25,687 research outputs found

    Hydrogen transport in alpha titanium

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    Permeation experiments after nitriding the inlet surface of a hollow cylindrical membrane were conducted. Permeation data on two additional specimens given pre-oxidation or pre-nitriding treatments at both inlet and outlet surfaces are presented in terms of Arrhenius plots. Additionally, an analysis of geometry dependence on permeation rate was made for several specimens including the ones mentioned above. For simplicity in this report, the term as-polished is used to refer to a specimen which is either as-polished or is as-polished, pre-oxidized and annealed

    A minimum control ancilla driven quantum computation scheme with repeat-until-success style gate generation

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    Some two qubit interactions are singly sufficient for universal quantum computation but not without the use of an ancilla. Recent schemes for universal quantum computation have focused on hybrid physical systems using ancillae. In them, the application of resources is shifted to the ancilla system. We consider which 2-qubit interactions are universal in ancilla schemes where direct connections between main register qubits are forbidden. By the use of ancilla driven operations and repeat-until-success style random gates, a single fixed symmetric gate can be universal be control of the number of repetitions alone

    Entangling unitary gates on distant qubits with ancilla feedback

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    By using an ancilla qubit as a mediator, two distant qubits can undergo a non-local entangling unitary operation. This is desirable for when attempting to scale up or distribute quantum computation by combining fixed static local sets of qubits with ballistic mediators. Using a model driven by measurements on the ancilla, it is possible to generate a maximally entangling CZ gate while only having access to a less entangling gate between the pair qubits and the ancilla. However this results in a stochastic process of generating control phase rotation gates where the expected time for success does not correlate with the entangling power of the connection gate. We explore how one can use feedback into the preparation and measurement parameters of the ancilla to speed up the expected time to generate a CZ gate between a pair of separated qubits and to leverage stronger coupling strengths for faster times. Surprisingly, by choosing an appropriate strategy, control of a binary discrete parameter achieves comparable speed up to full continuous control of all degrees of freedom of the ancilla.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Gas phase hydrogen permeation in alpha titanium and carbon steels

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    Commercially pure titanium and heats of Armco ingot iron and steels containing from 0.008-1.23 w/oC were annealed or normalized and machined into hollow cylinders. Coefficients of diffusion for alpha-Ti and alpha-Fe were determined by the lag-time technique. Steady state permeation experiments yield first power pressure dependence for alpha-Ti and Sievert's law square root dependence for Armco iron and carbon steels. As in the case of diffusion, permeation data confirm that alpha-titanium is subject to at least partial phase boundary reaction control while the steels are purely diffusion controlled. The permeation rate in steels also decreases as the carbon content increases. As a consequence of Sievert's law, the computed hydrogen solubility decreases as the carbon content increases. This decreases in explained in terms of hydrogen trapping at carbide interfaces. Oxidizing and nitriding the surfaces of alpha-titanium membranes result in a decrease in the permeation rate for such treatment on the gas inlet surfaces but resulted in a slight increase in the rate for such treatment on the gas outlet surfaces. This is explained in terms of a discontinuous TiH2 layer

    Estimation of Standardized Effort in the Heterogeneous Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fleet

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    In this paper we estimate nominal and standardized shrimping effort in the Gulf of Mexico for the years 1965 through 1993. We accomplish this by first developing a standardization method (model) and then an expansion method (model). The expansion model estimates nominal days fished for noninterview landings data. The standardization model converts nominal days fished to standard days fished. We then characterize the historical trends of the penaeid shrimp fishery byvessel configuration, relative fishing power, and nominal and standardized effort. Wherever possible, we provide comparison with previous estimates by the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA

    Balancing Local Order and Long-Ranged Interactions in the Molecular Theory of Liquid Water

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    A molecular theory of liquid water is identified and studied on the basis of computer simulation of the TIP3P model of liquid water. This theory would be exact for models of liquid water in which the intermolecular interactions vanish outside a finite spatial range, and therefore provides a precise analysis tool for investigating the effects of longer-ranged intermolecular interactions. We show how local order can be introduced through quasi-chemical theory. Long-ranged interactions are characterized generally by a conditional distribution of binding energies, and this formulation is interpreted as a regularization of the primitive statistical thermodynamic problem. These binding-energy distributions for liquid water are observed to be unimodal. The gaussian approximation proposed is remarkably successful in predicting the Gibbs free energy and the molar entropy of liquid water, as judged by comparison with numerically exact results. The remaining discrepancies are subtle quantitative problems that do have significant consequences for the thermodynamic properties that distinguish water from many other liquids. The basic subtlety of liquid water is found then in the competition of several effects which must be quantitatively balanced for realistic results.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Ultrafast demagnetization in the sp-d model: a theoretical study

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    We propose and analyze a theoretical model of ultrafast light-induced magnetization dynamics in systems of localized spins that are coupled to carriers' spins by sp-d exchange interaction. A prominent example of a class of materials falling into this category are ferromagnetic (III,Mn)V semiconductors, in which ultrafast demagnetization has been recently observed. In the proposed model light excitation heats up the population of carriers, taking it out of equilibrium with the localized spins. This triggers the process of energy and angular momentum exchange between the two spin systems, which lasts for the duration of the energy relaxation of the carriers. We derive the Master equation for the density matrix of a localized spin interacting with the hot carriers and couple it with a phenomenological treatment of the carrier dynamics. We develop a general theory within the sp-d model and we apply it to the ferromagnetic semiconductors, taking into account the valence band structure of these materials. We show that the fast spin relaxation of the carriers can sustain the flow of polarization between the localized and itinerant spins leading to significant demagnetization of the localized spin system, observed in (III,Mn)V materials.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Health System Performance for the High-Need Patient: A Look at Access to Care and Patient Care Experiences

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    Achieving a high-performing health system will require improving outcomes and reducing costs for high-need, high-cost patients—those who use the most health care services and account for a disproportionately large share of health care spending. Goal: To compare the health care experiences of adults with high needs—those with three or more chronic diseases and a functional limitation in the ability to care for themselves or perform routine daily tasks—to all adults and to those with multiple chronic diseases but no functional limitations. Methods: Analysis of data from the 2009–2011 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Key findings: High-need adults were more likely to report having an unmet medical need and less likely to report having good patient–provider communication. High-need adults reported roughly similar ease of obtaining specialist referrals as other adults and greater likelihood of having a medical home. While adults with private health insurance reported the fewest unmet needs overall, privately insured highneed adults reported the greatest difficulties having their needs met. Conclusion: The health care system needs to work better for the highest-need, most-complex patients. This study's findings highlight the importance of tailoring interventions to address their need

    MALDI TOF MS and currently related proteomic technologies in reconciling bacterial systematics

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    The chapter is on development and application of matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) to identification and and classification of bacteria