1,614 research outputs found

    A document-like software visualization method for effective cognition of c-based software systems

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    It is clear that maintenance is a crucial and very costly process in a software life cycle. Nowadays there are a lot of software systems particularly legacy systems that are always maintained from time to time as new requirements arise. One important source to understand a software system before it is being maintained is through the documentation, particularly system documentation. Unfortunately, not all software systems developed or maintained are accompanied with their reliable and updated documents. In this case, source codes will be the only reliable source for programmers. A number of studies have been carried out in order to assist cognition based on source codes. One way is through tool automation via reverse engineering technique in which source codes will be parsed and the information extracted will be visualized using certain visualization methods. Most software visualization methods use graph as the main element to represent extracted software artifacts. Nevertheless, current methods tend to produce more complicated graphs and do not grant an explicit, document-like re-documentation environment. Hence, this thesis proposes a document-like software visualization method called DocLike Modularized Graph (DMG). The method is realized in a prototype tool named DocLike Viewer that targets on C-based software systems. The main contribution of the DMG method is to provide an explicit structural re-document mechanism in the software visualization tool. Besides, the DMG method provides more level of information abstractions via less complex graph that include inter-module dependencies, inter-program dependencies, procedural abstraction and also parameter passing. The DMG method was empirically evaluated based on the Goal/Question/Metric (GQM) paradigm and the findings depict that the method can improve productivity and quality in the aspect of cognition or program comprehension. A usability study was also conducted and DocLike Viewer had the most positive responses from the software practitioners

    Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Em Waves

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    Nowadays, there are four common methods of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) used in the industry which are included Thermal recovery, Chemical injection, Gas injection and Seismic approach. This project is about to improve the existing EOR methods where EM waves is going to be used as a safer, cheaper, reusable and simple tool that can help to increase the production of crude oil in industry. The mechanism that would help to improve the oil mobility is the EM wave’s propagation itself where during this propagation, a kind of energy is actually being transferred from a point to a point. A source of frequency to the transmitter is supplied so that it can transmit and transfer the energy to the crude oil and this energy would cause the molecules in the crude oil to vibrate, moving apart more frequently and thus this will help the mobility of the oil itself. For sea bed logging application, we cannot achieve the fluid resonance frequency which is few Mega hertz because it may cause the EM waves is not penetrating to the focus point (reservoir) due to nearer skin depth. The skin depth equation ωμσ δ = 2 is referred in order to know how much EM waves could penetrate and diffuse into the reservoir, where σ is electrical conductivity, μ is magnetic permeability and ω is the angular frequency of the current. Therefore, 1 KHz of frequency is used as the transmitter source in order to make sure that EM waves could diffuse into the core sample and transfer energy to the crude oil molecules. Shape and size of the transmitter would determine how efficient it is in extracting energy from the radio waves and due to this reason, a transmitter with hexagon shape is designed so that it can transmit a powerful EM waves to the core rock sample. In the experiments conducted, it was concluded that the designed transmitter with nanoparticle magnetic feeder and amplifier could has a recovery of 10-12%OOIP. The field strength was increase by 96.7% when two magnetic feeders with diameter of 0.5cm and amplifier are used together with the transmitter

    Evaluation Of Curriculum At The Primary Level In Light Of Education Policies And Plans In Pakistan

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    The paper is based on a research conducted to evaluate the curriculum at the primary level in the light of education policies and plans in Pakistan. The article discusses the objectives of the curriculum at the primary level and analyzes different education policies and plans regarding the achievements of objectives. Results revealed that the objectives of curriculum were not fully achieved. The procedure of the implementation of policies and plans regarding curriculum remained weak

    Technology Acceptance Model and its Scope of Application in Teaching Practices at Secondary Level

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    1989. Still this model is most popular to predict anyone’s technology intention to use it. So this study used TAM to find out its scope of application in Pakistani context. Secondary level education is a big milestone in any student’s learning career. To know about the use of Technology is considered important literacy skill in twenty first century, so this study aimed to explore the scope of Technology Acceptance Model in teaching practices at Pakistani secondary level institutes. The population of this study was delimited to the secondary level Public school teachers of district Gujranwala (Punjab). According to Punjab School Education Department, 4921 teachers were working in District Gujranwala; 2497male teachers and 2424 female teachers at secondary level. So 500 teachers, 250 male and 250 female were randomly selected as participants of this study. This study was descriptive research. Researcher developed a tool on the constructs of TAM. This tool was consisted of 20 statements on seven point Likert scale. Researcher observed teaching practices of participants in learning environment also. During observations some of their students were interviewed to triangulate the data. Researcher used mixed methods approach to analyze the data. This study proved that Perceived usefulness (PU) plays significant role in developing attitude towards use of technology. Previous experience and technology aversions or harmonies were influencing the perceived ease of use (PEOU) and then behavior intension (BI) to use technology. The findings of this study proved that teachers should be trained and facilitated to integrate technology in teaching learning process so teachers will be able to better perform. Moreover this study contributes to the related literature and provides new dimensions to future researches

    Technical change in Pakistan's agriculture: 1953-54 to 1977-78

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    Labor Market Effects of Public Sector Hiring Policies and International Apparel Sector Monitoring in Bangladesh

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    政策研究大学院大学 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies博士(開発経済学) / Ph.D. in Development Economics論文審査委員: LITSCHIG Stephan(主査), 木島 陽子, HSU Minchung, 牧野 百恵 (独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所), INTARAKUMNERD Patarapongapplication/PDF政策分析プログラム / Policy Analysis Programdoctoral thesi

    Molecular Mechanisms of Graves' Ophthalmopathy. A focus on smoking and radioiodine.

