94 research outputs found

    Contribution of the screened self-energy to the Lamb shift of quasidegenerate states

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    Expressions for the effective Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) Hamiltonian due to self-energy screening (self-energy correction to the electron-electron interaction) are presented. We use the method of the two-time Green's function, which handles quasidegenerate atomic states. From these expression one can evaluate energy corrections to, e.g., 1s2p 3P1 and 1s2p 1P1 in helium and two-electron ions, to all orders in Z\alph

    Radiative and correlation effects on the parity-nonconserving transition amplitude in heavy alkaline atoms

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    The complete gauge-invariant set of the one-loop QED corrections to the parity-nonconserving (PNC) amplitude in cesium and francium is evaluated to all orders in αZ\alpha Z using a local form of the Dirac-Fock potential. The calculations are performed in both length and velocity gauges for the absorbed photon and the total binding QED correction is found to be −-0.27(3)% for Cs and −-0.28(5)% for Fr. Moreover, a high-precision calculation of the electron-correlation and Breit-interaction effects on the 7s−8ss-8s PNC amplitude in francium using a large-scale configuration-interaction Dirac-Fock method is performed. The obtained results are employed to improve the theoretical predictions for the PNC transition amplitude in Cs and Fr. Using an average value from two most accurate measurements of the vector transition polarizability, the weak charge of 133^{133}Cs is derived to amount to QW=−72.65(29)exp(36)theor Q_W=-72.65(29)_{\rm exp}(36)_{\rm theor}. This value deviates by 1.1σ1.1\sigma from the prediction of the standard model. The values of the 7s7s-8s8s PNC amplitude in 223^{223}Fr and 210^{210}Fr are obtained to be −-15.49(15) and −-14.16(14), respectively, in units of i×10−11(−QW)/N\times 10^{-11}(-Q_W)/N a.u.Comment: 28 pages, 8 tables, 2 figure

    Optical control of spin coherence in singly charged (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots

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    Electron spin coherence has been generated optically in n-type modulation doped (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) which contain on average a single electron per dot. The coherence arises from resonant excitation of the QDs by circularly-polarized laser pulses, creating a coherent superposition of an electron and a trion state. Time dependent Faraday rotation is used to probe the spin precession of the optically oriented electrons about a transverse magnetic field. Spin coherence generation can be controlled by pulse intensity, being most efficient for (2n+1)pi-pulses.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Finite nuclear size and Lamb shift of p-wave atomic states

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    We consider corrections to the Lamb shift of p-wave atomic states due to the finite nuclear size (FNS). In other words, these are radiative corrections to the atomic isotop shift related to FNS. It is shown that the structure of the corrections is qualitatively different from that for s-wave states. The perturbation theory expansion for the relative correction for a p1/2p_{1/2}-state starts from αln⁥(1/Zα)\alpha\ln(1/Z\alpha)-term, while for s1/2s_{1/2}-states it starts from Zα2Z\alpha^2 term. Here α\alpha is the fine structure constant and ZZ is the nuclear charge. In the present work we calculate the α\alpha-terms for 2p2p-states, the result for 2p1/22p_{1/2}-state reads (8α/9π)[ln⁥(1/(Zα)2)+0.710](8\alpha/9\pi)[\ln(1/(Z\alpha)^2)+0.710]. Even more interesting are p3/2p_{3/2}-states. In this case the ``correction'' is by several orders of magnitude larger than the ``leading'' FNS shift.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Hydrogen-like nitrogen radio line from hot interstellar and warm-hot intergalactic gas

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    Hyperfine structure lines of highly-charged ions may open a new window in observations of hot rarefied astrophysical plasmas. In this paper we discuss spectral lines of isotopes and ions abundant at temperatures 10^5-10^7 K, characteristic for warm-hot intergalactic medium, hot interstellar medium, starburst galaxies, their superwinds and young supernova remnants. Observations of these lines will allow to study bulk and turbulent motions of the observed target and will broaden the information about the gas ionization state, chemical and isotopic composition. The most prospective is the line of the major nitrogen isotope having wavelength 5.65 mm (Sunyaev and Churazov 1084). Wavelength of this line is well-suited for observation of objects at z=0.15-0.6 when it is redshifted to 6.5-9 mm spectral band widely-used in ground-based radio observations, and, for example, for z>=1.3, when the line can be observed in 1.3 cm band and at lower frequencies. Modern and future radio telescopes and interferometers are able to observe the absorption by 14-N VII in the warm-hot intergalactic medium at redshifts above z=0.15 in spectra of brightest mm-band sources. Sub-millimeter emission lines of several most abundant isotopes having hyperfine splitting might also be detected in spectra of young supernova remnants.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Astronomy Letters; v3: details added; error fixe

