26 research outputs found

    Everyday Life of a Provincial Estate: A diary of a servant of the Ural Landowners Golubtsov

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    Marina Larionova, a specialist in the history of Russia, a candidate of historical sciences, presents her Everyday Life of a Provincial Estate (Yekaterinburg, 2013). The book was written with reference to a rare historical source, a diary of a servant of the Ural Landowners Golubtsov that is kept in the State Archive of Sverdlovsk Region (GASO, f. 67, op. 1, d. 69). The diary is anonymous, and the authorship was established as a result of an inquiry into its origin; Matvey Andreev, a descendant of a family of serfs was finally given credit as the author, and, according to the diary, he was a petty bourgeois of Kungur, an uyezd town, by the time the diary was started. For 3 years and 5 months (1872-1875), he wrote an account of daily life in the estate and in the manor house located in Aleksandrovskoye Settlement of Vladimir Platonovich Golubtsov, a Perm landowner. The diary describes the everyday life of a Ural petty manorial estate located in Krasnoufimsk Uyezd, Perm Governorate, the day-to-day routine of the owner and the dwellers of the manor, the relationships between them and the ones characteristic of the life of an uyezd community, the emotional experience of the people mentioned in the diary, and other details shedding light on the previously unknown events in the history of the Urals. In her talk with Lyudmila Dashkevich and Yevgeny Neklyudov, professors of history, research fellows of the Institute for History and Archaeology (Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch), and with Irina Shalina, professor of philology, the author discusses the academic significance and informational potential of the source in question. The comparison drawn of the document with some previously known similar sources gives evidence proving its uniqueness conditioned by its comprehensive character, the author's viewpoint and the quality of the publication. Thus, it does not only comply with the text and has few editorial corrections, it also contains a variety of academic historical, cultural and biographic commentaries. The diary both describes the problems a 19 th -century manor could face on a daily basis and dwells on some general issues connected with the relationships between social classes, the historical psychology of servants, the perseverance of serf consciousness after the abolition of serfdom, the patriarchal character of life, and the modernization of the region's economy. © 2015 Ural Federal University. All rights reserved

    Russian Feast: The Verbal Realisation of the Celebration Script

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    The article was submitted on 20.09.2022.Статья посвящена описанию культурного сценария русского застолья. Материалом исследования послужили тексты-разговоры, записанные методом включенного наблюдения и отражающие коммуникативно-речевое взаимодействие носителей уральского городского просторечия. Пример сценарного анализа позволяет рассмотреть застолье как коммуникативное событие, структурировать его, представив в виде последовательности эпизодов, и открывает возможность его целостного описания. Гостеприимство считается отличительной чертой русского национального характера, базовой ценностью русской культуры. Застолье как встреча людей по какомулибо праздничному поводу, сопровождаемая приемом пищи и алкоголя, отражает не только типовые действия, но и типовые ценностные представления, нормы и установки носителей национально-культурного сообщества, выявляемые в процессе застольного общения. В статье последовательно рассматриваются опорные звенья культурного сценария: предварительная подготовка к застолью, прием и чествование гостей, угощение, застольный разговор. Описаны ролевые права и обязанности хозяев и гостей, выделен ряд ситуативных и поведенческих установок, подтверждающих ценности радушия, хлебосольства, коммуникативного гедонизма, социоцентричности. Особый интерес представляет лингвокультурологический анализ застольных разговоров и тостов носителей уральского просторечия. Он выявляет значимость таких культурных констант, как семья, дом, труд, «свои». Культурная специфика просторечной коммуникации проявляется в детабуизации тем, связанных с физиологическими потребностями человека, в открытости своего и чужого личностного пространства, неотъемлемом праве на эмоционально-оценочную интерпретацию речеповеденческих реакций членов «своего круга». Органичность культурного сценария обеспечивается шутками, общими смеховыми реакциями, балагурством, карнавализацией речевого поведения. Интегративная функция выявленных установок обеспечивает гармонизацию речевого поведения участников застолья.This article describes the cultural script of the Russian feast. The author refers to texts of conversations recorded using the participant observation method and reflecting the communicative-speech interaction of the speakers of the Ural urban vernacular. The method of script analysis makes it possible to consider a feast as a communicative event, structure it, present it as a sequence of episodes, and open up the possibility for its holistic description. Hospitality is considered a distinctive feature of the Russian national character, the basic value of Russian culture. A feast as a meeting of people on a festive occasion, accompanied by a meal and alcohol, reflects not only typical actions but also typical value ideas, norms, and attitudes of the carriers of the national-cultural community revealed in the process of feast communication. The article consistently examines the supporting links of the cultural script: preliminary preparation for a feast, receiving and honouring guests, refreshments, and conversations at the table. The author describes the role rights and obligations of the hosts and guests, identifying some situational and behavioral attitudes confirming the values of cordiality, hospitality, communicative hedonism, and socio-centricity. Of particular interest is the linguoculturological analysis of table conversations and toasts of the speakers of the Ural vernacular. It reveals the significance of such cultural constants as family, home, work, and “one’s own”. The cultural peculiarities of colloquial communication are manifested in the detabooing of topics related to the physiological needs of a person, in the openness of one’s own and others’ personal space, the inalienable right to an emotional and evaluative interpretation of speech-behavioural reactions of members of “one’s circle”. The organic nature of the cultural script rests on jokes, general laughter reactions, and carnivalisation of speech behavior. The integrative function of the identified attitudes ensures the harmonisation of the participants’ speech behaviour in the feast

