60 research outputs found

    Datasets Used in Fifteen Years of Automated Requirements Traceability Research

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    Datasets are crucial to advance automated software traceability research. Acquiring such datasets come in a high cost and require expert knowledge to manually collect and validate them. Obtaining such software development datasets has been one of the most frequently reported barrier for researchers in the software engineering domain in general. This problem is even more acute in field of requirement traceability, which plays crucial role in safety critical and highly regulated systems. Therefore, the main motivation behind this work is to analyze the current state of art of datasets used in the field of software traceability. This work presents a first-of-its-kind literature study to review and assess the datasets that have been used in software traceability research over the last fifteen years. It articulates several attributes related to these datasets such as their characteristics, threats and diversity. Firstly, 202 primary studies (refer Appendix A) were identified for purpose of this study, which were used to derive 73 unique datasets. These 73 datasets were studied in-depth and several attributes (size, type, domain, availability, artifacts) were extracted (refer Appendix B). Based on analysis of the primary studies, a threat to validity reference model, tailored to Software traceability datasets was derived (refer to figure 4.4). Furthermore, to put some light upon the dataset diversity trend in the Software traceability community, a metric called Dataset Diversity Ratio was derived for 38 authors (refer to figure 4.5) who have published more than one publication in field of software traceability

    Evaluation of difference in central corneal thickness between premenopausal and postmenopausal women

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    Background: Menopause is defined as permanent cessation of menses. By convention the diagnosis of menopause is not made until the individual has had 12 months of amenorrhoea. It is a physiological condition, and associated with changes in levels of sex hormones. Certain changes occur in the corneal tissue due to change in these hormones. The current study intended to study any change in central corneal thickness among women after menopause. CCT can cause false readings in IOP measurements and affect the diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma. Methods: It is a prospective, cross sectional, observational, case control study conducted in Department of Ophthalmology, GMC, Jammu for a period of 6 months from October 2022 to March 2023. 54 eyes of 27 patients each for pre and postmenopausal women were taken. Central corneal thickness was measured using specular biomicroscopy. Results: The mean age of post-menopausal women was found to be 52±2 years and pre-menopausal women was found to be 48±3. The mean of group 1 was found to be 524±18.67 microns and the mean of group 2 was found to 558±20.83 microns Conclusions: The data presented in this study suggest that menopause cause decrease in central corneal thickness

    Dynamic heterogeneity in polydisperse systems: A comparative study of the role of local structural order parameter and particle size

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    In polydisperse systems, describing the structure and any structural order parameter (SOP) is not trivial as it varies with the number of species we use to describe the system, M . Depending on the degree of polydispersity, there is an optimum value of M = M0 where we show that the mutual information of the system increases. However, surprisingly the correlation between a recently proposed SOP and the dynamics is highest for M = 1. This effect increases with polydispersity. We find that the SOP at M = 1 is coupled with the particle size, {\sigma}, and this coupling increases with polydispersity and decreases with an increase in M . Careful analysis shows that at lower polydispersity the SOP is a good predictor of the dynamics. However, at higher polydispersity, the dynamics is strongly dependent on {\sigma}. Since the coupling between the SOP and {\sigma} is higher for M = 1 thus, it appears to be a better predictor of the dynamics. We also study the Vibrality an order parameter independent of structural information. Compared to SOP, at high polydispersity we find Vibrality to be a marginally better predictor of the dynamics. However, this high predictive power of Vibrality, which is not there at lower polydispersity, appears to be due to its stronger coupling with {\sigma}. Thus our study suggests that for systems with high polydispersity, the correlation of any order parameter and {\sigma} will affect the correlation between the order parameter and dynamics and need not project a generic predictive power of the order parameter.Comment: 14 pages, 41 figures, 1 tabl

    Design & Performance Analysis of 8-Bit Low Power Parity Preserving Carry-Look Ahead Adder

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    In the field of quantum computation, the reversible logic and nanotechnology has gathered a lot of attention of researcher’s in the recent years due to its low power dissipation quality. Quantum computing has been a guiding light for nanotechnology, optical information computing, low power CMOS design, DNA computing and Low power VLSI design. Parity preserving is one of the oldest method for error correction and detection in digital system design. In this paper we proposed two parity preserving reversible 8-bit carry look ahead adder circuits. First circuit is designed usingFredkin Gates and Double Feynman (F2G) Gates, while second circuit is designed using Double Feynman (F2G) Gates and Modified Fredkin Gates. By comparing both circuits, we demonstrate that our second proposed design of reversible parity preserving circuit is optimized in terms of quantum cost and power consumption

