5 research outputs found

    Resurgence of Russia: A case Study of Syrian Crisis

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    This explanatory study focuses on the main attributes of Russian policy towards the Middle East. The Russian resurgence in the Middle East and its defensive posture towards the western military and economic policies in the region depicts that Russia is overwhelmingly feeling insecure towards its international standing. Russia is running a foreign policy which is less aggressive towards the Middle East and Syria. Russo-Syrian relations have always been more strategically oriented rather than more economic or cultural. It is a fact that Syria will remain an important ally of Russia for the coming years because of the decades of old strategic partnership. Syrian Crisis has divided the world into two blocks, thus resulting into New Cold War. All the major powers should form an environment for negotiation with the help of UN, instead of doing politics to fulfill their strategic, economic and military interests

    What is The Future of Nation State? Case Study of Pakistan

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    This paper discussed about the emergence of the nation-state, its historical background. This research mainly focused on the Renan philosophical concepts about the nation and nation state. According to Renan view, the soul with a common past and experience and the acceptance of its legacy is something which constructs a nation. This research enlightened the study of Pakistan as a nation, apart from Muslim nationalism the moderate political leaders have tried to develop this notion of oneness on the basis of the common struggle to receive this land and the admiration of the struggle by coming generations and accepting and embracing that legacy by new generations. This paper not only studied the Renan political though about nation state but also explained the Geertz concept of Sovereignty, Wimplemann philosophical views about working of state institutions, Kachtan thoughts on ethnicity, division and conflicts of people on the basis of ethnicity, Habermas and Bennett ideas on civil disobedience. It has been analyzed that the future of nation state is shady if it will be left on its own; it is the different things which artificially keep the sense of nation and nation state alive

    What is The Future of Nation State? Case Study of Pakistan

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    This paper discussed about the emergence of the nation-state, its historical background. This research mainly focused on the Renan philosophical concepts about the nation and nation state. According to Renan view, the soul with a common past and experience and the acceptance of its legacy is something which constructs a nation. This research enlightened the study of Pakistan as a nation, apart from Muslim nationalism the moderate political leaders have tried to develop this notion of oneness on the basis of the common struggle to receive this land and the admiration of the struggle by coming generations and accepting and embracing that legacy by new generations. This paper not only studied the Renan political though about nation state but also explained the Geertz concept of Sovereignty, Wimplemann philosophical views about working of state institutions, Kachtan thoughts on ethnicity, division and conflicts of people on the basis of ethnicity, Habermas and Bennett ideas on civil disobedience. It has been analyzed that the future of nation state is shady if it will be left on its own; it is the different things which artificially keep the sense of nation and nation state aliv

    Geopolitics of Energy Pipelines: Case Study of TAPI and IP gas Pipelines

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    This research is about the acute energy crisis being faced by Pakistan since decades. Energy crisis has exploited Pakistan economically, socially, domestically and internationally. As, gas is the cheapest source of energy production so IP and TAPI gas pipelines projects are of greatest significance for Pakistan and for South Asian and Central Asian regions, as well. Qualitative research method is used to conduct this research. This study will explain the history and current situation of IP and TAPI gas pipelines projects, along its feasibility aspects. This research will analyze that how IP and TAPI gas pipeline projects is valuable for Pakistan’s economy and to overcome energy crisis within Pakistan and within the region. Moreover, TAPI and IP gas pipeline project will prove to be a game changer as it has vast geo-strategic implication for the Central Asian states. TAPI gas pipeline project will become a source of energy transfer and will able to maintain cordial relations within Pakistan and India. These pipelines will become a major source of regional integration, economic interdependence and mutual cooperation