69 research outputs found

    Um estudo da relação causal de autonomia no trabalho, apoio social e intenção de rotatividade

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    Boredom at workplace is a negative well-being displayed by both blue and white collar employees who had lost their passion and value towards jobs under non stimulating working environment. Yet, there are limited studies in this area. Scholars had constantly associated boredom with negative working performance such as job dissatisfaction, high absenteeism, poor health condition and low organizational commitment. However, the association with turnover intention remains debatable. In Pakistan, the turnover intention among academicians of universities are in critical stage ever since year 2015. Although the Higher Education Commission Pakistan recognize the potential of private universities in supporting Pakistan to improve education in the countries, this issue remains unsolved which may jeopardize the success. Therefore, this study put forward the antecedents and consequence of boredom at workplace under a single model which includes the investigation of job autonomy, social support, and turnover intention among academicians. A quantitative study was conducted by obtaining data from 279 academicians working for 25 private universities in Lahore an Islamabad. The results showed that job autonomy was not significantly associated with turnover intention because job autonomy has no association with boredom at the first place. In contrast, social support was negatively associated with boredom which led to positive association with turnover intention. Moreover, the result confirmed the presence of boredom as mediator upon bootstrapping. It is suggested that private universities shall motivate academicians to actively participate in trainings, conferences, and seminars as the opportune time can be used to build good rapport among them.El aburrimiento en el lugar de trabajo es un bienestar negativo que muestran tanto los empleados de cuello azul como los de clase blanca que han perdido su pasión y valor hacia los empleos en un entorno laboral no estimulante. Sin embargo, hay estudios limitados en esta área. Los académicos han asociado constantemente el aburrimiento con el desempeño laboral negativo, como la insatisfacción laboral, el alto ausentismo, la mala condición de salud y el bajo compromiso organizacional. Sin embargo, la asociación con la intención de rotación sigue siendo discutible. En Pakistán, la intención de rotación entre los académicos de las universidades se encuentra en una etapa crítica desde el año 2015. Aunque la Comisión de Educación Superior de Pakistán reconoce el potencial de las universidades privadas para ayudar a Pakistán a mejorar la educación en los países, este problema sigue sin resolverse, lo que puede poner en peligro el éxito.. Por lo tanto, este estudio expuso los antecedentes y las consecuencias del aburrimiento en el lugar de trabajo bajo un modelo único que incluye la investigación de la autonomía laboral, el apoyo social y la intención de cambio entre los académicos. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo mediante la obtención de datos de 279 académicos que trabajan en 25 universidades privadas en Lahore y Islamabad. Los resultados mostraron que la autonomía laboral no se asoció significativamente con la intención de la rotación, ya que la autonomía laboral no tiene ninguna asociación con el aburrimiento en primer lugar. En contraste, el apoyo social se asoció negativamente con el aburrimiento, lo que llevó a una asociación positiva con la intención de la rotación. Además, el resultado confirmó la presencia de aburrimiento como mediador en el arranque. Se sugiere que las universidades privadas motiven a los académicos a participar activamente en capacitaciones, conferencias y seminarios, ya que el momento oportuno se puede utilizar para establecer una buena relación entre ellos.O tédio no local de trabalho é um bem-estar negativo exibido por funcionários de colarinho azul e branco que perderam a paixão e o valor para empregos em ambiente de trabalho não estimulante. No entanto, existem estudos limitados nesta área. Os acadêmicos associaram constantemente o tédio ao desempenho negativo do trabalho, como insatisfação no trabalho, alto absenteísmo, condições de saúde precárias e baixo comprometimento organizacional. No entanto, a associação com a intenção de rotatividade continua a ser discutível. No Paquistão, a intenção de rotatividade entre acadêmicos de universidades está em fase crítica desde 2015. Embora a Comissão de Educação Superior do Paquistão reconheça o potencial das universidades privadas em apoiar o Paquistão para melhorar a educação nos países, esta questão permanece sem solução, o que pode comprometer o sucesso. Portanto, este estudo apresenta os antecedentes e conseqüências do tédio no local de trabalho sob um único modelo que inclui a investigação da autonomia do trabalho, apoio social e intenção de rotatividade entre os acadêmicos. Um estudo quantitativo foi realizado através da obtenção de dados de 279 acadêmicos que trabalham para 25 universidades privadas em Lahore e Islamabad. Os resultados mostraram que a autonomia do trabalho não estava significativamente associada à intenção de rotatividade, porque a autonomia do trabalho não tem nenhuma associação com o tédio em primeiro lugar. Em contraste, o apoio social foi negativamente associado ao tédio, o que levou a uma associação positiva com a intenção de rotatividade. Além disso, o resultado confirmou a presença do tédio como mediador no bootstrapping. Sugere-se que as universidades privadas motivem os acadêmicos a participar ativamente de treinamentos, conferências e seminários, já que o momento oportuno pode ser usado para construir um bom relacionamento entre eles