    Comparison of Flow field in the proximity of A Single Planar & Wrap-around Fin

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    Abstract This paper analyses the results of the computational analysis between a single planar and a wrap-around fin mounted on a semi-cylindrical body. A free-stream Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model was simulated for both cases in the Mach 0.4-3.0M range at 0°Angle of attack, in which, the behavior of flow around the fin was investigated using a turbulence model of higher order discretization. The post-processing shows all the possible views of the flow dynamics around the fins, as well as the missile body. The aerodynamic drag and the rolling moment characteristics of the planar and the wrap-around fin have been compared and adequate validation has been performed for the current missile model. This work forms a preliminary step in turbulence modelling and comparing the flow aerodynamics around both fin geometries

    Potencial mimético da insulina de Hylocereus undatus extraída de mio-inositol e de proteínas

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    Diseases are spreading like a trend and victimising every other individual globally. Here, we are referring to one such most common disease that has not even spared young lives i.e., diabetes. Annually, several people lose their lives and loved ones because of this dangerous disease. This has compelled the researchers to think and work on some life saving treatment. People suffering from hyperglycaemic conditions have insulin resistance which can be improved by intake of myo-inositol. Myo-inositol has potential to regulate this insulin hormone which can prevent and control diabetes mellitus. In this research, we have used a natural source (fruit) Hylocereus undatus; it has proved to be a good source of myo-inositol and some proteins that help in insulin regulation naturally. Several techniques and tests were performed such as extraction, purification, crystallisation, proteolytic activity assay, protein estimation, etc. Positive results of myo-inositol were observed through crystallisation together with decent amount of protein concentrations by Folin Lowry test and SDS-PAGE analysis.Las enfermedades se están extendiendo como una tendencia y victimizando a todos los demás individuos a nivel mundial. Aquí, nos referimos a una de esas enfermedades más comunes que ni siquiera perdonó vidas jóvenes, a saber, la diabetes. Cada año, varias personas pierden la vida y sus seres queridos a causa de esta peligrosa enfermedad. Esto obligó a los investigadores a pensar y trabajar en algún tratamiento que salve vidas. Las personas que sufren de hiperglucemia tienen resistencia a la insulina, que puede mejorar tomando myo-inositol. El mioinositol tiene el potencial de regular esta hormona insulina que puede prevenir y controlar la diabetes mellitus. En esta investigación, utilizamos una fuente natural (fruta) de Hylocereus undatus, que demostró ser una buena fuente de mioinositol y algunas proteínas, que ayudan a regular la insulina de forma natural. Se realizaron varias técnicas y pruebas, como extracción, purificación, cristalización, ensayo de actividad proteolítica, estimación de proteínas, etc. Se observaron resultados positivos de mioinositol a lo largo de la cristalización junto con cantidades decentes de concentraciones de proteína mediante la prueba de Folin Lowry y el análisis SDS-PAGE.As doenças estão se espalhando como uma tendência e vitimando todos os outros indivíduos globalmente. Aqui, estamos nos referindo a uma dessas doenças mais comuns que nem mesmo poupou vidas jovens, ou seja, diabetes. Anualmente, várias pessoas perdem suas vidas e entes queridos por causa dessa doença perigosa. Isso obrigou os pesquisadores a pensar e trabalhar em algum tratamento para salvar vidas. As pessoas que sofrem de condições hiperglicêmicas têm resistência à insulina, que pode ser melhorada pela ingestão de mio-inositol. O mio-inositol tem potencial para regular esse hormônio insulina que pode prevenir e controlar o diabetes mellitus. Nesta pesquisa, usamos uma fonte natural (fruto) de Hylocereus undatus, que provou ser uma boa fonte de mio-inositol e algumas proteínas, que ajudam na regulação da insulina naturalmente. Várias técnicas e testes foram realizados, como extração, purificação, cristalização, ensaio de atividade proteolítica, estimativa de proteína etc. Resultados positivos de mio-inositol foram observados através da cristalização juntamente com quantidades decentes de concentrações de proteína pelo teste Folin Lowry e análise SDS-PAGE

    Deceptive Content Analysis using Deep Learning

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    Fake news is the deliberate spread of false or misleading information through traditional and social media for political or financial gain. The impact of fake news can be significant, causing harm to individuals and organizations and undermining trust in legitimate news sources. Detecting fake news is crucial to promote a well-informed society and protect against the harmful effects. Tools such as machine learning and natural language processing are being developed to help identify fake news automatically. Necessity of fake news detection is very important to maintain a trustworthy and responsible media environment. We have used Word2Vec model for word vectorization and represents words in a multi- dimensional space based on their semantic and syntactic relationships. The use of the LSTM with 256 units allows our model to capture the sequential nature of the data and make predictions based on past information. The proposed model uses Word2Vec and LSTM models to provide a powerful approach to fake news detection, combining the ability to capture the complexity of language and the sequential nature of the data. The model has the potential to accurately detect fake news and promote a well-informed society. The accuracy achieved by building the model was 97%

