237 research outputs found
Assessment of hard-to-recover oil reserves production potential in Tomsk region
The development of the licensed areas, profound geological exploration, enhanced oil recovery due to innovative technologies introduction and revitalization of oil production from unconventional horizons could significantly increase the oil production in the Tomsk region. This article deals with the issue of oil producing companies’ affairs of the Tomsk region for the past 10 years and proves the oil production potential growth through the development of both conventional and hard-to-recover unconventional oil reserves, concentrated in the Bazhenov and Tyumen Formations, as well as in the Lower Jurassic sediments. The Russian Federation is far behind from the economically developed countries, especially from the United States, in the exploitation of hard-to-recover unconventional hydrocarbon resources. The «shale revolution» was determined by a complex of financial and tax incentives introduced for oil and gas companies. However, this was mainly beneficial for medium and small sized companies. Therefore, both the business entities and regional authorities should increase the investments spending, as well as introduce the additional tax incentives considering the quality and type of potentially available raw hydrocarbons produced in the region, in contrast to the declared benefits in the territory of Eastern Siberia. The introduction of tax incentives justified by the authors, and the implementation of public-private partnership mechanism will ensure the profitability of marginal and hard-to-recover deposits development of the Tomsk region in the long run, which in its turn, should ensure the stability of the economic development of the reviewed subject of the Russian Federation
Modelling robotic systems with DADS
With the appearance of general off-the-shelf software packages for the simulation of mechanical systems, modelling and simulation of mechanisms has become an easier task. The authors have recently used one such package, DADS, to model the dynamics of rigid and flexible-link robotic manipulators. In this paper, we present this overview of our learning experiences with DADS, in the hope that it will shorten the learning process for others interested in this software
Economic tools for realization of methane production project on Kuzbass coal deposits
Environmental issues and, above all, issues related to the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, such as coal bed methane, actualize the challenge of searching a variety of options for its disposal. The difference in the macroeconomic, industrial, geological and infrastructural features determine the need to choose the most cost-effective option for using of methane emitted from the coal deposits. Various economic ways to improve the profitability of production are viewed on the basis of the analysis of methane production project from Kuzbass coal deposits, Kemerovo region, Russia
Mechanisms of proton-proton inelastic cross-section growth in multi-peripheral model within the framework of perturbation theory. Part 2
We demonstrate a new technique for calculating proton-proton inelastic
cross-section, which allows one by application of the Laplace' method replace
the integrand in the integral for the scattering amplitude in the vicinity of
the maximum point by expression of Gaussian type. This in turn, allows one to
overcome the computational difficulties for the calculation of the integrals
expressing the cross section to sufficiently large numbers of particles. We
have managed to overcome these problems in calculating the proton-proton
inelastic cross-section for production (n \le 8) number of secondary particles
in within the framework of \phi^3 model. As the result the obtained dependence
of inelastic cross-section and total scattering cross-section on the energy
\sqrt{s} are qualitative agrees with the experimental data. Such description of
total cross-section behavior differs considerably from existing now
description, where reggeons exchange with the intercept greater than unity is
considered.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures (v3: some inaccuracies corrected
Financial Aspects of Technological Concept for Energy Efficiency Enhancement during Stripper Wells Development in Tomsk Region
The issue of operating costs cutting in terms of falling oil prices on the world market actualizes the challenge to find technological solutions to reduce electricity consumption during well operation. This is especially important for stripped-wells of small deposits in Tomsk region. The correlation analysis between the cost of oil production, electricity, heat and fuel consumption during the extraction of one ton of oil allowed the authors to focus on the financial aspect of such technological solutions like periodic well operation in the Shinginskoye field as well as to recommend the application of this method at the other fields in Tomsk region
Production operation of small petroleum enterprises in Tomsk region
Implementing resource-innovative strategy to develop Russian fuel-and-energy sector implies the promotion of small oil production enterprises developing fields with the reserves of less than 5 mln. tons. However, the efficiency of such enterprises, investigated on the example of Tomsk region (considering the indexes of oil extraction, growth of reserves, amount of capital expenditures and geological surveys), signifies the presence of definite tendencies. Consequently, management decisions concerning economic, organizational, financial and fiscal character should be taken in order to eliminate detrimental factors
Is mindfulness Buddhist? (and why it matters).
Modern exponents of mindfulness meditation promote the therapeutic effects of "bare attention"--a sort of non-judgmental, non-discursive attending to the moment-to-moment flow of consciousness. This approach to Buddhist meditation can be traced to Burmese Buddhist reform movements of the first half of the 20th century, and is arguably at odds with more traditional Theravāda Buddhist doctrine and meditative practices. But the cultivation of present-centered awareness is not without precedent in Buddhist history; similar innovations arose in medieval Chinese Zen (Chan) and Tibetan Dzogchen. These movements have several things in common. In each case the reforms were, in part, attempts to render Buddhist practice and insight accessible to laypersons unfamiliar with Buddhist philosophy and/or unwilling to adopt a renunciatory lifestyle. In addition, these movements all promised astonishingly quick results. And finally, the innovations in practice were met with suspicion and criticism from traditional Buddhist quarters. Those interested in the therapeutic effects of mindfulness and bare attention are often not aware of the existence, much less the content, of the controversies surrounding these practices in Asian Buddhist history
On some fundamental peculiarities of the traveling wave reactor
On the basis of the condition for nuclear burning wave existence in the
neutron-multiplicating media (U-Pu and Th-U cycles) we show the possibility of
surmounting the so-called dpa-parameter problem, and suggest an algorithm of
the optimal nuclear burning wave mode adjustment, which is supposed to yield
the wave parameters (fluence/neutron flux, width and speed of nuclear burning
wave) that satisfy the dpa-condition associated with the tolerable level of the
reactor materials radioactive stability, in particular that of the cladding
It is shown for the first time that the capture and fission cross-sections of
U and Pu increase with temperature within 1000-3000K range,
which under certain conditions may lead to a global loss of the nuclear burning
wave stability. Some variants of the possible stability loss due to the
so-called blow-up modes (anomalous nuclear fuel temperature and neutron flow
evolution) are discussed and are found to possibly become a reason for a
trivial violation of the traveling wave reactor internal safety.Comment: 44 pages, 19 figures, 2 table
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