161 research outputs found

    Cluster-based route discovery protocol

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    An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile hosts forming a network without the aid of any established infrastructure or centralized administration. In such an environment, it may be necessary for one mobile host to enlist the aid of other hosts in forwarding a packet to its destination due to the limited range of each mobile host\u27s wireless transmissions. Many protocols have been proposed to route packets between the hosts in such a network; The on-demand routing protocol is a well-known method. It establishes the routes and uses them only when a need arises. For wireless communication channels, the problem is further complicated by the mobility of the nodes, which induces structural changes in the routing. So, the mobility management of mobile nodes is important in mobile ad hoc networks; Clustering is a scheme to build a network control structure that increases network availability, reduces the delay in responding to changes in network state, and improves data security. It promotes more efficient use of resources in controlling large dynamic networks. Clustering is crucial for scalability as the performance can be improved by simply adding more nodes to the cluster; This thesis presents a protocol for routing in ad hoc networks that uses ad-hoc on-demand routing and also takes care of the mobility management. The protocol adapts quickly to frequent host movement, yet requires little or no overhead during periods in which hosts move less frequently. Moreover, the protocol routes packets through a dynamically established and nearly optimal path between two wireless nodes. We propose a self-organizing clustering protocol to store the routing data in multiple nodes and to distribute the routing load. It also achieves higher reliability---if a node in a cluster fails, the data is still accessible via other cluster nodes


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    Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Any disturbance in the equilibrium in the Dhatus known as disease and on the other hand, the state of their equilibrium is health. Health and disease defined as pleasure and pain. Ayurveda based on the premise that the universe made up of five elements: air, fire, water, earth, and ether. These elements represented in humans by three "Doshas,” or energies: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Ayurveda aims at maintaining the health of the healthy persons and curing ailments of diseased, many of concepts explained in Ayurveda that serve these purposes. Both Physiological and pathological units depend upon the balance of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. Ashraya Ashrayi Bhava is the unique concept in Ayurveda deals the interdependency of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. This concept elucidated to distinguish the relation between the Dosha Dhatu, and Mala. Dosha, Dhatu and Mala are the main constituents of human body. Doshas are interpreted Gunatha, Karmatha and they are inherent in Dhatus and Mala to exhibit it qualities and functions. There is a wide range of application of the concept. Here these interpreted in physiological, pathological aspect, in development of disease, prognosis of disease and in planning appropriate treatment

    Knowledge, attitude and practice of menstrual hygiene among adolescent schoolgirls of rural area, Dakshina Kannada, India

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    Background: Adolescent girls constitute a vulnerable group not only with respect to their social status but also in relation to their health. Menstruation is accompanied by a cultural taboo in almost every society in the world. Although very common issue of everyday of life, menstruation is associated with many menstruations negative attitude in young girls. The young population is seen to be trapped and confused due to the different schools of thoughts at home and the outer world. This indicates an urgency to investigate girls, menstrual needs, to inform effective responses and educate them about the right strategies of menstrual hygiene, attitudes and practices. The aim of our study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices about menstrual hygiene among adolescent school girls from rural areas of Dakshina Kannada.Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted from January 2020 to February 2020 among 130 secondary schools and high school girls of rural area of Dakshina Kannada, using predesigned questionnaire after obtaining informed consent.Results: In our study, most of the students had attained menarche by 12yrs of age. 86.15% were lacking primary knowledge about menstruation, and 80% of our participants had good knowledge about cleanliness of undergarments, and 65% of students knew that menstruation was a physiological phenomenon and 71% of the participants, still believed in the taboos and myths associated with menses and 30% were shy about carrying sanitary products to school. 63.85% participants still used cloth and most worrisome finding of our study is that 63% of our students did not feel comfortable to approach their family/elders/health care workers to solve their queries about menstruation.Conclusions: The study aimed at assessing the knowledge, attitude & practices of the adolescents regarding menstruation and menstrual hygiene. The low level of knowledge among participants is evident from their unpreparedness while entering menarche and their strong views of menstruation as social taboo can be judged from their various restrictions, owing to such strong socio-cultural beliefs and practices. Group discussions, media campaigns, sex education in schools are required to overcome taboo associated with menstruation.


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    Constipation is a common disturbance of the digestive system where the difficulty during defecation or the sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation. Bowel frequency is influenced by several factors including intake of dietary fiber, emotional make up, and psychological morbidity. Introspective individuals have a lower bowel frequency and produce less stool than extroverts. Infrequent bowel actions in the absence of symptoms can be regarded as part of the normal spectrum of bowel frequency. Low bowel frequency is more common in women. Constipation is a common problem of elderly people of age 60 plus where use of laxative is frequent. Constipation is supposed to be the main cause of all diseases. Therefore, it should be treated thoroughly. Several other diseases and disorders also crop up if the bowel is constipated. Constipation can cure easy by practicing some Yogasana (postures) Bhujanghasana, Trikonasana (triangular stretch pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half spinal twist), Supta Vajrasana (the sleeping pelvic pose), Dhanurasana (Bow pose), Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) and Kapalabhati (frontal brain bellowing), Pranayama. The most important cause of constipation is diet with low dietary fiber and heavy fat. Diet which contains high fiber leads to overcome constipation more powerfully

    Prevalence and risk factor analysis for postpartum depression: a cross sectional study at tertiary care center, Mangalore

