12 research outputs found

    A case study of musculocutaneous nerve variations

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    Background: Musculocutaneous nerve variations may become evident clinically or may be encountered during surgery. These are of importance for neurologists, traumatologists and orthopaedicians.Methods: 70 upper limbs from 35 embalmed cadavers were studied during the study period of 2 years during routine dissection in the Department of Anatomy S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur, India.Results: A branch from musculocutaneous nerve arising at a distance of 6 cm from acromion process of scapula.A branch arising from median nerve at a distance of 14.4 cm from acromion process and joins with the branch of musculocutaneous nerve at around 17.4 cms away from the acromion process. The nerve thus formed by the union of the branches from median and musculocutaneous nerves further goes and joins the Radial nerve just before entering the cubital fossa.Conclusions: While performing shoulder surgery, the palpation of musculocutaneous nerve is of great importance, as it may get injured by the retractors which are placed under the coracoid process during the surgery. Frequent shoulder dislocation, coracoid process grafting and arthroscopy might damage the nerve as well as the muscle. This article might fulfil the gap in the original research work in this field.

    Meckel’s diverticulum: a cadaveric case report

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    Meckel's diverticulum is the common congenital anamoly of the gastrointentestinal tract, caused due to failure of involution of vitelline duct after seventh or eighth week of intra-uterine life. It is usually present within the last 90cm of terminal ileum.  Histologically, Meckel's diverticulum consists of all layers of small intestine. Rarely, heterotopic tissue is present derived from gastric or pancreatic tissue. In the case presented here, Meckel's diverticulum was found on the ante mesenteric border of the ileum with no peritoneal attachment during routine Anatomy cadaveric dissection. It was present 26cm proximal to the ileocecal junction, with no attachment to umbilicus. It’s blood supply was derived from the vitelline artery. Histological examination revealed the presence of 3 layers: mucosa, submucosa and muscularis propria with no heterotopic tissue

    Clinical profile of tuberculosis with diabetes mellitus

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    Background: There is now good evidence that people with diabetes mellitus (DM) have 2–3 times the risk of developing active tuberculosis (TB) compared with those who do not have DM. The aim of the study was to analyze typical / atypical presentation of pulmonary tuberculosis with diabetes mellitus.Methods: This study was carried out in the Department of Respiratory Medicine and General Medicine, SAIMS, Indore during the period of July 2012 to June 2014. A prospective study including 100 microscopically proven cases of sputum smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis. Among these, 50 are diabetic patients with sputum positive tuberculosis and 50 are non-diabetic patients with sputum positive tuberculosis.Results: The mean age in diabetic group was 51.92±9.96 years. The mean age in non-diabetic group was 39.58±15.19 years. In the diabetic group, there were 38 (76.00%) male and 12 (24.00%) females, while in the non-diabetic group there were 40 (80.00%) males and 10 (20.00%) females. Fever, cough and weakness were the three most common symptoms seen in patients with tuberculosis in both the groups.Conclusions: There was a preponderance of male in both the groups over the female patients. There is no significant difference in the symptoms in both the groups

    Pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical investigation of Equisetum debile Roxb.

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    Herbal medicines are increasingly gaining popularity as they possess minimal or no side effects therefore, authentication of the crude drugs are necessary to ensure that the herbal drugs so obtained are safe and of optimal quality. In the present study, various pharmacognostical parameters such as organoleptic evaluation, macroscopic evaluation, microscopic evaluation, physico chemical evaluation (moisture content, loss on drying, ash values, extractive values), and phytochemical evaluation were conducted for the plant E. debile Roxb. (Equisetaceae). Pharmacognostic evaluation helps to identify the commercial varieties, substitutes, adulterants and any other quality control parameter of the drugs. It is a simple and reliable tool, by which complete information of the crude drugs can be obtained (WHO 1998). Pharmacognostical evaluation helps to establish the authenticity of the drugs, it also helps to differentiate the drugs from other species and it also helps to detect any form of adulteration. Keywords: Equisetum debile Roxb., pharmacognostical, organoleptic evaluation, phytochemical analysis

    A comparative study between the still births and full term normal deliveries based on the clinical history of mother

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    Background: To study the impact of duration of pregnancy, obstetrical history of mother and age of the mother on foetal outcome in still birth and full term normal deliveries.Methods: After taking due permission from the ethical committee the study was conducted in the S.M.S. Medical College and attached group of hospitals.Results: Following parameters were recorded: (1) duration of pregnancy (in weeks): it was found that females reporting with still births have significantly lowered weeks of gestation; (2) obstetrical history: it was found that both groups were well comparable without any significant difference neither in gravidity nor in parity; (3): age of the mother: there was no significant (p>0.05) difference found in mean age of females of both the groups.Conclusions: Knowledge about the various factors leading to still birth is important so that that maximum attention could be paid on these causative factors so as to improve the outcome

    PGPR’s mix treatment to Moringa improved plant growth and iron content in foliage as substantiated by biochemical and molecular methods

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    In this study, Bacillus pumilus SE34 and B. pumilus T4 were combined with Bacillus subtilis GBO3, B. pumilus INR7 and Pseudomonas fluorescens UOM14 to form COM1, COM2 and COM3, respectively. All combinations were used to find their synergistic effect on Moringa oleifera for growth promotion and Fe accumulation efficiency in foliage. The results indicate a significant increase in Fe content in foliage using COM3 (405.70%) followed by COM2 (105.83%) in comparison to the control with a simultaneous decrease in the soil Fe content. Increased expression of iron-transport-related genes like iron-phytosiderophore oligopeptide transporter and natural-resistance-associated macrophage protein, in foliage of Moringa using real-time PCR correlates with the enriched iron content in foliage of treated plants. Increase in citric acid was in direct relation to the Fe accumulation in foliage. Growth promotion and Fe enhancement using plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria’s combination was significantly higher, proving its synergistic effect as a great source for sustainable development in agriculture and nutrition