6 research outputs found

    Travel Behaviour and Perceptions of Malaysian Airline Passengers during Endemic COVID-19

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    The study examines Malaysian airline passengers' travel behaviour and perceptions during the endemic Covid-19 after Malaysia re-opened the border. People are free to do an activity, especially travelling by aeroplane. Data were collected through an online platform in 2023. 390 data were obtained and used for the analysis. Findings reveal that 86.15% of Malaysian have travelled by aeroplane since the endemic, and 14.10% have travelled more than five times. 54.44% strongly agree they will avoid travelling with aircraft because of a few personal issues. In addition, results revealed a significant change in passengers' behaviour and perception when travelling after the hit of Covid-19 worldwide

    Effect of Clean Biomass Energy Use on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in ASEAN Countries: An Empirical Investigation

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    There is growing effort by Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to increase renewable energy in their energy mix in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) associated with fossil fuel energy consumption. Biomass energy is one of the renewable energy sources that has the potential to help mitigate carbon dioxide emissions in the ASEAN region considering its abundance and the current rise in its consumption. This study aims to empirically investigate whether the growing consumption of biomass energy contributes to lowering CO2 emissions in the region. Therefore, this study investigates the impact of biomass energy use on CO2 emission in ASEAN region over the 1990–2020 period. To achieve this objective, panel fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) was employed and the estimated result revealed that biomass energy use marginally decreases CO2 emission in the region. This finding implies that increasing and improving supply of clean biomass energy in the region’s energy mix can help to mitigate CO2 emission by significant portion. Consequently, several policy recommendations were suggested, which include advancing the use of technology to increase and improve biomass energy supply to various sectors of the region’s economy to substitute significant portion of conventional fuel in productive activities

    Potassium aluminium sulphate (Alum) inhibits growth of human axillary malodor producing skin flora in vitro

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    Introduction: Axillary malodor is caused by microbial biotransformation of non-smelling molecules present in apocrine secretions, into volatile odorous molecules. This study aimed to determine the antimicrobial activities of potassium aluminium salts (alum) against four malodor-producing axillary bacterial flora, as an alternative natural product for reducing axillary malodor. Methods: The antimicrobial activity of alum against axillary bacterial flora [Micrococcus luteus (ATCC 49732) (M. luteus), Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 14990) (S. epidermidis), Corynebacterium xerosis (ATCC BAA-1293) C. xerosis and Bacilus subtilis (ATCC 19659) (B. subtilis)], was tested in vitro using broth dilution method for different concentrations (0.937 – 20mg/mL) on Luria-Bertani broth. Subculture was done to determine colony-forming units (CFUs) and the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs). Results: Alum showed excellent inhibitory effects on all tested bacteria. The lowest MIC of alum was against C. xerosis, at 1.88 mg/mL. M. luteus, B. subtilis and S.epidermidis showed a higher MIC of 3.75, 5.00 and 7.50 mg/mL, respectively. All of the tested bacteria were completely inhibited at a concentration of 7.50 mg/mL. Conclusions: This study revealed that alum has excellent antimicrobial effects against axillary malodor -producing bacteria and is recommended to be used either directly by topical application or as an active ingredient in deodorants and antiperspirants

    Attribute preferences, participation intention and economic value of carbon offset programme for airline passengers in Malaysia

