1,589 research outputs found


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    Objective: The present work aimed to expand the awareness of restoring vitamin-C in its active form on different heat exposures. The effect of microwave-assisted processing and boiling of the aqueous crude extract of citrus fruit Emblica officinalis (amla) has been correlated with its antimicrobial efficacy against E. coli. Methods: The aqueous crude extract of dried amla pulp exposed to microwave radiation(600W,5 min) and boiling (5 min) were titrimetrically estimated for vitamin-C content by DCPIP-(2,6, Dinitrophenol indophenol) method and compared the same with the untreated sample. These three samples were studied for their effect on the growth pattern of E. coli turbidimetrically. The antimicrobial susceptibility test by agar cup well diffusion method was further followed to measure the zone of inhibitions (ZOI) for these three test extracts against E. coli. Results: The total estimated vitamin-C content was 26.76 mg/100g, 25.35 mg/100g and 21.12 mg/100g in the untreated extract (UTE), microwaved extract (MWE) and boiled extract (BE) respectively. At a higher concentration (0.8 mg/ml), the UTE showed a greater ZOI of 20 mm and a comparable ZOI of 18 mm for the MWE against E. coli. In addition, a reduced ZOI of 10 mm was recorded in case of the BE. At a lowest concentration (0.05 mg/ml), the UTE inhibited the growth with a least ZOI of 7 mm, whereas no inhibition zones were detected for MWE and BE at this concentration. Conclusion: The present investigation demonstrated the effect of boiling and microwave-assisted processing on the content of bioactive vitamin-C and its antimicrobial activity. The DCPIP method calculated a more vitamin-C retention in the MWE than the BE. As the boiling method destroyed the vitamin more rapidly, a higher growth rate of E. coli was measured in the presence of BE than the UTE and MWE. In addition, the antimicrobial assay also showed a least inhibitory effect against E. coli in the presence of the BE. A moderate inhibitory effect for MWE was also detected. Thus the present investigation proved that the boiling process destroys vitamin-C present in a food sample to a higher extent than the microwave-assisted processing

    Microstructural engineering by heat treatments of multi-principal element alloys via spinodal mediated phase transformation pathways

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    Nanoscale multi-phase microstructures observed in multi-principal element alloys (MPEAs) such as AlMo0.5NbTa0.5TiZr\rm AlMo_{0.5}NbTa_{0.5}TiZr, Al0.5NbTa0.8Ti1.5V0.2Zr\rm Al_{0.5}NbTa_{0.8}Ti_{1.5}V_{0.2}Zr, TiZrNbTa\rm TiZrNbTa, AlCoCrFeNi\rm AlCoCrFeNi and Fe15Co15Ni20Mn20Cu30\rm Fe_{15}Co_{15}Ni_{20}Mn_{20}Cu_{30} that exhibit promising mechanical or functional properties may have evolved through spinodal-mediated phase transformation pathways (PTPs). The microstructures in such MPEA systems could be further engineered for targeted applications by appropriately designing the alloy composition and heat-treatment schedule. In this study, we investigate systematically how different heat treatment schedules such as single-step isothermal aging, two-step isothermal aging and continuous cooling alter the interplay among the various factors associated with alloy composition, such as volume fraction of individual phases, lattice misfit and modulus mismatch between the co-existing phases. We have determined the degree to which these factors influence significantly the spinodal-mediated PTPs and the corresponding microstructures by use of high-throughput phase-field simulations. In particular, we demonstrate that the microstructural topology (i.e., which phase forms the continuous matrix and which phase forms discrete precipitates) in the same MPEA having an asymmetric miscibility gap could be inverted simply by a continuous cooling heat treatment. Further, we reveal a rich variety of novel hierarchical microstructures that could be designed using two-step isothermal aging heat treatments in MPEA systems with symmetric or asymmetric miscibility gaps. These simulation results may shed light on novel microstructure design and engineering for the above-mentioned MPEA systems.Comment: Preprint submitted to Acta Materialia, 31 pages, 11 figure

    Population Dynamics of Helminth Parasites in Fresh Water Fishes Channa punctatus and Heteropneustes fossilis in Moradabad, U.P., India