    On Problem of Description of Linguoaxiological Analysis Method (on Material of Dialogic Communication of Speakers of Vernacular Culture)

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    The article is devoted to the description of the procedure of linguoaxiological analysis of spoken language characterized by the implementation of a variety of communicative rights, including the right to axiological freedom of expression of thoughts and feelings. The material was a corpus of conversations of citizens of the Urals — vernacular speakers. The authors highlighted the basic (direct) and secondary (indirect) linguistic signals of verbalization of perceptions of values and attitudes. Specific examples show a procedure of explication of implicit axiological meanings. Ideas and attitudes are seen as cognitive structures that are special forms of storing knowledge and assessments that can be reconstructed and supported / rejected by communicants in the process of speech. The concepts of integreme and disintegreme are introduced as verbally expressed conceptual units of the axiosphere of linguoculture. It is proved that the functional status of the conceptual unit is manifested in a specific situation of communication and promotes solidarity or disunity between people on the basis of commonality or difference modus assessments. The question is raised that the axiological charge can characterize the contexts that are formally devoid of language and speech assessment tools. The proposed method allows to identify the basic national value constants ensuring the stability of personality and continuity of behavioral patterns in the linguistic culture.Статья посвящена описанию процедуры лингвоаксиологического анализа разговорной речи, характеризующейся реализацией разнообразных коммуникативных прав, в том числе права на аксиологическую свободу выражения мыслей и чувств. Материалом послужил корпус текстов-разговоров горожан-уральцев — носителей просторечия. Авторами выделены базовые (прямые) и дополнительные (косвенные) языковые сигналы вербализации ценностных представлений и установок. На конкретных примерах показана процедура экспликации имплицитных ценностных смыслов. Представления и установки рассматриваются как когнитивные структуры — особые формы хранения знаний и оценок, которые могут быть реконструированы и поддержаны / отвергнуты коммуникантами в процессе речи. Вводятся понятия интегремы и дезинтегремы как вербально выраженных концептуальных единиц аксиосферы лингвокультуры. Доказано, что функциональный статус концептуальной единицы проявляется в конкретной ситуации общения и способствует солидаризации или разобщению коммуникантов на основании общности или разности модусных установок. Поднимается вопрос о том, что аксиологической заряженностью могут характеризоваться контексты, формально лишенные языковых и речевых оценочных средств. Предложенная методика позволяет выявлять базовые национальные ценностные константы, обеспечивающие устойчивость личности и преемственность типов поведения в лингвокультуре.The work is financially supported by Russian Foundation for Humanities (grant 15-04-00239а “ National basic values and their reflection in the communicative space of a provincial town: traditions and dynamics”).Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РГНФ (грант 15-04-00239а «Национальные базовые ценности и их отражение в коммуникативном пространстве провинциального города: традиции и динамика»

    Family communication in the light of the russian verbal ideal: Axiological view (basing on material of family conversations of ural town colloquial language native speakers)