    Finite nuclear size effect on Lamb shift of s1/2, p1/2, and p3/2 atomic states

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    We consider one-loop self-energy and vacuum polarization radiative corrections to the shift of atomic energy level due to finite nuclear size. Analytic expressions for vacuum polarization corrections are derived. For the self-energy of p1/2 and p3/2 states in addition to already known terms we derive next-to-leading nonlogarithmic Z\alpha-terms. Together with contributions obtained earlier the terms derived in the present work give explicit analytic expressions for s1/2 and p1/2 corrections which agree with results of previous numerical calculations up to Z=100 (Z is the nuclear charge number). We also show that the finite nuclear size radiative correction for a p3/2 state is not small compared to the similar correction for a p1/2 state at least for small Z.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Relativistically extended Blanchard recurrence relation for hydrogenic matrix elements

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    General recurrence relations for arbitrary non-diagonal, radial hydrogenic matrix elements are derived in Dirac relativistic quantum mechanics. Our approach is based on a generalization of the second hypervirial method previously employed in the non-relativistic Schr\"odinger case. A relativistic version of the Pasternack-Sternheimer relation is thence obtained in the diagonal (i.e. total angular momentum and parity the same) case, from such relation an expression for the relativistic virial theorem is deduced. To contribute to the utility of the relations, explicit expressions for the radial matrix elements of functions of the form rλr^\lambda and ÎČrλ\beta r^\lambda ---where ÎČ\beta is a Dirac matrix--- are presented.Comment: 21 pages, to be published in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. in Apri

    Quantification of the initial levels of calciprotein particles as a screening marker of mineral homeostasis in patients with cardiovascular disease and in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    Aim. To evaluate the initial concentration of calciprotein particles (CPPs), which are scavengers of excessive calcium and phosphate, in patients with cardiovascular disease and in patients with chronic kidney disease as compared with the healthy volunteers.Material and methods. The study included 308 individuals as follows: 1) 88 participants of the PURE study without hemodynamically relevant carotid athero scle rosis and symptomatic coronary atherosclerosis; 2) 88 patients with cere brovascular disease (CVD) who required carotid endarterectomy; 3) 88 pa tients with coronary artery disease (CAD) who required percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass graft surgery; 4) 63 patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD). We measured following mineral homeostasis parameters: total and ionized calcium, phosphate, total protein, albumin, and fetuin-A. Then, we determined a baseline serum CPP concentration by flow cytometry using a fluorescent-labeled bisphosphonate OsteoSense 680EX. Results. In comparison with other patients, healthy volunteers had the highest serum CPP concentration (249 CPPs/”L), indicating the retained ability to compensate mineral homeostasis disturbances by aggregation of excessive calcium and pho sphate with acidic proteins (mineral chaperones). Reduced serum CPP concentration in patients with CVD (170 CPPs/”L), CAD (139 CPPs/”L), and stage 5 CKD (193-203 CPPs/”L) showed impaired aggregation of excessive serum calcium and phosphate, which was also reflected by an increased level of blood ionized calcium.Conclusion. Patients with CVD, CAD, and stage 5 CKD have lower serum CPP concentration than healthy individuals. In combination with elevated ionized calcium and reduced albumin, this suggests the depletion of calcium binding buffers in the serum of patients with cardiovascular and renal diseases

    Probing Single-Electron Spin Decoherence in Quantum Dots using Charged Excitons

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    We propose to use optical detection of magnetic resonance (ODMR) to measure the decoherence time T_{2} of a single electron spin in a semiconductor quantum dot. The electron is in one of the spin 1/2 states and a circularly polarized laser can only create an optical excitation for one of the electron spin states due to Pauli blocking. An applied electron spin resonance (ESR) field leads to Rabi spin flips and thus to a modulation of the photoluminescence or, alternatively, of the photocurrent. This allows one to measure the ESR linewidth and the coherent Rabi oscillations, from which the electron spin decoherence can be determined. We study different possible schemes for such an ODMR setup, including cw or pulsed laser excitation.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Proceedings of the PASPS3 conference, Santa Barbara, CA (USA). To appear in the Journal of Superconductivit
