1,229 research outputs found

    Functioning of ASHAs under National Health Mission in Punjab: An Appraisal

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    The present paper ascertains the functional efficacy of ASHAs and suggests measures for the optimization of their functioning in Punjab. For carrying out the study, different phases included random selection of three districts followed by two health blocks from each district and three sub centres from each block and subsequently one village from each sub centre. List of eligible women who had delivered a baby during the last three months prior to the survey was prepared and at last stage, five women from each village were selected at random. The findings revealed that the norms, including the age limit, educational qualification, residence and marital status set for the selection of ASHAs revealed clear adherence of the NHM guidelines. However two-thirds of the ASHAs were covering a population of more than 1,000 persons. About 90 percent of the ASHAs couldn’t specify their job responsibilities promptly on the activities related to spreading health awareness among adolescents, promoting hygiene practices, generating awareness on preventive measures on RTI/STI, HIV/AIDS, tobacco and alcoholism. About 94 percent of ASHA workers had received drug kit. However there were delays in the replenishment of drugs. As per NHM guidelines, no drug kit has AYUSH medications in it. Inter-sectoral collaboration among the ASHAs, ANMs, PRImembers and AWWs was more or less satisfactory even though ASHAs intervention in VHSNC meeting was not encouraging due to non-cooperation of other stakeholders. For strengthening of the ASHA programme, it is essential that the factors discouraging them are addressed properly

    A.C. Conductivity of Ag Incorporated Se-Te-Bi Glassy Alloy

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    Effect of Ag addition on the a.c. conductivity as a function of frequency in Se80.5Bi1.5Te18 – yAgy (y 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 at. %) glassy alloy has been investigated in the temperature range 300-355 K. The electrical conductivity is measured as a function of frequency () of an alternating electric field in the frequency range 1 -500 kHz, using Wayne Kerr 6500 B Impedance Analyzer. A.C. conductivity (ω) is found to increases with an increase in frequency for the entire range of temperature in all compositions. The frequency exponent s is found to decrease with an increase in temperature which indicates that the correlated barrier hopping is the possible conduction mechanism in the investigated samples. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3101

    Numerical Study of Temperature and Stress Fields in Laser Cutting of Aluminium Alloy Sheet

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    AbstractDue to thermal nature of laser cutting, high temperature and thermal stresses are developed at the cut edge that affects finally the cut edge quality. This paper aims for developing a numerical simulation model to predict the temperature and residual stresses in the laser cutting of Aluminium alloy (Al-2024).The temperature and stress fields developed in cut section are predicted numerically using ANSYS finite element code. For the analysis, Fourier law of heat conduction and Gaussian distribution of a laser beam are considered. Temperature dependent thermo-physical properties of the material are used in numerical simulation. It is found that high temperature gradient exists at laser irradiated spot which results in high thermal stresses across the cut section. Also it has been found that the maximum temperature obtained during laser cutting is reduced with increasing laser scanning velocity. Stress distribution results shows that stresses attains low values at laser irradiated spot because of the reduction of thermal expansion coefficient with increasing temperature. The comparison of results based on numerical simulation with the mathematical model shows good agreements


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    Amavata is a disease of chronic joint and body pain, accompanied by a swelling of some or all of the synovial joints. These symptoms are typically accompanied by stiffness of joints, loss of appetite, indigestion, lack of enthusiasm, feeling of heaviness and fever. Among Shodhna therapy described in Ayurveda, Virechana is mostly used in the disorders originated from vitiated Pitta. Along with this, it is also useful in the disorders in which Pitta is associated with Vata or Kapha dosha. It has direct effect on the Agni Adhishthan and also works on Kapha and Vata Adhishsthan. Thus, it rectify not only Pitta but Vata and Kapha Dosha also.A clinical study of 20 registered cases of Amavata revealed that Virechana karma is a very effective treatment of Amavata. This study proved the significance of Virecana karma on classical symptom of Amavata i.e., Angamarda, Aruchi, Trishna, Jwara, Shoth, etc. It reflects that Virechana karma is a potent Shroto-vishodhna, a good anti-inflammatory and pain relieving in patients of R.A.Statistically significant results were found in Morning stiffness (83.02%, P<0.001), Swelling (81.67% , P<0.001), Trishna (56%, P<0.001), Aruchi (80.00%, P<0.001), Gaurava (85.37% P<0.001) and Apaka (81.39%). This study reveals that Virechana therapy is a very effective Panchakarma procedure with potent Sroto Shodhana effect to produce good anti- inflammatory and pain reducing feature in patients of R.A

    Comparison of preload versus coload by crystalloid in parturients undergoing caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia: an analytical study

