10,560 research outputs found

    Volume visualization of time-varying data using parallel, multiresolution and adaptive-resolution techniques

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    This paper presents a parallel rendering approach that allows high-quality visualization of large time-varying volume datasets. Multiresolution and adaptive-resolution techniques are also incorporated to improve the efficiency of the rendering. Three basic steps are needed to implement this kind of an application. First we divide the task through decomposition of data. This decomposition can be either temporal or spatial or a mix of both. After data has been divided, each of the data portions is rendered by a separate processor to create sub-images or frames. Finally these sub-images or frames are assembled together into a final image or animation. After developing this application, several experiments were performed to show that this approach indeed saves time when a reasonable number of processors are used. Also, we conclude that the optimal number of processors is dependent on the size of the dataset used

    Performance testing of lidar receivers

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    In addition to the considerations about the different types of noise sources, dynamic range, and linearity of a lidar receiver, one requires information about the pulse shape retaining capabilities of the receiver. For this purpose, relatively precise information about the height resolution as well as the recovery time of the receiver, due both to large transients and to fast changes in the received signal, is required. As more and more analog receivers using fast analog to digital converters and transient recorders will be used in the future lidar systems, methods to test these devices are essential. The method proposed for this purpose is shown. Tests were carried out using LCW-10, LT-20, and FTVR-2 as optical parts of the optical pulse generator circuits. A commercial optical receiver, LNOR, and a transient recorder, VK 220-4, were parts of the receiver system

    SIT automation tool: failure use case automation and diagnosis

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    Study of systems to manage the performance and quality of service of wireless data networks. Work with optimization techniques and project management to solve complex networks issues.The scope of this thesis is the SIT (System Integration Testing) process which is the testing procedure executed in customer test environment before the software goes on production environment. The main objective for this thesis is no other than improving the current process step by step taking into account the automation, efficiency, missing checks and much more. This project is a kind of Industrial process to create a powerful testing tool which can allow the company to deliver quality adaptor products efficiently, do better in less time helping to reduce costs, as Adaptors are the most demanded product of MYCOM OSI portfolio. Take into account that business is not only generated when an Adaptor is delivered for first time but also when Vendors provide with new releases and new functionalities and operators needs to order an upgrade of the Adaptor to be able to monitor the new functionalities deployed on their network.El campo de aplicación en el que está centrado esta tesis es el SIT (System Integration Testing), proceso de testeo ejecutado en un servidor de testeo del cliente antes de desplegar el software el medio de producción. El objetivo principal de esta tesis no es otro que mejorar el proceso actual paso a paso teniendo en cuenta la automatización, eficiencia, la falta de verificaciones, entre otros. Este proyecto es una especie de proceso industrial para crear una aplicación potente de testeo que pueda permitir a la compañía entregar adaptadores de calidad con eficiencia, que hagan más en menos tiempo ayudando así a reducir costes. Los adaptadores son el producto más demandado del porfolio de MYCOM OSI. Hay que tener en cuenta que el negocio no se genera solamente cuando se entrega por primera vez el adaptador al cliente, sino que cuando los proveedores lanzan nuevas versiones con nuevas funcionalidades y los operadores necesitan encargar una mejora del adaptador para poder monitorizar las nuevas funcionalidades desplegadas en su red.El camp d'aplicació en que es basa aquesta tesi és el SIT (System Integration Testing), procés de testeig executat en un servidor de testeig del client abans de desplegar el software al mitjà de producció. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi no és un altre que millorar el procés actual pas a pas tenint en compte l'automatització, l'eficiència, la falta de verificacions, d'entre altres. Aquest projecte és una mena de procés industrial per crear una aplicació potent de testeig que pugui permetre a la companyia lliurar adaptadors de qualitat amb eficiència, que facin més en menys temps ajudant així a reduir costos. Els adaptadors són el producte més demandat del porfolio de MYCOM OSI. Cal tenir en compte que el negoci no només es genera quan es lliura per primera vegada l'adaptador al client, sinó que quan els proveïdors llancen noves versions amb noves funcionalitats i els operadors necessiten encarregar una millora de l'adaptador per poder monitoritzar les noves funcionalitats desplegades a la seva xarxa

    The Drive to Economic Integration in Africa

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    In Africa there has been an immense effort in the past, continuing into the present, to unite politically and to build numerous economic integration areas. In this paper we discuss the reasons for the existence of this phenomenon in Africa which we call the drive to political and economic integration. Some conventional explanations are discussed. Our own explanation is based on the theory of bureaucracy and the imbalances emerging in the process of development. If Africa is ready for regional economic integration, it has to follow another path to this end: The path of centric integration.Economic Integration, Union, Bureaucracy, Centric Integration, International Relations/Trade, Political Economy, F15, P16, O18, O55,