20 research outputs found

    Immigration policy and integration of migrants in the Kingdom of Denmark at the beginning of the XXI century

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    Denmark upholds high standards of human rights as long as the interests of its citizens are concerned but erects barriers for migrants of a different cultural background who might threaten the security of the national community. The Danish tradition of liberalism, humanism and the welfare state coexists with one of Europe’s most restrictive policies towards third-country immigrants. The article traces the evolution of management approaches to developing the immigration policy and integrating foreign cultural migrants in Denmark. It describes the value determinants of these changes. Using the neo-institutional methodology, the authors analyse the evolution of the value determinants of Denmark’s immigration policy and look at the national norms and practices of integrating migrants from a different cultural background. A restrictive immigration policy became possible due to a consensus between the main political forces, the left Social Democratic Party and the right Liberal Party Venstre, both willing to keep in check electoral support for the radical right-wing parties (the effect of 'contagion from the right' in Maurice Duverger’s terms). The object of Denmark's restrictive integration policy is migrants from a different cultural background (mainly from Muslim countries). The government takes systematic measures to restrict their access to the country. As to migrant integration, the focus has shifted to 'hard' assimilation of civiс democratic values, benefits linked to employment, and deportation of migrants who have committed crimes

    Russia\u27s competitive position in the Arctic tourism

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    The Arctic is one of the few corners of the Earth where the unique nature has been preserved almost in its original form as well as the traditional way of life of the indigenous people. Therefore, the Arctic region has attracted an increasing number of tourists in recent years. The Arctic territory of Russia contains a significant potential for the development of Arctic tourism. This article is devoted to the study of tourist potential of the Russian Arctic and identification of the opportunities and constraints of such development. It also presents an analysis of the main competitors of Russia in the field of Arctic tourism (Norway, Finland and Sweden), as well as the formats of their international cooperation in its development in conjunction with the preservation of the fragile ecosystem of the Arctic and sustainable development of the region. The research shows that development of Arctic tourism in Russia is complicated due to lack of infrastructure, undeveloped logistics as well as the high cost of the Arctic tourism product. The simplification of the visa regime may significantly increase the flow of foreign tourists

    On the collective monograph “Ethnonational processes in the Arctic: trends, problems, and prospects”

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    The article represents the review of the collective monograph “Ethnonational processes in the Arctic: trends, problems, and prospects.” The monograph is an original joint work of researchers at Russian research centers specializing in the study of the Arctic. The researchers focus on ethnonational processes in the context of the socio-economic, socio-political, legal, socio-cultural development of the Arctic territories of Russia. The interdisciplinary nature of the research, the full coverage of ethnonational policies and subregions, the depth of the study, the visualization of the material with tables, charts, graphs, maps determines not only the academic but also the comprehensive nature of the monograph under review

    Types of the prostate blood supply during super-selective embolization of prostatic arteries

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    Introduction. Pelvic arteries have various anatomy and anastomoses with other branches of the internal iliac artery (IIA). This explains the technical complexity of identification and catheterization of prostatic arteries (PA), as well as the possibility of complications associated with non-target embolization of prostatic artery anastomoses.Purpose of the study. To analyze the most common variants of prostate blood supply and evaluate the effectiveness of methods for identifying prostatic arteries.Materials and methods. The study included 168 patients treated from 2013 to 2021. For catheterization of the prostatic arteries, 4 – 5 Fr microconductors and 2 – 2.8 Fr microcatheters were used. For embolization, hydrogel microspheres with a diameter of 100 – 300 µm and 300 – 500 µm were used, as well as PVA microparticles with a diameter of 100 – 500 µm. Preoperatively multi-sliced computed tomography (MSCT) angiography of the pelvic organs was performed to determine the type of prostatic angioarchitectonics.Results. The use of preoperative MSCT angiography in combination with intraoperative digital subtraction angiography made it possible to determine the variations of prostatic artery divergence and identify their anastomoses in 100% of patients (336 pelvic sides). One prostatic artery was detected in 91.4% (307) of the pelvic sides. two independent pAs in 8.6% (29) of cases. Symmetrical anatomy of the prostatic arteries on both sides was revealed in 14.3% (24) patients, the remaining 85.7% (144) patients showed asymmetry on both sides. The absence of prostatic arteries anastomoses was detected in 75.5% (254) of the pelvic sides, and in 24.4% (82) of the pelvic sides, anastomoses were detected. Interlobar intraprostatic anastomoses were found in 10.1% (34) of the pelvic sides, communication with a. dorsalis penis was detected in 8% (27) of cases, with rectal arteries in 5.3% (18) of the pelvic sides and with urinary bladder arteries in 3.6% (12) of cases. Based on the analysis of the small pelvis angioarchitectonics in 168 patients, an anatomical classification of the prostatic arteries anatomy was proposed.Conclusion. Super-selective embolization of the prostatic arteries is a contemporary minimally invasive method of prostatic hyperplasia treatment with a high safety profile. The pelvic arteries have extremely various anatomy, as well as anastomoses with other branches of the internal iliac artery, which complicates the implementation of super-selective embolization of prostatic arteries. The combination of preoperative MSCT and intraoperative digital subtraction angiography makes it possible to identify the prostatic artery and its anastomoses in most cases

