816 research outputs found

    Quiescent consistency: Defining and verifying relaxed linearizability

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    Concurrent data structures like stacks, sets or queues need to be highly optimized to provide large degrees of parallelism with reduced contention. Linearizability, a key consistency condition for concurrent objects, sometimes limits the potential for optimization. Hence algorithm designers have started to build concurrent data structures that are not linearizable but only satisfy relaxed consistency requirements. In this paper, we study quiescent consistency as proposed by Shavit and Herlihy, which is one such relaxed condition. More precisely, we give the first formal definition of quiescent consistency, investigate its relationship with linearizability, and provide a proof technique for it based on (coupled) simulations. We demonstrate our proof technique by verifying quiescent consistency of a (non-linearizable) FIFO queue built using a diffraction tree. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland

    Power dependent switching of nonlinear trapping by local photonic potentials

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    We study experimentally and numerically the nonlinear scattering of wave packets by local multi-site guiding centers embedded in a continuous dielectric medium, as a function of the input power and angle of incidence. The extent of trapping into the linear modes of different sites is manipulated as a function of both the input power and incidence angle, demonstrating power-controlled switching of nonlinear trapping by local photonic potentials.Comment: Submitted to Optics Letter

    Tolerating Faults in Counting Networks

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    Counting networks were proposed by Aspnes, Herlihy and Shavit [4] as a technique for solving multiprocessor coordination problems. We describe a method for tolerating an arbitrary number of faults in counting networks. In our fault model, the following errors can occur dynamically in the counting network data structure: 1) a balancer's state is spuriously altered, 2) a balancer's state can no longer be accessed. We propose two approaches for tolerating faults. The first is based on a construction for a fault-tolerant balancer. We substitute a fault-tolerant balancer for every balancer in a counting network. Thus, we transform a counting network with depth O(log to the power of 2 n); where n is the width, into a k-fault-tolerant counting network with depth O(k log to the power of 2 n). The second approach is to append a correction network, built with fault-tolerant balancers, to a counting network that may experience faults. We present a bound on the error in the output token distribution of counting networks with faulty balancers (a generalization of the error bound for sorting networks with faulty comparators presented by Yao & Yao [21]. Given a token distribution with a bounded error, the correction network produces a token distribution that is smooth, i.e., the number of tokens on each output wire differs by at most one (a weaker condition than the step property). In order to tolerate k faults, the correction network has depth O (k to the power of 2 log n) for a network of width n

    Higher education and unemployment in Europe : an analysis of the academic subject and national effects

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    This paper examines the impact of an academic degree and field of study on short and long-term unemployment across Europe (EU15). Labour Force Survey (LFS) data on over half a million individuals are utilised for that purpose. The harmonized LFS classification of level of education and field of study overcomes past problems of comparability across Europe. The study analyses (i) the effect of an academic degree at a European level, (ii) the specific effect of 14 academic subjects and (iii) country specific effects. The results indicate that an academic degree is more effective on reducing the likelihood of short-term than long-term unemployment. This general pattern even though it is observed for most of the academic subjects its levels show significant variation across disciplines and countries

    Lipid-soluble Vitamins A, D, and E in HIV-Infected Pregnant women in Tanzania.

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    There is limited published research examining lipid-soluble vitamins in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected pregnant women, particularly in resource-limited settings. This is an observational analysis of 1078 HIV-infected pregnant women enrolled in a trial of vitamin supplementation in Tanzania. Baseline data on sociodemographic and anthropometric characteristics, clinical signs and symptoms, and laboratory parameters were used to identify correlates of low plasma vitamin A (<0.7 micromol/l), vitamin D (<80 nmol/l) and vitamin E (<9.7 micromol/l) status. Binomial regression was used to estimate risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Approximately 35, 39 and 51% of the women had low levels of vitamins A, D and E, respectively. Severe anemia (hemoglobin <85 g/l; P<0.01), plasma vitamin E (P=0.02), selenium (P=0.01) and vitamin D (P=0.02) concentrations were significant correlates of low vitamin A status in multivariate models. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) was independently related to low vitamin A status in a nonlinear manner (P=0.01). The correlates of low vitamin D status were CD8 cell count (P=0.01), high ESR (ESR >81 mm/h; P<0.01), gestational age at enrollment (nonlinear; P=0.03) and plasma vitamins A (P=0.02) and E (P=0.01). For low vitamin E status, the correlates were money spent on food per household per day (P<0.01), plasma vitamin A concentration (nonlinear; P<0.01) and a gestational age <16 weeks at enrollment (P<0.01). Low concentrations of lipid-soluble vitamins are widely prevalent among HIV-infected women in Tanzania and are correlated with other nutritional insufficiencies. Identifying HIV-infected persons at greater risk of poor nutritional status and infections may help inform design and implementation of appropriate interventions

    On Correctness of Data Structures under Reads-Write Concurrency

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    Abstract. We study the correctness of shared data structures under reads-write concurrency. A popular approach to ensuring correctness of read-only operations in the presence of concurrent update, is read-set validation, which checks that all read variables have not changed since they were first read. In practice, this approach is often too conserva-tive, which adversely affects performance. In this paper, we introduce a new framework for reasoning about correctness of data structures under reads-write concurrency, which replaces validation of the entire read-set with more general criteria. Namely, instead of verifying that all read conditions over the shared variables, which we call base conditions. We show that reading values that satisfy some base condition at every point in time implies correctness of read-only operations executing in parallel with updates. Somewhat surprisingly, the resulting correctness guarantee is not equivalent to linearizability, and is instead captured through two new conditions: validity and regularity. Roughly speaking, the former re-quires that a read-only operation never reaches a state unreachable in a sequential execution; the latter generalizes Lamport’s notion of regular-ity for arbitrary data structures, and is weaker than linearizability. We further extend our framework to capture also linearizability. We illus-trate how our framework can be applied for reasoning about correctness of a variety of implementations of data structures such as linked lists.

    Who Benefits Most from a University Degree?: A Cross-National Comparison of Selection and Wage Returns in the US, UK, and Germany

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    Recent research on economic returns to higher education in the United States suggests that those with the highest wage returns to a college degree are least likely to obtain one. We extend the study of heterogeneous returns to tertiary education across multiple institutional contexts, investigating how the relationship between wage returns and the propensity to complete a degree varies by the level of expansion, differentiation, and cost of higher education. Drawing on panel data and matching techniques, we compare findings from the US with selection into degree completion in Germany and the UK. Contrary to previous studies, we find little evidence for population level heterogeneity in economic returns to higher education