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    Air transportation is one of the fastest growing in terms of demand. People prefer to board a plane for travelling due to several factors including the airfares which are affordable for people from all walks of life. Although carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from air transportation only contribute 4% (which equals to nearly 781 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) for every flight) of total pollution, it is one of the fastest growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). In order to reduce CO2 emissions, there are various alternatives that have been adopted by airlines including the use of sophisticated technologies for operation (less carbon emissions), and the implementation of carbon offset programme. This programme helps in reducing the carbon emissions, by offsetting the emissions released to benefit “green initiatives” such as through renewable energy projects, energy efficiency and forest management projects. This study aims to assess attribute preferences, participation intention and economic value of carbon offset programme for airline passengers in Malaysia. This study employed the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), Choice Experiment (CE) method, and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) method. A total of 823 passengers for CVM and CE method, and 403 passengers for PLS-SEM method were selected from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA2) as respondents for this study. The CVM derived the appropriate Malaysian flight airfare for better environmental performance. The Logit model was defined by using the dichotomous double-bounded method to elicit the value that is appropriate for the airfare from price bid. The outcomes of the study showed that as the price bid increased, the probability of saying “yes” decreased. Educated passengers with higher income agreed to pay extra for their airfare to support environmental initiatives. The estimated mean for willingness to pay among passengers with regards to the appropriate airfare towards carbon offset programme was RM80.44, which the value is a guideline to charge as an additional charge on top of the original airfare. By using CE method, the attributes identified for carbon offset programme were CO2 emission, type of project, project location and voluntary payment. The Conditional Logit and Mixed Logit model were applied to estimate the marginal value of the attributes and the attributes that were most preferred. The results showed passengers chose forest management as the most important attribute for carbon offset programme and the marginal value for this attribute was RM84.82, in which it is based on the best model selected (Mixed Logit model with interaction). The New Ecological Paradigm scale, the Theory of Planned Behaviour and variables from past literature were used to measure general environmental attitudes, intermediate beliefs, and specific behaviour attitudes and norms. The PLS-SEM method was used to investigate the factors influencing Malaysian passengers towards carbon offsets. The results showed that only general environmental attitudes and specific environmental attitude had a direct relationship with intentions. While testing for an indirect relationship, it was revealed that the general environmental attitude did not have an indirect relationship with intention, as it was mediated by intermediate beliefs and specific attitude. The findings of this study provide policy recommendation to policymakers, airlines and passengers of an alternative to reduce the CO2 emissions. By having information regarding the appropriate airfare, it will help the airline to impose a reasonable fee on top of their airfare in support of environmental concerns. In addition, this study can encourage the airlines management, government and other related parties to take drastic action by implementing the carbon offset programme in Malaysia based on the selected attribute that passengers preferred which is forest management. The information obtained in terms of monetary value will help to convince Malaysian airlines to implement the carbon offset program accordingly. This study is expected to motivate people to contribute money in realising this programme and to support the country’s effort in moving towards becoming a low-carbon economy

    A discrete choice experiment to estimate public willingness to pay for attributes of water services in Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Water service is usually taken for granted as important amenities with required levels needed, however little is known about how much consumers are willing to pay for particular water service levels. Improved water services should be based on the understanding built upon consumers’ choice and preferences. Thus, this study aims to estimate willingness to pay (WTP) of consumers in Terengganu, Malaysia for improvement in domestic water services. A choice experiment method was conducted to assess consumer preferences for water service attributes: i.e. water quality, water disruption, water pressure and water price. Primary data were collected using face-to-face interviews of structured questionnaire from a sample of residents in eight districts in Terengganu. A conditional logit model was carried out for data regression. The results showed significant willingness to pay (WTP) and the contribution of the level of education, age and income in supporting the specific attributes of water services improvements. Identifying the attributes and their prices based on consumers’ preferences would help water provider to recognize and deliver preferred water service attributes, effective water tariff policy for cost recovery and water service sustainability to consumers

    Hold your horses! understanding the relationship between strategic change and job burnout among lecturers in Malaysian higher education institutions

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    In recent years, Malaysia's higher education landscape has undergone significant transformations. Higher education institutions have enhanced their strategic planning with new initiatives to respond to these changes and maintain competitiveness to remain viable and significant. Although these changes are anticipated to align with future requirements, the impact of such a strategic change should be evaluated holistically on every conceivable metric to eliminate the possibility of harm. Numerous studies indicate that such a transformation can negatively affect academics' wellbeing, particularly job burnout. This study aims to conceptually investigate the factors that contribute to job burnout among lecturers within the context of strategic transformation initiatives in higher education institutions in Malaysia. The study was conducted by reviewing secondary data sources from academic publications identified through word searches on "strategic change", "job burnout", and "higher education institutions". The identified articles were subsequently screened for appropriate titles, abstracts, keywords, and frameworks. The relevance of previous studies and the authors' credentials have become this study's selection criteria. A conceptual model was developed based on the criteria outlined for a conceptual paper. Findings indicated that teaching- research conflict, humour and workload could influence job burnout among lecturers. Future research should be conducted based on the proposed instruments to validate the conceptual framework