825 research outputs found

    On A New Formulation of Micro-phenomena: Basic Principles, Stationary Fields And Beyond

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    In a series of essays, beginning with this article, we are going to develop a new formulation of micro-phenomena based on the principles of reality and causality. The new theory provides with us a new depiction of micro-phenomena assuming an unified concept of information, matter and energy. So, we suppose that in a definite micro-physical context (including other interacting particles), each particle is enfolded by a probability field whose existence is contingent upon the existence of the particle, but it can locally affect the physical status of the particle in a context-dependent manner. The dynamics of the whole particle-field system obeys deterministic equations in a manner that when the particle is subjected to a conservative force, the field also experiences a conservative complex force which its form is determined by the dynamics of particle. So, the field is endowed with a given amount of energy, but its value is contingent upon the physical conditions the particle is subjected to. Based on the energy balance of the particle and its associated field, we argue why the field has a probabilistic objective nature. In such a way, the basic elements of this new formulation, its application for some stationary states and its nonlinear generalization for conservative systems are discussed here.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figures, 3 appendice

    Down-regulatory effects of miR-211 on long non-coding RNA SOX2OT and SOX2 genes in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Objective: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) that transcriptionally or post-Transcriptionally regulate gene expression through degradation of their mRNA targets and/or translational suppression. However, there are a few reports on miRNA-mediated expression regulation of long ncRNAs (lncRNAs). We have previously reported a significant upregulation of the lncRNA SOX2OT and its intronic coding gene, SOX2, in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) tissue samples. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of induced overexpression of miR-211 on SOX2OT and SOX2 expression in vitro. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, we performed both bioinformatic and experimental analyses to examine whether these transcripts are regulated by miRNAs. From the list of potential candidate miRNAs, miR-211 was found to have complementary sequences to SOX2OT and SOX2 transcripts. To validate our finding experimentally, we transfected the NT-2 pluripotent cell line (an embryonal carcinoma stem cell) with an expression vector overexpressing miR-211. The expression changes of miR-211, SOX2OT, and SOX2 were then quantified by a real-Time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) approach. Results: Compared with mock-Transfected cells, overexpression of miR-211 caused a significant down-regulation of both genes (P<0.05). Furthermore, flow-cytometry analysis revealed a significant elevation in sub-G1 cell population following ectopic expression of miR-211 in NT-2 cells. Conclusion: We report here, for the first time, the down-regulation of SOX2OT and SOX2 genes by an miRNA. Considering the vital role of SOX2OT and SOX2 genes in pluripotency and tumorigenesis, our data suggest an important and inhibitory role for miR-211 in the aforementioned processes

    Challenges of Digital Transformation: The case of the Non-Profit Sector

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    Colloque organisé par l’ANR « ANTHROPOS », avec le soutien du CERPHI, UMR 5037 et de Mathesis, CIRPHLES, USR 3308, et l'appui de l'ESEMP. C’est un lieu commun que Descartes a modifié l’acception des termes « physique » et «métaphysique », mais aussi qu’il a inversé l’ordre dans lequel ces disciplines devaient être abordées. Le détail de cette modification et l’histoire de cette inversion peuvent cependant aujourd’hui être l’objet d’une contextualisation fine. Lors des deux colloques qui seron..

    Challenges of Digital Transformation: The case of the Non-Profit Sector

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    An RUL-informed approach for life extension of high-value assets

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    The conventional approaches for life-extension (LE) of industrial assets are largely qualitative and focus only on a few indicators at the end of an asset’s design life. However, an asset may consist of numerous individual components with different useful lives and therefore applying a single LE strategy to every component will not result in an efficient outcome. In recent years, many advanced analytics techniques have been proposed to estimate the remaining useful life (RUL) of the assets equipped with sensor technology. This paper proposes a data-driven model for LE decision-making based on RUL values predicted on a real-time basis during the asset’s operational life. Our proposed LE model is conceptually targeted at the component, unit, or subsystem level; however, an asset-level decision is made by aggregating information across all components. Consequently, LE is viewed and assessed as a series of ongoing activities, albeit carefully orchestrated in a manner similar to operation and maintenance (O&M). The application of the model is demonstrated using the publicly available NASA C-MAPSS dataset for large commercial turbofan engines. This approach will be very beneficial to asset owners and maintenance engineers as it seamlessly weaves LE strategies into O&M activities, thus optimizing resources

    Bell's Theorem and Chemical Potential

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    Chemical potential is a property which involves the effect of interaction between the components of a system, and it results from the whole system. In this paper, we argue that for two particles which have interacted via their spins and are now spatially separated, the so-called Bell's locality condition implies that the chemical potential of each particle is an individual property. Here is a point where quantum statistical mechanics and the local hidden variable theories are in conflict. Based on two distinct concepts of chemical potential, the two theories predict two different patterns for the energy levels of a system of two entangled particles. In this manner, we show how one can distinguish the non-separable features of a two-particle system.Comment: 11 pages,1 figure, To appear in J. Phy. A: Math. Gen., Special Issue: Foundations of Quantum Theor

    Structural Modification of the Immunosuppressants FK-506 and Ascomycin Using a Biological Approach

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    Bioconversion was utilized to conduct structural modification of the complex molecules FK-506 and ascomycin. Four interesting microbial reactions, regiospecific O-demethylation, glucosylation, hydroxylation, and phosphorylation, yielding various derivatives of the title compounds, were discovered from screening more than thousand microorganisms including bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi. The isolated compounds were evaluated for a better understanding of structural and functional features responsible for their biological activity

    Identification of Gas-Liquid Flow Regimes Using a Non-intrusive Doppler Ultrasonic Sensor and Virtual Flow Regime Maps

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    The accurate prediction of flow regimes is vital for the analysis of behaviour and operation of gas/liquid two-phase systems in industrial processes. This paper investigates the feasibility of a non-radioactive and non-intrusive method for the objective identification of two-phase gas/liquid flow regimes using a Doppler ultrasonic sensor and machine learning approaches. The experimental data is acquired from a 16.2-m long S-shaped riser, connected to a 40-m horizontal pipe with an internal diameter of 50.4 mm. The tests cover the bubbly, slug, churn and annular flow regimes. The power spectral density (PSD) method is applied to the flow modulated ultrasound signals in order to extract frequency-domain features of the two-phase flow. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is then used to reduce the dimensionality of the data so as to enable visualisation in the form of a virtual flow regime map. Finally, a support vector machine (SVM) is deployed to develop an objective classifier in the reduced space. The classifier attained 85.7% accuracy on training samples and 84.6% accuracy on test samples. Our approach has shown the success of the ultrasound sensor, PCA-SVM, and virtual flow regime maps for objective two-phase flow regime classification on pipeline-riser systems, which is beneficial to operators in industrial practice. The use of a non-radioactive and non-intrusive sensor also makes it more favorable than other existing techniques
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