10 research outputs found

    Real-time monitoring of T-cell-secreted interferon-γ for the diagnosis of tuberculosis

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    In this paper, we report the development of a label-free biosensor, based on surface plasmon resonance, for real-time monitoring of captured human CD4+T-cells, and their dynamic cytokine production upon specific antigen stimulation. Microarrays of CD4+T-cells, and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) specific antibody (Ab) spots were printed side by side onto the poly(OEGMA-co-HEMA) matrix. The placement of CD4+ T-cells near the anti IFN-γ Ab-coated spots ensured a high local concentration of secreted IFN-γ for detection. We have demonstrated that this approach enables the detection of tuberculosis (TB) infection in clinical samples, with an overall sensitivity of 85.5% and an overall specificity of 97.7%

    Patients with Asian-type DEL can safely be transfused using RhD-positive blood

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    Red blood cells (RBCs) of the Asian-type DEL phenotype express few RhD proteins and are typed as serologic RhD-negative (D-) in routine testing. RhD-positive (D+) RBC transfusion for Asian-type DEL patients has been proposed but has not been generally adopted due to a lack of direct evidence regarding its safety and underlying mechanism. We performed a single-arm multicenter clinical trial to document the outcome of D+ RBC transfusion in Asian-type DEL patients; none of the recipients (0/42; 95% confidence interval, 0%-8.40%) developed alloanti-D after a median follow-up of 226 days. We conducted a large retrospective study to detect alloanti-D immunization in 4,045 serologic D- pregnant women throughout China; alloanti-D was found only in true D- individuals (2.63%, 79/3,009), but not in those with Asian-type DEL (0/1,032). We further retrospectively examined 127 serologic D- pregnant women who had developed alloanti-D and found none with Asian-type DEL (0/127). Finally, we analyzed RHD transcripts from Asian-type DEL erythroblasts and examined antigen epitopes expressed by various RHD transcripts in vitro, finding a low abundance of full-length RHD transcripts (0.18% of the total) expressing RhD antigens carrying the entire repertoire of epitopes, which could explain the immune tolerance against D+ RBCs. Our results provide multiple lines of evidence that individuals with Asian-type DEL cannot produce alloanti-D when exposed to D+ RBCs following transfusion or pregnancy. Therefore, we recommend considering D+ RBC transfusion and discontinuing anti-D prophylaxis in Asian-type DEL patients, including pregnant women. This clinical trial is registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT03727230

    Drivers of improved PM2.5 air quality in China from 2013 to 2017

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    From 2013 to 2017, with the implementation of the toughest-ever clean air policy in China, significant declines in fine particle (PM2.5) concentrations occurred nationwide. Here we estimate the drivers of the improved PM2.5 air quality and the associated health benefits in China from 2013 to 2017 based on a measure-specific integrated evaluation approach, which combines a bottom-up emission inventory, a chemical transport model, and epidemiological exposure-response functions. The estimated national population-weighted annual mean PM2.5 concentrations decreased from 61.8 (95%CI: 53.3-70.0) to 42.0 mu g/m(3) (95% CI: 35.7-48.6) in 5 y, with dominant contributions from anthropogenic emission abatements. Although interannual meteorological variations could significantly alter PM2.5 concentrations, the corresponding effects on the 5-y trends were relatively small. The measure-by-measure evaluation indicated that strengthening industrial emission standards (power plants and emission-intensive industrial sectors), upgrades on industrial boilers, phasing out outdated industrial capacities, and promoting clean fuels in the residential sector were major effective measures in reducing PM2.5 pollution and health burdens. These measures were estimated to contribute to 6.6- (95% CI: 5.9-7.1), 4.4- (95% CI: 3.84.9), 2.8- (95% CI: 2.5-3.0), and 2.2- (95% CI: 2.0-2.5) mu g/m(3) declines in the national PM2.5 concentration in 2017, respectively, and further reduced PM2.5-attributable excess deaths by 0.37 million (95% CI: 0.35-0.39), or 92% of the total avoided deaths. Our study confirms the effectiveness of China's recent clean air actions, and the measure-by-measure evaluation provides insights into future clean air policy making in China and in other developing and polluting countries