412 research outputs found

    Niobium Superconducting Cavity for Radio Frequency: A Review

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    Superconducting (SC) cavities are made up of superconducting material named niobium which is used in particle accelerators whose performance is limited at radio frequency. There are mainly two phenomena called Field Level Quench and Field Emission Loading Result which affects on Superconducting RF cavities. In few years, The developers are working on super conducting radio frequency technology for enhancing the cavity performance by using some surface treatment methods like Chemical polishing, high temperature treatment etc. These cavities work as superconductors whose resistance is near to 0 ? at cryogenic temperature (2K). In this paper, the performance parameters and loss mechanisms of the SCRF cavity is described

    Microstrip Patch Antenna Parameter Optimization Prediction Model using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Microstrip patch antenna (MPA) plays key role in the wireless communication. The research is continuing going to design and optimization of the antenna for various advance application such as 5G and IOT. Artificial intelligence based techniques such as machine learning is also capable to optimize the parameter values and make prediction model based on the given dataset. This research paper shows the machine learning based techniques to optimize the microstrip patch antenna parameters with the performance improvement in terms of accuracy, Mean Squared Error, and Mean Absolute Error. The antenna optimization process may be greatly accelerated using this data-driven simulation technique. Additionally, the advantages of evolutionary learning and dimensionality reduction methods in antenna performance analysis are discussed. To analyze the antenna bandwidth and improve the performance parameters is the main concern of this work.

    Quality of Service (QoS) routing algorithm for Software Defined Network (SDN)

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    Due to the use of various technologies like mobile, cloud, big data. The network traffic has increased this has resulted in the  re examination of the working of  traditional network architectures as these are built as static architectures and cannot handle the rapid growing traffic on the internet. A dynamic architecture which can be programmed according to the traffic behaviour was the need. Software Defined Networking (SDN) was emerged to address the growing needs of the dynamic traffic which has been in the moonlight since 2010. SDN increase and makes the network as flexible to program according to the programmers needs by keeping the traffic in line. It gives the user flexibility of adjusting the network resources by separating the control plane and data plane. By using SDN networks can be managed dynamically. The capacity of a network to offer good services to the selected network traffic over various technologies is termed as Quality of Service (QoS). To transfer high-bandwidth video and multimedia information continuously QoS is of particular objective.Â

    An efficient technique for lossless address data compression using adaptive SPIHT Algorithm in WSN

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    The computer is becoming more and more powerful day by day. Data compression is a popular approach to reducing data volumes and hence lowering disk I/O and network data transfer times. While several lossy data compression techniques have demonstrated excellent compression ratios, lossless data compression techniques are still among the most popular ones. Sensor networks represent a non-traditional source of information, as readings generated by sensors flow continuously, leading to an infinite stream of data. Sensors are non-reactive elements which are used to monitor real life phenomena, such as live weather conditions, network traffic, etc. They are usually organized into networks where their readings are transmitted using low level protocols

    Improved Accuracy in Estimation of Temperature for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) using Machine Learning (ML) method for Electric Vehicle Application

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    With the advancement of an electrical transportation system, demand for the efficient electric vehicles (EV’s) will be more. So, manufacturing industries of EV’s are using the latest technologies to design an efficient and reliable electric vehicles for the customers. Since, electric motor is the main driving component of the EVs, so our major concern is to protect the motor from various faults in the very early stage with better accuracy and with minimum error. Various types of faults which mainly oc-curs in the motors are, overheating, bearing fault, insulation breakdown, over speed, vibration, noise etc. So, in this paper Machine Learning (ML) technique is used to analyze various electrical parameters of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) taking coolant, ambient temperature, voltage, current, speed and torque as input parameters and winding temperature as output parameter. The test is performed in MATLAB software and the results found with the above method is found more improved and accurate with least error. The proposed method classifies the stator winding temperature into respective classes with 93.13% classification accuracy, sensitivity and specificity are 90.22% and 94.78% respectively