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    Purpose of the study: The topicality of the issue under study is caused by the interest to peculiarities of the Russian national routine verbal communication, and to constants and variables thereof. The goal of the article is finding certain peculiarities of family communication which are revealed against the background of the Russian verbal ideal. Methodology: A leading approach to the investigation of this issue is linguo-culturological one which allows revealing value systems, apprehensions and stereotypes realized in family conversations of Ural town colloquial language native speakers and contributing to harmonization of communication between the family circle members, both close and distant. Results: As a result of the undertaken analysis, it was found that communicators’ socio-centric view of life is supported by the value sets on cooperation, the entourage’s respect, jocosity, communicative confidence, and sociability; value of complicity to the family circle and family memory were revealed; the trend to direct valuation use was denominated; it was shown that it is the popular-tongue environment wherein apprehensions of Russian people about children’s obedience, fate and justice are tied up (Alapuro, R., Mustajoki, A., & Pesonen, P. (Eds.). (2011)). Applications of this study: Materials of the article can be of interest for researchers of the Russian communicative culture, colloquialisms, teachers of Russian language as a foreign language, specialists in scope of communication optimization, higher and secondary school teachers, people forming and perfecting skills of conflict-free communication within the Russian verbal ideal. Novelty/Originality of this study: The authors established that participants of a family communication take definite verbal efforts for providing communicative concord and harmony supporting speech traditions flowing out from parents’ families. The socio-centric mental outlook of speech partners is achieved through realization of conversational sets on cooperation, respect to close people, communicative confidence and frankness. Senior family members translate communicative stereotypes that are adopted in their parents’ families. © Evtyugina et al.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 18-012-00382/18The study is performed under the financial assistance of RFBR with scientific project No. 18-012-00382/18 “A family’s conversational routine life: the axiological reality and methods of the study (based on materials of Ural town colloquial speech”

    Automation of dean’s office functions in a higher education institution on the basis of electronic document flow system

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. The article contains the description of automation function technologies realized in the work of a dean's office. The main functions realized by a dean's office in the course of its activity are shown in the article; the main functions realization in the system of electronic document flow "1C University" is presented. The application of electronic document flow systems promotes the improvement of quality and efficiency of a dean's office work due to the decrease in time spent on the processes of collecting, processing and obtaining required information; allows to carry out dean's office functions at a more technological level, simplifying the procedure of processing the data used in the course of educational process, automating the formation and preparation of necessary documents (test and examination papers, certificates of training, orders, etc.) for printing

