249 research outputs found

    Vegetation spatial heterogeneity in a hyper arid Biosphere Reserve area in north Africa

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    Ninety eight species of angiosperms belonging to 34 families were identified in the Wadi Allaqi Biosphere Reserve (S. E. Egypt): 33.7%annuals and 66.3%perennials. The members of Leguminosae contributed 19.4% of the total flora, considering the most dominant family inWadi Allaqi. Three herbaceous species were recorded for the first time in this region: Iphiona scabra, Chenopodium album and Lotus deserti. Eight vegetation clusters were obtained and categorized into 4 distinct groups according to soil composition and chemical characteristics (concentration of bicarbonates, calcium, magnesium and chlorides), and intensity of inundation by the water of Lake Nasser

    Prediction Models Based on Soil Characteristics for Evaluation of the Accumulation Capacity of Nine Metals by Forage Sorghum Grown in Agricultural Soils Treated with Varying Amounts of Poultry Manure

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    Predictive models were generated to evaluate the degree to which nine metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were absorbed by the leaves, stems and roots of forage sorghum in growing media comprising soil admixed with poultry manure concentrations of 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 g/kg. The data revealed that the greatest contents of the majority of the metals were evident in the roots rather than in the stems and leaves. A bioaccumulation factor (BAF)  1. Translocation factor values were < 1 for all metals with the exception of Co, Cr and Ni, which displayed values of 1.20, 1.67 and 1.35 for the leaves, and 1.12, 1.23 and 1.24, respectively, for the stems. The soil pH had a negative association with metal tissues in plant parts. A positive relationship was observed with respect to plant metal contents, electrical conductivity and organic matter quantity. The designed models exhibited a high standard of data precision; any variations between the predicted and experimentally observed contents for the nine metals in the three plant tissue components were nonsignificant. Thus, it was concluded that the presented predictive models constitute a pragmatic tool to establish the safety from risk to human well-being with respect to growing forage sorghum when cultivating media fortified with poultry manure.The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputyship for Research and Innovation, Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia for funding this research work through the project number IFP-KKU-2020/3.Peer reviewe

    Akhet Khufu: Archaeo-astronomical Hints at a Common Project of the Two Main Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

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    Abstract. The architectural complexes composed by the two main pyramids of Giza together with their temples are investigated from an interdisciplinary point of view, taking into account their astronomical alignments as well as their relationships with the visible landscape. Combining already known facts together with new clues, the work strongly supports the idea that the two complexes were conceived as parts of a common project

    Uptake and Metabolism of the Novel Peptide Angiotensin-(1-12) by Neonatal Cardiac Myocytes

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    Angiotensin-(1-12) [Ang-(1-12)] functions as an endogenous substrate for the productions of Ang II and Ang-(1-7) by a non-renin dependent mechanism. This study evaluated whether Ang-(1-12) is incorporated by neonatal cardiac myocytes and the enzymatic pathways of ÂčÂČ⁔I-Ang-(1-12) metabolism in the cardiac myocyte medium from WKY and SHR rats.The degradation of ÂčÂČ⁔I-Ang-(1-12) (1 nmol/L) in the cultured medium of these cardiac myocytes was evaluated in the presence and absence of inhibitors for angiotensin converting enzymes 1 and 2, neprilysin and chymase. In both strains uptake of ÂčÂČ⁔I-Ang-(1-12) by myocytes occurred in a time-dependent fashion. Uptake of intact Ang-(1-12) was significantly greater in cardiac myocytes of SHR as compared to WKY. In the absence of renin angiotensin system (RAS) enzymes inhibitors the hydrolysis of labeled Ang-(1-12) and the subsequent generation of smaller Ang peptides from Ang-(1-12) was significantly greater in SHR compared to WKY controls. ÂčÂČ⁔I-Ang-(1-12) degradation into smaller Ang peptides fragments was significantly inhibited (90% in WKY and 71% in SHR) in the presence of all RAS enzymes inhibitors. Further analysis of peptide fractions generated through the incubation of Ang-(1-12) in the myocyte medium demonstrated a predominant hydrolytic effect of angiotensin converting enzyme and neprilysin in WKY and an additional role for chymase in SHR.These studies demonstrate that neonatal myocytes sequester angiotensin-(1-12) and revealed the enzymes involved in the conversion of the dodecapeptide substrate to biologically active angiotensin peptides

