7 research outputs found

    IOA-244 is a Non-ATP-competitive, Highly Selective, Tolerable PI3K Delta Inhibitor That Targets Solid Tumors and Breaks Immune Tolerance

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    PI3K delta (PI3Kδ) inhibitors are used to treat lymphomas but safety concerns and limited target selectivity curbed their clinical usefulness. PI3Kδ inhibition in solid tumors has recently emerged as a potential novel anticancer therapy through the modulation of T-cell responses and direct antitumor activity. Here we report the exploration of IOA-244/MSC2360844, a first-in-class non–ATP-competitive PI3Kδ inhibitor, for the treatment of solid tumors. We confirm IOA-244’s selectivity as tested against a large set of kinases, enzymes, and receptors. IOA-244 inhibits the in vitro growth of lymphoma cells and its activity correlates with the expression levels of PIK3CD, suggesting cancer cell–intrinsic effects of IOA-244. Importantly, IOA-244 inhibits regulatory T cell proliferation while having limited antiproliferative effects on conventional CD4+ T cells and no effect on CD8+ T cells. Instead, treatment of CD8 T cells with IOA-244 during activation, favors the differentiation of memory-like, long-lived CD8, known to have increased antitumor capacity. These data highlight immune-modulatory properties that can be exploited in solid tumors. In CT26 colorectal and Lewis lung carcinoma lung cancer models, IOA-244 sensitized the tumors to anti-PD-1 (programmed cell death protein 1) treatment, with similar activity in the Pan-02 pancreatic and A20 lymphoma syngeneic mouse models. IOA-244 reshaped the balance of tumor-infiltrating cells, favoring infiltration of CD8 and natural killer cells, while decreasing suppressive immune cells. IOA-244 presented no detectable safety concerns in animal studies and is currently in clinical phase Ib/II investigation in solid and hematologic tumors. Significance: IOA-244 is a first-in-class non-ATP-competitive, PI3Kδ inhibitor with direct antitumorin vitroactivity correlated with PI3Kδ expression. The ability to modulate T cells,in vivoantitumor activity in various models with limited toxicity in animal studies provides the rationale for the ongoing trials in patients with solid tumors and hematologic cancers.</p

    Discovery of potent inhibitors of the lysophospholipase autotaxin

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    The autotaxin–lysophosphatidic acid (ATX–LPA) axis has been implicated in several disease conditions including inflammation, fibrosis and cancer. This makes ATX an attractive drug target and its inhibition may lead to useful therapeutic agents. Through a high throughput screen (HTS) we identified a series of small molecule inhibitors of ATX which have subsequently been optimized for potency, selectivity and developability properties. This has delivered drug-like compounds such as 9v (CRT0273750) which modulate LPA levels in plasma and are suitable for in vivo studies. X-ray crystallography has revealed that these compounds have an unexpected binding mode in that they do not interact with the active site zinc ions but instead occupy the hydrophobic LPC pocket extending from the active site of ATX together with occupying the LPA ‘exit’ channel