31 research outputs found

    Defining Effective Gain for Evaluation of Orbital Angular Momentum Links

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    In this paper, a communication link based on circular phased array antennas generating orbital angular momentum (OAM) beams at radio frequency is investigated. The presence of a null in the radiation pattern of OAM antennas is the main drawback of them. This problem makes it difficult to establish a telecommunication link using OAM systems and calculate the link budget for such a system. To solve this problem, we have defined two new gain parameters by using Friis Transmission Equation. The new formulas can help to calculate the effective gain of OAM antennas. Also, we have defined the effective OAM gain in detail for the first time in order to evaluate the performance of the OAM links. By using the proposed formulas, a capable and secure link based on the orthogonality of OAM beams can be designed

    Effect of organophosphate, diazinon on some immunophysiological, haematological and histological variable of Rutilus frisii kutum (Kamensky,1901)

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    The acute toxicity and effects of diazinon on some haematological parameters of kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum, Kamensky, 1901) weighing 613.33 g±157.06 g were studied under static water quality conditions at 15°C ± 2ºC in winter and spring 2009. The effective physical and chemical parameters of water were pH= 7-8.2, dh= 300mg/L (caco3), DO= 7 ppm and T= 15°C±2ºC. The first test was primarily to determine the effects of acute toxicity (LC5096 h) of the agricultural toxicant diazinon (emulsion 60%) on kutum male brood stocks. For this purpose, 4 treatments were used to test toxicity; each treatment was repeated in 3 tanks with 9 fish per treatment and with 180 litres water capacity. After obtaining the final results, the information was analysed statistically with Probit version 1.5 (USEPA, 1985), and we determined the LC10, LC50 and LC90 values at 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours and 96 hours; the maximum allowable concentration value (LC5096 h divided by 10) (TRC, 1984); and the degree of toxicity. The second stage of testing consists of four treatments: LC0= 0 as experimental treatment, treatment A with a concentration of LC1= 0.107 mg/L, treatment B with concentration of LC5= 0.157 mg/L, treatment C with concentration of MAC value= 0.04 mg/L. Male brood stocks of kutum were treated with these concentrations for 45 days. Experiments were carried out under static conditions based on the standard TRC, 1984 method over 45 days. Our results show that long-term exposure to diazinon causes a decrease in the erythrocyte count (RBC), haemoglobin (Hb), haematocrit (PCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), leucocyte count (WBC), lymphocyte, testosterone, iron (Fe), sodium (Na), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and cholinesterase (CHeS). In addition, diazinon also causes an increase in prolymphocyte, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and adrenaline (P<0.05). There are no significant effects on monocyte, eosinophil, magnesium (Mg), chloride (Cl), glucose (BS), urea (BUN), uric acid (U.A), triglyceride (TG), calcium (Ca), albumin (Alb), total protein (TP), cortisol, noradrenaline and high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels in kutum male brood stocks (P>0.05). Pathology results showed toxin diazinon no effect on average weight and fish body length, the average weight of heart, brain, spleen, liver, kidney and liver index but caueses decrease of gonad weigth and gonad index and also, cause complications of tissue necrosis, vascular congestion, inflammation in the liver, a sharp reduction in the number of glomeruli, necrosis, vascular congestion and haemorage in the kidney, capsule thickening and fibrosis, atrophy, vascular congestion, macrophages release increased, increasing sediment Hemosiderine and thickening of artery walls in the spleen, atrophy, fibrosis and necrosis in testis , vascular congestion, increased distance between the myocardium and fibrous string in heart and neuronal loss, vascular congestion and edema in the brain of kutum male brood stocks

    Comparative life cycle assessment of integrated renewable energy-based power systems