    Experimental investigations into low concentrating line axis solar concentrators for CPV applications

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    Solar photovoltaic conversion systems with integrated, low concentration ratio, non-imaging reflective concentrators, could be on south facing building roofs used to generate power at a lower cost than currently available proprietary systems. The experimental investigation presented by this research provides information on the optical and energy conversion characteristics of two geometrically equivalent non-imaging concentrators; a compound parabolic concentrator and a V-trough reflector. The aim was to investigate the assumption of uniform cell illumination when PV cells located on the receiver surface with their central axes are aligned parallel with the focal line of the line-axis concentrator. Solar radiation incident was measured at the aperture and the PV cell surface using respectively a pyranometer and photodiodes at six different collector tilt angles of 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 40° and 52°. The analysis of the collected experimental data presented demonstrated that the V-trough system had a more even distribution of solar radiation than the CPC and a higher optical concentration ratio (ratio of solar radiation incident on the aperture cover to that incident on the receiver) though the geometrical concentration ratio of the two collectors was equal to 2.2×. Also, the V-trough concentrator had an electrical power output up to 17.2% higher than the CPC system at a specific tilt angle of 30°. The V-trough had a consistently higher receiver plate temperature as it was reflecting larger quantities of solar radiation than the CPC. Over 17 consecutive typical summer days’ similar performance was observed over the range of tilt angles studied. The development of V-trough concentrators should be preferred due to higher power production, reduced complexity, increased uniformity of illumination and lower manufacturing costs compared to CPCs

    Chymase-Dependent Generation of Angiotensin II from Angiotensin-(1-12) in Human Atrial Tissue

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    Since angiotensin-(1-12) [Ang-(1-12)] is a non-renin dependent alternate precursor for the generation of cardiac Ang peptides in rat tissue, we investigated the metabolism of Ang-(1-12) by plasma membranes (PM) isolated from human atrial appendage tissue from nine patients undergoing cardiac surgery for primary control of atrial fibrillation (MAZE surgical procedure). PM was incubated with highly purified 125I-Ang-(1-12) at 37°C for 1 h with or without renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitors [lisinopril for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), SCH39370 for neprilysin (NEP), MLN-4760 for ACE2 and chymostatin for chymase; 50 ”M each]. 125I-Ang peptide fractions were identified by HPLC coupled to an inline Îł-detector. In the absence of all RAS inhibitor, 125I-Ang-(1-12) was converted into Ang I (2±2%), Ang II (69±21%), Ang-(1-7) (5±2%), and Ang-(1-4) (2±1%). In the absence of all RAS inhibitor, only 22±10% of 125I-Ang-(1-12) was unmetabolized, whereas, in the presence of the all RAS inhibitors, 98±7% of 125I-Ang-(1-12) remained intact. The relative contribution of selective inhibition of ACE and chymase enzyme showed that 125I-Ang-(1-12) was primarily converted into Ang II (65±18%) by chymase while its hydrolysis into Ang II by ACE was significantly lower or undetectable. The activity of individual enzyme was calculated based on the amount of Ang II formation. These results showed very high chymase-mediated Ang II formation (28±3.1 fmol×min−1×mg−1, n = 9) from 125I-Ang-(1-12) and very low or undetectable Ang II formation by ACE (1.1±0.2 fmol×min−1×mg−1). Paralleling these findings, these tissues showed significant content of chymase protein that by immunocytochemistry were primarily localized in atrial cardiac myocytes. In conclusion, we demonstrate for the first time in human cardiac tissue a dominant role of cardiac chymase in the formation of Ang II from Ang-(1-12)
