235 research outputs found

    A note on the diagonalizable algebras of PA and ZF

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    AbstractWe prove that the diagonalizable algebras of PA and ZF are not isomorphic

    Comparison of SNP and CAPS markers application in genetic research in wheat and barley

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.Background: Barley and bread wheat show large differences in frequencies of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) as determined from genome-wide studies. These frequencies have been estimated as 2.4-3 times higher in the entire barley genome than within each diploid genomes of wheat (A, B or D). However, barley SNPs within individual genes occur significantly more frequently than quoted. Differences between wheat and barley are based on the origin and evolutionary history of the species. Bread wheat contains rarer SNPs due to the double genetic ‘bottle-neck’ created by natural hybridisation and spontaneous polyploidisation. Furthermore, wheat has the lowest level of useful SNP-derived markers while barley is estimated to have the highest level of polymorphism. Results: Different strategies are required for the development of suitable molecular markers in these cereal species. For example, SNP markers based on high-throughput technology (Infinium or KASP) are very effective and useful in both barley and bread wheat. In contrast, Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) are more widely and successfully employed in small-scale experiments with highly polymorphic genetic regions containing multiple SNPs in barley, but not in wheat. However, preliminary ‘in silico’ search databases for assessing the potential value of SNPs have yet to be developed. Conclusions: This mini-review summarises results supporting the development of different strategies for the application of effective SNP and CAPS markers in wheat and barley

    The Use of Hydroponics in Abiotic Stress Tolerance Research

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    Yuri Shavrukov, Yusuf Genc and Julie Haye

    CAPS markers in plant biology

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    Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) markers are applicable in a wide range of tasksin plant biology. They have been developed for plant genetics and breeding and become especially useful. This mini-review analyzes information about the application of CAPS markers within the past3–5 years. In the presented study, special attention is focused on CAPS markers linked with genes controlling important agricultural traits in different crops. The main principles of the developmentand analysis of CAPS markers, as well as advantages and disadvantages of this type of molecular markers, are briefly outlined in the beginning of this review. CAPS markers are based on PCR amplification of DNA fragments with specific primers followed by digestion with restriction enzymes and separation of the products in agarose gel. Functional CAPS markers can be developed on the known sequence of a gene of interest for the analyses of its structure, function, expression, and regulation. CAPS closely linked to the gene of interest are especially helpful for Marker-Assisted Selection, and they are widely used in the breeding of wheat, barley, soybean, potato, tomato, and other crops for tolerance to various pathogens. CAPS markers are often used for the preparation of genetic maps and fine mapping of studied genes. For some plants, first moleculargenetic maps were prepared using CAPS. This method was also successfully used for the mapping of both individual genes and QTLs controlling such important traits as plant growth habit, grain quality, and tolerance to pathogens in cereals, as well as the shape of tomato fruit. CAPS have important applications in the analyses of genetic polymorphism and phylogeny, particularly, in closely related species. Thus, CAPS are an effective tool for molecular-genetic research and plant breeding

    Monoid presentations of groups by finite special string-rewriting systems

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    We show that the class of groups which have monoid presentations by means of finite special [λ]-confluent string-rewriting systems strictly contains the class of plain groups (the groups which are free products of a finitely generated free group and finitely many finite groups), and that any group which has an infinite cyclic central subgroup can be presented by such a string-rewriting system if and only if it is the direct product of an infinite cyclic group and a finite cyclic group

