389 research outputs found

    RFID Based Smart Shopping Trolley with PCB Design

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    Shopping is captivating and addictive, but standing in never-ending billing queues is a tiring process. Even though various online shopping platforms are growing, retail shopping has never stepped back. To ease the shopping process and eliminate lengthy billing queues, a new product has to be introduced with the appropriate use of technology. This paper summarizes a Radio Frequency Identification based smart shopping trolley that provides automatic billing and customer satisfaction. The RFID tags on the products are read by the reader present on the shopping cart. The display screen present in the cart provides the cost information and gives the final billing amount. This is then sent to the cashier`s database using Wi-Fi module and hence saves the customer's time. This entire model is designed on the PCB and simulated

    RFID Based Smart Shopping Trolley with PCB Design

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    Shopping is captivating and addictive, but standing in never-ending billing queues is a tiring process. Even though various online shopping platforms are growing, retail shopping has never stepped back. To ease the shopping process and eliminate lengthy billing queues, a new product has to be introduced with the appropriate use of technology. This paper summarizes a Radio Frequency Identification-based smart shopping trolley that provides automatic billing and customer satisfaction. The RFID tags on the products are read by the reader present on the shopping cart. The display screen present in the cart provides the cost information and gives the final billing amount. This is then sent to the cashier`s database using a Wi-Fi module and hence saves the customer's time. This entire model is designed on the PCB and simulated

    Exact eigenvalue order statistics for the reduced density matrix of a bipartite system

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    We consider the reduced density matrix ρA(m)\rho_{A}^{(m)} of a bipartite system ABAB of dimensionality mnmn in a Gaussian ensemble of random, complex pure states of the composite system. For a given dimensionality mm of the subsystem AA, the eigenvalues λ1(m),,λm(m)\lambda_{1}^{(m)},\ldots, \lambda_{m}^{(m)} of ρA(m)\rho_{A}^{(m)} are correlated random variables because their sum equals unity. The following quantities are known, among others: The joint probability density function (PDF) of the eigenvalues λ1(m),,λm(m)\lambda_{1}^{(m)},\ldots, \lambda_{m}^{(m)} of ρA(m)\rho_{A}^{(m)}, the PDFs of the smallest eigenvalue λmin(m)\lambda_{\rm min}^{(m)} and the largest eigenvalue λmax(m)\lambda_{\rm max}^{(m)}, and the family of average values Tr(ρA(m))q\langle \mathrm{Tr}\big(\rho_{A}^{(m)}\big)^{q}\rangle parametrised by qq. Using values of mm running from 22 to 66 for definiteness, we show that these inputs suffice to identify and characterise the eigenvalue order statistics, i.e., to obtain explicit analytic expressions for the PDFs of each of the mm eigenvalues arranged in ascending order from the smallest to the largest one. When m=nm = n (respectively, m<nm < n) these PDFs are polynomials of order m22m^{2}-2 (respectively, mn2mn - 2) with support in specific sub-intervals of the unit interval, demarcated by appropriate unit step functions. Our exact results are fully corroborated by numerically generated histograms of the ordered set of eigenvalues corresponding to ensembles of over 10510^{5} random complex pure states of the bipartite system. Finally, we present the general solution for arbitrary values of the subsystem dimensions mm and nn, namely, formal exact expressions for the PDFs of every ordered eigenvalue.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    A monoclonal antibody against annexin A2 targets stem and progenitor cell fractions in tumors.

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    The involvement of cancer stem cells (CSCs) in driving tumor dormancy and drug resistance is well established. Most therapeutic regimens however are ineffective in targeting these regenerative populations. We report the development and evaluation of a monoclonal antibody, mAb150, which targets the metastasis associated antigen, Annexin A2 (AnxA2) through recognition of a N-terminal epitope. Treatment with mAb150 potentiated re-entry of CSCs into the cell cycle that perturbed tumor dormancy and facilitated targeting of CSCs as was validated by in vitro and in vivo assays. Epigenetic potentiation further improved mAb150 efficacy in achieving total tumor regression by targeting regenerative populations to achieve tumor regression, specifically in high-grade serous ovarian adenocarcinoma