156 research outputs found
Small strain behavior and crushability of Ballyconnelly carbonate sand under monotonic and cyclic loading
In various parts of the globe, carbonate sands are found at shallow sea water depth. These types of sands are very susceptible to large scale particle breakage. Offshore structures like wind turbines and sea defences are constructed on these types of soils. From a design perspective, it is essential to assess the extent of particle breakage and the subsequent change in soil properties that occur under working load conditions. This paper presents the data obtained from a number of drained monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests on crushable carbonate sand (âBallyconnelly sandâ) in conjunction with small strain shear stiffness (GmaxÂŹ) measurements using the bender element technique. The soils were allowed to shear under three different loading patterns in order to understand the factors influencing the breakage of particles.
The degree of crushing was quantified and analysed based on the total energy input. It was observed that, apart from applied stress, the total strain accumulation governs the amount of particle breakage. It was observed that Gmax increased significantly under high stress ratio. Gmax also increased noticeably during resting periods without any change in loading conditions as a result of creep, and subsequently during cyclic loading although at a reduced rate.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author
Aged embankment imaging and assessment using surface waves
Rapid, non-intrusive surface wave surveys provide depth profiles from which ground models can be generated for use in earthwork condition assessment. Stiffness throughout earthworks controls the behaviour under static and dynamic loads, and characterising heterogeneity is of interest in relation to the stability of engineered backfill and life-cycle deterioration in aged utility and transportation infrastructure. Continuous surface wave methods were used to identify interfaces between fine- and coarse-grained fill in an end-tipped embankment along the Great Central Railway in Nottinghamshire, UK. Multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) methods were used to characterise subsurface voiding in a canal embankment along the Knottingley and Goole canal near Eggborough, Yorkshire. MASW methods are currently being used to study extreme weather impacts on the stability of a high-plasticity clay embankment along the GloucestershireâWarwickshire railway near Laverton. Optimal results were obtained using equipment capable of generating and detecting over wide frequency ranges
ABSTRAKWan Reni Ritanti, 2014PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM TERHADAP PENYANDANG DISABILITAS YANG TERAMPAS KEMERDEKAANNYA DALAM SISTEM PERADILAN PIDANAFAKULTAS HUKUM UNIVERSITAS SYIAH KUALA(vi, 55), pp., bibl., app.Ainal Hadi, S.H.,M.Hum.Adanya kasus yang menyebabkan terampasnya kemerdekaan penyandang disabilitas di luar negerimendorong lembaga PBB yakni UNODC dan lembaga non pemerintahan Law Reform Trust, serta beberapa negara untuk membuat aturan mengenai pemenuhan hak bagi penyandang disabilitas yang terampas kemerdekaannya, yang aturan tersebut didasarkan pada konvensi internasional mengenai hak penyandang cacat. Indonesia turut meratifikasi konvensi internasional ini menjadi UU No.19 Tahun 2011, namun pada kenyataannya pemenuhan hak terhadap penyandang disabilitas belum terimplementasi secara menyeluruh.Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini untuk menjelaskan pemenuhan hak terhadap penyandang disabilitas yang terampas kemerdekaannya dalam sistem peradilan pidana dan menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mendorong perlunya dibuat aturan khusus mengenai pemenuhan hak bagi penyandang disabilitas yang terampas kemerdekaannya.Data dalam penulisan skripsi ini diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan (library research), yang dilakukan untuk memperoleh data dengan memanfaatkan literatur seperti peraturan perundang-undangan, bahan kuliah, buku-buku, dan bahan-bahan lainnya yang dapat digunakan untuk memperoleh data sekunder.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemenuhan hak penyandang disabilitas yang terampas kemerdekaannya dalam sistem peradilan pidana di Indonesia masih belum ada sehingga dapat mengacu pada UU Pemasyarakatan dan Peraturan Kepala Polisi Republik Indonesia yang telah ada. Adanya instrumen internasional mengenai perlakuan terhadap tahanan cacat, adanya negara lain yang telah memiliki aturan mengenai penyandang disabilitas yang terampas kemerdekaannya, dan adanya kasus penyandang disabilitas yang terampas kemerdekaannya di luar negeri turut menjadi faktor yang mendorong perlunya Indonesia untuk membuat aturan khusus mengenai pemenuhan hak terhadap penyandang disabilitas yang terampas kemerdekaannya.Disarankan kepada pemerintah Indonesia untuk dapat membuat sebuah aturan khusus bagi penyandang disabilitas yang terampas kemerdekaannya demi kepentingan dimasa yang akan datang. Kepada aparat penegak hukum agar memiliki pengetahuan mengenai perlakuan dalam menangani penyandang disabilitas yang terampas kemerdekaannya dalam sistem peradilan pidana.Banda Ace
Assessment of Skempton's pore water pressure parameters B and A using a high-capacity tensiometer
Saturation of soils is a prerequisite in many laboratory tests involving consolidation, permeability and stress-strain behaviour. The saturation process is usually time consuming, particularly in clay-rich soils, and this can incur substantial cost and potential delays in reporting findings. The saturation of samples is assessed using the well-established Skempton's pore water pressure parameter B. In a situation where the soil is fully saturated the B-value is approximately one. It is often the case that fine soil samples extracted from the ground, particularly those from below the water table, remain saturated. However, current testing protocols require evidence to verify a complete saturation prior to subsequent laboratory investigations. This paper reports experimental results exploring the hypothesis that, if the sample is âperceivedâ to be saturated, then further saturation procedures may not be necessary to obtain reliable geotechnical parameters. Laboratory investigations were conducted on three different clays (Kaolin Clay, Belfast Clay and Oxford Clay) in a testing chamber instrumented with a high capacity tensiometer. The confining pressures were applied in a ramped fashion under undrained conditions. The response of the tensiometer confirmed that the samples were saturated from the very beginning of the loading process, as implied by the B-value being close to one. Further supplementary investigations were carried out to assess the Skempton's pore water pressure parameter A and the stress-strain behaviour of the soils. The combined finding provides further evidence to suggest that the saturation process as suggested in standards may not be necessary for fine grained soils to establish reliable geotechnical design parameters