    Identification of a QTL on chromosome 7AS for sodium exclusion in bread wheat

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia Física (Instrumentação), apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraO número de ciclotrões com capacidade para acelerar protões até cerca de 20 MeV tem vindo a aumentar em todo o mundo. Apesar de o objectivo principal das instalaçõoes que contêm estas máquinas ser a produção de radionuclídeos para tomografia por emissão de positrões (PET, do inglês positron emission tomography), algumas dessas instalações estão equipadas com várias linhas de feixe que podem ser adaptadas para investigação científica. Por exemplo, radiobiologia, radiofisiolgia e outros estudos de dosimetria podem ser realizados utilizando uma destas linhas de feixe devidamente adaptada para o efeito. Neste trabalho, uma das linhas de feixe do ciclotrão PET da Universidade de Coimbra foi complementada e instrumentada por forma a possibilitar a irradiação de um arranjo experimental com um feixe de protões de elevada qualidade. Esta nova linha de feixe foi construída de raíz e sem causar qualquer interferência com as demais linhas do ciclotrão, dedicadas à produção de radionuclídeos. São apresentados resultados tanto experimentais como de simulação, estes últimos obtidos através dos pacotes de simulação SRIM/TRIM e Geant4, tendo como objectivo a medição do pico de Bragg depositado pelo feixe de protões do ciclotrão PET, com uma energia nominal de 18 MeV. Utilizando um bloco de plástico cintilador e uma câmara fotográfica com ligação à internet da marca D-link foi possível medir tanto o alcance como a largura do feixe de protões com uma resolução espacial inferior a 0,1 mm. Os alcances do feixe medidos após este passar pelo meio de um tubo de alumínio com vácuo com 40 cm de comprimento e um segundo tubo com 2,4 m de comprimento permitiram confirmar que a energia efectiva do feixe é de 18 MeV. Mediu-se também o pico de Bragg utilizando um alvo constituído por várias folhas de alumínio intercaladas com lâminas de polietileno. O sinal de corrente foi recolhido das várias folhas de alumínio através de amplificadores de transimpedância fabricados no âmbito desta tese. Verificou-se que o pico de Bragg assim medido é consistente com simulações realizadas utilizando o pacote SRIM/TRIM. Após a instalação da linha de feixe no perímetro exterior do ciclotrão, esta foi caracterizada, calibrada e validada. Para tal, o sinal induzido pela passagem do feixe por uma folha de alumínio com 20 μm de espessura é lido através do amplificador de transimpedância mencionado. Este sinal amplificado providencia informação de dose em tempo real através de um programa desenvolvido em C/C++. Para além da dose, as principais variáveis de monitorização que este programa providencia incluem a corrente do feixe, a carga integrada em conjunto com a taxa de dose. Deste modo a dose e a corrente integrada (carga total) entregue até um dado instante na montagem experimental pode ser controlada por meio de um obturador controlado por computador. Feixes de protões com correntes tão baixas como 10 pA podem deste modo ser aferidas. A folha de alumínio foi escolhida por ser resistente à radiação, possuir baixa densidade e baixa probabilidade de radioactividade induzida pelo feixe e, finalmente, por representar um custo negligenciável. Junta-se a estas vantagens o facto de o método potenciar o cálculo da dose entregue a um alvo durante uma irradiação, com uma perda mínima da energia do feixe de protões, e com dispersão igualmente mínima. Resultados experimentais e simulações com o Geant4 são apresentados que revelam a aplicação, pela primeira vez, de um feixe de 18 MeV proveniente de um ciclotrão para irradiação de uma região seleccionada de um alvo. Fazendo uso do sistema de dosimetria apresentado no parágrafo anterior foi possível irradiar de modo homogéneo uma região circular com 18 mm de diâmetro. Torna-se assim possível irradiar culturas celulares localizadas em placas multi-poços com um diâmetro por poço de 16 mm, como é usual em experiências de radiobiologia. Verificou-se que o controlo do campo magnético aplicado dentro do ciclotrão é crucial para se obter uma irradiação uniforme em todo o campo do alvo. Para tal, efetua-se antes de cada irradiação e com o obturador fechado, um varrimento à corrente que gera o campo magnético dentro do ciclotrão, medindo-se um perfil quase gaussiano e tomando-se o seu valor central para se obter uma irradiação homogénea. As taxas de dose no alvo (entre 500 mGy/s e 5 mGy/s) são obtidas através de um disco em rotação posicionado na trajectória do feixe. O disco, com 150 mm de raio e uma fenda de 0,5 mm na sua extermidade, permite reduzir a taxa de dose por um factor de 