    An e-learning system in Malaysia based on green computing and energy level

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    The increasing of energy cost and also environmental concern on green computing gaining more and more attention. Power and energy are a primary concern in the design and implementing green computing. Green is of the main step to make the computing world friendly with the environment. In this paper, an analysis on the comparison of green computer with other computing in E-learning environment had been done. The results show that green computing is friendly and less energy consuming. Therefore, this paper provides some suggestions in overcoming one of main challenging problems in environment problems which need to convert normally computing into green computing. In this paper also, we try to find out some specific area which consumes energy as compared to green computing in E –learning centre in Malaysia. The simulation results show that more than 30% of energy reduction by using green computing

    Importance of environmental policy on firm performance for the textile industry: A contextual study of Pakistan

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    Global warming and air pollution are severe threats to humans and ecosystems. While some of these issues, particularly those on a small scale requiring low-cost behaviors, may be relieved by developing and implementing environmental policies, it is clear that legislative measures and behaviors requiring a significant degree of sacrifice are required. The goal of this research is to highlight the aspects that can contribute to improve organizational performance in Pakistan’s textile industry. Through the moderating function of environmentalism, the study examines the impact of public participation, government regulation, and organizational environmental management systems (EMSs) on environmental and organizational performance The findings show that public participation, government regulation, and the organizational EMS all have a significant impact on both environmental and organizational success. Data were collected via a survey questionnaire. Smart-PLS-3 was used to evaluate the data. Furthermore, if environmentalism is regarded as a moderator, the overall influence on organizational performance will be greater. Public participation, government regulations, and an organization’s EMS are all seen to have a substantial influence on both environmental and organizational success

    Sharī‘ah Analysis of Acquisition of House Financing Portfolio: A Case Study of Bank Islami and Citi Bank Pakistan

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    Purpose - The Objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive scenario of the Acquisition of House Financing transaction taken place between Bank Islami and Citi Bank during 2010 in the light of Sharī’ah guidelines. The purpose of this whole complex transaction was to acquire Citi Banks house financing portfolio. The successful completion of such a transaction is an important milestone for Islamic Banking. The complete understanding of such transactions is of prime importance for Islamic banking academia.  Findings - The study concludes that the transaction based on Hawalah (assignment of debt) and Wakalah Lil Qabz (recovery agency) is very complex and intelligently designed to conduct these transactions.  Policy Implications - This study will enable the policymakers, Sharī’ah Advisors, and bankers to explore new avenues for investment in Islamic Banking Institutions. This study will also enable academicians and research students to conduct research for product development in related areas with conventional banks. The complete understanding of such transactions is of prime importance for the product development department of Islamic Banks.&nbsp

    Serological and molecular detection of bovine brucellosis at institutional livestock farms in Punjab, Pakistan

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    Bovine brucellosis remains a persistent infection in ruminants in Pakistan. A total of 828 (409 buffaloes and 419 cattle) sera were collected from 11 institutional-owned livestock farms in Punjab, Pakistan. The samples were tested by rose bengal plate agglutination test (RBPT) and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA). The seroprevalence along with 95% confidence interval (CI) was determined. Univariable and multivariable analysis of the epidemiological background data was conducted and odds ratio (OR) was calculated to understand any association between the risk factors and the seroprevalence. An overall seroprevalence of 3.9% (Positive/Tested = 32/828) and 3.3% (27/828) was detected by RBPT and iELISA, respectively. The seroprevalence of 5.6% (CI 3.6–8.3) and 4.7%, (CI 2.8–7.2) and the odds ratio of 2.63 (CI 1.20–5.77) and 2.50 (CI 1.08–5.78) for testing positive by RBPT and iELISA, respectively were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in buffaloes than in cattle. Breed, sex, history of abortion and retention of fetal membranes (RFM) in the animals were not found statistically significantly associated with the infection. RBPT and iELISA based results agreed almost perfect (k = 0.877). In total, Brucella abortus-DNA (9/27) was amplified from seropositive samples by real-time polymerase chain reaction. This study identified for the first time the etiological agents of brucellosis at a molecular level at institutional-owned livestock farms in Pakistan. View Full-Tex

    Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Objective: To determine the frequency of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in our population Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at medical out-patient Department, Services Hospital, Lahore; from September 2014 to March 2015. All the patients having chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) were included. COPD was defined as the patients having a ratio of “forced expiratory volume in one second” (FEVI) to “forced vital capacity” (FVC) below 70% and having no improvement in FEVI after bronchodilator. Severity GERD was categorized as per episodes of symptoms. Information regarding the frequency of GERD was collected via study proforma. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 16.  Results:  Overall 100 cases were studied; their mean age was 47.54+3.62 years. Out of all 90% were males and 10% were females. Frequency of GERD in patients with COPD reveals 33%, followed by 03% study subjects had mild GERD, 7% had moderate, 11% had severe and 12% had very severe symptoms of GERD, while 67% had no nay symptoms of GERD. Conclusion: In the conclusion the frequency of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) was found to be 33.0% among COPD subjects.

