52 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Deep Learning Models in ITS Software-Defined Intrusion Detection Systems

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), mainly Autonomous Vehicles (AV\u27s), are susceptible to security and safety problems that risk the users\u27 lives. Sophisticated threats can damage the security of AV\u27s communications and computational capabilities, slowing down their integration into our daily lives. Cyber-attacks are getting more complex, posing greater hurdles in identifying intrusions effectively. Failing to prevent the intrusions could tarnish the security services\u27 reliability, including data confidentiality, authenticity, and reliability. IDS is an overall prediction paradigm for detecting malicious network traffic in the ITS. This article studies the role of machine or deep learning in Software Defined-Intrusion Detection System (SD-IDS) in ITS; discusses the mathematical analysis of existing deep learning models and evaluates their performances on the basis of the various metrics (i.e., accuracy, precision, recall, f-measure) to observe which model gives the best results for the existing state of art. The results show that improved Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) is best suited for the detection of SD-IDS attacks in the data plane and control plane

    An Efficient CNN-Based Deep Learning Model to Detect Malware Attacks (CNN-DMA) in 5G-IoT Healthcare Applications

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    The role of 5G-IoT has become indispensable in smart applications and it plays a crucial part in e-health applications. E-health applications require intelligent schemes and architectures to overcome the security threats against the sensitive data of patients. The information in e-healthcare applications is stored in the cloud which is vulnerable to security attacks. However, with deep learning techniques, these attacks can be detected, which needs hybrid models. In this article, a new deep learning model (CNN-DMA) is proposed to detect malware attacks based on a classifier—Convolution Neural Network (CNN). The model uses three layers, i.e., Dense, Dropout, and Flatten. Batch sizes of 64, 20 epoch, and 25 classes are used to train the network. An input image of 32 × 32 × 1 is used for the initial convolutional layer. Results are retrieved on the Malimg dataset where 25 families of malware are fed as input and our model has detected is Alueron.gen!J malware. The proposed model CNN-DMA is 99% accurate and it is validated with state-of-the-art techniques

    An Efficient and Lightweight Deep Learning Model for Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones

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    Traditional pattern recognition approaches have gained a lot of popularity. However, these are largely dependent upon manual feature extraction, which makes the generalized model obscure. The sequences of accelerometer data recorded can be classified by specialized smartphones into well known movements that can be done with human activity recognition. With the high success and wide adaptation of deep learning approaches for the recognition of human activities, these techniques are widely used in wearable devices and smartphones to recognize the human activities. In this paper, convolutional layers are combined with long short-term memory (LSTM), along with the deep learning neural network for human activities recognition (HAR). The proposed model extracts the features in an automated way and categorizes them with some model attributes. In general, LSTM is alternative form of recurrent neural network (RNN) which is famous for temporal sequences’ processing. In the proposed architecture, a dataset of UCI-HAR for Samsung Galaxy S2 is used for various human activities. The CNN classifier, which should be taken single, and LSTM models should be taken in series and take the feed data. For each input, the CNN model is applied, and each input image’s output is transferred to the LSTM classifier as a time step. The number of filter maps for mapping of the various portions of image is the most important hyperparameter used. Transformation on the basis of observations takes place by using Gaussian standardization. CNN-LSTM, a proposed model, is an efficient and lightweight model that has shown high robustness and better activity detection capability than traditional algorithms by providing the accuracy of 97.89%

    Detection of Android Malware in the Internet of Things through the K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

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    Predicting attacks in Android malware devices using machine learning for recommender systems-based IoT can be a challenging task. However, it is possible to use various machine-learning techniques to achieve this goal. An internet-based framework is used to predict and recommend Android malware on IoT devices. As the prevalence of Android devices grows, the malware creates new viruses on a regular basis, posing a threat to the central system’s security and the privacy of the users. The suggested system uses static analysis to predict the malware in Android apps used by consumer devices. The training of the presented system is used to predict and recommend malicious devices to block them from transmitting the data to the cloud server. By taking into account various machine-learning methods, feature selection is performed and the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) machine-learning model is proposed. Testing was carried out on more than 10,000 Android applications to check malicious nodes and recommend that the cloud server block them. The developed model contemplated all four machine-learning algorithms in parallel, i.e., naive Bayes, decision tree, support vector machine, and the K-Nearest Neighbor approach and static analysis as a feature subset selection algorithm, and it achieved the highest prediction rate of 93% to predict the malware in real-world applications of consumer devices to minimize the utilization of energy. The experimental results show that KNN achieves 93%, 95%, 90%, and 92% accuracy, precision, recall and f1 measures, respectively

    An Optimized Framework for WSN Routing in the Context of Industry 4.0

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    The advancements in Industry 4.0 have opened up new ways for the structural deployment of Smart Grids (SGs) to face the endlessly rising challenges of the 21st century. SGs for Industry 4.0 can be better managed by optimized routing techniques. In Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), the topology is not fixed and can be encountered by interference, mobility of nodes, propagation of multi-paths, and path loss. To extenuate these concerns for SGs, in this paper, we have presented a new version of the standard Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol for SGs to improve the management of control intervals that enhance the efficiency of the standard OLSR protocol without affecting its reliability. The adapted fault tolerant approach makes the proposed protocol more reliable for industrial applications. The process of grouping of nodes supports managing the total network cost by reducing severe flooding and evaluating an optimized head of clusters. The head of the unit is nominated according to the first defined expectation factor. With a sequence of rigorous performance evaluations under simulation parameters, the simulation results show that the proposed version of OLSR has proliferated Quality of Service (QoS) metrics when it is compared against the state-of-the-art-based conventional protocols, namely, standard OLSR, DSDV, AOMDV and hybrid routing technique