5×10−4. Finalmente, vários filmes do tipo Gafchromic EBT2 foram expostos a diferente valores de dose por forma a validar toda a instalação para irradiação de um alvo com feixes de protões. Para tal validação fez-se uso do sistema de dosimetria em filme 2D do Serviço de Radioterapia do Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra. A dose absoluta nos filmes irradiados com protões foi verificada neste sistema e apresentou uma precisão melhor que 2%.The number of cyclotrons capable of accelerating protons to about 20MeV is increasing throughout the world. Originally aiming at the production of positron emission tomography (PET) radionuclides, some of these facilities are equipped with several beamlines suitable for scientific research. Radiobiology, radiophysiology, and other dosimetric studies can be performed using these beamlines. In this work, a PET cyclotron was fitted with a long beam transport line to irradiate with a good quality proton beam experimental setups. The beamline was configured as a natural extension of one of the cyclotron beam ports, while keeping available the other beam ports for PET radionuclides production. Experimental results are reported, together with SRIM/TRIM and Geant4 simulations, which aim at measuring the Bragg peak of the 18 -MeV proton beam from the PET cyclotron. By using a piece of plastic scintillator and a D-link Ethernet-based camera, the proton beam range and width were measured with a spatial resolution of 0.1mm. The ranges of the proton beam in the plastic scintillator were used to assess its energy after trespassing one or two Havar R windows and either a 40-cm-long or a 2.4-m-long aluminum pipe. The initial energy of the proton beam from the PET cyclotron was found to be 18 MeV. Additionally, the Bragg peak of the protons from the PET cyclotron was assessed using a stacked target consisting of several aluminum foils interleaved with polyethylene sheets, readout by in-house made transimpedance electronics. The measured Bragg peak is consistent with simulations performed using the SRIM/TRIM simulation toolkit. An out-of-yoke irradiation setup using the accelerated proton beam coming from the PET cyclotron was developed, characterized, calibrated, and validated. A 20-μm-thick aluminum transmission foil is readout by in-house made transimpedance electronics, providing online dose information via a C/C++ program. xvii Overview The main monitoring variables include beam current, integrated charge together with dose rate. The beam monitor is able to readout and deliver these variables in real-time. Hence the dose and integrated current (total charge) delivered upto a given instant to an experimental setup may be controlled via a computercontrolled shutter that was installed in the beam path. Proton beam currents down to 10 pA can be assessed using the thin aluminum foil. The aluminum was chosen for this task because it is radiation hard, it has low density and low radiation activity, and finally because it is easily available at negligible cost. In addition, this method allows for calculating the dose delivered to a target during an irradiation with high efficiency, and with minimal proton energy loss and scattering. Experimental results and Geant4 simulations are reported, which aim at using for the first time the 18 -MeV proton beam from a PET cyclotron to irradiate a selected region of a target using the developed dosimetry system. By using this system, a homogeneous beam spot on target with a diameter of 18mm can be controlled. This allows controlled irradiation of cell cultures located in typical biological multi-well dishes with diameters of 16mm each. It was found that the control of the magnetic field applied inside the cyclotron plays a major role for achieving said homogeneity. For that, scanning the magnet current and measuring the corresponding dose rate reveals a quasi-Gaussian shaped curve that must be known before any irradiation procedure (the final shutter is closed during such measurements). The optimum magnet current is taken from the center of the Gaussian-shaped curve, hence producing a homogenous dose on target. The measured dose rate on target ranges from 500mGy/s down to 5mGy/s. This is achieved with a 150mm radius rotating disk with a slit of 0.5mm width, that decreases target dose rates by a factor of 5 × 10−4. Several Gafchromic R EBT2 films were exposed to different values of dose for validating the developed irradiation setup using the 2D film dosimetry system of the Department of Radiotherapy of Coimbra University Hospital Center. The absolute dose in the irradiated films were assessed with a precision better than 2%. It is planned, in the near future, to irradiate small animals, cell cultures, or other materials or samples