    Russian Colloquial Speech: Aspects of Research and Relevant Issues

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    The article was submitted on 25.05.2019.Статья содержит аналитический обзор развития коллоквиалистики – лингвистической дисциплины, нацеленной на изучение современной русской разговорной речи. В настоящее время данный феномен осмыслен как генетически первичная подсистема национального русского языка, характеризующаяся качественным лингвистическим своеобразием по сравнению с кодифицированными разновидностями литературного языка. Цель авторов – проследить процесс становления коллоквиалистики в лингвистических рамках, а также во взаимодействии с другими ветвями гуманитарного знания. Ставится задача характеристики этапов развития науки о разговорной речи на базе определенных научных парадигм, а также выявления наиболее острых и актуальных проблем, встающих перед исследователями разговорного материала. Отражаются результаты публикационной деятельности специалистов в области фиксации разговорного речевого материала, его анализа и лексикографического обобщения. Показано изменение самого объекта изучения в зависимости от развития современных информационных технологий. Статья структурирована на аспектном основании. В первом разделе характеризуются собственно лингвистический и лингвопрагматический (речедеятельностный) аспекты изучения разговорной речи. Второй раздел посвящен становлению комплексного лингвокультурологического направления при изучении живой речи горожан на базе сближения коллоквиалистики и культурологии. Лингвистическое исследование разговорной речи начиналось с определения статусных характеристик объекта и его системно-структурного описания. С развитием коммуникативной лингвистики разговорный материал рассматривается как речевая деятельность в контексте определенной ситуации, формируется дискурсивный анализ разговорного диалога. Актуальными проблемами коллоквиалистики на этих этапах являются языковой/речевой статус разговорного материала, отношение разговорной речи к системе функциональных стилей русского языка, проблема интегративности разговорного диалога. Культурологическая значимость разговорной речи как естественного носителя сведений о национальной культуре в настоящее время осознана, но еще не конкретизирована. В статье характеризуется коммуникативно-культурологический подход, целью которого является описание жанровой специфики разговорной речи. Он опирается на понятия лингвопрагматики и лингвистики текста, на применение сценарного метода. В настоящее время наиболее актуально исследование ценностного содержания неформального речевого общения в опоре на понятия и парадигмы культурологии («речевой идеал», «система ценностей»), что названо собственно культурологическим аспектом коллоквиалистики.This article provides an analytical review of the development of colloquial speech studies, a linguistic discipline aimed at researching modern Russian conversational speech. Currently, the phenomenon is regarded as a genetically primary subsystem of the national Russian language, one characterised by qualitative linguistic peculiarity in comparison with the codified varieties of the literary language. The authors aim to trace the formation of colloquial speech studies in a linguistic framework and in terms of its interaction with other branches of the humanities. The task is to characterise the developmental stages of colloquial speech studies with reference to certain scholarly paradigms and identify the most relevant issues facing researchers of colloquial material. The article reflects results published by specialists in fixing colloquial material, analysis, and lexicographic synthesis. The authors also demonstrate that changes to the object of research itself have been caused by the development of modern information technologies. The structure of the article is based on the aspect principle. The first section describes the linguistic and linguo-pragmatic (speech) aspects proper of colloquial speech studies. The second section concerns the formation of an integrated linguistic and cultural direction in research on the living speech of citizens based on the convergence of colloquial speech studies and cultural studies. Linguistic research on spoken language began with the establishment of the status characteristics of the object and its system and structural description. With the development of communicative linguistics, colloquial material is now viewed as a speech activity in the context of a specific situation, with discursive analysis of conversational dialogue being formed. At this stage, the language/speech status of colloquial material, the interaction of colloquial speech, the system of functional styles of the Russian language, and the problem of integrativeness of colloquial dialogue are the most relevant issues of colloquial speech studies. As of now, the cultural significance of spoken language as a natural medium of information about a national culture has been realised but it has not taken any specific form. The authors characterise the communicative and cultural approach, the purpose of which is to describe the peculiarities of colloquial speech. This is based on the concepts of linguo-pragmatics and linguistics of text and the scenario method. Currently, it is most relevant to study the value content of informal speech communication by referring to the concepts and paradigms of cultural studies (speech ideal, value system), which is known as the cultural dimension of colloquial speech studies proper.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, грант 18–012–00382, и программы 211 Правительства Российской Федерации, соглашение № 02A03.21.0006

    Everyday Life of a Provincial Estate: A Diary of a Servant of the Ural Landowners Golubtsov