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    In the present report two types of fish Channa punctatus (Bloch) and Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) were examined to explore the status of helminthic infection in fishes from various water bodies of Moradabad district. The Acanthocephalans, Nematodes and Trematode parasites were detected from gastrointestinal tract and body cavity of host during the study period from January 2017 to March 2017. Intestine was found to be highly infected site in the host fish Channa punctatus while in Heteropneustes fossilis, trematodes were localized in skin muscles only and the highest prevalence (70%) of all the parasites was observed in the month of February 2017, however highest abundance (0.89), highest intensity (1.34) and highest index of infection (0.61) was recorded in the month of March 2017 along with the highest loss in body weight (0.153kg.) along with highest mortality

    Effect of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole vs. norfloxacin on fecal E. coli resistance pattern and efficacy in patients receiving prophylaxis for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

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    Background: Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP) is an infection of ascitic fluid. It is highly mortal and recurrent condition, so prophylaxis with Norfloxacin (NOR) or Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) seems to play an important role in the prevention of further episodes of SBP. Aims of the study were to assess the effect of TMP-SMX/NOR on the sensitivity pattern of fecal E. coli after long term prophylaxis in Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP) and to compare the efficacy of TMP-SMX and NOR in prophylaxis of SBP.Methods: An interventional, prospective, open label, single center study conducted in Maulana Azad medical college, New Delhi, India. 52 patients of SBP or with high risk of SBP were screened and finally 39 patients were recruited. Stool sensitivity testing of fecal E. coli was done and they were divided into TMP-SMX group(n=18) and NOR group(n=21) according to sensitivity. After 45Ā±3 days (7 weeks) their stool sample was re-examined for change sensitivity pattern of E. coli. Efficacy variables like any episode of SBP, fever (FEV) resolution of ascites (ASC), bacteremia (BACT), extraperitoneal infection (EPI), liver transplantation (LT) or death (D) were noted throughout the period of 24 weeks.Results: Resistance developed in 60% vs. 48% in TMP-SMX vs. NOR group(p=0.46) after 45 days of prophylaxis. By the end of 24 weeks, Incidence of SBP (29%vs. 25%, p>0.99), episodes of FEV(P=0.60), EPI(p>0.99), ASC(p>0.99) and death (14% vs. 16%, p>0.99) were almost similar in both the groups (TMP-SMX vs. NOR) respectively.Conclusions: Both TMP-SMX and NOR showed same degree of resistance and found equi-efficacious when administered as long-term prophylactic therapy in SBP. TMP-SMX can be a suitable as well as cost effective alternative to NOR for the prophylaxis of SBP

    Intimate Partner Relationships and Gender Norms in Mali: The Scope of Cash Transfers Targeted to Men to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence.

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    Mali has implemented the Filets Sociaux (JigisĆ©mĆØjiri) program that aims to reduce poverty through cash transfers (CTs) to predominantly male heads of household with accompanying measures. This paper reports on a qualitative study of the effects of the program on intimate partner relationships. In-depth interviews were conducted with men and women in monogamous and polygamous households. Findings revealed that the positive aspects of intimate partner relationships were communication and shared values. However, discussions around decision-making revealed male authority with limited influence by women. Physical violence was reported to be caused by tensions and disputes. Whereas sexual violence was contested, some women described sexual force as violence but men and women asserted that compliance in sexual matters by women was expected. Men also asserted control through preventing women from working outside the home. The CTs were managed by the husband, with some involvement of wives in decision-making about the use of CTs. CTs were reported to reduce household poverty and improve wellbeing, especially for men. There were reports of the effects of the program on IPV, especially in the reduction of physical violence, its effects on sexual violence and controlling behaviour were reported to be limited. Since women are not the primary recipients of the CT, there limited effect on women's agency to challenge male authority and control around sexual and financial matters. CTs may be more effective if targeted to women, alongside skill and knowledge strengthening to utilize cash transfers to assert their rights to equality and prevent violence

    IskoriŔtavanje hrane, metaboliti u krvi i ponaŔanje pri unosu hrane u teladi sahival pasmina odabrane s obzirom na visoki ili niski ostatni unos hrane