    Opioid Free Anesthesia in Laparoscopic Surgery: A New Emerging Technique

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    Background: Opioid-free anesthesia (OFA) is a new anesthesiological technique where opioid is avoided intra and post-operative due to side effects. Hence, this study compared opioid-free with opioid-based anesthesia for postoperative analgesia in laparoscopic surgeries. The primary objective was to assess pain scores in the postoperative period with the Numerical rating scale (NRS) for 24 hours, and the secondary objective was to compare intraoperative vitals, postoperative analgesia period, and utilization of total analgesics in the first 24 hours. Materials and Methods: Prospective randomized control trial, 100 patients aged 20-70 years, American Society of Anaesthesiologists physical class I and II posted for elective upper and lower abdominal laparoscopic surgeries. Patients were divided into two groups (n=50 in each group): opioid-free (Group A) and opioid (Group B). Group A received anesthetic doses of lidocaine, magnesium, and paracetamol in combination with Erector spinae plane block for post-operative pain relief, while group B received intermittent doses of fentanyl. Postoperatively, NRS was observed at 0, 2, 4, and 6 hours during rest and at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 24 hours during movement. Data were analyzed by independent t-test. Results: Group A showed a significant decrease in NRS score at rest at 0, 2, 4, and 6 hours, whereas there was a significant decrease in NRS score at movement in group A at 0, 2, 6, and 24 hours compared to group B (P< 0.05). Total duration of analgesia (hour) was significantly more in group A (17.86 ± 7.85) as compared to group B (7.76 ± 3.98) (P<0.001). Intraoperative vitals were comparable. The total rescue analgesia (milligram) requirement was significantly low in group A (0.92 ± 0.8) as compared to group B (2.02 ± 0.38). Conclusion: For patients undergoing elective upper and lower abdominal laparoscopic surgeries, multimodal analgesia was safe in unwanted opioid side-effects cases and unavailability of opioids

    Depression by Gender and Associated Factors Among Older Adults in India: Implications for Age-Friendly Policies

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    Inspite of implementing policies to control mental health problems, depression remains a severe health concern among older adults in India. We examined self-reported differences in the depression among older men and women in India and examined associated factors for gender differences in depression at the population level. We utilized nationally representative data from the Longitudinal Aging Study in India (LASI) wave I, for years 2017-2019. Our analytical sample comprised of 30,637 older adults ages 60 years and above (14,682 men and 15,655 women). We conducted descriptive statistics and Chi-Square tests followed by binary logistic regression and multivariate decomposition analyses to examine our study objectives. Depression was reported in - 7.4% (95% CI 7.0, 7.8) of older men and 9.5% (CI 9.1, 10.0) of older women. Poor self-rated health, multimorbidity status, physical activity, difficulty in activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental ADL (IADL) were the significant health-related factors associated with depression among older men and women. Not being satisfied with one\u27s life, not being satisfied with their present living arrangement, receiving any type of ill-treatment, and being widowed were the significant factors associated with depression among older men and women. We found gender disparity in self-reported depression. Marital status contributed-to 36.7% of the gender gap in depression among older adults. Additionally, ADL and IADL difficulties among men and women contributed to 17.6% and 34.0%, gender gap, self-rated health contributed to 18.8% gap, whereas not having equal social participation (4.4%) and not satisfied in present living arrangements (8.1%) were other factors that contributed to gender gap for depression in India. Depression is a critical and persistent public health problem among-older females in India. Our findings provide a broader framework for policymakers and health practitioners to focus on gender-specific strategies to mitigate this highly emergent problem


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    Objectives: The current work presents a formulation of curcumin-loaded transethosome (CRM-TE) in the form of a gel and its characterization.Methods: Thirteen formulations were prepared by varying the concentration of Phospholipon 90G as lipid, ethanol, and ratio of lipid: Span using Box- Behnken Design. The optimized formulation was characterized by vesicle size, entrapment efficiency, drug retention, drug permeation through skin, and morphology. Parameters of CRM-TE were compared to other vesicular systems that include liposomes, ethosomes, and transfersomes. Optimized CRM-TE was incorporated into gels, and comparative evaluation was performed. CRM-TE gel was kept at 5±3°C, 25±3°C, and 40±3°C for 180 days, further evaluated for entrapment efficacy and vesicle size.Results: CRM-TE showed 286.4 nm vesicle size, 61.2% entrapment efficiency, 19.8% drug retention, and 71.3% drug permeation at 24 h in the skin. It was found superior in terms of all the parameters as compared to other vesicular formulations. CRM-TE gel also exhibited best characteristics in terms of entrapment efficiency, drug retention, and drug permeation. CRM-TE gel exhibited better stability at 5±3°C in terms of vesicle size and entrapment efficiency as compared to other storage conditions.Conclusion: CRM-TE gel could offer efficient delivery of curcumin through topical route