8 research outputs found
Молекулярно-генетичні характеристики аденовірусів, як збудників гострих діарей у жителів півдня України
The etiological role of adenoviruses as causative agents of acute diarrhea in the southern region of Ukraine was studied.
Adenovirus DNA was detected in 10.61±1.05 % of clinical stool samples. Serotypes of two gene groups: C and F were identified
during genotyping and sequencing of genetic material of detected adenovirus isolates. Gene group F (HAdV41), proves their role
in the occurrence of this infectious pathology. HAdV41 isolates had a significant advantage 75.0±15.31 % and had a pronounced
genetic heterogeneity, showed similarities with serotypes circulating in previous years in different regions of the world: Sweden
(1978), Japan (2003, 2006), South Africa (2009–2014), Iraq (2016). The obtained results allowed to establish the geographical
origin of circulating adenoviruses, as well as to predict a further increase in the intensity of the epidemic process of adenoviral
infections in southern Ukraine.Вивчали етіологічну роль аденовірусів, як збудників гострі діареї у жителів південного регіону України. ДНК
аденовірусів виявлені в клінічних зразках стільця хворих у 10,61±1,05 % випадків. При генотипуванні та секвенуванні
генетичного матеріалу виявлених ізолятів ідентифіковано серотипи двох геногруп: С та F. У 25,0±11,69 % хворих на гостру
діарею у вигляді моноінфекції було виявлено аденовіруси геногрупи С: HAdV2 і HadV5, що поряд з серотипами геногрупи
F (HAdV41), доводить їх роль у виникненні даної інфекційної патології. Ізоляти HAdV41 зустрічались із суттєвою перевагою
75,0±15,31 % та мали виражену генетичну гетерогенність, виявляючи подібність з серотипами, що циркулювали у попередні
роки у різних регіонах світу: в Швеції (1978 р.), Японії (2003, 2006 рр.), Південній Африці (2009–2014 рр.), в Іраку (2016 р.).
Отримані результати дозволили встановити географічне походження циркулюючих аденовірусів, прогнозувати подальше
зростання інтенсивності епідемічного процесу аденовірусної інфекцій на півдні України
Removal of Ammonium Ions From Aqueous Solutions Using Electrodialysis
We report results of investigating the processes of electrochemical oxidation of ammonium in a two-chamber electrolyzer depending on the composition of the original solutions ‒ anolyte and catholyte, current density, electrolysis duration. It is shown that the electrochemical oxidation of ammonia in aqueous solutions of ammonium sulfate proceeds at a rate of 14‒55 mg/(dm3·hours) at a current density of 86.2‒172.4 A/m2 and the starting concentrations of a given ion of 10‒120 mg/dm3. The rate of ammonium oxidation under these conditions increases with increasing starting concentrations of ammonium and with increasing current density.The output of oxidized ammonium for current and specific consumption of electricity for water purification from ammonium are defined based on ammonium concentrations and current density and increase with an increase in the concentration of a given ion and a decrease in current density.Ammonium oxidation rate increases by 1.66 times in solutions of ammonium sulfate ([NH4+]=90 mg/dm3, j=172.4 A/m3) in tap water, compared with distilled water. This is due to the presence of chlorides in tap water, which act as a catalyst during ammonium oxidation at the expense of the intermediate formation of active chlorine. Under these conditions, we observed complete oxidation of ammonia compared with solutions on distilled water where the residual ammonium concentrations reach 1‒3 mg/dm3.It is shown that the presence of chlorides in catholyte at a concentration of 30 mg/dm3 almost does not accelerate the oxidation of ammonium. Our work demonstrated thatекек in all cases, during oxidation of ammonium, pH of solutions decreases to 6.1‒2.0, which is predetermined by the oxidation of ammonium to nitrates and the acidification of water by the formed nitric and sulphuric acids.Based on the reported results, it can be concluded that the electrochemical method is the most promising method for the extraction of ammonium ions from water. Its application makes it possible to achieve a 100 % water purification
Simulation of the work process of a two-stage pump with a first-stage hydraulic drive
This article describes a method of CFD-modeling of a two-stage high-pressure pump. The main feature of the pump is the hydraulic drive of the low-pressure stage that takes energy from a high-pressure flow. The speed of the turbine is determined by the power balance of a low-pressure rotor. The modeling technique presented in this paper includes two major advantages over previous studies. The first feature is the determination of the speed of rotational velocity during the CFD-calculation by a special methodology. The second feature is cavitation simulation to assess its impact on the pre-pump workflow at a relatively low inlet pressure. Recommendations for the use of software (ANSYS CFX, NUMECA AutoGrid5, ANSYS ICEM CFD) are an important part of the simulation technology described. These recommendations concern the choice of the modeling area, mesh generation, choice of turbulence models, verification of convergence, post-processing of the results. The adequacy of the CFD-model was evaluated by comparing the calculated and experimental performance obtained on a test rig. The use of the resulting methodology of pump simulation improves the productivity and increases the efficiency of pumps with a hydro-drive of the low-pressure stage
Segmented Cathode Strip Chambers for high occupancy experiments (SCSC Prototype for ALICE)
A tracking chamber for the ALICE muon spectrometer should meeta combination of rather severe requirements: good spatial resolutionof the order deltax 100µm in a high multiplicity (N ~ 500) environment, low thickness (X/X0 ~ 2-3 \) and large size (ø ~ 5 m) of the detector. A segmented strip chamber has been proposed as the main option for the detector.We present the chamber design and the results of the beam tests at PS (CERN) of the first prototype. Future plans for the full-scale prototype construction are also discussed.<P