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    Integrated renewable-based power cycles should be employed to produce more sustainable electricity. This is a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) of three combined power plants, encompassing: case 1 involving combined geothermal and wind, case 2 featuring combined geothermal and solar, and case 3 integrating wind and solar systems. The base case perovskite solar cell (PSC) modelling assumes a 3-year lifespan and a power conversion efficiency of 17 %. However, diverse scenarios are evaluated through a sensitivity assessment involving enhancements in lifetime and efficiency. The base case evaluation emphasizes that the phases with the most significant negative environmental effects which includes the drilling of geothermal wells, construction of wind plants, and manufacturing and installation of PSCs. The midpoint findings indicate that boosting the power conversion efficiency of PSC from 17 % to 35 % yields a notable decrease in environmental impact. Moreover, extending the lifetime from 3 to 15 years led to reduction in CO2 emissions from 0.0373 and 0.0185 kg CO2 eq/kWh to 0.026 and 0.0079 kg CO2 eq/kWh in cases 2 and 3, respectively. Assessing worst and best-case scenarios highlights significant declines in certain impact categories. In case 3, terrestrial ecotoxicity (TE), photochemical oxidant formation (POF), human toxicity (HT), marine ecotoxicity (ME), and marine eutrophication (MU) saw reductions exceeding 88 % compared to worst-case results. The environmental effects observed in cases 2 and 3 stem from toxicity and metal depletion, mainly linked to the PSC. Endpoint results revealed that when considering a PSC lifespan of 10 years or more, the detrimental ecosystem impacts of cases 2 and 3 become less severe than those of case 1. Uncertainty assessment has been done for different cases and impact categories. The study's results are also novel in which it evaluated the innovative PSC technology when integrated with other renewable resources, contrasting it with other integrated plants

    Heat pump supply chain environmental impact reduction to improve the UK energy sustainability, resiliency and security

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    Various heat pump technologies are examined from an environmental perspective using a life cycle assessment approach. The investigated heat pump systems utilize air, ground, and water as their energy sources. Additionally, an innovative heat pump powered by green hydrogen is investigated in this study, to evaluate its environmental impacts and potential to commercialise on a large scale. A range of supply chain scenarios is explored, considering the main suppliers of the UK market. The reshoring heat pump industry and supply chain are evaluated to enhance energy resilience and security within the UK. The findings indicate that the hydrogen-based heat pump presents a promising option for the UK market, offering the advantages of reducing stress on the national grid network and minimizing the environmental impacts associated with the supply chain. Furthermore, a forecasting analysis is conducted based on the UK's net-zero emission plan to provide insight into future developments

    Effects of organophosphate, diazinon on some haematological and biochemical changes in Rutilus frisii kutum (Kamensky, 1901) male brood stocks

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    The acute toxicity and effects of diazinon on some haematological parameters of kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum, Kamensky, 1901) weighing 613.33 ± 157.06 g were studied under static water quality conditions at 15 °C ± 2 ºC. These experiments were carried out based on the standard TRC, 1984 method over 4 days, and controlled for the effective water physicochemical factors having pH ranges of 7-8.2, total hardness 300 mgl^-1 (CaCO3), dissolved oxygen 7 mgl^-1. The results showed that the 96h LC50 value of diazinon was 0.4 mgl^-1 and that the maximum allowable concentration (MAC) value of this toxin was 0.04 mgl^-1. The second stage of experiments consisted of four treatments: LC0: 0 as blank, treatment A with a concentration of LC1: 0.107 mgl^-1, treatment B with a concentration of LC5: 0.157 mgl^-1, treatment C with a concentration of MAC value: 0.04 mgl^-1. Male brood stocks of R. frisii were treated with these concentrations for 45 days. The results showed that long-term exposure to diazinon causes a decrease in the erythrocyte count (RBC), haemoglobin (Hb), haematocrit (PCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), leucocyte count (WBC), lymphocyte, testosterone, iron (Fe), sodium (Na), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and cholinesterase (CHeS) (P0.05). The results showed that long-term exposure to low concentrations of diazinon causes changes in some haematological and biochemical parameters of R. frisii male brood stocks