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    The article was submitted on 03.03.2015.Специалист по истории России, кандидат исторических наук Марина Ларионова представляет книгу «Повседневная жизнь провинциального имения…» (Екатеринбург, 2013). В основе издания лежит публикация редкого для России исторического источника - дневника слуги уральских помещиков Голубцовых, который хранится в Государственном архиве Свердловской области (ГАСО, ф. 67, оп. 1, д. 69). Дневник анонимный, его автор был установлен в результате проведенных научных изысканий. Им оказался Матвей Андреев, происходивший из семьи крепостных, к моменту начала сохранившихся дневниковых записей - мещанин уездного города Кунгура. На протяжении 3 лет и 5 месяцев (1872-1875) он ежедневно вносил в дневник записи о том, что происходило в имении и усадьбе, расположенной при селе Александровском пермского помещика Владимира Платоновича Голубцова (1832-1887). Перед читателями дневниковых записей раскрывается повседневная жизнь уральского среднепоместного дворянского имения, располагавшегося в Красноуфимском уезде Пермской губернии, показываются каждодневные заботы владельца и жителей имения, особенности их взаимоотношений и взаимоотношений, характерных для представителей уездного общества, личные переживания героев, попавших на страницы дневника, а также многие другие подробности, позволяющие исследовать ранее неизвестные детали истории Уральского региона. В беседе с Людмилой Дашкевич и Евгением Неклюдовым, докторами исторических наук, научными сотрудниками Института истории и археологии Уральского отделения Российской академии наук, и Ириной Шалиной, доктором филологических наук, обсуждается научная значимость и информационный потенциал данного исторического источника. Сопоставление этого документа с подобными источниками, введенными ранее в научный оборот, показывает его уникальность, обусловленную степенью подробности, позицией автора и качеством издания. Участниками обсуждения особенно отмечено высокое научное качество издания: помимо корректной передачи текста с минимумом редакционного вмешательства, издание отличается разнообразными научными комментариями историко-культурологического и биографического свойства. Содержание дневника выявляет не только проблемы, связанные с бытовой жизнью имения последней трети XIX в., но и более общие вопросы, относящиеся к взаимоотношениям различных сословий, исторической психологии дворовых людей, сохранению крепостнического сознания после отмены крепостного права, патриархальности и экономической модернизации в экономике региона.Marina Larionova, a specialist in the history of Russia, a candidate of historical sciences, presents her Everyday Life of a Provincial Estate (Yekaterinburg, 2013). The book was written with reference to a rare historical source, a diary of a servant of the Ural Landowners Golubtsov that is kept in the State Archive of Sverdlovsk Region (GASO, f. 67, op. 1, d. 69). The diary is anonymous, and the authorship was established as a result of an inquiry into its origin; Matvey Andreev, a descendant of a family of serfs was finally given credit as the author, and, according to the diary, he was a petty bourgeois of Kungur, an uyezd town, by the time the diary was started. For 3 years and 5 months (1872-1875), he wrote an account of daily life in the estate and in the manor house located in Aleksandrovskoye Settlement of Vladimir Platonovich Golubtsov, a Perm landowner. The diary describes the everyday life of a Ural petty manorial estate located in Krasnoufimsk Uyezd, Perm Governorate, the day-to-day routine of the owner and the dwellers of the manor, the relationships between them and the ones characteristic of the life of an uyezd community, the emotional experience of the people mentioned in the diary, and other details shedding light on the previously unknown events in the history of the Urals. In her talk with Lyudmila Dashkevich and Yevgeny Neklyudov, professors of history, research fellows of the Institute for History and Archaeology (Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch), and with Irina Shalina, professor of philology, the author discusses the academic significance and informational potential of the source in question. The comparison drawn of the document with some previously known similar sources gives evidence proving its uniqueness conditioned by its comprehensive character, the author’s viewpoint and the quality of the publication. Thus, it does not only comply with the text and has few editorial corrections, it also contains a variety of academic historical, cultural and biographic commentaries. The diary both describes the problems a 19th-century manor could face on a daily basis and dwells on some general issues connected with the relationships between social classes, the historical psychology of servants, the perseverance of serf consciousness after the abolition of serfdom, the patriarchal character of life, and the modernization of the region’s economy

    Energy-efficient installations of multi-zone multi-frequency induction heating of steel billets for large deformation

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    This article discusses the basic construction principles of the device for multi-zone induction heating. The mathematical model of a cascade inverter is described. Various modes of heating cylindrical billets are considered depending on the ratio of powers in the heating zones and current frequencies in the inductors. The indicators of heating uniformity over the cross section and energy efficiency are studied. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion is drawn about the optimal choice of the number of heating zones, frequencies of inductors and heating modes. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Automation of Dean's Office Functions in a Higher Education Institution on the Basis of Electronic Document Flow System

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    The article contains the description of automation function technologies realized in the work of a dean's office. The main functions realized by a dean's office in the course of its activity are shown in the article; the main functions realization in the system of electronic document flow "1C University" is presented. The application of electronic document flow systems promotes the improvement of quality and efficiency of a dean's office work due to the decrease in time spent on the processes of collecting, processing and obtaining required information; allows to carry out dean's office functions at a more technological level, simplifying the procedure of processing the data used in the course of educational process, automating the formation and preparation of necessary documents (test and examination papers, certificates of training, orders, etc.) for printing

    Comparative analysis oil industry of Russia, OPEC and USA

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    The article provides an overview of the oil and liquid hydrocarbons markets — the largest producers and consumers countries, the major oil companies. A comparative analysis oil industry of the Russia, OPEC countries, USA is delivered. The authors come to the conclusion that most OPEC countries and Russia occupy leading positions at the expense of large stockpiles of conventional oil, low cost, as well as economies of scale, being the natural recipients of rent. Their extraction profitable in practically all oil prices and ousting them from oil market happens at least as well as that in the United States and Canada, associated in many ways with the development of oil shale, tar sands, the super heavy oil and offshore projects, high tech and expensive