17,397 research outputs found

    A Malthusian model for all seasons?

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    An issue often discussed in relation to agricultural development is the effect on agricultural labour productivity of more intensive land-use. Introducing aspects of seasonality into a stylized Malthusian model, we unify two diverging views by showing that labour productivity may go up or down with agricultural intensification, depending on whether technological progress emerges in relation to cultivation or harvesting activities. Our result rests on evidence reported by Boserup (1965) and others, which suggests that harvest seasons in traditional agriculture are characterized by severe labour shortage.agricultural intensification ; Boserup ; labour surplus ; Malthus ; seasonality

    A malthusian model for all seasons

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    An issue often discussed in relation to agricultural development is the effect on agricultural labour productivity of more intensive land-use. Introducing aspects of seasonality into a stylized Malthusian model, we unify two diverging views by showing that labour productivity may go up or down with agricultural intensification, depending on whether technological progress emerges in relation to cultivation or harvesting activities. Our result rests on evidence reported by Boserup (1965) and others, which suggests that harvest seasons in traditional agriculture are characterized by severe labour shortage.Agricultural Intensification, Boserup, Labour Surplus, Malthus, Seasonality


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    A Constructivist Educator in a Standards-Driven World: An Interview With Marita White

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    Gender Role, Coping Styles, and Expectations in Coping Outcomes: Implications for Depression

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    In order to investigate gender role differences in coping and expectancies within a diathesis-stress framework, 106 undergraduate students were assessed on their gender role orientation, coping styles, and negative mood regulation expectancies. They were then randomly assigned to either a control group, in which participants completed a counting task, or a mood manipulation group, in which participants underwent a negative mood induction. All participants were then assessed on the same coping and expectancy measures filled out previously. Results indicated that high-masculine individuals were more likely to engage in problem-focused coping and coping through emphasizing the positive. Results also indicated that coping styles appear to become more similar when individuals are faced with a negative mood stressor. Based on these findings, future research directions are proposed and implications for the depression literature are discussed

    Misguided Patent Reform: The Questionable Constitutionality of First-to-File

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    American cigarette warning labels are lackluster compared to others around the world. To address this inadequacy, the FDA created nine graphic-image cigarette warning labels that were scheduled to appear on all cigarette packages sold in the US beginning in 2012. However, before they debuted, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals struck the labels down in R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. v. FDA, holding that they constituted compelled commercial speech in violation of the First Amendment. This Note argues that the R.J. Reynolds decision conflicts with the Supreme Court\u27s commercial speech jurisprudence. Historically, the Supreme Court has applied limited First Amendment protection to commercial speech under a marketplace of ideas rationale. Accordingly, the Court has applied a rational basis standard to regulations compelling commercial speech since such regulations increase the amount of commercial information available to consumers and the public. Despite this precedent, the D.C. Circuit in R.J. Reynolds applied heightened scrutiny to the FDA\u27s graphic-image cigarette warning labels, protecting industry interests at the public\u27s expense. This Note argues that courts should apply a rational basis standard to all commercial disclosure requirements so long as they do not compel disclosure of misleading content. In turn, this note argues that the D.C. Circuit should have upheld the FDA\u27s cigarette warning labels under rationality review. Even if offensive to some, the labels would have enhanced the marketplace of ideas that the Supreme Court\u27s commercial speech doctrine was designed to protec

    A Clinical Study of Oxytetracycline (Terramycin) With Special Reference to the Growth of Candida albicans During Antibiotic Therapy

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    Community College Students’ Perceptions of Law Enforcement

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    The purpose of this study was to extend our understanding of public perception towards law enforcement. Students from three different Kansas community colleges were surveyed about their perceptions of law enforcement effectiveness and professionalism, and what might impact those perceptions. A total of 159 community college students responded to the survey. The majority of the respondents were female (78%), and Caucasian (77.4%). Respondent’s age represented the following percentage breakdowns: 29.6% being 18-19 years old, 27.7% being 20-24 years old, and 30.8% being 25-34. Resulting in 88% of respondents being between the ages of 18-34 years old. Mean and standard deviation statistical procedures were calculated to determine the overall perception of law enforcement effectiveness (M = 3.60, SD = 0.800) and professionalism (M = 2.76, SD = 0.708). The categories of race and gender were further examined using mean and standard deviation procedures. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) procedure was used to analyze the data, with no significant differences in mean perceptions of law enforcement effectiveness by gender and race (F (1, 150) = 0.52, P=0.4712) or in mean perceptions of law enforcement professionalism (F (1, 149) = 2.40, P=0.1231). A Chi-Square test was used to determine there was no relationship difference between media consumption and gender (χ2 (3, N = 158) = 2.7478, p = 0.4322) or media consumption and race (χ2 (3, N = 155) = 2.5875, p = 0.4597). However, results did indicate a significant difference related to the total number of hours of media consumption and the perception of whether it was positive towards police (χ2 (15, N = 159) = 70.86, p \u3c .0001)


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    Geographers researching cinema have predominantly been interested in how geographic meaning is constructed and negotiated within film, but have been less productive in accounting for how these constructs are received by viewers. Using the method of observational online ethnography, I therefore investigate how fans in online reviews have interpreted the nature/society binary in the film Dersu Uzala. Working from a social constructionist view of nature I begin by deconstructing the binary as it appears in Dersu Uzala before proceeding to illustrate the way this constitutive absence is made up for by the visuality of the film’s landscapes and techniques of geographic realism. Turning to the fan reviews I find that, rather than challenge the historical and constructed division between nature and society, many fans accept the binary as inevitable and consistent with their ideas about contemporary reality. More than passive consumption however, this concurrence is actively rearticulated in the ways that the fans incorporate the binary into their own lives and in the new discursive practices of the internet. In so doing I make headway into the exploration of audience analysis by geographers and continue to advance geography’s foray into cultures of the internet

    Examining the Precepts of Early Childhood Education: The Basics or the Essence?

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    The purpose of this article is to encourage early childhood educators and the related professional development and research communities to become the leading voices in determining the direction of early childhood education. To support this vital, and complicated transition, this discussion revisits fundamental aspects of what is meant by early childhood education and intends to spark discussion and the direction needed to guide thought and action as nations begin a shift towards more affordable, universal and, most importantly, high-quality early childhood education
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