4,371 research outputs found

    The Influence of Fake Information on the Formation of Electoral Preferences

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    Статья посвящена изучению процесса влияния фейковой информации на избирательный процесс и на формирование электоральных предпочтений граждан России. Описываются механизмы внедрения недостоверной информации и основные задачи фейка. Подробно рассматривается использование «фейков» на выборах в Государственную думу VIII созыва.The article is devoted to the study of the influence of “fake” information on the electoral process and on the formation of electoral preferences of Russian citizens. The mechanisms of introducing false information and the main tasks of the “fake” are described. The use of “fakes” in the elections to the State Duma of the VIII convocation is considered in detail

    A putative RNA-interference-based immune system in prokaryotes: computational analysis of the predicted enzymatic machinery, functional analogies with eukaryotic RNAi, and hypothetical mechanisms of action

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    BACKGROUND: All archaeal and many bacterial genomes contain Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindrome Repeats (CRISPR) and variable arrays of the CRISPR-associated (cas) genes that have been previously implicated in a novel form of DNA repair on the basis of comparative analysis of their protein product sequences. However, the proximity of CRISPR and cas genes strongly suggests that they have related functions which is hard to reconcile with the repair hypothesis. RESULTS: The protein sequences of the numerous cas gene products were classified into ~25 distinct protein families; several new functional and structural predictions are described. Comparative-genomic analysis of CRISPR and cas genes leads to the hypothesis that the CRISPR-Cas system (CASS) is a mechanism of defense against invading phages and plasmids that functions analogously to the eukaryotic RNA interference (RNAi) systems. Specific functional analogies are drawn between several components of CASS and proteins involved in eukaryotic RNAi, including the double-stranded RNA-specific helicase-nuclease (dicer), the endonuclease cleaving target mRNAs (slicer), and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. However, none of the CASS components is orthologous to its apparent eukaryotic functional counterpart. It is proposed that unique inserts of CRISPR, some of which are homologous to fragments of bacteriophage and plasmid genes, function as prokaryotic siRNAs (psiRNA), by base-pairing with the target mRNAs and promoting their degradation or translation shutdown. Specific hypothetical schemes are developed for the functioning of the predicted prokaryotic siRNA system and for the formation of new CRISPR units with unique inserts encoding psiRNA conferring immunity to the respective newly encountered phages or plasmids. The unique inserts in CRISPR show virtually no similarity even between closely related bacterial strains which suggests their rapid turnover, on evolutionary scale. Corollaries of this finding are that, even among closely related prokaryotes, the most commonly encountered phages and plasmids are different and/or that the dominant phages and plasmids turn over rapidly. CONCLUSION: We proposed previously that Cas proteins comprise a novel DNA repair system. The association of the cas genes with CRISPR and, especially, the presence, in CRISPR units, of unique inserts homologous to phage and plasmid genes make us abandon this hypothesis. It appears most likely that CASS is a prokaryotic system of defense against phages and plasmids that functions via the RNAi mechanism. The functioning of this system seems to involve integration of fragments of foreign genes into archaeal and bacterial chromosomes yielding heritable immunity to the respective agents. However, it appears that this inheritance is extremely unstable on the evolutionary scale such that the repertoires of unique psiRNAs are completely replaced even in closely related prokaryotes, presumably, in response to rapidly changing repertoires of dominant phages and plasmids. This article was reviewed by: Eric Bapteste, Patrick Forterre, and Martijn Huynen. OPEN PEER REVIEW: Reviewed by Eric Bapteste, Patrick Forterre, and Martijn Huynen. For the full reviews, please go to the Reviewers' comments section

    "Accessibility passports" service in information environment for persons with disabilities

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    The paper describes development process of information environment for persons with disabilities. Introduction gives a base understanding of the project idea. The first section of the main part describes common infrastructure architecture. Services are divided on government and public. The public part is presented by various services, based on the information collected by government service. Government service is presented by information system “Accessibility passports”, which in details is described in second section of main part. The “Accessibility passports” is a service for initial collection of data about accessibility of the social infrastructure facilities for people with disabilities. In the last section of the main part presented a mathematical method for measuring level of accessibility of the social infrastructure facilities for people with disabilities. Method is based on probability theory and provide possibility for formal ranging of the social infrastructure facilities according to the level of accessibility for persons with limited mobility


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    Clinical picture of SARS, dynamics, diagnostics, including laboratory diagnostics (ELISA, PCR), and treating are described

