86 research outputs found

    First evidence of Alfven wave activity in KSTAR plasmas

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    We report on first evidence of wave activity during neutral beam heating in KSTAR plasmas: 40 kHz magnetic fluctuations with a toroidal mode number of n = 1. Our analysis suggests this a beta-induced Alfven eigenmode (BAE) resonant with the q = 1 surface. A kinetic analysis, when coupled with electron temperature measurements from electron cyclotron emission and ion/electron temperature ratios from crystallography, enables calculation of the frequency evolution, which is in agreement with observations. Complementary detailed magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modelling of the magnetic configuration and wave modes supports the BAE conclusion, by locating an n = 1 mode separated from the continuum in the core region. Finally, we have computed the threshold to marginal stability for a range of ion temperature profiles. These suggest the BAE can be driven unstable by energetic ions when the ion temperature radial gradient is sufficiently large. Our findings suggest that mode existence could be used as a form of inference for temperature profile consistency in the radial interval of the mode, thereby extending the tools of MHD spectroscopy.X1132sciescopu


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    In this paper we report on observations and interpretations of a new class of global MHD eigenmode solutions arising in gaps in the low frequency Alfven - acoustic continuum below the geodesic acoustic mode frequency. These modes have been just reported (Gorelenkov et al 2007 Phys. Lett. 370 70 - 7) where preliminary comparisons indicate qualitative agreement between theory and experiment. Here we show a more quantitative comparison emphasizing recent NSTX experiments on the observations of the global eigenmodes, referred to as beta-induced Alfven - acoustic eigenmodes (BAAEs), which exist near the extrema of the Alfven - acoustic continuum. In accordance to the linear dispersion relations, the frequency of these modes may shift as the safety factor, q, profile relaxes. We show that BAAEs can be responsible for observations in JET plasmas at relatively low beta 20%. In NSTX plasma observed magnetic activity has the same properties as predicted by theory for the mode structure and the frequency. Found numerically in NOVA simulations BAAEs are used to explain the observed properties of relatively low frequency experimental signals seen in NSTX and JET tokamaks.X1133sciescopu

    Application of ICRF waves in tokamaks beyond heating

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    Interaction of waves in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) with a plasma has a number of key properties that make them attractive beyond pure heating. First, the waves can interact resonantly with either the plasma ions or electrons. In the case of ion cyclotron damping, a small number of resonant ions are often accelerated to high energies. These ions, apart from heating the bulk plasma via Coulomb collisions, can increase fusion reactivity, affect plasma stability and drive current. They have also been invaluable in diagnostic applications and simulations of fusion-born 3.5 MeV alpha-particles. The second key property of ICRF waves is the transfer of wave momentum to the plasma. This allows one to drive current, affect plasma rotation and induce radial transport of the fast-ions with toroidally directed waves. Finally, ICRF power deposition is rather narrow and its location can be externally controlled, which has important applications in improving the plasma performance, affecting the local plasma transport and providing a tool for plasma transport studies. Representative examples from present-day tokamak experiments are reviewed to highlight the available capabilities

    Excitation of Alfvn eigenmodes by low energy beam ions in the DIII-D and JET tokamaks

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    Core localized Alfv́n eigenmodes in DIII-D [J. L. Luxon, Nucl. Fusion 42, 614 (2002)] and Joint European Torus (JET) [P. H. Rebut and B. E. Keen, Fusion Technol. 11, 13 (1987)] plasmas are driven by deuterium neutral beam ions traveling well below the Alfv́n speed. Modes are observed in reverse magnetic shear discharges with deuterium ion velocities as low as 0.23 and 0.16 of the Alfv́n speed parallel to the magnetic field in DIII-D and JET plasmas, respectively. Ellipticity-induced Alfv́n eigenmodes in DIII-D and toroidicity-induced Alfv́n eigenmodes in JET are excited by deuterium ions traveling well below the fundamental passing ion resonance condition, indicating the role of high-order resonances in driving these modes. NOVA-K analysis reveals many high-order resonances as contributing to the mode drive at high central safety factor due to the correspondingly large poloidal orbit width and the decrease in the perpendicular scale length of the modes. © 2008 American Institute of Physics