    Expression Level of the DREB2-Type Gene, Identified with Amplifluor SNP Markers, Correlates with Performance, and Tolerance to Dehydration in Bread Wheat Cultivars from Northern Kazakhstan

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.A panel of 89 local commercial cultivars of bread wheat was tested in field trials in the dry conditions of Northern Kazakhstan. Two distinct groups of cultivars (six cultivars in each group), which had the highest and the lowest grain yield under drought were selected for further experiments. A dehydration test conducted on detached leaves indicated a strong association between rates of water loss in plants from the first group with highest grain yield production in the dry environment relative to the second group. Modern high-throughput Amplifluor Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) technology was applied to study allelic variations in a series of drought-responsive genes using 19 SNP markers. Genotyping of an SNP in the TaDREB5 (DREB2-type) gene using the Amplifluor SNP marker KATU48 revealed clear allele distribution across the entire panel of wheat accessions, and distinguished between the two groups of cultivars with high and low yield under drought. Significant differences in expression levels of TaDREB5 were revealed by qRT-PCR. Most wheat plants from the first group of cultivars with high grain yield showed slight up-regulation in the TaDREB5 transcript in dehydrated leaves. In contrast, expression of TaDREB5 in plants from the second group of cultivars with low grain yield was significantly down-regulated. It was found that SNPs did not alter the amino acid sequence of TaDREB5 protein. Thus, a possible explanation is that alternative splicing and up-stream regulation of TaDREB5 may be affected by SNP, but these hypotheses require additional analysis (and will be the focus of future studies)

    Early flowering as a drought escape mechanism in plants: how can it aid wheat production?

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    Drought escape (DE) is a classical adaptive mechanism which involves rapid plant development to enable the completion of the full life-cycle prior to a coming drought event. This strategy is widely used in populations of native plants, and is also applicable to cereal crops such as wheat. Early flowering time and a shorter vegetative phase can be very important for wheat production in conditions of terminal drought since this can minimize exposure to dehydration during the sensitive flowering and post-anthesis grain filling periods. A gradual shift toward early flowering has been observed over the last century of wheat breeding in countries with a Mediterranean-type climate and frequent terminal drought. This trend is predicted to continue for wheat production in the coming years in response to global climate warming. The advantage of early flowering wheat is apparent under conditions of impending terminal drought, and modern varieties are significantly more productive due to minimization of the risk associated with drought stress. Under favorable conditions, a short vegetative phase can result in reduced plant biomass due to the reduction in time available for photosynthetic production and seed nutrient accumulation. However, high yield potential has been reported for the development of both shallow and deep roots, representing plasticity in response to drought in combination with the early flowering trait. Wheat productivity can be high both in well-watered and drought-affected field trials, where an efficient strategy of DE was associated with quick growth, yield potential and water use efficiency. Therefore, early flowering provides a promising strategy for the production of advanced drought-adapted wheat cultivars.Yuri Shavrukov, Akhylbek Kurishbayev, Satyvaldy Jatayev, Vladimir Shvidchenko, Lyudmila Zotova, Francois Koekemoer, Stephan de Groot, Kathleen Soole and Peter Langridg

    Genetics of Na(+) exclusion and salinity tolerance in Afghani durum wheat landraces

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    Bakground: Selecting for low concentration of Na⁺ in the shoot provides one approach for tackling salinity stress that adversely affects crop production. Novel alleles for Na⁺ exclusion can be identified and then introduced into elite crop cultivars. Results: We have identified loci associated with lower Na⁺ concentration in leaves of durum wheat landraces originating from Afghanistan. Seedlings of two F₂ populations derived from crossings between Australian durum wheat (Jandaroi) and two Afghani landraces (AUS-14740 and AUS-14752) were grown hydroponically and evaluated for Na⁺ and K⁺ concentration in the third leaf. High heritability was found for both third leaf Na⁺ concentration and the K⁺/Na⁺ ratio in both populations. Further work focussed on line AUS-14740. Bulk segregant analysis using 9 K SNP markers identified two loci significantly associated with third leaf Na⁺ concentration. Marker regression analysis showed a strong association between all traits studied and a favourable allele originating from AUS-14740 located on the long arm of chromosome 4B. Conclusions: The candidate gene in the relevant region of chromosome 4B is likely to be the high affinity K⁺ transporter B1 (HKT1;5-B1). A second locus associated with third leaf Na⁺ concentration was located on chromosome 3BL, with the favourable allele originating from Jandaroi; however, no candidate gene can be identified.Nawar Jalal Shamaya, Yuri Shavrukov, Peter Langridge, Stuart John Roy and Mark Teste