    Integration mechanisms for immigrants in Norway and Russia: a comparative analysis

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    An essential component in the structure of the immigration policy of developed countries is the integration of migrants. The integration policy for migrants is aimed at solving the issues of adaptation, inculturation, labor mobility, naturalization, and political participation. Integration is a reciprocal process which involves the interaction of migrants and the host society. The integration policy goal is the formation of migrants' qualities and competencies that allow them to participate in the economic, social, political, and spiritual spheres of the recipient country. The failure of integration policies inevitably increases the conflict potential of the host society, leads to social exclusion, marginalization of migrants, and an increase in xenophobia. The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the integration policy of the two Northern states — Norway and Russia. Norway has extensive experience in implementing the integration policy, occupies a leading position in the index of integration of migrants MIPEX. Russia has extensive experience in the incorporation of various ethnic groups into a national state, but the state has long ignored the solution of issues of integration and adaptation of migrants. The study aims to analyze national models and practices of integration and adaptation of migrants. The research methodology is linked to the methods of demography, sociology, political science, law, and statistics. For the comparative analysis of the immigration policies of Norway and Russia, a set of indicators reflecting the quality and status of the integration policy, MIPEX (labor market, family reunification, long-term stay, political participation, protection against discrimination, naturalization) was applied. It is concluded that the policy of integration in Russia should have different objects of regulation, be differentiated by goals and objectives

    Super-selective prostatic arteries embolization in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia: prevention and treatment of complications

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    Introduction. Super-selective prostatic arteries embolization (PAE) is a modern minimally invasive surgical method for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). PAE is included in the Russian clinical guidelines for the BPH treatment and approved for use in the United States and European countries.Purpose of the study. To analyze the most common PAE-associated complications and to develop preventive arrangements.Materials and methods. During the period from 2013 to 2020, PAE as the main method of BPH treatment was used in 168 patients with an average age of 69.3 ± 8.1 (53-82) years. All patients underwent two-day antibiotic prophylaxis before the operation and lasted 7-10 days. For catheterization of the prostatic arteries, 2.0-2.8 Fr microcatheters and 4-5 Fr microconductors were used. For embolization, hydrogel microspheres with a diameter of 100-300 µm and 300-500 µm were used, as well as poly polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) microparticles with a diameter of 100-500 µm.Results. Bilateral PAE was successfully performed in 146 cases; unilateral PAE was performed in 22 patients due to anatomical features. Seventeen (10.1%) PAE from the orifice, super-selective PAE was performed in 67 (39.9%) cases, the PErFecTED embolization was performed in 84 (50.0%) patients. The most common complication was acute urinary retention (AUR) in 28 (16.6%) patients: trocar cystostomy was required in 11 (6.5%) patients, AUR was resolved using conservative therapy in 17 (10.2%) patients. In 23 (14.2%) cases, complications associated with unintentional embolization of the anastomoses of the prostate arteries were identified: rectal pain and/or the appearance of blood in the stool in 19 (11.3%) patients, the appearance of trophic ulcers on the glans penis in 5 (2.8%) patients. In addition, several adverse events that were not complications were noted: postembolization syndrome in 50 (29.7%) patients, and worsening of LUTS in 41 (24.4%) patients. Seven (4.1%) patients had acute epididymitis; 4 (2.4%) patients had a hematoma at the puncture site.Conclusion. PAE can cause a limited number of complications. It is necessary to unify the system for reporting PAE complications. Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended. The use of visualization and X-ray navigation methods make it possible to make the PAE safer. The PErFecTED technique in combination with small particle sizes increases the risk of complications. The surgeon's experience and proficiency in special surgical techniques are essential. The transradial approach is promising, but further observation and an increase in patient samples are required. The question of choosing the optimal embolization drug continues to be relevant

