208 research outputs found

    Functions of cell surface galectin-glycoprotein lattices

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    Programmed remodeling of cell surface glycans by the sequential action of specific glycosyltransferases can control biological processes by generating or masking ligands for endogenous lectins. Galectins, a family of animal lectins with affinity for beta-galactosides, can form multivalent complexes with cell surface glycoconjugates and deliver a variety of intracellular signals to modulate cell activation, differentiation, and survival. Recent efforts involving genetic or biochemical manipulation of O-glycosylation and N-glycosylation pathways, as well as blockade of the synthesis of endogenous galectins, have illuminated essential roles for galectin-glycoprotein lattices in the control of biological processes including receptor turnover and endocytosis, host-pathogen interactions, and immune cell activation and homeostasis.Fil: Rabinovich, Gabriel Adrián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Toscano, Marta Alicia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Jackson, Shawn S.. University of Maryland; Estados UnidosFil: Vasta, Gerardo R.. University of Maryland; Estados Unido

    Factors Influencing Common Raven Occurrence and Density Across Cold-Desert Sagebrush Ecosystems of the Southwestern U.S.

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    Common ravens (Corvus corax) are a predator of eggs and chicks of numerous species including greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Raven abundance and distribution is increasing within sagebrush ecosystems as a result of anthropogenic resource subsidies. Despite concerns about subsequent predation pressure on sage-grouse, broad-scale spatial information about raven populations remains lacking. We used hierarchical occupancy and distance sampling models to map raven density and distribution in response to natural and anthropogenic landscape covariates using \u3e15,000 point count surveys occurring within the Great Basin region since 2007. Anthropogenic factors contributing to greater raven occurrence included increased road density, presence of transmission lines, agricultural activity, and presence of roadside rest areas. Natural landscape characteristics included lower elevations with greener vegetation (NDVI), greater stream and habitat edge densities, and lower percentages of big sagebrush (A. tridentate spp.). Many of these same environmental factors influenced spatial variation in raven density, although the effects varied by field site. Both raven occurrence and density tended to increase in valleys with networks of agricultural fields, ranches, roads, and distribution lines. These features likely subsidize local raven populations, which then move into more remote shrubland environments with negative consequences for sage-grouse populations. We used the relationships identified in our model to make predictions of raven density and distribution across the Great Basin landscape. We show how these model outputs can be used to guide management decisions where raven distributions overlap with breeding sage-grouse concentration areas. Findings are preliminary and provided for timely best science

    Effects of Common Ravens on Greater Sage-Grouse in the Great Basin, Region, USA

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    Anthropogenic modification to ecosystems can result in the redistribution of species at higher trophic levels. Humans have re-organized predator-prey dynamics, namely by removing top predators and subsidizing more generalist mesocarnivore species. As a result, some mid-level predator species have increased in abundance and distribution, often to the detriment of lower-level species that are not adapted to increased predation rates. One example of a native avian predator that has experienced population increase following increased anthropogenic subsidization is the common raven (Corvus corax; hereafter, raven).The raven is an ubiquitous predator within sagebrush ecosystems in the western U.S.,and may contribute to suppressed population growth in greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) through disruptions to lekking behavior and top-down influences on nest success and recruitment. Ravens have expanded in distribution and abundance, in large part due to increased resource subsidies from human infrastructure and land use activities. Concurrently, some sage-grouse populations appear to be in decline where habitat conditions should be promoting species persistence. Using long-term monitoring data on sage-grouse and ravens in the northern Great Basin region, we show that ravens disrupt sage-grouse lekking behavior, increased raven density is associated with reduced sage-grouse nest success, and that negative trends in lek counts may be related to elevated raven occurrence and density. Taken together, these results suggest the need to address a growing problem, as ravens continue to expand their distribution, facilitated by anthropogenic subsidies. These findings are preliminary and provided to meet the need for timely best science

    Inter- and Intra-annual Effects of Lethal Removal on Common Raven Abundance in Nevada and California, USA

