162 research outputs found

    Effects of artificial soil surface management on changes of aggregate stability and other soil properties

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    Studies of size distribution, stability of the aggregates, and other soil properties are very important due to their influence on tilth, water infiltration, and nutrient dynamics and more importantly on accelerated erosion but are affected by soil surface management. Both chemical e.g. pH, organic carbon, (OC), exchangeable cations e.g. calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and physical properties such as aggregate size and stability are dynamic properties, which vary in response to forces affecting soil environment. This study was carried out to have a long and detailed understanding of how artificial surface soil covering materials can protect the soil physical and chemical properties from the ravages of soil erosion. Such endeavor would allow us to make suitable modification to soil conservation practices to enhance soil stability and importantly soil productivity. Data measured for eight years on induced erosion experiments on a Ferralsol covered by artificial soil netting locally called sombrite at Campinas, Brazil, were used to examine the effects of accelerated soil erosion on soil chemical and physical properties. Each erosion plot had an area of 25 x 4 m. Four soil treatments were chosen: bare (control) and three artificially covered soils. Changes of soil properties observed in relation to aggregation were bulk density, total and aeration porosity, available water capacity and changes in soil chemical properties. From pooled data stepwise multiple regressions were done to find out the relationship of aggregate stability with pH, calcium, and organic matter. There were no significant differences (P=0.05) in mean weight diameters (MWD) and size distribution irrespective of whether samples were collected from the upper middle or lower parts of the erosion plots. There were very gradual decline in mean weight diameters (MWD) and size distribution of water-stable aggregates during the study period. Bulk density increased appreciably on bare soils but remained almost constant in artificially covered soils. However, using Duncan tests, the treatment differences were not significant (P=0.05). Non-significant correlation (P=0.05) between MWD and the soil chemical properties were observed. Coefficients of determination for pH, OC, MWD and Ca could not sufficiently assist in explaining changes in aggregate stability as a result of surface cover.Key words: artificial soil covers, soil surface management, soil properties, accelerated erosion, aggregate stability

    Sistema de Avaliação Logística Variada: SALVA

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    As normas que regem a gratificação de Desempenho e Produtividade estabelecem limites pares ao número de servidores que podem ser avaliados com notas superiores a 8. Essa limitação está fixada em 20% para as notas na faixa de 8 a 9 e 10% para as notas acima de 9. O fato da Secretaria Federal de Controle possuir muitas unidades, inviabilizou a escolha dos servidores que, devido ao seu melhor desempenho, mereceriam receber as notas mais altas. A solução deste e de outros problemas dele decorrentes foi a implementação do Sistema de Avaliação Logística Variada — SALVA, que operacionaliza a distribuição dos valores não inteiros da gratificação de desempenho e produtividade com exatidão e igualdadeNúmero de páginas: 1 p.InovaçãoIniciativa premiada no 2º Concurso Inovação na Gestão Pública Federal sob responsabilidade de Abeci Carlos BorgesÁreas temáticas: capacitação profissional e gestão de RH; gestão e desenvolvimento de pessoa

    Sistema de planejamento e acompanhamento de atividades

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    As principais atividades da Secretaria Federal de Controle são as de auditoria, fiscalização, acompanhamento dos programas de governo, contabilidade analítica, treinamento de gestores e controle na área de pessoal. A SFC tem adotado uma filosofia de trabalho cujos aspectos privilegiados são: atuação descentralizada e junto aos locais onde as ações ocorrem; tempestividade do controle interno, abrangendo as ações presentes e não apenas as pretéritas; ênfase nos trabalhos de natureza preventiva e na orientação do gestor, em lugar da ação apenas fiscalista; acompanhamento dos programas de governo e fornecimento de informações gerenciais independentes aos gestores, a fim de subsidiar a tomada de decisões; fortalecimento das atividades-fim da SFC em lugar das atividades-meio; avaliação dos resultados da gestão dos administradores públicos, além dos aspectos formais e legais. A iniciativa promove a ampliação da transparência da atuação da SFC, redução da burocracia, maior possibilidade de atendimento de demandas específicas provenientes dos gestores públicos e análise permanente dos resultados obtidos, a racionalização dos trabalhos, com redução dos custos das auditorias e do número de diligências, simultaneamente ao aumento da segurança dos resultados, a identificação de estratégias de ação capazes de reduzir custos da atividade pública e substancial diminuição do custo BrasilNúmero de páginas: 2 p.InovaçãoIniciativa premiada no 1º Concurso Inovação na Gestão Pública Federal sob responsabilidade de Domingos Poubel de Castro. Ações premiadas no 1º Concurso Inovação na Gestão Pública Federal – 1996. Áreas temáticas: avaliação de desempenho e controle de resultados; planejamento, gestão e desempenho instituciona

    Sistema Informatizado de Análise de Risco: SIAR

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    O Sistema Informatizado de Análise de Risco — SIAR oferece, aos dirigentes da área de controle interno do governo, um conjunto de informações gerenciais sobre os órgãos e entidades federais jurisdicionados à Secretaria Federal de Controle. As informações disponíveis relacionam-se às características de identificação da entidade (código da UG — SIAFI, unidade de controle, tipo de administração e UF) e também aos fatores de risco definidos mediante os seguintes critérios de avaliação: materialidade, certificação, adequabilidade dos controles internos, eficácia, eficiência e visibilidade. O sistema permite também selecionar as prioridades de maneira mais eficaz, e como melhor alocar os recursos humanos no cumprimento das responsabilidades profissionais. Um dos resultados obtidos mais significativos diz respeito à análise técnica sobre a melhor configuração da distribuição do quadro de pessoal nas diversas unidades das Delegacias Federais de Controle e Secretarias de Controle InternoNúmero de páginas: 2 p.InovaçãoIniciativa premiada no 2º Concurso Inovação na Gestão Pública Federal sob responsabilidade de Lucius Maia Araújo. Ações premiadas no 2º Concurso Inovação na Gestão Pública Federal – 1197. Áreas temáticas: planejamento e desenvolvimento organizacional; planejamento, gestão e desempenho instituciona