    Different Geothermal Power Cycle Configurations Cost Estimation Models

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    An economic assessment of different geothermal power cycle configurations to generate cost models is conducted in this study. The thermodynamic and exergoeconomic modeling of the cycles is performed in MATLAB coupled to Refprop. The models were derived based on robust multivariable regression to minimize the residuals by using the genetic algorithm. The cross-validation approach is applied to determine a dataset to examine the model in the training phase for validation and reduce the overfitting problem. The generated cost models are the total cost rate, the plant’s total cost, and power generation cost. The cost models and the relevant coefficients are generated based on the most compatibilities and lower error. The results showed that one of the most influential factors on the ORC cycle is the working fluid type, which significantly affects the final economic results. Other parameters that considerably impact economic models results, of all configurations, are geothermal fluid pressure and temperature and inlet pressure of turbine. Rising the geothermal fluid mass flow rate has a remarkable impact on cost models as the capacity and size of equipment increases. The generated cost models in this study can estimate the mentioned cost parameters with an acceptable deviation and provide a fast way to predict the total cost of the power plants

    Deformable Surface Reconstruction Through Optimization-Based Techniques

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    PhD thesis in Electrical and Computer Engineering, the specialization branch of Automation and Robotics submitted to the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of CoimbraIn this thesis, we address the problem of estimating the 3D structure of non-rigid surfaces that deform in a natural way. The deformation could take two general forms, that is, inextensible and extensible. The main goal of this thesis is to make signi cant contributions to the context of deformable surface reconstruction. For this purpose, we closely investigate the problem and propose innovative ideas and solutions. To be precise, we tackle the reconstruction problem aiming to obtain and report ndings and conclusions that positively a ect the relevant eld. The focus of the work is on the development of e cient approaches based on novel problem formulations that lead to less complex models and simultaneously to more accurate results. Although the thesis is mostly concentrated on specialized approaches for the reconstruction of inextensible or extensible surfaces, however we develop our work toward general formulations so that consistent modeling of both deformation types can be derived. The entire work is an organized e ort to accomplish the thesis objectives in a 3-stage research program. Each stage is assigned to one task and we deal with the reconstruction problem in various ways. In fact, certain algorithms have been designed in accordance with the elements de ned in the reconstruction problem in each task. These elements include the camera type, deformation type, deformation model, the surface representation, etc. As a result, three general ideas have been proposed in order to perform the surface reconstruction. Brie y, each idea relies on a particular basis, namely the use of Time-of-Flight camera, combination of deformation constraints or deformation modeling using surface transformations. As an outcome, we seek to achieve a reliable comparison between the three ideas with respect to performance and applicability, by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the relevant approaches. For this purpose, a comprehensive set of experiments and evaluations are performed on both real and synthetic video sequences capturing several variants of non-rigid surfaces.Nesta tese, lidamos com o problema de estimar a estrutura 3D de super cies nao rigidas que deformam de forma natural. A deformacao pode assumir duas formas gerais, nao extensivel e extensivel. O objetivo principal desta tese e fazer contribuicoes signi cativas para o contexto da reconstrucao de super cies deformaveis. Para esse m, investigamos rigorosamente o problema e propomos ideias e solucoes inovadoras. Para ser mais preciso, nos resolvemos o problema de reconstrucao com o objetivo de obtermos e divulgarmos os resultados e as conclusoes que afetam positivamente o dominio em causa. O foco da obra e no desenvolvimento de algoritmos com base em formulacoes e cazes do problema que levam a modelos menos complexos e, em simultaneo, a resultados mais precisos. Embora a tese e principalmente concentrado em algoritmos especializadas para a reconstrucao de super cies nao extensiveis ou extensiveis, no entanto, desenvolvemos o nosso trabalho para formulacoes gerais de tal forma que a modelagem consistente de ambos os tipos de deformacao possam ser derivados. O trabalho inteiro e um esforco organizado para atingir os objetivos de tese em um programa de investigacao de 3 estagios. Cada estagio e atribuido a uma tarefa e nos lidamos com o problema de reconstrucao de varias maneiras. Na verdade, certos algoritmos foram concebidas de acordo com os elementos de nidos na problema de reconstrucao em cada tarefa. Estes elementos incluem o tipo de camara, tipo de deformacao, modelo de deformacao, a representacao da super cie, etc. Como resultado, tres ideias gerais tem sido propostos a m de executar a reconstrucao da super cie. Resumidamente, cada ideia conta com uma base especial, nomeadamente a utilizacao de camara de Time-of-Flight, combinacao de restricoes de deformacao ou modelagem de deformacao usando transformacoes de super cie. Como resultado, procuramos alcancar uma comparacao avel entre as tres ideias em relacao ao desempenho e aplicabilidade, atraves da avaliacao dos pontos fortes e fracos das algoritmos relevantes. Para este efeito, um conjunto compreensivo de experimentos e avaliacoes sao realizadas em ambas as sequencias de video reais e sinteticos que capturam varias variantes de super cie nao rigida

