370 research outputs found

    Impact of diseases on aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region as exemplified by epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS)

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    Traditional production systems rely on extensive management regimes that involve low stocking densities and input levels. In recent years, however, the aquaculture industry has evolved into a major force in the regional aquatic economy. As a consequence, a major structural change has occurred, leading to capital intensive production systems with high stocking densities and high operating costs. While this structural change has enabled many Asian countries to increase their aquaculture production multifold, it has not been without environmental and socio-economic impacts; among the most important are increasing fish health issues. Fish diseases are the major risk factor in commercial aquaculture, with millions of dollars lost annually. There is a tendency for epizootic outbreaks to spread to other areas; lack of knowledge on the aetiology and spread of these fish diseases requires much research. A case in point is epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS). Despite regional collaborative research efforts from Australia to India over the last 6 years, scientists have still not been able to establish the primary factor behind this disease. As this example shows, the lack of knowledge in fish health remains a major constraint in the development of the regional aquaculture industry. This paper identifies long-term measures that producing countries must implement to ensure the sustainability of the industry. These include quarantine systems to prevent the spread of exotic pathogens, together with diagnostic services. There is also an urgent need to improve husbandry techniques to reduce fish stress, and to train operating personnel adequately

    Studies on the biology, host-parasite interactions and distribution of Lernaea spp. in West Malaysia.

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    Lernaea spp. was identified as a widespread problem in West Malaysia and various aspects of the parasite were studied. A survey of the distribution of Lernaea spp. in West Malaysia revealed its presence in all the 8 government owned fish breeding stations, 104 privately owned farms and 4 out of 5 consignments of imported fingerlings. The Lernaea spp. present in these ponds were identified as L. piscinae and L. cyprinacea "Asian" form (=b.elegans) and its morpha forms, L. ctenopharyngodonis and L.guadrinucifera. The life cycles of L. cyprinacea and L. piscinae were determined under laboratory conditions. Infection of ~. auratus with the offspring of L. cyprinacea "Asian" form produced adult females similar to the maternal form and another form identified as b. ctenopharyngodonis. A. nobilis, infected with L. cyprinacea "Asian" form and L. piscinae produced only species identical to the maternal form. A high degree of polymorphism was revealed and was further investigated. Morphometric studies on the larval stages and adult female parasites were investigated and reliable characteristics for the identification of Lernaea is discussed. The distribution frequency of b. cyprinacea on 3 host species and L. piscinae on A. nobilis in aquarium tanks was goodness of tested for/fit with the theoretical negative binomial distribution. The bases of fins were found to be the preferred site of infection for both species. studies on growth performance of A. nobilis infected with L. piscinae in ponds, revealed a significant reduction in Specific Growth Rates. Infected fish had a higher mortality than uninfected fish. A decrease in parasite infection on the body surface after 3 months was associated with its appearance in the eye. A challenge infection did not establish and the fish were suspected of being immune. Histopathological studies showed a typical inflammatory response with the formation of a granuloma. Eosinophilic granular cells, lymphocytes, and club cells which were identified in the hosts immune to the infection, were believed to play an important role in the rejection of parasites

    A study on Electronic Commerce Acceptance in Tanzania

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    随着世界电子商务的发展和网络技术设备在创造财富和经济增长中的爆炸性使用,发展中国家需要利用电子商务和应用这一技术创新来获得收获,并改善社会,经济和技术条件。然而,大多数的发展中国家都严重缺乏对于该问题比较正规的学术研究,特别是实证研究,这些研究可以为政府或者个人在发展电子商务方面提供一些指导。本论文是研究影响消费者采纳电子商务的主要因素,提出了一个适合研究坦桑尼亚电子商务采纳的模型。本研究将提供更好的关于坦桑尼亚人的需求水平和使用电子商务的准备。 根据前人的研究文献和技术接受模型(TAM),本文进行修改并提出了一个更适用于坦桑尼亚的电子商务环境的研究模型。在建立研究模型之后,本文运用实证研究...With the advancement of e-commerce and intensive use of internet and technological devices on creating fortune and economic growth in the world, developing countries need to take advantage of e-commerce and apply this technological innovation to acquire revenues and improve social, economic and technological conditions. However in most of these countries there is serious shortage of formal academi...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_管理科学与工程学号:1772011115421

    Sustainable Food Consumption: Theory of Planned Behavior – The Case of Low Income Group in Penang, Malaysia.

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    Kemiskinan dan kemerosotan kuality alam sekitar sangat berkait rapat. Walaupun kemiskinan adalah salah satu penyebabkan kemorosotan alam sekitar tetapi masalah utama adalah disebabkan oleh pembelian dan penggunaan secara tidak lestari, terutama di negara perindustrian. Poverty and environmental degradation are closely interrelated. While poverty results in certain kinds of environmental stress, the major cause of the continued deterioration of the global environment is the unsustainable pattern of consumption and production, particularly in industrialized countrie

    Reliability of total haemocyte count as stress indicator in giant tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon)

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    Stress is the main factor causing losses to the aquaculture industry including shrimp farming. It depresses the immunity of shrimp, increasing susceptability to disease and thus causing high mortality and morbidity. Stress in shrimp basically come from the management and farming activity such as transportation, handling, ablation of eye stalk for reproduction, anesthesia for mild to painful procedure and other practice. Previous reports have shown the reduction of total hemocyte count (THC) when shrimp was challenged with stress. In the present study, THC of giant tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) were compared between control group and 3 treatments i.e., subjected to unilateral eyestalk ablation, post 10% ethanol anesthesia stress and transport stress respectively. Statistical analysis showed that there was significant (P<0.01) difference for THC between control group and those with unilateral eyestalk ablation. Significant mean difference (P<0.01) was also seen in control group and those with post-anesthesia stress using 10% ethanol. However, there was no significant mean difference between control group and those subjected to transport stress

