187 research outputs found

    Humanitarian Health Education Programming: Diffusion of Health Messages through Folk Media

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    For several decades, numerous health programs for the underserved have been launched in rural areas of developing countries. World organization, NGO\u27s and government agencies have been allocating a significant portion of their budgets for developing health education programs for underserved population in different parts of the world. The success rate of reaching the goals of these programs has been very slow. For example, in India experience in rural health development has clearly indicated that isolated urban health programs do not provide appropriate assistance to the underserved sections of society (Hedge, 1997)

    Hamiltonian, Path Integral and BRST Formulations of Large N Scalar QCD2QCD_{2} on the Light-Front and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

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    Recently Grinstein, Jora, and Polosa have studied a theory of large-NN scalar quantum chromodynamics in one-space one-time dimension. This theory admits a Bethe-Salpeter equation describing the discrete spectrum of quark-antiquark bound states. They consider gauge fields in the adjoint representation of SU(N)SU(N) and scalar fields in the fundamental representation. The theory is asymptotically free and linearly confining. The theory could possibly provide a good field theoretic framework for the description of a large class of diquark-antidiquark (tetra-quark) states. Recently we have studied the light-front quantization of this theory without a Higgs potential. In the present work, we study the light-front Hamiltonian, path integral and BRST formulations of the theory in the presence of a Higgs potential. The light-front theory is seen to be gauge-invariant, possessing a set of first-class constraints. The explicit occurrence of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the theory is shown in unitary gauge as well as in the light-front 't Hooft gauge.Comment: Accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.


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    Present day lifestyle i.e. change in eating habits, progressive weight gain, stress, pollution, tobacco use and a sedentary life style lead to increase in number of lifestyle disorders. One of such lifestyle related disorders is Diabetes Mellitus, which if not controlled later on leads to Neuropathy, Nephropathy, Cardiomyopathy and Retinopathy. Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is considered as a most threatening complication of Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetics have a 20-25 times greater risk of blindness as compared to the normal population. In Ayurveda, Diabetes Mellitus can be coined with Madhumeha, as DR is due to its complication so it can be correlated with Madhumeha janya netra vikaar. Various Kriyakalpa procedures like Anjana, Aschyotan, Tarpan, Putpaka, other daily regimes like Snana, Padabhyanga, Abhyanga etc., are considered as highly effective procedures for the maintenance of eye health in DR. These measures help to modify lifestyle, promote psychosomatic health and thereby reducing psychosocial stress and help in prevention and management of a wide range of lifestyle disorders. The purpose of this presentation is to analyse Ayurveda’s preventive and therapeutic measures for treating DR and to evaluate how these measures can contribute towards improving the level of health care

    Convergence of Action, Reaction, and Perception via Neural Oscillations in Dynamic Interaction with External Surroundings

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    There has been a considerable interest in the role of time-dimension in functions of the brain, which has been limited to time perception and timing of behavior. However, during past few years it has become increasingly clear that the role of the time-dimension includes other complex cognitive functions, such as motor control of a vehicle, sensory perception and processing imageries to name a few. Role of the accurate representation of time-dimension is important for several neural mechanisms, which include temporal coupling, coincidence detection, and processing of Shannon information. These mechanisms play key roles in processing information during the interaction of the brain with the physical surroundings

    Some New Results on Charged Compact Boson Stars

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    In this work we present some new results obtained in a study of the phase diagram of charged compact boson stars in a theory involving a complex scalar field with a conical potential coupled to a U(1) gauge field and gravity. We here obtain new bifurcation points in this model. We present a detailed discussion of the various regions of the phase diagram with respect to the bifurcation points. The theory is seen to contain rich physics in a particular domain of the phase diagram.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure

    Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs theory

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    We consider the three dimensional electrodynamics described by a complex scalar field coupled with the U(1) gauge field in the presence of a Maxwell term, a Chern-Simons term and the Higgs potential. The Chern-Simons term provides a velocity dependent gauge potential and the presence of the Maxwell term makes the U(1) gauge field dynamical. We study the Hamiltonian formulation of this Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs theory under the appropriate gauge fixing conditions