1,545 research outputs found

    Social equity impacts of increased water for irrigation

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    Water distributionIrrigation waterEquityTanksCanal irrigationVillagesEmploymentWagesGenderSocial aspectsWater users associationsFarmers

    Genetic Divergence for Yield and Yield-Contributing Traits in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

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    The cluster analysis grouped the thirty one genotypes of cucumber, collected from different sources in India, into seven clusters. The genotypes Jorji Local, Bengal 60, JJL and Derabassi Local were promising with respect to yield per plant and fruit length, while Gyn-2, Gyn-3 and Gyn-4 were superior for number of fruits per plant. However, genotypes Chakkimore local, Farukabad Local, Chamoli Local and Chamba Local were promising for average fruit weight and fruit breadth

    Effect of Hormonal Treatment and Mulching on Fruit Drop and Quality in Mango

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    An experiment was laid out to assess the effect of hormonal treatment and mulching on fruit drop and quality in cvs. Mallika, Amrapali and Dashehari of mango at the experimental farm Bhota of IBES Neri, Hamirpur, during the years 2010-2012. Eight treatments, viz., T1&T2: 2, 4-D (20 and 40ppm), T3&T4: NAA (25 and 50ppm), T5: 2, 4-D (20ppm) + Black polythene mulch, T6:NAA (25ppm) + Black polythene mulch, T7: Black polythene mulch, and T8: Control, were applied during the last week of April at the pea stage of fruit development in the years 2011 and 2012. Observations were recorded on marked panicles at monthly intervals until harvest. All the hormonal treatments, mulching and combination thereof, showed significant reduction in fruit drop in all the three cultivars under study. Fruit retention at harvest in cvs. Amrapali, and Mallika and Dashehari was maximum (5.95, 9.5 and 8.3%, respectively) with T5 (2, 4-D 20ppm + Black polythene mulch) which was statistically at par with T1 (2, 4-D 20ppm), T7 (Black polythene mulch) and T2(2, 4-D 40ppm). Effect of treatments on TSS content was non-significant. Highest TSS content (14.5°B) was noted in cv. Dashehari which was significantly higher than in Mallika (11.7°B) or Amrapali (11.4°B). Titratable acidity was significantly low in all the treatments than that in untreated plants. Highest acidity (0.53%) was recorded in Control. 'Dashehari' recorded the highest (0.63%) acidity, followed by Mallika (0.49%) and Amrapali (0.46%)

    Analysis of Genetic Divergence in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

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    Non-hierarchical analysis conducted on 60 genotypes of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) grouped the genotypes into 10 clusters. Maximum divergence within a cluster was exhibited by the cluster VIH (1.531), closely followed by cluster III (1.528) and cluster V (1.460), whereas, cluster VIII and cluster II were the most divergent from each other followed by cluster VII and cluster VIII. Promising genotypes selected were FT-5, LBR-10-2, THS-1-1, THS-2-2, T-99-1-2 and T-99-2-3 for yield per plant, fruit size index, pericarp thickness and plant height, whereas, W 55, Campbell and EC-123018 were found to be the best for average fruit weight. However, genotypes EC-170785 and Red cherry may be used to improve the number of fruits per plant and earliness

    Regulation und Funktion der sauren Sphingomyelinase (ASM) / Ceramid-Weg in strahlungsinduzierten Zelltod