    Clinical and psychological correlations with type D personality in patients with chronic coronary syndrome

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    Recently, it has become common to identify type D personality, which is predisposed to the development of psychological distress. Negative behavioral characteristics of individuals with type D personality contribute not only to the development of cardiovascular diseases, but also to  other comorbid pathologies that can influence the progression and prognosis of coronary heart disease. The aim of the study. To identify clinical and psychological correlations with type D personality in patients with chronic coronary syndrome. Methods. The study included 113 patients (68 men and 45 women; median age – 64 years) admitted for planned percutaneous coronary intervention at the Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). Based on the results of the DS-14 test, patients were divided into two groups: patients with type D personality (n = 40) and patients without this type (n = 73). Results. In patients with chronic coronary syndrome with type D personality, compared with patients without this type, concomitant diabetes mellitus (35 % and 15 %, respectively; p = 0.018), signs of diastolic dysfunction of left (Е/е’ ratio 7.1 [6.48; 8.0] and 5.0 [4.55; 5.74], respectively; p = 0.0038) and right (Et/At ratio – 0.8 [0.66; 1.35] and 1.38 [1.28; 1.63], respectively; p = 0.014) ventricles were more often diagnosed. Correlation analysis revealed associations of diabetes mellitus with type D personality (r = 0.243; p = 0.011), severity of negative excitability (r = 0.253; p = 0.008) and social suppression (r = 0.224; p = 0.020), as well as association of ankle-brachial index (ABI) with the severity of negative excitability (r = 0.393; p = 0.004) and social suppression (r = 0.414; p = 0.002). Conclusion. In patients having chronic coronary syndrome with type D personality, concomitant diabetes mellitus, as well as left and right ventricular filling disorders are  more often detected. Correlation analysis revealed associations of diabetes mellitus with type  D personality and its subscales; the ABI level was associated with subscales of type D personality, but not with the level of anxiety and depression

    "Accessibility Map" and "Social navigator" services for persons with disabilities

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    The paper describes development process of information environment for persons with disabilities. Introduction describes the aim and objectives of development, the results of evaluation of typical demands and user scenarios for persons with disabilities. The first section of the main part describes common applications architecture and utilized technologies. Both services use the same data model, which includes description of route parts and roads, as well as information about accessibility of objects stored in the database of “Accessibility Passports” service developed previously. The next section contains description of the development process. The user scenarios, service functions, the use of Geo2Tag platform and Open Street Map with its libraries are presented. In “Social navigator” service the routes are described as a graph with weighted edges, where the weight is the rate of accessibility of the path parts. The mathematical method for estimation of accessibility according to various types of ability restrictions was developed and implemented in the service. The method is based on graph theory and provides an approach to formal ranging of the routes according to the accessibility level of persons with limited mobility

    Preparation of porous TiNi-Ti alloy by diffusion sintering method and study of its composition, structure and martensitic transformations

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    The study demonstrates a method for controlling not only the phase composition but also the atomic composition of TiNi matrix in porous TiNi-Ti alloys developed for biomedical uses as implants. The alloys were obtained from TiNi powder which was sintered with Ti powder added at as much as 0–10 at%. The structure, phase and chemical composition of the produced TiNi-Ti alloys was investigated with respect to the amount of Ti added into the material. It is shown that in the sintered product containing 5 at% and more of Ti additive, the composition of its TiNi matrix becomes close to equiatomic (with Ti:Ni atomic ratio ~1), and the excessive Ti precipitates as secondary phases Ti2Ni and Ti3Ni4. In parallel, with increase in Ti ad- ditive from 0–10 at%, the structure of the precipitating Ti2Ni type phases changes its morphology from separate spherical or pyramidal precipitates to large dendritic formations. The direct martensitic trans- formation from austenite to martensite in all the samples was found to proceed in two stages and through the R-phase (B2→R→B19′). Thermoresistive analysis demonstrated that TiNi-Ti samples with 5 and more at% of Ti had their characteristic starting temperature of martensite transition stabilizing at ~57 °C (330 K). This implies that the sample with 5 at% of Ti additive exhibited desired martensite transition temperatures, while containing a minimum concentration of secondary-phase precipitates in its matrix which deteriorate its properties. Thus, for the 곙rst time, we show that a very simple preparation approach based on sintering powders of TiNi and Ti is capable of producing porous TiNi-Ti alloys with properties optimized for fabricating bone implants

