973 research outputs found

    An Integrated Approach for the Study of Symbolically Inspired Literature

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    This paper is an essential work to any individual who is involved in trying to comprehend the literary, creative process. This article represents a bifurcation of literary art in terms of how this kind of creation is either derived from the subconscious of the artist, or represents, in platonic terms, the fusion of self with ineffable mental machinations. Theorists like Coleridge, Karl Jung and Shelley postulated paradigms where literary art was either created purely from the practitioners’ subconscious mental activities or were muse-driven to where the artist abandoned all aspects of his or her psychological dynamics. This work is an essential reading for anyone in literary criticism who is interested in the mystical dimensions of sublime creation as well as Neoplatonism. The author creates a theoretical model where visionary artists are capable of a deeper coalescence with subtle energy dynamics which is not understood by conventional neuroscience. The true man is the source he being the poetic genius… No man can think write or speak from his heart, but he must intend truth… As non by traveling over known lands can find out the unknown, so from already acquired knowledge man could not acquire more. Therefore a universal poetic genius exists… (Blake, 1790, pp.2-3).No, lead me where some heavenly silence glasses the purer joys. That rounds the poet throng… (Goethe, 1962, p.45).The poets eye in a find frenzy rolling,/doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven,/and as imagination bodies forth/ the forms of things unknown, the poets pen/ turnes them to shapes, and gives to aire nothing a local habitation and a name./Such tricks hath strong imagination… (Shakespeare, 1952, p.536)

    Сравнительная оценка экспрессии молекул главного комплекса гистосовместимости в тканях пародонта и периферической крови больных генерализованным пародонтитом

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    Проведено порівняльні клініко-іммунологічні аналізи стану адгезивних молекул HLA-A, B, C і HLA-DR головного комплексу гістосумісності на місцевому рівні - в тканинах пародонта і периферичної крові хворих на ГП і відповідних антигенів моноклональних антитіл T і В-лімфоцитів. Не виявлено прямого кореляційного зв’язку між клінічним проявом запалення пародонту і загальносоматичним імунним статусом, що розкриває механізми локальних Т-клітинних характеристик імунних змін і зумовлює корекцію місцевої терапії.A comparative clinical and immunological analysis of adhesion molecules HLA-A, B, C and HLA-DR major histocompatibility complex at the local level - in periodontal tissues and peripheral blood of patients with SE and related antigen antibody monoklialnyh T and B lymphocytes. There were no direct connection between korellyatsionnoy clinical manifestation of periodontal inflammation and the immune status of the somatic, that reveals the mechanisms of local T-cell characteristics of the immune changes and determines the correction of local therapy

    Fish recolonization in temperate Australian rockpools: a quantitative experimental approach

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    Understanding recolonization processes of intertidal fish assemblages is integral for predicting the consequences of significant natural or anthropogenic impacts on the intertidal zone. Recolonization of experimentally defaunated intertidal rockpools by fishes at Bass Point, New South Wales (NSW), Australia, was assessed quantitatively by using one long-term and two short-term studies. Rockpools of similar size and position at four sites within the intertidal zone were repeatedly defaunated of their fish fauna after one week, one month, and three months during two shortterm studies in spring and autumn (5 months each), and every six months for the long-term study (12 months). Fish assemblages were highly resilient to experimental perturbations—recolonizing to initial fish assemblage structure within 1−3 months. This recolonization was primarily due to subadults (30−40 mm TL) and adults (>40 mm TL) moving in from adjacent rockpools and presumably to abundant species competing for access to vacant habitat. The main recolonizers were those species found in highest numbers in initial samples, such as Bathygobius cocosensis, Enneapterygius rufopileus, and Girella elevata. Defaunation did not affect the size composition of fishes, except during autumn and winter when juveniles (<30 mm TL) recruited to rockpools. It appears that Bass Point rockpool fish assemblages are largely controlled by postrecruitment density-dependent mechanisms that indicate that recolonization may be driven by deterministic mechanisms

    Preliminary design studies of an advanced general aviation aircraft

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    The preliminary design results are presented of the advanced aircraft design project. The goal was to take a revolutionary look into the design of a general aviation aircraft. Phase 1 of the project included the preliminary design of two configurations, a pusher, and a tractor. Phase 2 included the selection of only one configuration for further study. The pusher configuration was selected on the basis of performance characteristics, cabin noise, natural laminar flow, and system layouts. The design was then iterated to achieve higher levels of performance