    A Novel Scheme for an Energy Efficient Internet of Things Based on Wireless Sensor Networks

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    One of the emerging networking standards that gap between the physical world and the cyber one is the Internet of Things. In the Internet of Things, smart objects communicate with each other, data are gathered and certain requests of users are satisfied by different queried data. The development of energy efficient schemes for the IoT is a challenging issue as the IoT becomes more complex due to its large scale the current techniques of wireless sensor networks cannot be applied directly to the IoT. To achieve the green networked IoT, this paper addresses energy efficiency issues by proposing a novel deployment scheme. This scheme, introduces: (1) a hierarchical network design; (2) a model for the energy efficient IoT; (3) a minimum energy consumption transmission algorithm to implement the optimal model. The simulation results show that the new scheme is more energy efficient and flexible than traditional WSN schemes and consequently it can be implemented for efficient communication in the IoT

    A Novel Framework and Enhanced QoS Big Data Protocol for Smart City Applications

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    Various heterogeneous devices or objects will be integrated for transparent and seamless communication under the umbrella of Internet of things (IoT). This would facilitate the open access of data for the growth of various digital services. Building a general framework of IoT is a complex task because of the heterogeneity in devices, technologies, platforms and services operating in the same system. In this paper, we mainly focus on the framework for Big Data analytics in Smart City applications, which being a broad category specifies the different domains for each application. IoT is intended to support the vision of Smart City, where advance technologies will be used for communication to improve the quality of life of citizens. A novel approach is proposed in this paper to enhance energy conservation and reduce the delay in Big Data gathering at tiny sensor nodes used in IoT framework. To implement the Smart City scenario in terms of Big Data in IoT, an efficient (optimized in quality of service) wireless sensor network (WSN) is required where communication of nodes is energy efficient. Thus, a new protocol, QoS-IoT(quality of service enabled IoT), is proposed on the top layer of the proposed architecture (the five-layer architecture consists of technology, data source, data management, application and utility programs) which is validated over the traditional protocols

    NGMD: next generation malware detection in federated server with deep neural network model for autonomous networks

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    Abstract Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks persistently proliferate, impacting individuals and Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Deep learning (DL) models are paving the way to address these challenges and the dynamic nature of potential threats. Traditional detection systems, relying on signature-based techniques, are susceptible to next-generation malware. Integrating DL approaches in cloud-edge/federated servers enhances the resilience of these systems. In the Internet of Things (IoT) and autonomous networks, DL, particularly federated learning, has gained prominence for attack detection. Unlike conventional models (centralized and localized DL), federated learning does not require access to users’ private data for attack detection. This approach is gaining much interest in academia and industry due to its deployment on local and global cloud-edge models. Recent advancements in DL enable training a quality cloud-edge model across various users (collaborators) without exchanging personal information. Federated learning, emphasizing privacy preservation at the cloud-edge terminal, holds significant potential for facilitating privacy-aware learning among collaborators. This paper addresses: (1) The deployment of an optimized deep neural network for network traffic classification. (2) The coordination of federated server model parameters with training across devices in IoT domains. A federated flowchart is proposed for training and aggregating local model updates. (3) The generation of a global model at the cloud-edge terminal after multiple rounds between domains and servers. (4) Experimental validation on the BoT-IoT dataset demonstrates that the federated learning model can reliably detect attacks with efficient classification, privacy, and confidentiality. Additionally, it requires minimal memory space for storing training data, resulting in minimal network delay. Consequently, the proposed framework outperforms both centralized and localized DL models, achieving superior performance

    Multi-hop routing in wireless sensor networks: an overview, taxonomy, and research challenges

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    This brief provides an overview of recent developments in multi-hop routing protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). It introduces the various classifications of routing protocols and lists the pros and cons of each category, going beyond the conceptual overview of routing classifications offered in other books. Recently many researchers have proposed numerous multi-hop routing protocols and thereby created a need for a book that provides its readers with an up-to-date road map of this research paradigm.   The authors present some of the most relevant results achieved by applying an algorithmic approach to the research on multi-hop routing protocols. The book covers measurements, experiences and lessons learned from the implementation of multi-hop communication prototypes. Furthermore, it describes future research challenges and as such serves as a useful guide for students and researchers alike

    A Hybrid Approach, Smart Street Use Case and Future Aspects for Internet of Things in Smart Cities

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    Internet of Things (IoT) has led to the development of smart projects by connecting heterogeneous devices and has accelerated the global growth by providing digital services to the users. The Smart City Project is very complex concept and has many hurdles in its way and many of the hurdles (Digitization services) can easily be solved by IoT. Urban IoT, is designed to support the future vision of smart cities which supported the new hybrid technologies and provide the value added services to the citizens. In this Urban IoT framework the first layer is Data Layer. In Data layer, sensor platform uses the optimized AODV-SPEED protocol (Hybrid Approach), proposed in this paper. Hybrid approach has shown improvement over delay, energy, miss ratio of the packet transmission and packet delivery rate over traditional SPEED protocol which is suitable for IoT applications. This article also identifies the framework, challenges and trends of Smart city IoT and use case for the smart street highlights the importance of proposed structure. Furthermore, Smart City projects are discussed to recognize the importance of IoT in smart cities and its future
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