48 research outputs found

    "The books to the illiterate?" Romani publishing activities in the Soviet Union, 1927-1938

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    As one of the projects of the Soviet cultural revolution, the Gypsy project was notable for its unusual success in creating a new literary language and active book publishing. Among its achievements are both original fiction, textbooks and manuals in various fields of knowledge and technics. For instance, the elementary school was almost fully provided with necessary books in Romani. It is noteworthy that Roma women played an active role in the creation of new literature and proved to be not only translators, but also authors of original works in several genres. As the most hardworking author, N. Pankovo, who was distinguished by incredible productivity, should be noted. This project was regularly supported by the state, which allowed the distribution of books at reasonable prices. This project was stopped in 1938, which overwhelmed the narrow group of writers and activists, though it did not lead to fatal personal repressions against them


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    Last decades in Russia are signified with publication of many new jargon dictionaries. Their lexical materials look fresh and partly unprecedented. Nevertheless their sources are very obscure. Romani words listed in these dictionaries are unique. As I have already demonstrated in the preceding papers, they were mostly taken immediately from an unrecognizable German dictionary. These plagiarized parcels, as L. Milyanenkov declared, create so called «international» jargon, unknown before and probably fantastic. In the mean time they are also included into Russian jargon, as can be seen in D. Baldaev’s dictionary. One can conclude that at least one decision is wrong. 1) An «international» word fezavo means ‘lame’. It is «German» misreading of a Romani word «vesavo ... lahm» (Wolf, 1956: p. 339), taken from: «Vesavo (Cripple, lame)» (Pott, 1845: vol. II, p. 85). I suppose it should be an alias of an Angloromani adjective (in North Hampshire) «Vasavo Bad» (vesava peras = Lame feet). A.F. Pott found this word in a book of 1830 by colonel J.S. Harriot. Hundred years after Pott’s book was carelessly quoted in a dictionary for German police officers. It was an odd idea that this word, which means ‘bad’ in Angloromani, could help to detect some bad guys in Germany. The first result comes 70 years later: two Russian jargon dictionaries plagiarize this word in a confused form. 2) Romani dialect in Spain can give illusory words as well as any: an «international» word xerami means ‘bracelet’. Cp.: «Cherami [864] Armband» (Wolf, 1956: p. 72). From: «Jerámi f. Bracelet. Manilla» (Pott, 1845: vol. II, p. 171; Borrow, 1843: vol. II, p. 62). I believe that this «manilla» should be read as ‘mantilla’, cp. the same word in different spelling forms: «Erajami, s. f. Dress of a friar. Habito de fraile»; «Jarami, s. f. Jacket. Chaqueta»; «Jesame, s. f. Waistcoat. Chupa» (Borrow, 1843: vol. II, p. 48–62). Thus, neither in Spain, nor in Germany the word jerami does not signify ‘bracelet’. 3) An «international» word tseppo ‘breast’ comes from the same Borrow’s book (Chepo) and means ‘bosom’, cp. Turkic djep, etc. ‘pocket, bag’. 4) A.J. Puchmayer described one Czech Romani dialect in 1821. Some words of this dialect have long and unusual lives in dictionaries. One of them: «international» word «Kariólo – meat». From: «Karialo m. das Fleisch» (Pott, 1845: vol. II, p. 118). It really means ‘hedgehog’. One can understand that Romani words traditionally compiled and spared in jargon dictionaries are hardly useful in any sense. Linguistically they are worthless, as plagiarized

    Corruptive abuses of senior public officials in the banking sphere as a determinant of the Ukrainian economy criminalization

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    The issues of crimes commission in the sphere of banking activity in Ukraine are highlighted. It is emphasized that crimes in banking activity are systematically committed by the public officials of the state. Such actions committed by the public officials cause the losses to the Ukrainian economy in the specially big amount. In the last two years, the socially dangerous consequences of these acts for the state economy are calculated by hundreds of millions of hryvnias. The defendants of these resonant criminal cases are the heads of banking institutions and senior public officials, as well as the officials of the National Bank of Ukraine. Moreover, the losses of these crimes cannot be compensated to the state economy, since the money laundered are placed for a long time in offshore areas outside the state. The conclusion is fomulated that current criminal legislation of Ukraine should be amended. First, there is the social need for criminalization of the socially dangerous actions committed by the public officials in banking sphere. Second, the study of the criminal legislation of the separate countries demonstrates that criminal liability of the legal persons for commission of the criminal offences in the sphere of banking activity is an effective measure to prevent the negative effects of the criminal threats. So this liability should also be introduced in Ukraine. Third, negligent crimes in the sphere of banking activities should also be criminalized, because an absence of such criminal prohibilion leads to the negligent behavior of the bank managers and to the socially dangerous results

    Rapid functional but slow species diversity recovery of steppe vegetation on former arable fields in southern Ukraine