Time-lapse monitoring of climate effects on earthworks using surface waves
The UKâs transportation network is supported by critical geotechnical assets (cuttings/embankments/dams) that require sustainable, cost-effective management, while maintaining an appropriate service level to meet social, economic, and environmental needs. Recent effects of extreme weather on these geotechnical assets have highlighted their vulnerability to climate variations. We have assessed the potential of surface wave data to portray the climate-related variations in mechanical properties of a clay-filled railway embankment. Seismic data were acquired bimonthly from July 2013 to November 2014 along the crest of a heritage railway embankment in southwest England. For each acquisition, the collected data were first processed to obtain a set of Rayleigh-wave dispersion and attenuation curves, referenced to the same spatial locations. These data were then analyzed to identify a coherent trend in their spatial and temporal variability. The relevance of the observed temporal variations was also verified with respect to the experimental data uncertainties. Finally, the surface wave dispersion data sets were inverted to reconstruct a time-lapse model of S-wave velocity for the embankment structure, using a least-squares laterally constrained inversion scheme. A key point of the inversion process was constituted by the estimation of a suitable initial model and the selection of adequate levels of spatial regularization. The initial model and the strength of spatial smoothing were then kept constant throughout the processing of all available data sets to ensure homogeneity of the procedure and comparability among the obtained V S VS sections. A continuous and coherent temporal pattern of surface wave data, and consequently of the reconstructed V S VS models, was identified. This pattern is related to the seasonal distribution of precipitation and soil water content measured on site
Time-lapse monitoring of fluid-induced geophysical property variations within an unstable earthwork using P-wave refraction
A significant portion of the UKâs transportation system relies on a network of geotechnical earthworks (cuttings and embankments) that were constructed more than 100 years ago, whose stability is affected by the change in precipitation patterns experienced over the past few decades. The vulnerability of these structures requires a reliable, cost- and time-effective monitoring of their geomechanical condition. We have assessed the potential application of P-wave refraction for tracking the seasonal variations of seismic properties within an aged clay-filled railway embankment, located in southwest England. Seismic data were acquired repeatedly along the crest of the earthwork at regular time intervals, for a total period of 16 months. P-wave first-break times were picked from all available recorded traces, to obtain a set of hodocrones referenced to the same spatial locations, for various dates along the surveyed period of time. Traveltimes extracted from each acquisition were then compared to track the pattern of their temporal variability. The relevance of such variations over time was compared with the data experimental uncertainty. The multiple set of hodocrones was subsequently inverted using a tomographic approach, to retrieve a time-lapse model of VP for the embankment structure. To directly compare the reconstructed VP sections, identical initial models and spatial regularization were used for the inversion of all available data sets. A consistent temporal trend for P-wave traveltimes, and consequently for the reconstructed VP models, was identified. This pattern could be related to the seasonal distribution of precipitation and soil-water content measured on site
Mapping ground instability in areas of geotechnical infrastructure using satellite InSAR and Small UAV Surveying: a case study in Northern Ireland
Satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), geological data and Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (SUAV) surveying was used to enhance our understanding of ground movement at five areas of interest in Northern Ireland. In total 68 ERS-1/2 images 1992â2000 were processed with the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) InSAR technique to derive the baseline ground instability scenario of key areas of interest for five stakeholders: TransportNI, Northern Ireland Railways, Department for the Economy, Arup, and Belfast City Council. These stakeholders require monitoring of ground deformation across either their geotechnical infrastructure (i.e., embankments, cuttings, engineered fills and earth retaining structures) or assessment of subsidence risk as a result of abandoned mine workings, using the most efficient, cost-effective methods, with a view to minimising and managing risk to their businesses. The InSAR results provided an overview of the extent and magnitude of ground deformation for a 3000 km2 region, including the key sites of the disused salt mines in Carrickfergus, the BelfastâBangor railway line, Throne Bend and Ligoniel Park in Belfast, Straidkilly and Garron Point along the Antrim Coast Road, plus other urbanised areas in and around Belfast. Tailored SUAV campaigns with a X8 airframe and generation of very high resolution ortho-photographs and a 3D surface model via the Structure from Motion (SfM) approach at Maiden Mount salt mine collapse in Carrickfergus in 2016 and 2017 also demonstrate the benefits of very high resolution surveying technologies to detect localised deformation and indicators of ground instabilit
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