24 research outputs found

    Nosotros, el medio: cómo las audiencias están modelando el futuro de la noticias y la información

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    70 p.: il.Libro ElectrónicoHay tres maneras de ver cómo es informada una sociedad. La primera es que las personas son crédulas y leerán, escucharán o verán casi todo. La segunda es que la mayoría de las personas requieren un intermediario informado para decirles qué es bueno, importante o significativo. La tercera es que las personas son muy inteligentes. Dados los medios, pueden organizar las cosas para sí mismas y encontrar su propia versión de la verdad. Los medios han llegado. La verdad está afuera. A lo largo de la historia, el acceso a las noticias y la información ha sido un privilegio concedido a poderosas instituciones con la autoridad o la riqueza para dominar la distribución. En los dos siglos anteriores, una prensa independiente ha servido como defensor de la sociedad y su derecho a saber, un papel esencial durante una era de tolerancia democrática. En algún nivel, Nosotros, el medio revelará algo sobre la sociedad y la forma en que las personas aprenden de los otrosEstamos en el comienzo de la Edad Dorada del periodismo –pero no es periodismo como lo hemos conocido hasta ahora–. Los futurólogos de medios han pronosticado que para el año 2021 "los ciudadanos producirán colaborativamente el 50 por ciento de las noticias". Sin embargo, los medios tradicionales tienen todavía que adoptar o experimentar significativamente con estas nuevas formas de noticias. Históricamente, a los periodistas les ha sido encomendado informar a la democracia. Pero su futuro dependerá no solo de qué tan bien lo hagan sino también de cómo estimulen y hagan posible el diálogo con los ciudadanos. Ese es el desafío. Este informe plantea importantes consideraciones cuando se explora un esfuerzo colaborativo entre la audiencia y un medio tradicional.Contexto cultural: detrás de la explosión. --Cómo está tomando forma el periodismo participativo. -- Las reglas de la participación. --Implicaciones para los medios y el periodismo. -- Beneficios potenciales de ‘Nosotros, el Medio’. --Cómo podrían responder los medios

    Do you have a source for that?: Understanding the challenges of collaborative evidence-based journalism

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    WikiTribune is a pilot news service, where evidence-based articles are co-created by professional journalists and a community of volunteers using an open and collaborative digital platform. The WikiTribune project is set within an evolving and dynamic media landscape, operating under principles of openness and transparency. It combines a commercial for-profit business model with an open collaborative mode of production with contributions from both paid professionals and unpaid volunteers. This descriptive case study captures the first 12-months of WikiTribune's operations to understand the challenges and opportunities within this hybrid model of production. We use the rich literature on Wikipedia to understand the WikiTribune case and to identify areas of convergence and divergence, as well as avenues for future research. Data was collected on news articles with a focus on the time it takes for an article to reach published status, the number and type of contributors typically involved, article activity and engagement levels, and the types of topics covered

    Citizen participation in news

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    The process of producing news has changed significantly due to the advent of the Web, which has enabled the increasing involvement of citizens in news production. This trend has been given many names, including participatory journalism, produsage, and crowd-sourced journalism, but these terms are ambiguous and have been applied inconsistently, making comparison of news systems difficult. In particular, it is problematic to distinguish the levels of citizen involvement, and therefore the extent to which news production has genuinely been opened up. In this paper we perform an analysis of 32 online news systems, comparing them in terms of how much power they give to citizens at each stage of the news production process. Our analysis reveals a diverse landscape of news systems and shows that they defy simplistic categorisation, but it also provides the means to compare different approaches in a systematic and meaningful way. We combine this with four case studies of individual stories to explore the ways that news stories can move and evolve across this landscape. Our conclusions are that online news systems are complex and interdependent, and that most do not involve citizens to the extent that the terms used to describe them imply

    Stretch goals and the distribution of organizational performance

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    Many academics, consultants, and managers advocate stretch goals to attain superior organizational performance. However, existing theory speculates that, although stretch goals may benefit some organizations, they are not a “rule for riches” for all organizations. To address this speculation, we use two experimental studies to explore the effects on the mean, median, variance, and skewness of performance of stretch compared with moderate goals. Participants were assigned moderate or stretch goals to manage a widely used business simulation. Compared with moderate goals, stretch goals improve performance for a few participants, but many abandon the stretch goals in favor of lower self-set goals, or adopt a survival goal when faced with the threat of bankruptcy. Consequently, stretch goals generate higher performance variance across organizations and a right-skewed performance distribution. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we find no positive stretch goal main effect on performance. Instead, stretch goals compared with moderate goals generate large attainment discrepancies that increase willingness to take risks, undermine goal commitment, and generate lower risk-adjusted performance. The results provide a richer theoretical and empirical appreciation of how stretch goals influence performance

    Nosotros, el medio. Cómo las audiencias están modelando el futuro de la noticia y la información

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    Tomado de: http://www.hypergene.net/wemedia/download/we_media_espanol.pd