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    Zusammenfassung Die Behandlung des malignen Glioblastoms mit einer Kombination aus Strahlen- und Chemotherapie ist eine der vielversprechendsten Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. Die hier vorgelegte Doktorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Mechanismen, die der strahleninduzierten Aktivierung der ASM und der Produktion von Ceramid in Glioblastomen zugrunde liegen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf dem initialen Ereignis, dass die Aktivierung der Asm und die Produktion von Ceramid in humanen Glioblastom-Zellen einschließt. Die Bestrahlung von humanen Glioblastom-Zellen führt zur schnellen Aktivierung und Translokation der Asm zur Plasmamembran, was zum Clustering von Ceramid und zur Bildung von Ceramid-reichen Membranplattformen führt. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Mechanismus der ASM-Aktivierung und zeigt, dass dieser von der Produktion von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies abhängt. Es ist bereits bekannt, dass Ceramid-reiche Membranplattformen aktiv Signalmoleküle akkumulieren, wie beispielsweise die Rezeptoren CD95 und CD40 (Cremesti et al 2001, Grassmé et al 2001a, Grassmé et al 2001b, Grassmé et al 2002a) oder Superoxid-generierende Moleküle wie die NADPH Oxidase bzw deren Untereinheiten gp91phox und p47phox (Bao et al 2010, Zhang et al 2007). Im Einklang mit diesen Beobachtungen zeigt die hier vorliegende Arbeit, dass gp91phox nach Bestrahlung in Ceramid-reichen Membranplattformen eingelagert wird, und dass die Inhibition von gp91 eine weitere ASM-Aktivierung verhindert. Diese Ergebnisse gehen konform mit den Erkenntnissen von Zhang und Kollegen, die zeigen konnten, dass Sauerstoffradikale, die von der NADPH-Oxidase generiert werden, die Asm in einem positiven Rückkopplungsmechanismus beeinflussen (Zhang et al 2008). Schließlich konnten mittels LC-MS/MS verschiedene Interaktionspartner der ASM, von Ceramid und von lipid rafts identifiziert werden: Flotillin-1 und Caveolin-1 wurden in bestrahlten Proben identifiziert, was nahelegt, dass die ASM nach Translokation zur Plasmamembran in Ceramid-reichen Membrandomänen lokalisiert ist Darüber hinaus konnten noch weitere Proteine in den lipid rafts von bestrahlten Zellen identifiziert werden. Dazu zählten unter anderem auch Dysferlin und Sortilin, deren Rolle beim Transport der ASM vom Lyososom zur Plasmamembran bereits für verschiedene Stimuli beschrieben wurde (Han et al 2012, Jin et al 2008b), jedoch bislang nicht für die Translokation nach der Bestrahlung.Summary: Treating malignant glioblastoma with radiation therapy in combination with chemotherapy is one of the most promising outcomes. The present study aimed to elucidate the underlying mechanism of IR induced activation of ASM and production of ceramide in glioblastoma. We focused on the initial event that involves the activation of ASM and production of ceramide upon irradiation in human glioblastoma cells. Irradiation of human glioblastoma cells resulted in rapid activation and translocation of ASM to plasma membrane which resulted in clustering of ceramide and formation of ceramide-enriched membrane platforms. We addressed the mechanism of ASM activation which was found to be dependent on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Ceramide enriched-membrane platforms are known to actively cluster signaling molecule including death receptors CD95 and CD40 (Cremesti et al 2001, Grassmé et al 2001a, Grassmé et al 2001b, Grassmé et al 2002a) or subunits of NADPH oxidase like gp91phox and p47phox (Bao et al 2010, Zhang et al 2007). Similar to these observations we found that upon irradiation gp91phox clustered in ceramide enriched-membrane platforms and further using gp91phox siRNA, inhibition in IR-induced activation of ASM was seen. This result relates to the finding from Zhang and colleagues showing NADPH oxidase-derived ROS regulate Asm-initiated redox signaling in a positive feedback manner (Zhang et al 2008). Lastly we identified various interacting partners of ASM, ceramide and lipid rafts using LC-MS/MS technique. Flotillin-1 and caveolin-1 proteins were identified in irradiated samples which suggest that upon irradiation, ASM translocated to plasma membrane leads to generation of ceramide and further co-localization of ASM and ceramide in lipid raft platforms takes place. Various other proteins were identified in irradiated samples of lipid rafts including dysferlin and sortilin whose role in ASM trafficking from lysosome to plasma membrane has already been described earlier upon different stimuli other than radiation (Han et al 2012, Jin et al 2008b)

    Studies on Training Systems and NAA Application on Bell Pepper Production in Polyhouse

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    Capsicum (Capsicum annuum L.) is an important off-season vegetable crops grown in the mid-hills of Himachal Pradesh. Production and productivity of this crop is low because of high flower and fruit drop. The present investigation was carried out to find out the best training system and an appropriate concentration of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). Two-stem training system was the best for most traits except, number of flowers per plant and days to first picking which were best under control, i.e., on plants not trained at all. Two sprays of NAA @ 15 ppm proved best for plant height, total number of flowers per plant, per cent flower drop, per cent fruit set, days to first picking, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight and total yield per plant

    Marketing and Operational Issues Faced by First Generation Agripreneurs in Managing Agribusiness: A View Point of Haryana