    The Re-Genesis of Dionysian Revelry: Where Art Is the Ecstatic Effulgence of the Body’s Mystical Quintessence

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    Norman O. Brown cites the following as a function of his separation from the invidious manacles of neurological ratiocination: “And to be not conformed to this world…but be transformed [metamorphose yourselves] by a renewing of your mind” (Brown, 1991). Shane 2015 writes that ecstatic liberation is engendered when the mind is extricated from the central nervous system’s tyranny (Shane, n.d.). Hamlet remarks “with thoughts beyond the reaches of the souls” (Shakespeare, 1982). Patricia Easterling states that Dionysian theater was a freedom from the immurement of self-consciousness or an artistry of the mystical mystique (Eastering, 1997). Dionysian theater, tantric ritualism, ecstatic shamanistic rites, and atavistic rapturous ceremonialism have been executed in most pre-modern societies (Shane, 2014). Norman O. Brown explicates this ubiquitous meta-phenomena in his work entitled Love’s Body (Brown, 1971). Social evolution or the pathogenesis of the modern phenotype depicts the desecration of the etheric body’s predilection towards ascendant apotheosis or Dionysian ritualism (Shane, 2012). Plato’s The Ion represents how the paramount powers of diminutive ratiocination denigrate the numinous body’s puissance towards Dionysian exhilaration (Adams, 1971). The mind delimiting manacles of peevish abstraction abnegates the numinous body’s proclivity for mystical revelry. Aristotle’s poetics represents this fragrant dismissal and annihilation of the body’s primordial exaltation (Adams, 1971, pp.48-67)

    Infrared Laser Desorption and Electrospray Ionisation of Non‐Covalent Protein Complexes: Generation of Intact, Multiply Charged Species

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    We present a novel method enabling the infrared laser desorption and electrospray ionisation (ESI) of protein complexes in their native state. Using this method, we demonstrate the surprising generation of intact, multiply charged ions of myoglobin, non-covalent haemoglobin complex, and intact immunoglobulin G antibody in their native states. The observation of a surviving population of intact non-covalent complexes is characteristic of the low internal energy build-up experienced during both laser desorption from solution and subsequent ionisation. Compared to conventional nano-ESI, this approach yielded slightly lower average charge states suggesting additional maintenance of tertiary structure during desorption and ionisation, and is more tolerant to salts enabling simpler sample purification procedures. This approach may enable the development of high-throughput native-MS methods capable of analysing the composition and sequence of multiple macromolecular samples per minute

    Techniques in helical scanning, dynamic imaging and image segmentation for improved quantitative analysis with X-ray micro-CT

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    This paper reports on recent advances at the micro-computed tomography facility at the Australian National University. Since 2000 this facility has been a significant centre for developments in imaging hardware and associated software for image reconstruction, image analysis and image-based modelling. In 2010 a new instrument was constructed that utilises theoretically-exact image reconstruction based on helical scanning trajectories, allowing higher cone angles and thus better utilisation of the available X-ray flux. We discuss the technical hurdles that needed to be overcome to allow imaging with cone angles in excess of 60°. We also present dynamic tomography algorithms that enable the changes between one moment and the next to be reconstructed from a sparse set of projections, allowing higher speed imaging of time-varying samples. Researchers at the facility have also created a sizeable distributed-memory image analysis toolkit with capabilities ranging from tomographic image reconstruction to 3D shape characterisation. We show results from image registration and present some of the new imaging and experimental techniques that it enables. Finally, we discuss the crucial question of image segmentation and evaluate some recently proposed techniques for automated segmentation

    The Grizzly, November 17, 2011

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    Professor Named Huffington Post Contributor • November Focuses on Sophomores • UCDC Offers Multiple Performances This Week • Bearitones, B\u27Nats Premiere Let\u27s Du Et!? • Students Compete at Simon Business School • Senior Interns at Sacred Heart • MCS Department Welcomes Professor Kirstie Hettinga • Opinion: Good Writers are an Endangered Species • Men\u27s Indoor Track and Field has Conference Championship Aspirations • Martell Wins Defensive Player of the Year Award • Success is a Tradition for Racich\u27s Wrestling Program • Field Hockey Headed Back to Final Fourhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1847/thumbnail.jp