    Heavy metals mitigation and growth promoting effect of endophytic Agrococcus terreus (MW 979614) in maize plants under zinc and nickel contaminated soil

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    IntroductionHeavy metals such as iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, silver, zinc, nickel, and arsenic have accumulated in soils for a long time due to the dumping of industrial waste and sewage. Various techniques have been adapted to overcome metal toxicity in agricultural land but utilizing a biological application using potential microorganisms in heavy metals contaminated soil may be a successful approach to decontaminate heavy metals soil. Therefore, the current study aimed to isolate endophytic bacteria from a medicinal plant (Viburnum grandiflorum) and to investigate the growth-promoting and heavy metal detoxification potential of the isolated endophytic bacteria Agrococus tereus (GenBank accession number MW 979614) under nickel and zinc contamination.MethodsZinc sulfate and nickel sulfate solutions were prepared at the rate of 100 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg in sterilized distilled water. The experiment was conducted using a completely random design (CRD) with three replicates for each treatment.Results and DiscussionInoculation of seeds with A. tereus significantly increased the plant growth, nutrient uptake, and defense system. Treatment T4 (inoculated seeds), T5 (inoculated seeds + Zn100 mg/kg), and T6 (inoculated seeds + Ni 100 mg/kg) were effective, but T5 (inoculated seeds + Zn100 mg/kg) was the most pronounced and increased shoot length, root length, leaf width, plant height, fresh weight, moisture content, and proline by 49%, 38%, 89%, 31%, 113%, and 146%, respectively. Moreover the antioxidant enzymes peroxidase and super oxidase dismutase were accelerated by 211 and 68% in contaminated soil when plants were inoculated by A. tereus respectively. Similarly the inoculation of A. tereus also enhanced maize plants’ absorption of Cu, Mn, Ni, Na, Cr, Fe, Ca, Mg, and K significantly. Results of the findings concluded that 100 mg/kg of Zn and Ni were toxic to maize growth, but seed inoculation with A. tereus helped the plants significantly in reducing zinc and nickel stress. The A. tereus strain may be employed as a potential strain for the detoxification of heavy metal


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    Background: Lymphedema is abnormal accumulation of interstitial fluid in skin due to malfunction of lymphatic system. After axillary lymph node dissection breast surgery lymphedema of involved arm is one of the complications. So the aim of current study is to evaluate the effectiveness of home based decongestive lymphatic therapy on lymphedema and range of motion. Methods: A quasi experimental study was conducted on 100 female patients who have undergone axillary lymph node dissection in Shuakat khanum Memorial hospital Lahore. Study period was from March 2017 to September 2017. Sampling technique utilized was non probability convenience sampling. Written informed consent was taken from each patient. Patients were trained to do self massage and self lymphatic drainage technique once a day. Exercises were instructed to the patients keeping diaphragmatic exercises in between. Girth measurement was assessed pre and post operatively using calibrated tape. Range of motion was measured pre and post operatively through goniometer. Measurement was taken at baseline, and on 1st day, 10th day and 4th week of treatment. Effectiveness of home based decongestive lymphatic therapy was assessed through repeated measure ANOVA. Results: Home based decongestive lymphatic therapy showed statistically significant changes in arm and forearm circumference (p value < 0.05). Significant increase in degree of shoulder flexion, shoulder abduction, shoulder external rotation and shoulder internal rotation was observed after home based treatment (p value < 0.001) Conclusion: Home based lymphatic decongestive therapy proved to be effective in improving shoulder range of motion and reducing lymphaedema post breast cancer surgery

    Compliance of Financial Statements of Islamic Banks of Pakistan with AAOIFI Guidelines in General Presentation and Disclosure

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    Objective - This study intends to investigate the extent of voluntary financial reporting compliance made by Islamic banks of Pakistan as suggested by Islamic accounting standards (i.e. AAOIFI).&nbsp; Design/Methodology - The study is based on an empirical evaluation of financial statements of Islamic banks of Pakistan. Data sample consists of financial statements for the years 2009, 2015, 2016 and 2017 relating to of all four full-fledged Islamic banks in Pakistan. The first standard in Islamic accounting standards suggests a total of 111 items for compliance while preparing a financial statement of Islamic Banks. As per existing regulatory requirements, Islamic banks in Pakistan are required to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards while preparing their financial statements.&nbsp; Findings - However, the analysis suggests Islamic banks in Pakistan are in compliance of more than 50% of requirements as suggested by Islamic accounting standards.&nbsp; Implications – The insights will help the industry decision makers to increase the voluntary disclosures by the Islamic banks