9,845 research outputs found

    On the Survivability and Metamorphism of Tidally Disrupted Giant Planets: the Role of Dense Cores

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    A large population of planetary candidates in short-period orbits have been found through transit searches. Radial velocity surveys have also revealed several Jupiter-mass planets with highly eccentric orbits. Measurements of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect indicate some misaligned planetary systems. This diversity could be induced by post-formation dynamical processes such as planet-planet scattering, the Kozai effect, or secular chaos which brings planets to the vicinity of their host stars. In this work, we propose a novel mechanism to form close-in super-Earths and Neptune-like planets through the tidal disruption of giant planets as a consequence of these dynamical processes. We model the core-envelope structure of giant planets with composite polytropes. Using three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of close encounters between planets and their host stars, we find that the presence of a core with a mass more than ten Earth masses can significantly increase the fraction of envelope which remains bound to it. After the encounter, planets with cores are more likely to be retained by their host stars in contrast with previous studies which suggested that coreless planets are often ejected. As a substantial fraction of their gaseous envelopes is preferentially lost while the dense incompressible cores retain most of their original mass, the resulting metallicity of the surviving planets is increased. Our results suggest that some gas giant planets can be effectively transformed into either super-Earths or Neptune-like planets after multiple close stellar passages. Finally, we analyze the orbits and structure of known planets and Kepler candidates and find that our model is capable producing some of the shortest-period objects.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 15 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables. Two movies at http://youtu.be/jHxPKAEgFic and http://youtu.be/QXqkS0vDi5

    Embryo impacts and gas giant mergers II: Diversity of Hot Jupiters' internal structure

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    We consider the origin of compact, short-period, Jupiter-mass planets. We propose that their diverse structure is caused by giant impacts of embryos and super-Earths or mergers with other gas giants during the formation and evolution of these hot Jupiters. Through a series of numerical simulations, we show that typical head-on collisions generally lead to total coalescence of impinging gas giants. Although extremely energetic collisions can disintegrate the envelope of gas giants, these events seldom occur. During oblique and moderately energetic collisions, the merger products retain higher fraction of the colliders' cores than their envelopes. They can also deposit considerable amount of spin angular momentum to the gas giants and desynchronize their spins from their orbital mean motion. We find that the oblateness of gas giants can be used to infer the impact history. Subsequent dissipation of stellar tide inside the planets' envelope can lead to runaway inflation and potentially a substantial loss of gas through Roche-lobe overflow. The impact of super-Earths on parabolic orbits can also enlarge gas giant planets' envelope and elevates their tidal dissipation rate over \sim 100 Myr time scale. Since giant impacts occur stochastically with a range of impactor sizes and energies, their diverse outcomes may account for the dispersion in the mass-radius relationship of hot Jupiters.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Experimental Comparisons of Derivative Free Optimization Algorithms

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    In this paper, the performances of the quasi-Newton BFGS algorithm, the NEWUOA derivative free optimizer, the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimizers (PSO) are compared experimentally on benchmark functions reflecting important challenges encountered in real-world optimization problems. Dependence of the performances in the conditioning of the problem and rotational invariance of the algorithms are in particular investigated.Comment: 8th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, Dortmund : Germany (2009

    Collapse of Vacuum Bubbles in a Vacuum

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    Motivated by the discovery of a plenitude of metastable vacua in a string landscape and the possibility of rapid tunneling between these vacua, we revisit the dynamics of a false vacuum bubble in a background de Sitter spacetime. We find that there exists a large parameter space that allows the bubble to collapse into a black hole or to form a wormhole. This may have interesting implications to inflationary physics.Comment: 8 pages including 6 figures, LaTex; references adde

    Regression Depth and Center Points

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    We show that, for any set of n points in d dimensions, there exists a hyperplane with regression depth at least ceiling(n/(d+1)). as had been conjectured by Rousseeuw and Hubert. Dually, for any arrangement of n hyperplanes in d dimensions there exists a point that cannot escape to infinity without crossing at least ceiling(n/(d+1)) hyperplanes. We also apply our approach to related questions on the existence of partitions of the data into subsets such that a common plane has nonzero regression depth in each subset, and to the computational complexity of regression depth problems.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Room-temperature structural phase transition in the quasi-2D spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet Cu(pz)2_2(ClO4_4)2_2

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    Cu(pz)2_2(ClO4_4)2_2 (with pz denoting pyrazine C4_4H4_4N2_2) is a two-dimensional spin-1/2 square-lattice antiferromagnet with TNT_{\mathrm{N}} = 4.24 K. Due to a persisting focus on the low-temperature magnetic properties, its room-temperature structural and physical properties caught no attention up to now. Here we report a study of the structural features of Cu(pz)2_2(ClO4_4)2_2 in the paramagnetic phase, up to 330 K. By employing magnetization, specific heat, 35^{35}Cl nuclear magnetic resonance, and neutron diffraction measurements, we provide evidence of a second-order phase transition at TT^{\star} = 294 K, not reported before. The absence of a magnetic ordering across TT^{\star} in the magnetization data, yet the presence of a sizable anomaly in the specific heat, suggest a structural order-to-disorder type transition. NMR and neutron-diffraction data corroborate our conjecture, by revealing subtle angular distortions of the pyrazine rings and of ClO4^-_4 counteranion tetrahedra, shown to adopt a configuration of higher symmetry above the transition temperature.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Constraints on the Abundance of Highly Ionized Proto-Cluster Regions from the Absence of Large Voids in the Lyman Alpha Forest

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    Energetic feedback processes during the formation of galaxy clusters may have heated and ionized a large fraction of the intergalactic gas in proto-cluster regions. When such a highly ionized hot ``super-bubble'' falls along the sightline to a background quasar, it would be seen as a large void, with little or no absorption, in the Lyman alpha forest. We examine the spectra of 137 quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, to search for such voids, and find no clear evidence of their existence. The size distribution of voids in the range 5-70 Angstrom (corresponding to physical sizes of approximately 3-35 comoving Mpc/h) is consistent with the standard model for the Lyman alpha forest without additional hot bubbles. We adapt a physical model for HII bubble growth during cosmological reionization (Furlanetto, Zaldarriaga and Hernquist 2004), to describe the expected size-distribution of hot super-bubbles at redshift around z = 3. This model incorporates the conjoining of bubbles around individual neighboring galaxies. Using the non-detection of voids, we find that models in which the volume filling factor of hot bubbles exceeds approximately 20 percent at z=3 can be ruled out, primarily because they overproduce the number of large (40-50 Angstrom) voids. We conclude that any pre-heating mechanism that explains galaxy cluster observations must avoid heating the low-density gas in the proto-cluster regions, either by operating relatively recently (z<3) or by depositing entropy in the high-density regions.Comment: submitted to ApJ, 9 emulateapj pages with 3 figure