    MicroRNA detection in carotid atherosclerosis: prospects for clinical use

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    Carotid atherosclerosis is a significant cause of cerebrovascular disease. However, with many candidate markers, precise assessment of its development and progression risks is still limited. This paper reviews state-of-the-art concepts of microRNA as an atherogenesis biomarker throughout various stages including endothelial dysfunction, cholesterol/lipid metabolism, inflammation, oxidative stress, angiogenesis regulation, and proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells. Based on the available literature, we have described most significant microRNAs for each stage characterized in brief. We have visualized interactions between microRNAs and validated target genes with MIENTURNET and suggest and justify a set of microRNAs for further pilot studies of carotid atherosclerosis

    Water Ozonation with Copper Catalyst for Organic Pollutants Removal

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    This work presents high-porous honeycomb copper catalyst for organic pollutants removal from water during the ozonation process. This catalyst demonstrates high efficiency in removing target compounds (oxalic and benzoic acids and methylene blue), appropriate stability and resistance to abrasion. Copper catalyst behavior in the ozonation process was investigated. It was found that under ozonation conditions reversible В  oxidation/reduction of the copper surface layer takes place. In contact with ozone, copper surface can easily be oxidized resulting in formation of copper oxides. As expected, it leads to decomposition of organic substances during ozonation and reduction of copper catalyst surface layer. Copper (II) oxide was also found to be an active catalyst in oxidation of organic pollutants with ozone, but it is not appropriate to use bulk CuO because of its low abrasion resistance. Copper (II) ions that form due to dissolution of catalyst surface layer with participation of the acidic medium in the ozonation process were detected. Pollutants removal efficiency at different pH values was also studied. It was found that catalytic removal of organic pollutants takes place at low pH, as compared to low efficiency of hydroxyl-radical formation at the acidic pH. A possible scheme for organic pollutants removal during ozonation with copper catalyst was proposed


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    Comprehensive examination of 62 adolescents, hospitalized for pulmonary tuberculosis, established high spread of clinical and laboratory markers of secondary immune deficiency: chronic diseases of ear, throat and nose (59,6%), recurrent infection caused by the herpes simplex viruses (SPGV) (55,8%) ; serological SPGV activation (90,4%) and cytomegalovirus infection (CMV) (94,2%); absolute lymphopenia (53,8%), low level and lack of interferon-alpha (28,9%) and interferongamma (76,9%). Validity, effectiveness and safety of modern technology immunization with interferon -α-2b (VIFERON® 3 million IU and 1 million IU suppositories) in 1 month course in the complex treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis was proved with a random research by a «case-control» method. Significant positive clinical and laboratory dynamics was registered: increase in body weight in 84,6 % of adolescents; reduction in the frequency of arrhythmias; increase absolute lymphocyte count (46,1%), decrease in serological SPGV activation (30,8%) and CMV infection (61,5%) increase in the amount of interferon-alpha (61,5%), and interferon-gamma (61,5%) and absence of intolerance and 3 times less undesirable effects of chemotherapy.Комплексное обследование 62 подростков, госпитализированных по поводу туберкулеза легких, установило широкую распространенность клинико-лабораторных маркеров вторичной иммунной недостаточности: хронические заболевания ЛОР-органов (59,6%); рецидивирующая инфекция, вызванная вирусами простого герпеса (ВПГИ) (55,8%); серологическая активация ВПГИ (90,4%) и цитомегаловирусной инфекции (ЦМВИ) (94,2%); абсолютная лимфоцитопения (53,8%), низкий уровень и отсутствие интерферона-альфа (28,9%) и интерферона-гамма (76,9%). Обоснованность, эффективность и безопасность разработанной современной технологии иммунотерапии с применением интерферона-α-2b (ВИФЕРОН® 3 млн МЕ и 1 млн МЕ в суппозиториях) курсом 1 месяц в комплексном лечении туберкулеза легких доказана при рандомизированном исследовании по принципу «случай-контроль» на основании достоверной положительной динамики клинико-лабораторных критериев: увеличения массы тела у 84,6% подростков; уменьшения частоты аритмии; повышения абсолютного количества лимфоцитов (на 46,1%); снижения серологической активации ВПГИ (30,8%) и ЦМВИ (61,5%); повышения количества интерферона-альфа (61,5%) и интерферона-гамма (61,5%); отсутствия непереносимости и уменьшения в 3 раза нежелательных эффектов химиотерапии.