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    Populations of common ravens (Corvus corax; ravens) have increased rapidly within sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) ecosystems between 1960 and 2020. Although ravens are native to North America, their population densities have expanded to levels that negatively influence the population dynamics of other wildlife species of conservation concern, such as greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii). For this reason, lethal removal, such as the application of the avicide DRC-1339, has been used to manage raven numbers at local scales and under certain circumstances. Because the relative effectiveness of DRC-1339 in reducing raven populations densities is not thoroughly understood, we completed 2 case studies using a before-after-control-impact experimental design of density estimates generated from point count data within a Bayesian hierarchical distance sampling framework. Specifically, we analyzed \u3e16,000 point count surveys collected during 2009–2019 and split into 2 study designs covering multiple field sites within the Great Basin region. The first experiment evaluated intra-annual changes in density by comparing before and after treatment time periods within a single breeding season for multiple treatment regions compared to 2 control regions. The other experiment focused on inter-annual differences by comparing time periods across years before and after the onset of annual avicide application for a single treatment region compared to multiple control regions. Our models estimated a 100% probability of decline in density relative to control sites for both the intra- and inter-annual model designs. At treatment sites, expected densities of ravens varied but were reduced by 43% (95% CRI: 33–49%) and 54% (95% CRI: 24–71%) according to intra- and inter-annual analyses, respectively, whereas densities increased by 42% (95% CRI: 27–60%) and 15% (95% CRI: -17 to 58%) at control sites. Although population densities were reduced with treatments, trends indicated that sustained effort would likely be needed to maintain densities at acceptable levels within regions of interest. Effectively reducing the adverse effects of raven populations on other native species likely will depend on a variety of targeted management actions such as improving habitat quality for prey species, possibly reducing ravens’ population density, and treating the cause of increased raven abundance to reduce future carrying capacity and prevent rebounds

    A Rapid Assessment Function to Estimate Common Raven Population Densities: Implications for Targeted Management

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    Common raven (Corvus corax; raven) populations have increased over the past 5 decades within the western United States. Raven population increases have been largely attributed to growing resource subsidies from expansion of human enterprise. Concomitantly, managers are becoming increasingly concerned about elevated adverse effects on multiple sensitive prey species, damage to livestock and agriculture, and human safety. Managers could benefit from a rapid but reliable method to estimate raven densities across spatiotemporal scales to monitor raven populations more efficiently and inform targeted and adaptive management frameworks. However, obtaining estimates of raven density is data- and resource-intensive, which renders monitoring within an adaptive framework unrealistic. To address this need, we developed a rapid survey protocol for resource managers to estimate site-level density based on the average number of ravens per survey. Specifically, we first estimated raven densities at numerous field sites with robust distance sampling procedures and then used regression to investigate the relationship between those density estimates and the number of ravens per survey, which revealed a strong correlation (R2 = 0.86). For management application, we provide access to R function software through a web-based interface to estimate density using number of ravens per survey, which we refer to as a Rapid Assessment Function (RAF). Then, using a simulation analysis of data from sites with abundant surveys and the RAF, we estimated raven density based on different numbers of surveys to help inform how many surveys are needed to achieve reliable estimates within this rapid assessment. While more robust procedures of distance sampling are the preferred methods for estimating raven densities from count surveys, the RAF tool presented herein provides a reliable approximation for informing management decisions when managers are faced with resource and small sample size constraints

    Spatial Modeling of Common Raven Density and Occurrence Helps Guide Landscape Management Within Great Basin Sagebrush Ecosystems

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    Common ravens (Corvus corax; ravens) are a behaviorally flexible nest predator of several avian species, including species of conservation concern. Movement patterns based on life history phases, particularly territoriality of breeding birds and transiency of nonbreeding birds, are thought to influence the frequency and efficacy of nest predation. As such, predicting where on the landscape territorial resident and non-territorial transient birds may be found in relation to the distribution of sensitive prey is of increasing importance to managers and conservationists. From 2007 to 2019, we conducted raven point count surveys between mid-March and mid-September across 43 different field sites representing typical sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) ecosystems of the Great Basin, USA. The surveys conducted during 2007–2016 were used in previously published maps of raven occurrence and density. Here, we examined the relationship between occurrence and density of ravens using spatially explicit predictions from 2 previously published studies and differentiate areas occupied by higher concentrations of resident ravens as opposed to transients. Surveys conducted during 2017–2019 were subsequently used to evaluate the predicted trends from our analytical approach. Specifically, we used residuals from a generalized linear regression to establish the relationship between occurrence and density, which ultimately resulted in a spatially explicit categorical map that identifies areas of resident versus transient ravens. We evaluated mapped categories using independently collected observed raven group sizes from the 2017–2019 survey data, as well as an independent dataset of global positioning system locations of resident and transient individuals monitored during 2019–2020. We observed moderate agreement between the mapped categories and independent datasets for both evaluation approaches. Our map provides broad inference about spatial variation in potential predation risk from ravens for species such as greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and can be used as a valuable spatial layer for decision support tools aimed at guiding raven management decisions and, ultimately, improving survival and reproduction of sensitive prey within the Great Basin