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    Graves’ disease (GD) is an autoimmune disease characterized by hyperthyroidism and is caused by an interplayof genetic and environmental factors. One-third of patients with GD develop Graves’ ophthalmopathy (GO). Keyprocesses in the pathogenesis of GO are inflammation and adipogenesis in orbital tissue. Strong risk factorsassociated with the development of GO are smoking and radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism. The aim ofthis thesis was to explore the molecular mechanisms behind the effects of smoking and radioiodine treatment onthe pathogenesis of GO.In Study I, microarray results showed upregulation of IL-1ß, IL-6 and adipocyte-related immediate early genes(IEGs), CYR61 and PTGS2, in intraorbital adipose/connective tissue from smokers compared with nonsmokerswith active GO. We confirmed the results with Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Usingbioinformatic tools, we investigated whether the overexpressed genes were associated with pathways upregulatedin adipogenesis. We found the overexpressed genes to be significantly associated with pathways involvinginflammation, adipogenesis, and immune responses.In Study II, we studied the direct effect of cigarette smoke extract (CSE) on the gene expression of IL-1ß, IL-6,CYR61, and PTGS2 and on the adipogenesis process using an in vitro model. Orbital fibroblasts (OFs) wereisolated from intraorbital adipose/connective tissue from GO patients. The OFs were exposed to CSE, and geneexpression was measured. We found that CSE alone could upregulate the gene expression of IEGs, IL-1ß, and IL-6 but not the late adipogenic genes SCD and PPARγ. Moreover, we investigated whether simvastatin coulddownregulate IEGs, IL-6 and adipogenesis. Simvastatin downregulated IEGs, IL-6, and adipogenesis in OFs.Additionally, we found that IGF-1 treatment in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes led to mature adipocytes.In Study III, we investigated the effect of CSE exposure and simvastatin and diclofenac treatment on peripheralblood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from newly diagnosed GD patients. We found that CSE exposurealone could upregulate the expression of PTGS2, IL-1ß, and IL-6 and the release of PGE2, IL-1ß, and IL-6.Furthermore, the proliferation of B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes was upregulated in response to CSEexposure. Simvastatin and diclofenac downregulated the gene expression of PTGS2, IL-1ß, and IL-6 and therelease of PGE2, IL-1ß, and IL-6 by PBMCs. Furthermore, the proliferation of B- and T lymphocytes wasdownregulated. The effects of simvastatin and diclofenac were even stronger when the treatments werecombined. Additionally, IGF-1-treated PBMCs upregulated the proliferation of B- and T lymphocytes.In Study IV, GD patients were treated with radioiodine (RI). Thyrotropin receptor autoantibody (TRAb) levels weremeasured 3 months after treatment. DNA was collected using buccal swabs. We found that TRAb levels weresignificantly increased in 70% percent of the patients 3 months after RI treatment. TRAb levels were significantlyelevated in the proportion of patients who developed GO after RI treatment compared to those GD patients that didnot develop GO after RI treatment. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs231775 in the CTLA-4 gene wasassociated with TRAb levels in GD patients after RI treatment

    Individual Differences in the Temporal Processing of Neurotypical Children and Adults

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    Sensory signals from different modalities presented close in time and space are often integrated, building a multisensory perceptual world. A better understanding of the multisensory integration requires characterization of how the nervous system processes time. There are very few studies that have focused on the development and individual variabilities in temporal aspects of sensory processing in neurotypical population. Using a temporal order judgement task (TOJ), this study explored individual differences in the temporal processing of unisensory (auditory, tactile, and visual) and multisensory (auditory-visual, visual-tactile, and auditory-tactile) stimuli in neurotypical children, young adult, and adult. In addition, we examined whether precision of the temporal processing in these TOJ tasks can be influenced by participants’ age, intelligence, and sensory responsiveness profiles. Performance in each of the unisensory TOJ tasks, measured in temporal order threshold (JND) and reaction time (RT) showed significant improvement with age, while the most significant improvement observed in the visual TOJ task. Multiple regression models did not find any significant predictor of JND or RT except for the age. Analysis of multisensory TOJ tasks with a small group of adult participants did not demonstrate any influence of age or task on threshold (JND), point of subjective simultaneity (PSS), or temporal binding window (TBW). However, RTs in the auditory-visual and auditory-tactile tasks were significantly different. TBW in the auditory-visual task and PSS in the auditory-tactile task were significantly predicted by sensory responsive patterns of the participants. In addition, JND comparison between unisensory and multisensory tasks revealed better performance of the adult participants in the unisensory tasks. We conclude (1) temporal order threshold improves with age from childhood to adulthood, and (2) sensory responsiveness pattern, to some extends, predict temporal acuity in the multisensory TOJ task

    eSIMS Web Based School Information Management System

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    Every aspect of management relies on information to succeed. According to Adekeye (1997) information has become a critical resource to the organizations and individuals and should be properly managed to ensure its cost effective use. Best (1988) stated that to improve the performance of the organization, information management must be economic, efficient and effective. Information systems and organization have been highly interconnected with each other. Adekeye (1997) and Rob and Corone (2000) stated that the development and used of information is generated, accessed and distributed. The Web can be considered to be a very large semi-structured database that holds vast amounts of useful information is generated, accessed and distributed. The Web can be considered to be a very large semi-structured database that holds vast amounts of usefull information. These days, good decision requires information that comes from a manageable data storage. The internet has transformed database management system and put them in move towards Web enabled database application. Many organizations are now taking full advantage of the web in becoming web centric organization. In fact, many database professionals believe that web database as a significant element in information system development. Hence, this study discusses the database system development and framework in developing a school information management system prototype, using Apache, MySQL and PHP. The system development was designed using the Database Development Life Cycle (DBLC) approach. The web based School Information Management System prototype can be used as a reference in the implementation of web- based management system for the schools