liquid phas

    Piezoelectric transformer aided X-ray generation in vacuum

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    The results of an experimental study of x-ray generation aided by a ceramic piezoelectric transformer placed in vacuum are presented. X-rays were emitted with the piezoelectric transformer tuned to resonance at about 20 kHz. A characteristic emission peak of a titanium target at energy of 4.5 keV against the Bremsstrahlung background was observed in the measured x-ray spectr

    Properties of a ceramic pyroelectric X-ray generator as dependent on residual-gas pressure

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    The properties of X-ray emission from a pyroelectric accelerator based on ferroelectric ceramics have been experimentally studied, including the maximum energy of X-ray photons and their maximum yield generated by accelerated electrons at various pressures of residual gas in the generator chambe

    Semiconductor driver of pyroelectric accelerator of charged particles

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    The possibility for application of semiconductor element for heating of pyroelectric crystalin a pyroelectric accelerator of charged particles or pyroelectric X-ray generator is at first proposed and demonstrated experimentally. Spectra of X-ray radiation measured at the heating of the pyroelectric crystal LiNbO3 by silicon diode at different pressures of residual gas are presente