    SMaRT: A Science-based Tiered Framework for Common Ravens

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    Large-scale increases and expansion of common raven (Corvus corax; raven) populations are occurring across much of North America, leading to increased negative consequences for livestock and agriculture, human health and safety, and sensitive species conservation. We describe a science-based adaptive management framework that incorporates recent quantitative analyses and mapping products for addressing areas with elevated raven numbers and minimizing potential adverse impacts to sensitive species, agricultural damage, and human safety. The framework comprises 5 steps: (1) desktop analysis; (2) field assessments; (3) comparison of raven density estimates to an ecological threshold (in terms of either density or density plus distance to nearest active or previous nest); (4) prescribing management options using a 3-tiered process (i.e., habitat improvements, subsidy reductions, and direct actions using StallPOPd.V4 software); and (5) post-management monitoring. The framework is integrated within the Science-based Management of Ravens Tool (SMaRT), a web-based application outfitted with a user-friendly interface that guides managers through each step to develop a fully customized adaptive plan for raven management. In the SMaRT interface, users can: (1) interact with pre-loaded maps of raven occurrence and density and define their own areas of interest within the Great Basin to delineate proposed survey or treatment sites; (2) enter site-level density estimates from distance sampling methods or perform estimation of raven densities using the rapid assessment protocol that we provide; (3) compare site-level density estimates to an identified ecological threshold; and (4) produce a list of potential management options for their consideration. The SMaRT supports decision-making by operationalizing scientific products for raven management and facilitates realization of diverse management goals including sensitive species conservation, protection of livestock and agriculture, safeguarding human health, and addressing raven overabundance and expansion. We illustrate the use of the framework through SMaRT using an example of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) conservation efforts within the Great Basin, USA

    A survey of health professions students for knowledge, attitudes, and confidence about tuberculosis, 2005

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In 2003 the NIH perceived a need to strengthen teaching about tuberculosis (TB) to health professions students. The National Tuberculosis Curriculum Consortium (NTCC) was funded to meet this need. The purpose of this study was to survey students enrolled in NTCC schools prior to NTCC-developed educational materials being made available to faculty.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A self-administered survey for students in NTCC schools to establish a baseline level of knowledge, attitudes, and confidence about tuberculosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>1480/2965 (50%) students in 28 programs in 20 NTCC schools completed the survey. If public health students are eliminated from totals (only 61 respondents of 765 public health students), the overall response proportion for the seven clinically-related disciplines was 64.5%. The majority (74%) were in schools of medicine (MD/DO), undergraduate nursing (BSN), and pharmacy (PharmD); others were in programs for physician assistants (PA), advanced practice nursing (NP/APN), respiratory therapy (RT), clinical laboratory sciences (MT/CLS), and public health (MPH). Almost 90% had attended at least one lecture about TB. Although 91.4% knew TB was transmitted via aerosols, about one-third did not know the method for administering tuberculin, or that Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine was not a contraindication to TB skin testing. Fewer than two-thirds knew that about 10% of people in the U.S.A. who have latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and a normal immune system will develop TB disease, or that BCG is not part of the routine vaccination program in the U.S.A. because it complicates surveillance for new TB infection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There is room for improvement in knowledge, attitudes, and confidence about TB by health professions students surveyed. The NTCC-developed educational products may be used by faculty to improve student performance to be assessed with future surveys.</p