    Garlic as a prophylactic agent in Aeromonas hydrophila infection in red tilapia (Oreochromis Spp)

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    A study was carried out to compare the effects of garlic (Allium sativum), as a prophylactic agent, on survival rate of the red tilapia (Oreochromis spp). Mono-sex tilapia around the size of 3 cm were used in the experiment. Fish were assigned to five treatment groups, with two replicates each. Treatment groups were given different level of A. sativum (20, 30, 40, 50 g/kg body wt) in their diets. The control group diet was free from garlic. Fish were measured and weighed on the first day of the experiment to obtain the initial length and weight. Diet was administered ad libitum for 30 minutes, twice a day for 30 days. Excess feed was removed after 45 minutes after each feeding. On the 30th day fish were again measured and weighed to obtain the final length and weight before experimental infection with Aeromonas hydrophila by immersion route done and mortality rate monitored for 96 hours. The results show that there was lower mortality when garlic was added to the diet of the fish. There was also a significantly (p<0.05) higher standard body length and body weight gain in the treatment groups than the control. These findings suggest that fish fed with garlic showed better growth performance. In conclusion the study showed that garlic can be used as a prophylactic agent against A. hydrophila infection and the addition of garlic at 50g/kg body wt in the diet can improve the growth performance of the tilapia

    Multivariate and an ordination approach to classify the attractiveness of the plant species in pastoral lands

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    To identify the foraging plants by honeybees and determine apicultural potential, a sample collection of species was carried out with the commencement of rangeland plants at 6 different stations in the Freidan summer rangelands during 2010. Attractive index (AI) of each plant was determined by direct observations based on the average number of bees visiting and the length of time that each bee spents on the flowers. By using ordinate method, the AI data were classified into four main groups. The most import vegetation families utilized by the bees in the area were Compositae Labiatae, Umbeliferae, Cruciferae, Gramineae, Liliaceae and Caryophyllaceae. The results of the assessment carried out on the plant diversity showed that between 88 plant species, 70 species were utilized by the bees. These species were unpalatable for grazing animals and were dominant in degraded rangelands. The Class I group comprised of Papaver dubium, Onobrychys sativa, Astragalus gossipianus, Thymus kotschyanus, Eryngium billardieri, Echinops cephalotes and Alhagi camelorum. The Class II group comprised of Eremurus persicus, Peganum harmala, Astragalus sp., Centaurea sp., Scariola orientalis, Medicago lupulina, Ferula gummosa and Mentah longifolia. The Classes III and IV comprised of the species, Euphorbia, Tragopagon caricifolius, Centaurea, Salvia sp, Acantholimon erinaceum, Convolvulus arvensis, Achillea falcate and Cynodon dactylon. The results indicated that the more extensive uses of the pollen of these plants by the honeybees were associated with the higher attractiveness of the flowers and the presence of more nutritive materials in the pollen and nectar

    Using remote sensing data for vegetation cover assessment in semi-arid rangeland of center province of Iran

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    To determine suitable indices for vegetation cover and production assessment based on remote sensing data, simultaneous digital data with field data belonged to summer rangeland of southern part of Isfahan province were analyzed. During 2 years of monitoring, annuals, grasses, forbs and shrubs vegetation cover and total production data from sixty 1 square meter plots in each site were collected. The Global Positioning System (GPS) was used to measure coordinates of plots and transects. Geometric correction and histogram equalization were applied in image processing and image digital numbers were converted to reflectance numbers. In the next stage, all vegetation indices were calculated from ASTER (Advanced Spaceborn Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) image data and compared with vegetation cover estimates at monitoring points made during field assessments. A linear regression model was used for selecting suitable vegetation indices. The results showed that there are significant relationships between satellite data and vegetative characteristics. Among indices, NDVI vegetation index, using high infrared and low red ASTER bands, consistently showed significant relationships with vegetation cover. Estimation of vegetation cover with NDVI vegetation index was more accurate predicted within rangeland systems. Using produced model from NDVI index vegetation crown cover percentage maps were produced in four classes percentage for each image. Generally introduced indices, provided accurate quantitative estimation of the parameters. Therefore, it is possible to estimate cover and production as important factors for range monitoring using ASTER data. Remote sensing data and Geographic Information System are most effective tools in natural resource management

    Phytoplankton population patterns in marine shrimp culture ponds with different sources of water supply.

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    Six shrimp culture ponds of 1 ha each, located between 101° 22′ E 2° 49′N −101° 22′ E 3° 17′N, were used to elucidate the effects of using eutrophic waters on phytoplankton communities. Three ponds were filled with unpolluted water, while the other three received eutrophic water. Water quality and phytoplankton populations were analyzed fortnightly over a period of 110 days to coincide with the shrimp culture cycle. In ponds with eutrophic water, the cyanobacteria (nine species) were the dominant phytoplankton group (>90% of the total phytoplankton density), followed by the green algae (seven species) and diatoms (six species). Ponds with originally unpolluted water were dominated by the diatoms with 18 species, followed by the cyanobacteria (six species) and one species of green algae. Shrimp production in ponds with unpolluted water was significantly higher (4,877.4 ± 438.5 kg ha-1 when compared to 1,385.0 ± 243.8 kg ha-1 in ponds using eutrophic water. This study illustrated that initial water quality supply influenced the phytoplankton dominance, which in turn determined the aquaculture production in shrimp culture ponds