513 research outputs found

    Frequency Performance Assessment of Future Grids

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    Future grids security will be challenged by the increasing penetration of non-synchronous renewable energy sources (NS-RES). Studies of future grids with high penetration of NS-RES suggest that along with other issues, system frequency control will become a challenging task. Therefore, this thesis first, studies the impact of high penetration of NS-RES and different penetration levels of prosumers on the performance and frequency stability of the Australian national electricity market (NEM). By doing this, the connection between the NS-RES and the system frequency performance, as well as different penetration levels of prosumers and the system frequency performance are quantified. Second, we propose a frequency performance assessment framework based on a timeseries approach that facilitates the analysis of a large number of scenarios. This framework is utilised to assess the frequency performance of the Australian future grid by considering a large number of future scenarios and sensitivity of different parameters. By doing this, we identify a maximum non-synchronous instantaneous penetration range for the system from the frequency performance point of view. Then, to improve the frequency performance of the system with high penetration levels of NS-RES, we evaluate the contribution of different resources, such as synchronous condensers, wind farm’s synthetic inertia and a governor-like response from the de-loaded wind farms, on frequency control. The results show that the last one adds more flexibility to the system for frequency control. Finally, a coordinated operation strategy for wind farms is proposed. It is shown that by operating the wind farm in a coordinated way, we can increase both the output power and the rotational kinetic energy of the wind farm. Time-domain simulations show that the proposed operation strategies noticeably improve the wind farm’s performance in frequency control

    Assessment of user preference to information resources in agricultural libraries in north India

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    Through a survey, this study assesses the preference of users with regard to print and electronic information resources in agricultural libraries of north India and to identify the preferred mode of access thereof. The required data were collected, employing questionnaires and through telephonic surveys. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used for analysing the data. The level of association between the user preference and the corresponding variable was derived throughChi Squared (χ2) Test. It is found that the users of agricultural libraries in north India use information resources almost equally both in print and electronic forms, although online resources are favored over print as they are ‘easy to search and retrieve’, ‘easy and quick to access’ and ‘more up-to-date’ than their print counterparts

    Implementation of Quality of Service for Cloud based Application

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    The new trends in mobile devices and network technologies are improved so much. One of such improvement or trend is cloud computing and mobile computing. In future, these mobile devices are expected to switch between different network service providers, in order to maintain network connectivity all the time. So mobile devices can all time access Cloud services without any problem. In the current service delivery mechanism, users when move from one physical location to another, s/he continues access from the local Cloud of previous network only. Because of this huge amount of data has to move over the network for very long distance, which creates congestion in the network. This degrades the Quality of Service and Quality of Experience offered by the service. So, a new approach is needed to manage resources properly and provide improved QoS and QoE. This paper provides a novel framework that allows populating services, that run on localized Cloud, to the Cloud present at other geographical location. This will prevent network from high traffic load and will offer service providers an automated resource allocation and management mechanism for their service. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150613