    Improving the assessment of the tourism potential of the Russian arctic

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    Развитие внутреннего туристического рынка, перспективной частью которого может стать Арктическая зона Российской Федерации, является одним из направлений преодоления последствий экономического кризиса, вызванного пандемией, что обуславливает актуальность темы исследования. Для принятия эффективных управленческих решений в области привлечения туристов необходима методика комплексной оценки туристского потенциала, предоставляющая достоверную информацию о факторах, привлекающих туристов. На основе анализа зарубежного и отечественного опыта оценки туристских дестинаций определены недостатки существующих методик, обоснована необходимость сбалансированного подхода к проведению оценки туристского потенциала на основе разработанной авторами сбалансированной системы показателей, что является новым направлением исследования туризма в регионах. Разработка методики оценки туристского потенциала региона осуществлена на основе сбалансированного подхода, концептуальным положением которого является соответствие результатов оценки балансу интересов акторов туристской деятельности. Разработанная в соответствии с информационными потребностями туристов, бизнеса, населения региона, региональных органов управления модель оценки является механизмом согласования основных интересов данных групп. Конфигурация сбалансированной системы показателей, включающая экономическую, инфраструктурную и культурно-природные составляющие, определена на основе ключевых факторов туристского потенциала Арктической зоны с использованием методологии системного и структурно-функционального анализа. Интегральные показатели исчислены с использованием метода многомерной средней, в качестве нормирующего признака использованы целевые значения показателей, что позволяет элиминировать влияние на оценку динамики других регионов. На основе структурного и сравнительного анализа матрицы интегральных показателей проанализирована динамика и современное состояние туристского потенциала субъектов Арктической зоны, выявлены основные направления его повышения (на примере Архангельской области). Корреляционный анализ взаимосвязи туристского потенциала и объемов туристских потоков (с соблюдением временного лага) подтверждает достоверность разработанной методики. Результаты исследования предполагается использовать органам государственного управления субъектов Арктической зоны Российской Федерации для определения основных направлений повышения туристского потенциала.The development of the domestic tourism market, including the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, is important for overcoming the consequences of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. A comprehensive and reliable methodology for assessing the tourism potential is necessary for effective decision making and attracting tourists. Based on the analysis of international and Russian experience of assessing tourist destinations, we identified the shortcomings of the existing methods and substantiated the necessity of a nuanced approach to assessing the tourism potential of regions using authors’ balanced scorecard. Our methodology relies on the balanced approach, demonstrating the compliance of the assessment results with the interests of tourism stakeholders. The developed method considers information needs and main interests of tourists, business representatives, regional population and authorities. Based on key parameters of the tourism potential of the Arctic zone, we defined the structure of the balanced scorecard (economic, infrastructural and cultural-natural aspects) using systems and structural-functional analysis. Further, using the multivariate mean (with target values of indicators as a standardised coefficient), we calculated integral indicators, eliminating the influence of dynamics of other regions on the assessment results. Structural and comparative analysis of a matrix of integral indicators allowed us to examine the dynamics of the tourism potential of the Russian Arctic and ways to improve it (on the example of Arkhangelsk oblast). Correlation analysis of the relations between the tourism potential and tourist flows within a time lag confirms the reliability of the developed methodology. Research results can be used by authorities managing the Russian Arctic for identifying the ways to increase its tourism potential

    Balloon dilatation of cicatricial bladder neck contracture: evaluation of the efficacy after transurethral prostate interventions (preliminary results)

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    Introduction. Cicatricial bladder neck contracture (CBNC) is one of the most common complications after endoscopic prostate procedures. There is no consensus among urologists about which method is advisable to use in the treatment of postoperative CBNC — transurethral resection (TUR) or incision. In this regard, the study of balloon dilation is a promising alternative.Purpose of the study. To improve the results of balloon dilation in patients with CBNC after endoscopic surgery for BPH.Materials and methods. The study involved 34 patients with recurrent CBNC after TUR and laser enucleation. The patients were divided into 2 groups: group A (n = 16) included men who, after bladder neck's TUR, additionally underwent transurethral balloon dilatation, while control group B (n = 18) included men who were prescribed conservative therapy only using alpha-blockers.Results. 2 months after the bladder neck's TURP and 1 month after balloon dilatation in group A, the mean IPSS score was 14.2 ± 2.1, QoL was 2.9 ± 0.9, while in group B it was at the end of 2nd month after the bladder neck's TURP, these indicators were 16.2 ± 3.1 and 3.9 ± 0.8 points, respectively (p <0.05). The average maximum urine flow rate in group A was 15.8 ± 2.8 ml/sec, in group B was 11.6 ± 2.8 ml/sec (p <0.05). Also, a significant decrease in the residual urine volume was revealed from 43.4 ± 34.4 to 27.8 ± 12.5 ml in group A, while in group B this indicator decreased from 49.1 ± 30.2 to 30.2 ± 11.7 ml.Conclusions. The method of transurethral balloon dilatation in case of CBNC under TRUS control using local anaesthesia only avoids gross trauma to the urethra and bladder neck with a cystoscope or mechanical dilatator. It helps to reduce the likelihood and severity of complications of this treatment method