    Daylight entanglement-based quantum key distribution with a quantum dot source

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    Entanglement-based quantum key distribution can enable secure communication in trusted node-free networks and over long distances. Although implementations exist both in fiber and in free space, the latter approach is often considered challenging due to environmental factors. Here, we implement a quantum communication protocol during daytime for the first time using a quantum dot source. This technology presents advantages in terms of narrower spectral bandwidth-beneficial for filtering out sunlight-and negligible multiphoton emission at peak brightness. We demonstrate continuous operation over the course of three days, across an urban 270 m-long free-space optical link, under different light and weather conditions

    Learning capability : the effect of existing knowledge on learning

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    It has been observed that different people learn the same things in different ways - increasing their knowledge of the subject/domain uniquely. One plausible reason for this disparity in learning is the difference in the existing personal knowledge held in the particular area in which the knowledge increase happens. To understand this further, in this paper knowledge is modelled as a 'system of cognitive schemata', and knowledge increase as a process in this system; the effect of existing personal knowledge on knowledge increase is 'the Learning Capability'. Learning Capability is obtained in form of a function; although it is merely a representation making use of mathematical symbolism, not a calculable entity. The examination of the function tells us about the nature of learning capability. However, existing knowledge is only one factor affecting knowledge increase and thus one component of a more general model, which might additionally include talent, learning willingness, and attention

    Defending the genome from the enemy within:mechanisms of retrotransposon suppression in the mouse germline

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    The viability of any species requires that the genome is kept stable as it is transmitted from generation to generation by the germ cells. One of the challenges to transgenerational genome stability is the potential mutagenic activity of transposable genetic elements, particularly retrotransposons. There are many different types of retrotransposon in mammalian genomes, and these target different points in germline development to amplify and integrate into new genomic locations. Germ cells, and their pluripotent developmental precursors, have evolved a variety of genome defence mechanisms that suppress retrotransposon activity and maintain genome stability across the generations. Here, we review recent advances in understanding how retrotransposon activity is suppressed in the mammalian germline, how genes involved in germline genome defence mechanisms are regulated, and the consequences of mutating these genome defence genes for the developing germline

    Tex19.1 Promotes Spo11-Dependent Meiotic Recombination in Mouse Spermatocytes

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    Meiosis relies on the SPO11 endonuclease to generate the recombinogenic DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) required for homologous chromosome synapsis and segregation. The number of meiotic DSBs needs to be sufficient to allow chromosomes to search for and find their homologs, but not excessive to the point of causing genome instability. Here we report that the mammal-specific gene Tex19.1 promotes Spo11-dependent recombination in mouse spermatocytes. We show that the chromosome asynapsis previously reported in Tex19.1-/- spermatocytes is preceded by reduced numbers of recombination foci in leptotene and zygotene. Tex19.1 is required for normal levels of early Spo11-dependent recombination foci during leptotene, but not for upstream events such as MEI4 foci formation or accumulation of H3K4me3 at recombination hotspots. Furthermore, we show that mice carrying mutations in Ubr2, which encodes an E3 ubiquitin ligase that interacts with TEX19.1, phenocopy the Tex19.1-/- recombination defects. These data suggest that Tex19.1 and Ubr2 are required for mouse spermatocytes to accumulate sufficient Spo11-dependent recombination to ensure that the homology search is consistently successful, and reveal a hitherto unknown genetic pathway promoting meiotic recombination in mammals

    Gene Therapy in a Humanized Mouse Model of Familial Hypercholesterolemia Leads to Marked Regression of Atherosclerosis

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    Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal codominant disorder caused by mutations in the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene. Homozygous FH patients (hoFH) have severe hypercholesterolemia leading to life threatening atherosclerosis in childhood and adolescence. Mice with germ line interruptions in the Ldlr and Apobec1 genes (Ldlr(-/-)Apobec1(-/-)) simulate metabolic and clinical aspects of hoFH, including atherogenesis on a chow diet.In this study, vectors based on adeno-associated virus 8 (AAV8) were used to deliver the gene for mouse Ldlr (mLDLR) to the livers of Ldlr(-/-)Apobec1(-/-) mice. A single intravenous injection of AAV8.mLDLR was found to significantly reduce plasma cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol levels in chow-fed animals at doses as low as 3×10(9) genome copies/mouse. Whereas Ldlr(-/-)Apobec1(-/-) mice fed a western-type diet and injected with a control AAV8.null vector experienced a further 65% progression in atherosclerosis over 2 months compared with baseline mice, Ldlr(-/-)Apobec1(-/-) mice treated with AAV8.mLDLR realized an 87% regression of atherosclerotic lesions after 3 months compared to baseline mice. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed a substantial remodeling of atherosclerotic lesions.Collectively, the results presented herein suggest that AAV8-based gene therapy for FH may be feasible and support further development of this approach. The pre-clinical data from these studies will enable for the effective translation of gene therapy into the clinic for treatment of FH