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    Background: The overall pooled estimate of the prevalence of Postpartum depression in Indian mothers is 22%. In India, women who deliver at a health facility often stays less than 48hrs after delivery and this leaves little opportunity for health personnel to counsel the mother and family members on the signs and symptoms of Postpartum depression (PPD) and when to seek care. So, it is important to screen the postpartum woman for depression. Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is used as an effective tool to assess the level of postnatal depression. The objective of the study was to assess the prevalence and risk factors associated with postpartum depression in the postnatal mothers using EDPS scale.Methods: This study was conducted at A. J. Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center from January 2019 to May 2020. A total of 950 postnatal mothers were interviewed using Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.Results: A total of 950 cases were studied. Prevalence of Postpartum depression was 15.78%. Increased incidence was seen in the primigravida (12.2%) compared to multigravidas (3.57%). This study showed 1.89% mothers belonging to upper middle class, 5.05% belonging to lower middle class had PPD and 7.26% belonging to upper lower class and 1.57 % patients belonging to lower class had PPD. In our study, 9.26% patients who underwent normal vaginal delivery had PPD and 6.52% of patients who underwent lower segment caesarean section had PPD. In the present study, it was found that 1.05% mothers having IUD babies and 5.2% (96/950) mothers who required NICU admission developed PPD.Conclusions: In this study, the prevalence of postpartum depression was 15.78%. Risk of PPD is more with primigravida, belonging to lower middle class status, mothers who had NVD and mothers of IUD babies. Postpartum depression screening should be an integral part of postnatal care using EPDS scale. A multidisciplinary approach including obstetrician and psychiatrists and counsellor can jointly take care of the depressed mothers. Early screening of the women may reduce the adverse outcomes among both mother and child. Proper counselling should be done to all the pregnant women and the family members for the birth preparedness

    Cloud Armor: A Conclusion Work on Trust Management System

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    Distributed computing gives Software as service (Saas) ,Platform as service(Paas) and Infrasrtucture as a service(Iaas).Cloud figuring condition having a few issues like protection and security. Trust administration is a standout amongst the most difficult issue. Shielding a specific cloud benefit from a few assaults like agreement attack(Such as client may give misdirecting criticism about specific cloud services)and Sybil attack(such as a solitary client can make numerous accounts..i.,e noxious user).In this paper we talk about cloudarmor that gives notoriety based trust administration to cloud administrations. A notoriety based trust administration system gives set of functionalities to convey Trust as a service(Taas) . Taas incorporates i)Zeroknowledge believability evidence convention to demonstrate validity of the consumers criticism and jam client security, ii)a validity show it will measures te validity of input to shield cloud administrations from malevolent client. what's more, iii)an accessibility model to deal with the accessibility of the trust administration


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    Among all the available classics, the most ancient representative of Kaya Chikitsa is Charaka Samhita. It is not only a text book it is an ideal ancient treatise based on eternal fundamentals and basic principles. Charaka Samhita consists of eight diseases in Nidana Sthana. All the classics gives importance to Nidana because it is a Sarva Tantra Siddantha that, the effect will always going to imitate the cause i.e. Karya Karana Bhava. Before understanding Chikitsa the knowledge of nidana is very necessary and for all disease. The main line of treatment is Nidana parivarjana and to get the clear knowledge of disease one should know about the Nidana panchaka, which is explained in Nidana sthana. Diagnosis is never complete without the elicitation of all the factors associated with the diseases. Aims and Objectives: To enlighten the basic concept of framework of Nidana sthana to its full perspective and the importance to the specific concept as well as the number of chapter given in Nidana sthana. Materials and Methods: In this study classical Ayurveda text were thoroughly studied where the compilation has been done. Discussion: compiled all the information of Nidana sthana and critically analysed in aspect of content and chapters of each Nidana sthana of different classics. Elicitation of Nidana is necessary for the proper identification of Dosha, the Roga, Rogavasta, Roga Bala, and Sadhya Asadhya. Result: Charaka nidana sthana is provides the basic fundamental concept to all other classics. Nidana sthana gives the draft of many pathogenesis. The other classics elaborated the Nidana panchaka concept in very detail manner

    The abdominal aorta and its branches: anatomical variations and clinical implications

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    Background: Vascular variations regarding the branching pattern of the aorta are important in different laparoscopic surgeries, liver and kidney transplantation, oncologic resections, and various interventional radiological procedures in the abdominal region. The present work was undertaken on cadavers to examine the prevalence of vascular patterns of the important branches of the abdominal aorta. Material and methods: A total of 50 properly embalmed and formalin fixed cadavers were dissected in the abdominal region, and viscera were mobilised to expose the origin of important branches of the abdominal aorta. Celiac trunk, superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, right and left renal, left and right gonadal arteries, and the division of the abdominal aorta into right and left common iliac arteries were observed regarding their level of origin and for presence of any anatomical variations. Results: The celiac trunk origin was located at the level of the T12 vertebra in 64% of cadavers, superior mesenteric at L1 in 76%, inferior mesenteric at L3 in 68%, left and right renal at L1 in 82% and 80%, respectively, and left and right gonadal at L2 in 84% and 86%, respectively; whereas the aortic bifurcation was most common at the level of the L4 vertebra in 54% of cadavers. Important anatomical variations were photographed. Conclusions: Defective fusion of the vitelline arteries during the embryonic stage resulted in the aforementioned anatomical variations. Knowledge of aortic variations is useful for appropriate radio diagnostic interventions and is helpful to decrease complications like vascular bleeding while ligating and anastomosing blood vessels, which is an integral part of many abdominal surgeries. (Folia Morphol 2011; 70, 4: 282–286
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