    Exergy, economic and environmental (3E) analysis of a gas turbine power plant and optimization by MOPSO algorithm

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    In this paper, exergy, exergoeconomic, and exergoenvironmental analysis of a gas turbine cycle and its optimization has been carried out by MOPSO algorithm. Three objective functions, namely, total cost rate, exergy efficiency of cycle, and CO2 emission rate have been considered. The design variables considered are: compressor pressure ratio, combustion chamber inlet temperature, gas turbine inlet temperature, compressor, and gas turbine isentropic efficiency. The impact of change in gas turbine inlet temperature and compressor pressure ratio on CO2 emission rate as well as impact of changes in gas turbine inlet temperature on exergy efficiency of the cycle has been investigated in different compressor pressure ratios. The results showed that with increase in compressor pressure ratio and gas turbine inlet temperature, CO2 emission rate decreases, that is this reduction is carried out with a steeper slope at lower pressure compressor ratio and gas turbine inlet temperature. The results showed that exergy efficiency of the cycle increases with increase in gas turbine inlet temperature and compressor pressure ratio. The sensitivity analysis of fuel cost changes was performed on objective functions. The results showed that at higher exergy efficiencies total cost rate is greater, and sensitivity of fuel cost optimum solutions is greater than Pareto curve with lower total cost rate. Also, the results showed that sensitivity of changes in fuel cost rate per unit of energy on total cost rate is greater than the rate of CO2 emission

    Energy, Exergy, Exergoeconomic and Exergoenvironmental Impact Analyses and Optimization of Various Geothermal Power Cycle Configurations

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    Energy, exergy, and exergoeconomic evaluations of various geothermal configurations are reported. The main operational and economic parameters of the cycles are evaluated and compared. Multi-objective optimization of the cycles is conducted using the artificial bee colony algorithm. A sensitivity assessment is carried out on the effect of production well temperature variation on system performance from energy and economic perspectives. The results show that the flash-binary cycle has the highest thermal and exergy efficiencies, at 15.6% and 64.3%, respectively. The highest generated power cost and pay-back period are attributable to the simple organic Rankine cycle (ORC). Raising the well-temperature can increase the exergy destruction rate in all configurations. However, the electricity cost and pay-back period decrease. Based on the results, in all cases, the exergoenvironmental impact improvement factor decreases, and the temperature rises. The exergy destruction ratio and efficiency of all components for each configuration are calculated and compared. It is found that, at the optimum state, the exergy efficiencies of the simple organic Rankine cycle, single flash, double flash, and flash-binary cycles respectively are 14.7%, 14.4%, 12.6%, and 14.1% higher than their relevant base cases, while the pay-back periods are 10.6%, 1.5% 1.4%, and 0.6% lower than the base cases