12 research outputs found

    Numbers of neutrophils in the airway correlate with numbers of mature macrophages.

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    <p>Infants were ventilated and lavaged within 24-CD15, anti-CD14, anti-HLA-DR, anti-CD36 or matched isotype antibodies and analysed by flow cytometry. Data are expressed as absolute numbers of CD15+ events plotted against absolute numbers of CD14/CD36+ (A) or CD14/HLADR+ (B). Data are analysed by liner regression (n = 11 of which CLD∶RDS; 8∶3) and show R square and p values.</p

    Preterm delivery is associated with increased non-classical macrophages in the airway.

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    <p>Infants were ventilated and lavaged within 24-CD14, anti-CD16, anti-CD36, anti-HLADR or matched isotype antibodies and analysed by flow cytometry. Non-classical macrophages are defined as CD14+/CD16++ and expressed as percent of all macrophages (A) or absolute numbers of CD14+/CD16++ cells/ml lavage (B). CD14+/HLA-DR+ and CD14+/CD36+ cells are expressed as percent of all macrophages (C, D). Statistical analyses were carried out by Mann Whitney test and compared samples collected from pre-term (n = 10–12 of which CLD∶RDS; 7–8∶3–4) to term (n = 4) infants.</p

    Flow cytometry strategy for identifying functionally polarised macrophage populations in BALF.

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    <p>Infants were ventilated and lavaged within 24-CD15 (A), anti-CD14 (B), anti-CD16 (C), anti-HLADR (D), anti-CD36 (E) or matched isotype antibodies and analysed by flow cytometry. Staining profiles showing isotype controls in blue and target antibody in red. CD14/CD16 staining profile shown in F. Positively stained events are higlighted in FSC and SSC plots in blue for HLADR (G), CD36 (H), CD14/HLADR dual stained (I) and CD14/CD36 dual stained (J). FSC/SSC profiles of CD14+ and: HLADR− (K), HLADR+ (L), CD36− (M) and CD36+ (N) events. Plots illustrate representative data from 3 individual subjects.</p

    Morpholocial assessment of BAL cellularity.

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    <p>Infants were ventilated and lavaged within 24(A,B) and infants who developed CLD (C,D) or RDS (E–H) were studied. Images were viewed under ×400 (A,C,E) or ×1000 (B,D,E–H) lenses. Cell populations indicated as follows: m: macrophage, ec: epithelial cell, n: neutrophil Scale bar indicates 0–7.5 um in length.</p

    Early delivery is associated with increased numbers of macrophages and decreased populations of cells with an anti-inflammatory phenotype.

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    <p>Infants were ventilated and lavaged at 3 days of age and cells were stained with anti-CD14, anti-HLA-DR, anti-CD36 or matched isotype antibodies and analysed by flow cytometry. Data are expressed as percentage (A) or absolute numbers (B) of CD14+ events. Cells dual stained with CD14+/HLADR (C) or CD14+/CD36+ (D) are expressed as a percentage of all CD14+ events. Data are analysed by liner regression (n = 9–11 of which CLD∶RDS; 6–8∶3) and show R square and p values.</p

    Preterm delivery is associated with increased neutrophils and monocyte–macrophages in the airway.

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    <p>Infants were ventilated and lavaged within 24-CD14, anti-CD15 or matched isotype antibodies and analysed by flow cytometry. Neutrophils (A, B) are defined as CD15+ events and macrophages (C, D) are defined as CD14+ve events and expressed as percent of all cells (A, C) or as absolute numbers/ml lavage fluid (B, D). Statistical analyses were carried out by Mann Whitney test and compared samples collected from pre-term (n = 12–16 of which RDS∶CLD 6–8∶8) to term (n = 4) infants.</p

    Inflammation resolution is associated with increased populations of anti-inflammatory macrophages.

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    <p>Infants were ventilated and lavaged within 24-CD14, anti-HLA-DR, anti-CD36 or matched isotype antibodies and analysed by flow cytometry. CD14<sup>+</sup>/HLA-DR<sup>+</sup> and CD14<sup>+</sup>/CD36<sup>+</sup> cells are expressed as percent of all macrophages (A, B). Statistical analyses were carried out by Mann Whitney test and compared samples collected from CLD (n = 6–7) to RDS (n = 4) infants.</p