17 research outputs found

    Origins of the coronary arteries and their significance

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the normal and variant anatomy of the coronary artery ostia in Indian subjects. INTRODUCTION: Anomalous coronary origins may cause potentially dangerous symptoms, and even sudden death during strenuous activity. A cadaveric study in an unsuspected population provides a basis for understanding the normal variants, which may facilitate determination of the prevalence of anomalies and evaluation of the value of screening for such anomalies. METHODS: One hundred and five heart specimens were dissected. The number of ostia and their positions within the respective sinuses were observed. Vertical and circumferential deviations of the ostia were observed. The heights of the cusps and the ostia from the bottom of the sinus were measured. RESULTS: No openings were present in the pulmonary artery or the non-coronary sinus. The number of openings in the aortic sinuses varied from 2-5 in the present series; multiple ostia were mostly seen in the anterior sinus. The majority of the ostia lay below the sinutubular ridge (89%) and at or above the level of the upper margin of the cusps (84%). Left ostial openings were mainly centrally located (80%), whereas the right coronary ostia were often shifted towards the right posterior aortic sinus (59%). DISCUSSION: The preferential location of the ostia was within the sinus and above the cusps, but below the sinutubular ridge. On occasion, normal variants like multiple ostia, vertical or circumferential shift in the position, and slit-like ostia may create confusion in interpreting the images and pose a difficulty during procedures like angiography, angioplasty, and coronary artery bypass grafting

    Delivering holistic education for contemporary times: Banasthali Vidyapith and the Gurukula system

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    This paper presents a case of an Indian university, Banasthali Vidyapith, for proposing lessons for holistic education for the discipline of management. This case is being compared with the ancient indigenous education system of the Gurukula. What are the important features of the holistic education of the Gurukula system, and what can we learn from it as practical wisdom for contemporary times by analysing the modern example of the case of Banasthali Vidyapith, which is rooted in this Gurukula system? The research design that has been followed is qualitative in nature, using the in-depth interviews, observations and ethnographic participation of authors in both systems and interpretive thematic analyses. By addressing such a question the authors argue how management education can prepare the student for responsible citizenship when they enter society, which is one of the aims of liberal arts colleges in modern education systems. Another question is how can students nurture an integrative mindset of problem solving by allowing life-skills development that taps into the physical, mental, aesthetic, moral and intellectual dimensions of the student? The five-fold holistic education at Banasthali addresses such development and has features which could be interesting for management education globally

    Integrativeness Through Pursuing Integrative Intelligence as the Way Forward

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