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    This study aimed to evaluate differences in feed utilization between low and high residual feed intake (RFI) in Sahiwal calves by comparing performance, ingestive behavior and blood metabolites. Eighteen, growing, female Sahiwal calves (aged 10-14 months; body weight (BW) 100-125 kg) were fed ad libitum on a total mixed ration for 90 d. RFI varied from -0.53 to 0.40 kg dry matter (DM)/d with a mean RFI of -0.27 to 0.17 kg DM/d in low and high RFI Sahiwal calves, respectively. Calves with low RFI consumed 26% less DM and required 35% less metabolizable energy for body maintenance (MEm) compared to high RFI, yet gained at a similar rate. Low RFI calves digest feed more efficiently than less efficient calves. Conventional efficiency measures also showed better efficiency in low RFI than high RFI calves. Low RFI calves spent less time in feeding, rumination, and chewing. Higher plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), growth hormone (GH), and creatinine, and lower concentrations of albumin, plasma urea nitrogen (PUN), and triglycerides were observed in the low RFI group than the high RFI group. However, plasma total protein, glucose, cholesterol, non esterified fatty acid (NEFA), beta-hydroxy butyric acid (BHBA), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) concentrations were similar in both groups. In summary, low RFI calves utilized feed more efficiently by spending less time and energy in feeding, and the variability in blood metabolites might be due to differences in body metabolism.Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj, na temelju proizvodnje, ponaÅ”anja kod unosa hrane i metabolita u krvi, procijeniti razlike u iskoriÅ”tavanju hrane između sahival teladi s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane i visokim ostatnim unosom hrane (Residual Feed Intake - RFI). Osamnaest sahival teladi ženskog spola (u dobi od 10 do -14 mjeseci i tjelesnoj masi od 100 do 125 kg) hranjeno je 90 dana, ad libitum, kompletnim mjeÅ”ovitim obrokom. Ostatni unos hrane kretao se od -0,53 do 0,40 kg suhe tvari/d, sa srednjom vrijednoŔću od -0,27 kod sahival teladi s niskim ostatnim unosom i srednjom vrijednoŔću od 0,17 kg kod sahival teladi visokim ostatnim unosom hrane. Iako je telad s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane u odnosu na onu s visokim ostatnim unosom hrane konzumirala 26% manje suhe tvari i zahtijevala 35 % manje uzdržne energije za metabolizam tijela, prirast obje skupne teladi kretao se po sličnoj stopi. Telad s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane imala je učinkovitiju hranidbu Å”to su pokazali i standarni pokazatelji prema kojima je ta telad provela hranidbu u kraćem vremenu, uz kraće žvakanje i preživanje. U usporedbi s teladi koja ima viÅ”i ostatni unos hrane, telad s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane imala je u plazmi veće koncentracije inzulinu-sličnog faktora rasta-1 (IGF-1), hormona rasta (GH) i kreatinina, te niže koncentracije albumina, duÅ”ika iz ureje i triglicerida. Koncentracije ukupnih proteina, glukoze, kolesterola, neesterificirane masne kiseline (NEFA), betahidroksi maslačne kiseline (BHBA), kalcija (Ca) i fosfora (P) bile su slične u obje skupine teladi. Sažeto, telad s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane iskoriÅ”tavala je hranu učinkovitije, provodeći kraće vrijeme i troÅ”eći manje energije prilikom hranjenja, a varijacije metabolita u krvi mogle bi biti posljedica razlika u metabolizmu

    Adolescent girlsā€™ infant and young child nutrition knowledge sources differ among urban and rural samples in Bangladesh

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    Background: In many low-income countries, including in Bangladesh, girls tend to marry early and have children very soon after marriage. Although conveying infant and young child nutrition (IYCN) knowledge to adolescent girls in a timely manner is important to ensure the well-being of their children, little is known about the best ways to convey these messages. Objective: This study examines the sources from which adolescent girls derive IYCN knowledge in order to inform the design of programs that convey such information. Methods: Information on both characteristics and IYCN knowledge of adolescent girls aged 12-18 was collected as part of a baseline survey in 2013 for the DFID Programme to Accelerate Improved Nutrition for the Extreme Poor in Bangladesh project. A total of 436 girls in rural areas and 345 girls in urban areas are present in the study. Data were analyzed using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, fixed effects regression, and Poisson regression models. Results: In both the urban and rural samples, girlsā€™ schooling is positively and significantly associated with IYCN knowledge. IYCN knowledge of adolescent girlsā€™ mothers is also associated with adolescentsā€™ IYCN knowledge in both urban and rural samples, but the magnitude of association in the urban sample is only half that of the rural sample. Conclusions: In Bangladesh, efforts to improve knowledge regarding IYCN is typically focused on mothers of young children. Only some of this knowledge is passed onto adolescent girls living in the same household. As other messaging efforts directed towards mothers have only small, or no association with adolescent girlsā€™ knowledge of IYCN, improving adolescent girlsā€™ understanding of breastfeeding, complementary feeding and more general nutrition knowledge may require information and messaging specifically directed towards them
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