    Impact of DDT spraying on malaria transmission in Bareilly District, Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Background & objectives: Impact of indoor residual spraying of DDT on malaria transmission andvector density was evaluated in six villages of Shergarh PHC, Bareilly district, Uttar Pradesh under theoperational condition of National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) from July 2001to March 2002 (one transmission season only).Methods: Two rounds of DDT (50% WDP) spraying @ 1 g/m2 were done both in the experimental andcontrol villages by the state health authorities. The spraying in experimental villages was supervisedby Malaria Research Centre (MRC) whereas the district health authorities supervised the operation incontrol villages. Mass blood surveys were made three times— before the first round, in between thefirst and second rounds and after the second round of spraying. The blood smears were examined bythe trained microscopists of MRC, Haldwani. From the above examinations epidemiological indicatorssuch as slide positivity rate (SPR), slide falciparum rate (SFR) and infant parasite rate (IPR) werecalculated. All malaria positive cases were given radical treatment as per NVBDCP schedule.Entomological parameters such as per man hour mosquito density, parity rate, gonotrophic conditionand adult susceptibility status of Anopheles culicifacies to diagnostic dosages of DDT (4%) weremonitored as per the standard techniques.Results: A total of 988.5 kg of DDT was consumed during two rounds of spray. The house coveragevaried from 87 to 95.3%. Parasitological evaluation revealed significant reduction in malaria cases (p <0.0005) and infant parasite rate declined from 2.9 to 0%. Entomological observations revealedconsiderable reduction in the density of malaria vector An. culicifacies despite of its 21.4% mortalityagainst DDT test papers.Interpretation & conclusion: The overall results of the study revealed that DDT is still a viableinsecticide in indoor residual spraying owing to its effectivity in well supervised spray operation andhigh excitorepellencyfactor

    Ultrasensitive Immunosensing Platform Based on Analyte Induced Disruption of Luminescence Quenching (AIDLuQ)

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    In this study, we design an extremely fast and sensitive immunosensing platform using graphene as the sensing platform. A solution containing a mixture of graphene nanoplatelets and gold nanoparticles was coated on to a copier paper using a spray gun to form a uniform coating. Fluorescent quantum dots (QDs) functionalized with antibodies (Ab) were drop casted on to this platform, whose fluorescence was quenched by the graphene on the graphene/gold paper. With the addition of the antigen to this graphene/gold-QD-Ab complex, a disruption of quenching was observed, and the fluorescence intensity increased with increasing concentration of the antigen. A detection limit of as low as 10 fM was obtained for the detection of human Immunoglobulin G (IgG)

    Realization of Programmable BPSK Demodulator-Bit Synchronizer using Multirate Processing

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of programmable BPSK demodulator and bit synchronizer. The demodulator is based on the Costas loop design whereas the bit synchronizer is based on Gardner timing error detector. The advantage of this design is that it offers programmability using multi-rate processing and does not rely on computation of filter coefficients, NCO angle input for each specific data rate and thus avoids computational complexities. The algorithm and its application were verified on Matlab-Simulink and was implemented on ALTERA platform. A 32 kHz BPSK demodulator–bit synchronizer pair catering for data rates from 1 kbps to 8 kbps was implemented.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i3.556

    Molecular diversity of the plasmid genotypes among Rhizobium gene pools of sesbanias from different habitats of a semi-arid region (Delhi)

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    Plasmid genotypes of root nodulating rhizobial isolates of Sesbania, sampled from six ecologically distinct habitats, were characterized. Plasmid profile analysis revealed nine different plasmid types having molecular masses ranging from 30 to 300 MDa, distributed among six profile types that grouped the isolates into six plasmid classes. The six plasmid profiles were diverged from each other and lack many common plasmid types among them. Variation in number and types of symbiotic (Sym) plasmid was assessed by hybridization of plasmid profiles with sym gene probes. Relatedness among different plasmid types was assessed by hybridization of total DNAs as well as plasmid profiles of different isolates with labelled intact plasmid. Plasticity of plasmid genotype and possible recombination between different plasmid types is suggested from the results obtained. Structural diversity among sym plasmids was assessed by PCR amplified product profiles using primer corresponding to the reiterated nif promoter consensus element (NPC-PCR). A total of 26 NPC-PCR profile types were recognized. Genetic diversity among sym plasmids of isolates belonging to the same plasmid class and having similar sym plasmid suggested recombinations and rearrangements of sequences within the sym plasmids. Cluster analysis based upon similarity among profile types sorted the isolates across the ecological gradient. We suggest that habitat heterogeneity and plasticity of plasmid genotype together contribute for the generation of genetic diversity leading to strainal differentiation in rhizobia

    Laparoscopic Treatment of Gastric Bezoar

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    Detailed in this report is the laparoscopic removal of a gastric bezoar through an anterior wall gastrotomy
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