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the significance of improved marketing of agricultural produce in the context of enhancing farmers' livelihoods and rural development. Specifically, it aims to identify market-related challenges faced by agribusinesses at their inception. The study seeks to understand how marketing practices can impact the success of various agribusiness ventures, such as mushroom farming, dairy farming, aquaculture, beekeeping, and others.   Design/Methodology/Approach: This section outlines the research methodology employed in the study. It mentions the use of purposive sampling to select 180 agripreneurs engaged in different agribusinesses. The research approach involves assessing the impact of market knowledge, product quality, market research, pricing strategies, packaging, sales promotion, internet marketing, and test marketing on the launch of agricultural products. It also explores the influence of first-generation agripreneurs on factors like the number of employees and experience.   Findings: Here, the study presents its key findings. It reveals that enhancing market knowledge and product quality, conducting prior market research, adopting appropriate pricing strategies, implementing effective packaging, engaging in sales promotion, utilizing internet marketing, and conducting test marketing are essential for the successful launch of agri-products. Furthermore, the study suggests that the perspectives of first-generation agripreneurs have a significant and positive impact on factors such as employee numbers and experience.   Research, Practical & Social Implications: This section discusses the broader implications of the research. It highlights how the findings can benefit agribusiness management, particularly for first-generation agripreneurs in Haryana. It addresses the practical implications for improving marketing practices in agribusinesses and how this, in turn, can contribute to rural development and farmers' livelihoods. The study aims to offer practical suggestions and solutions to the challenges faced by agripreneurs.   Originality/Value: In this part, the paper underscores its originality and value within the field of agribusiness. It emphasizes that the research not only identifies management challenges but also provides valuable recommendations. The study contributes to the understanding of marketing dynamics in the context of diverse agricultural ventures, ultimately offering insights that can enhance the success and impact of agribusinesses in Haryana and potentially other similar regions

    Evaluation of Onion Varieties under Low Hill Conditions of Himachal Pradesh

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    An experiment was conducted to identify promising varieties of onion suited for cultivation under low hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh. Ten varieties were evaluated at Research Farm of the Institute of Biotechnology and Environmental Science, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur, for two consecutive seasons (2010- 2011 and 2011-2012). The farm is located at an altitude of 620m above mean sea level, with average mean maximum and minimum temperatures of 31.3°C and 12.4°C, respectively, and is a representative site of the low hill region of Himachal Pradesh. Standard package of practices was followed for raising the crop as recommended by the University. Observations were recorded on various horticultural traits, viz., plant height, number of leaves per plant, days to harvest, neck thickness, bulb diameter, bulb weight, TSS, and total yield. In addition, all the varieties were screened for resistance against purple blotch disease. Maximum days to harvest (129.33 days) were seen in the variety Holland Louis, while, variety Agrifound Rose showed minimum number of days (109). Varieties Palam Lohit, Nasik Red, N-53 and Agrifound Dark Red recorded significantly higher bulb yield (275.00, 240.67, 239.25 and 232.37 q/ha, respectively) than the other varieties evaluated. None of the varieties was able to resist the disease totally; however, 'Agrifound Dark Red' was moderately resistant, exhibiting just 13.78% disease incidence. Varieties Palam Lohit, Nasik Red and Agrifound Dark Red had medium bulb size and higher yield. These can be advocated for commercial cultivation under low hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh

    Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm with Histogram Based Initialization for Remotely Sensed Imagery

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    The paper presents histogram-based initialzation of Fuzzy C Means (FCM) clustering algorithm for remote sensing image analysis. The drawback of well known FCM clustering is sensitive to the choice of initial cluster centers. In order to overcome this drawback, the proposed algorithm, first, determines the optimal initial cluster centers by maximizing the histogram-based weight function. By using these initial cluster centers, the given image is segmented using fuzzy clustering. The major contribution of the proposed method is the automatic initialization of the cluster centers and hence, the clustering performance is enhanced. Also, it is empirically free of experimentally set parameters. Experiments are performed on remote sensing images and cluster validity indices Davies-Bouldin, Partition index, Xie-Beni, Partition Coefficient and Partition Entropy are computed and compared with prominent methods such as FCM, K-Means, and automatic histogram based FCM. The experimental outcomes show that the proposed method is competent for remote sensing image segmentation