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    This paper aims to look at the construction of the word kafir in Sufism discourse using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis approach. This paper examines the term kafir in the holy book Hâdzâ al-Kitâb Matn al-Hikam li Sayyidī Syaikh Ahmad ibn 'Athâillâh al-Sakandârî by kiai Sholeh Darat. The results of this discussion show that the word kafir in Sufism is not synonymous with non-Muslim but refers to tadbîr, lacut (beyond the limit) when feeling rich, and not grateful for God’s mercy. The construction of the word infidel is influenced by the Sunni Sufism style adopted by Kyai Sholeh Darat. The construction of the term kafir is also in order to maintain monotheism and optimism of Muslims during the difficult times experienced in the 19th century. This happened because of the impact of the policy of the forced cultivation system, the domination of the colonial government in all aspects of people's lives and the strengthening of the unequal economic structure and the structure of Javanese foedalism. The impact of the construction of kiai Sholeh Darat on the term kafir is not to worry about any worldly affairs such as sustenance and directing Muslim life to concentration on the path of worship such as science and spiritual activities which later gave birth to the strength of the pesantren and tarekat network in resisting colonialism.Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat konstruksi kata kafir dalam diskursus tasawuf dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis wacana kritis Norman Fairclough. Tulisan ini mengkaji kata kafir dalam kitab Hâdzâ al-Kitâb Matn al-Hikam li Sayyidī Syaikh Ahmad ibn 'Athâillâh al-Sakandârî karya kiai Sholeh Darat. Hasil dari pembahasan ini menunjukkan bahwa kata kafir dalam tasawuf tidak identik dengan non muslim melainkan merujuk pada tadbîr, lacut (melampaui batas) saat merasa kaya, dan tidak mensyukuri nikmat. Konstruksi kata kafir ini dipengaruhi corak tasawuf sunni yang dianut kiai Sholeh Darat. Konstruksi kata kafir juga dalam rangka memelihara ketauhidan dan optimisme umat Islam pada masa-masa sulit yang dialami di abad ke-19. Hal tersebut terjadi karena dampak kebijakan sistem tanam paksa, dominasi pemerintah kolonial pada seluruh aspek kehidupan masyarakat dan menguatnya struktur ekonomi yang timpang dan struktur foedalisme Jawa. Dampak dari konstruksi kiai Sholeh Darat atas term kafir yaitu tidak mengkhawatirkan setiap urusan duniawi seperti rezeki dan mengarahkan kehidupan muslim pada konsentrasi di jalur ibadah seperti ilmu pengetahuan dan aktivitas ruhani yang kelak melahirkan kekuatan jaringan pesantren dan tarekat dalam melawan kolonialisme

    Seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C viral infections in the premarital adult population of Al Majmaah, Saudi Arabia

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    BackgroundViral hepatitis is a major global health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. The main objective of the present study was to estimate the seroprevalence of hepatitis C and hepatitis B in Saudi adults undertaking premarital screening voluntarily.Methodology This observational retrospective study was conducted at King Khaled General Hospital, Al Majmaah, Saudi Arabia, for a period of 3 years (October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2019). The prevalence of hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections was calculated using Microsoft Excel and the hematological data analysis was performed using SPSS software. A total of 3755 premarital Saudi adults who voluntarily participated in the premarital screening were included in this study. Subjects were screened for hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV). The demographic and epidemiological parameters included patient age, sex, nationality, and seropositivity for HBV and/or HCV. ResultsOf the 3755 subjects, eight (0.242%) and 12 (0.364%) subjects were positive for HCV and HBV, respectively. Among the 12 HBV-positive subjects, nine (75%) subjects were men, and three (25%) subjects were women. However, among the eight HCV-positive subjects, five (62.5%) subjects were men, and three (37.5%) subjects were women.Conclusion This study concluded that the prevalence of HBV infection was slightly higher than that of HCV infection among the Saudi adult population of Al Mjamaah. In addition, both HBV and HCV were less prevalent in women than in men in the study population

    User Opinion About SPS Public Library: A Study Of Google Map Reviews

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    Nowadays, individuals tend to seek information about various entities through online platforms where other people share their experiences. Google Maps is one such platform that enables users to rate and review anything, including public libraries. This study aims to investigate the manner in which users of the SPS library utilize Google Maps to express their opinions about the library\u27s services and amenities. This study utilized Google Maps as a source of data, with a data extractor being used to extract reviews. The extracted reviews were then subjected to content analysis to categorize them into different categories. Following this, a sentiment analysis was conducted to identify positive, negative, and neutral opinions about the library. The study found that users of SPS library utilized Google Maps to express their opinions about the library, with most of the reviews coming from local guides. Out of the 220 comments obtained, facilities and general aspects of the library received the most attention. Of these comments, 56% were positive, 26% were negative, and 18% were neutral. The staff and technology were the most criticized categories. None of the reviews received a response from the library authority. The study concludes that the library should actively monitor user reviews on Google Maps and other online platforms to improve their services and facilities. By doing so, the library can enhance user satisfaction and maintain a good reputation in the eyes of its users
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