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    Background: Spinal anesthesia is popular, simple and well accepted reliable technique for below umbilicus surgery. It is frequently used for lower segment section because of its rapid onset, a dense neural block, avoidance of risk of airway, little risk of local anesthetic toxicity and minimal transfer of drug to the fetus, as well as little risk of failure of block. Objectives of this study was to compare incidence and severity of hypotension, dose requirement of mephentermine and maternal bradycardia, shivering, nausea, vomiting. Methods: ASA grade I, II parturients posted for elective cesarean section were randomly allocated in two study groups of 55 each to receive either preload or co-load with Ringers lactate solution, blood pressure, heart rate, mephentermine requirement and other outcomes recorded at regular interval. Results: Hypotension was observed significantly less in co-loading group (37.18%) than preloading group (61.81%). Mean vasopressor requirement was also significantly more in preload group. Heart rate change, nausea, vomiting and fetal outcome remained same across both the groups. Conclusions: Co-loading with crystalloids is more effective strategy than preloading in prevention of spinal induced hypotension. We can save valuable time given for preloading in case of emergency caesarean sections

    Prevention of Phishing Attacks Using AI-Based Cybersecurity Awareness Training

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    Machine learning has been described as an effective measure in avoiding most cyberattacks. The development of AI has therefore promoted increased security for most computer attacks. Phishing attacks are risky and can be prevented through AI-based solutions. This factor suggests the need for increased awareness of cybersecurity through AI. Developing awareness for most people will prevent these types of attacks. The research paper describes how the awareness of AI-based cybersecurity could ensure a reduction of phishing attacks. The paper, therefore, showcases the effectiveness of AI-based cybersecurity awareness training and how it may influence cyber-attacks


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    To study Pravahika on the basis of ayurvedic aetio-pathology and symptomatology along with modern aetiopathology.To evaluate the efficacy of Vilwadi yoga only in Pravahika.To evaluate the role of only vasti karma taking Pichha vasti for its management.To evaluate the efficacy of the both therapy when they are applied together.to evaluate the dietetic control in the management of pravahika. MethodThe patients of Pravahika were selected from O.P.D and I.P.D.of Shri N.P.A.Govt.ayurvedic College and Hospital, Raipur. After selection of patients they were randomly classified under three groups.1st group  was treated with the internal application of the compound drug i.e.Vilwadi Yoga, 2nd group was treated by shodhan therapy  i.e.Pichha Vasti and 3rd group was treated with both the applications. The required pathological investigation are done before and at intervals of 5 days after treatment for the each patient and noted carefully. The treatment continued for a minimum period of 15 days or that was extended for a further required period which was needful to the patient. At that time the result or efficacy of applications was observed carefully and those was noted for the further  analysis. At the time of treatment the patient was strictly advised to stay in specific diet that was pathya according to Ayurveda. In this period any other medicines were not administered to the patients.ResultIn this study out of 27 selected patients, 14 patients were treated by only vilwadi yoga whereas 7  and 6 patients were treated by pichha vasti and  by the both applications respectively. Out of 27 cases 18 cases (66.67) were cured, 7case (25.93) were highly improved, where as two cases (7.40%) were found in improved conditions. the improvement was higher in the group treated by vilwadi yoga and pichha vasti  both.ConclusionThe  this study none patients was reported as no response . Symptoms of these patients were recorded before and after the treatment in a specially prepared proforma for this purpose and these were analyzed after the treatment. No side effect or toxicity of the drug was observed during and after the treatment. Any types of complications of vasti chikitsa are also not seen. In this way, the clinical trials provides an encouraging result which proves the significant efficacy of Vilwadi  yoga and Pichha Vasti on Pravahika vis-à-vis all types of dysentery specially amoebic dysentery.Key words    Pravahika, vilwadi yoga, pichha vasti Â

    Novel Coronavirus 2019: A Recent Update

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    Since last year of December 2019, a virus has been identifying in china’s city of Wuhan, virus name Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease is a very scary Disease. This disease is a challenge for Human for cure.  These virus are effected all over the world’s country like America, Brazil, Turkey, China, Italy, Iran, India, Canada Russia etc., this virus first time reported in relation to the Huainan Seafood Wholesale Market (South China Seafood City Food Market) in Wuhan, China. This market gained media attention after being identified as a point of origin of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic. This virus have the common sign & symptoms like pneumonia and show symptoms of  fever, headache, joint pain, Common cold, chills, shortness of breath, cough severe pneumonia, dyspnea, renal insufficiency. The detection of 2019- SCoV-like viruses in tiny size, live wild mammals in a market indicates a route of inters species spreading, although the natural loch is not known. This theory assembles a study of the molecular biology fundamental of these infectious agents, with particular prominence on the nature and identify of viral receptors, viral RNA synthesis, and the molecular interactions governing viral assembly

    A Comparative study of the Efficacy of Ayapatra Pralipta Pippali and Plihari Vati in Iron Deficiency Anemia

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    Iron deficiency anemia is the most prevalent nutritional disorder in India. It can be effectively treated in line of treatment of pandu. The study was carried out to compare the efficacy of ayapatra pralipta pippali and plihari vati in iron deficiency anemia. In this randomized control study, a total of 60 patients fulfilling the assessment and inclusion criteria were included and the trial was done for a duration of 30 days. It showed highly significant result in subjective parameters like panduta, aruci, daurbalya etc and also showed an improvement in lab parameters like Hb%, RBC count, MCV, MCH etc. This effect can be attributed to the properties of the ingredients of the trial drug such as deepana, balya, rasayana etc

    Thousands of Lesions in Disseminated Cysticercosis

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