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    Questions: European steppes are among the most threatened ecosystems in the Palaearctic region, mainly because of conversion to arable land. Abandonment may allow for the passive recovery of steppes. We made use of an exceptional old-field succession chronosequence of nearly 100 years to answer the following questions: (a) Are the plant species composition, species richness and functional characteristics typical of virgin grass steppes able to self-restore during ca. 100 years after abandonment? (b) Do the rates of recovery of the above vegetation characteristics differ over the studied chronosequence? (c) Do topsoil carbon and nitrogen content change over the succession chronosequence, leading to concentrations similar to that of virgin steppes? Location: Southern Ukraine. Methods: We sampled vegetation and soil in a virgin grass steppe and in old fields abandoned for 6, 15, 31, 50 and ca. 97 years. We subjected the composition data to multivariate analysis. To test whether species richness, functional and soil characteristics of the old fields diverge from those of the virgin steppe, we used one-way analysis of variance with Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) statistic to create 90% confidence intervals. Results: The vegetation composition of the three most recently abandoned old fields differed significantly from that of the virgin steppe. The species richness of vascular plants was lower in old fields than in the virgin steppe. The share of steppe habitat specialists was similar to the virgin steppe only in the field abandoned for ca. 97 years. Functional characteristics were significantly different from the virgin steppe only in the most recently abandoned old field. Contents of Corg and Ntot in fields abandoned for ≤50 years were lower compared with the virgin steppe. Conclusions: The functional characteristics of steppe vegetation seem to recover much faster than its biodiversity. However, based on our results, 100 years can be enough time for the spontaneous re-establishment of typical steppe vegetation

    Фундаментальні основи забезпечення стійкого розвитку при переході до інформаційного суспільства

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    У звіті розглядаються як теоретико-методологічні напрацювання авторів, що в сукупності поглиблюють концептуальні засади сталого розвитку та інформаційної економіки, так і авторські науково-методичні підходи до розв’язання прикладних завдань забезпечення стійкого розвитку при переході до інформаційного суспільства. Здійснено також оприлюднення отриманих результатів дослідження. У дослідженні основну увагу було приділено проблемам відтворення стійкого стану відкритих стаціонарних систем, що вирішальною мірою визначають її розвиток. Значне місце відводиться питанням формування механізмів забезпечення стійкого розвитку при переході до інформаційного 8 суспільства. Не залишилися поза увагою і прикладні аспекти застосування механізмів забезпечення стійкого розвитку при переході до інформаційного суспільства. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/451

    Фундаментальні основи забезпечення стійкого розвитку при переході до інформаційного суспільства

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    Метою дослдіження є теоретичне обґрунтування та дослідження фундаментальних основ відтворення стійкого стану відкритих стаціонарних систем. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1347

    A study of CP violation in B-+/- -> DK +/- and B-+/- -> D pi(+/-) decays with D -> (KSK +/-)-K-0 pi(-/+) final states

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    A first study of CP violation in the decay modes B±[KS0K±π]Dh±B^\pm\to [K^0_{\rm S} K^\pm \pi^\mp]_D h^\pm and B±[KS0Kπ±]Dh±B^\pm\to [K^0_{\rm S} K^\mp \pi^\pm]_D h^\pm, where hh labels a KK or π\pi meson and DD labels a D0D^0 or D0\overline{D}^0 meson, is performed. The analysis uses the LHCb data set collected in pppp collisions, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb1^{-1}. The analysis is sensitive to the CP-violating CKM phase γ\gamma through seven observables: one charge asymmetry in each of the four modes and three ratios of the charge-integrated yields. The results are consistent with measurements of γ\gamma using other decay modes

    Studies of beauty baryon decays to D0ph− and Λ+ch− final states

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    Study of forward Z + jet production in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV

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    A measurement of the Z(μ+μ)Z(\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-)+jet production cross-section in pppp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy s=7\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV is presented. The analysis is based on an integrated luminosity of 1.0fb11.0\,\text{fb}^{-1} recorded by the LHCb experiment. Results are shown with two jet transverse momentum thresholds, 10 and 20 GeV, for both the overall cross-section within the fiducial volume, and for six differential cross-section measurements. The fiducial volume requires that both the jet and the muons from the Z boson decay are produced in the forward direction (2.0<η<4.52.0<\eta<4.5). The results show good agreement with theoretical predictions at the second-order expansion in the coupling of the strong interaction.A measurement of the Z(μ+μ)Z(\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-)+jet production cross-section in pppp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy s=7\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV is presented. The analysis is based on an integrated luminosity of 1.0fb11.0\,\text{fb}^{-1} recorded by the LHCb experiment. Results are shown with two jet transverse momentum thresholds, 10 and 20 GeV, for both the overall cross-section within the fiducial volume, and for six differential cross-section measurements. The fiducial volume requires that both the jet and the muons from the Z boson decay are produced in the forward direction (2.0<η<4.52.0<\eta<4.5). The results show good agreement with theoretical predictions at the second-order expansion in the coupling of the strong interaction