8 research outputs found

    Identification of myxozoa and protozoa parasites of Barboid fishes of water resources in Khouzestan Province

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    A survey on parasitic infection of Barboid fishes of Khouzestan Province in southwest Iran was conducted from spring 2002 to autumn 2004. A total of 296 specimens from five fish species were examined. The specimens were collected from five stations including Ahwaz, Golestan, Mollasani and Dez Reservoir on Karoun River and Hamidieh Reservoir and Shadegan Lagoon on Karkheh River. The fishes were transported alive to the laboratory where they measured and weighed and then killed by cutting their spinal cord. Eleven parasites were separated of which seven were identified to the species level and four to the genus level. Of the protozoans we found Ichlyophthirius multifiliis, Trichodina sp., Goussia v., Balantidium sp. and of the myxozoans we observed Myxobolus persicus, Mkaruni, M nodulointestinalis, Miranicus! Mmesopotamia, Myxobolus sp., Myxidium rhodei and Myxidium pfiefferi. We reported three new parasites and eleven new hosts for Iranian freshwater fishes and three new hosts for three Myzoxoans

    Isolation and identification of bacterial and fungal microflora from Litopenaeus vannamei in Choibdeh, Abadan

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    Bacterial and fungal microflora of Litopenaeus vannamei cultured in Choibdeh, Abadan was studied. For this purpose, PLs before and after stocking and those shrimps persisting on food tray from June to August, 2006 were taken randomly. Live samples transferred to microbiology laboratory of South Aquaculture Research Center, Ahwaz. Special culture media (e.g. Tryptic Soy Agar + 1.5-2% Nacl & Sabouraud Dextrose Agar + 1.5-2% Nacl) were used for bacterial and fungal culture. We isolated 10 bacterial species of which Vibrio alginolyticus (36.92%) had high abundance among bacterial species. We also isolated and identified three fungal species including Aspergillus niger (66.66%) A. fumigatus (16.66%) and Fusarium sp. (16.66%). A. niger was predominant among fungal species. All bacterial and fungal species that were identified were opportunistic

    Evaluation of the immunity factors (THC, TPP, PO, SOD, POD) of shrimp fed with the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae compared to shrimp fed without yeast

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    Effects of S. cerevisiae on immune parameters of the L. vannamei after 14 days of S .cerevisiae feeding were evaluated in this study. For this purpose a total of 300 pieces of shrimp with an average weight of 30 to 35 grams were selected from a pool shrimp Abadan CHOEBDEH. After making sure the health, absence of necrosis on the surface of the body, cuts antenna, shrimp were transferred to the center of BANDAR IMAM Research Station. Adaptation was carried out for 3-5 days. After the adaptation, shrimps were screened for virus (WSSV, TSV, MBV, HPV, YHV, BP, IHHNV and IMNV) and vibrio bacteria. After screening shrimps divided to two groups with three replication (including 50 pieces of shrimp in triplicate). The experimental diet has the commercial shrimp composition, but 2 g of S. cerevisiae substituted 2 g of fish meal. Shrimp of first group (T1) for 14 days with food containing nutritional yeast and shrimp in second group (T2) were fed with normal diet without yeast. After 14 days Immune Factors and survival rates in both groups were evaluated. The results showed that the relative survival rate between the two groups showed no significant difference. But Immune Factors (THC, TPP, PO, POD and SOD) in the treatment fed yeast (T1) compared to control treatment (T2) showed a significant increase. In conclusion these results suggest that the increased survival rate and resistance of shrimp after S. cerevisiae consumption occurs through immune modifications, such as increases in THC, TPP, SOD, SOP and PO activity

    Evaluation of the immunity factors (THC, TPP, PO, SOD, POD) of shrimp fed with the algae Gracilaria corticata compared to shrimp fed without algae and exposed to white spot virus

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    White spot disease (WSD) is one of the shrimp deadliest viral diseases that causes heavy losses on all shrimp of Penaeid family. Most invertebrates are lacking adaptive immune system and its defense is the innate immune system that is as cellular and humoral, but a like immune system against white spot virus in shrimp was been detected. In this research, control and prevention of white spot disease in shrimp using algae Gracilaria corticata, investigated. About 300 vannamei shrimp were divided to 4 groups and fed by normal pellet and algae extract in 14 days. At the end of the fourteenth day half of the shrimp were challenged with acute white spot virus. After the fourteenth day in the days 0, 3, 9, 18 and 25 sampling were done from the hemolymph of survived shrimps and survival and immune factors were evaluated. Based on results, in the challenge test, shrimps that fed with algae extract has a significant survival rate than shrimp fed with commercial diet. Increased the Immune Factors from day one to day 25 observed during the test. Greatest amount of Immune Factors THC, TPP, SOD, POD and PO in T1 group were observed in day 25 of tests. This situation was also true for group2 (T2), but its rate significantly was less than group 1(T1)

    Ecological study on rearing shrimp ponds (Litopenaeus vannemei) in Choebdeh Abadan

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    Following to introduce Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) into Iran aquaculture industries by fisheries organization its postlarvae were successfully reared in ponds in Bushehr and Choebdeh in Khuzestan. Due to activity of Shrimp site and importance of input and output water quality, this study was done in 11 stations including: two stations in Bahmanshir river, two station in C4 and C5 irrigation canals, six staions in active farms along C4 cannel (Yonesi, Mosavei and Salman Zadeh), and C5 cannel (Mohamadi, Khairi and Ashraf Por) and one staion in output draing were selected. Sampling were carried out from May2009 befor beginning stocking to harvest time in October 2009. Physico- chemical parameters and plankton sampled biweekly and benthic animals and heavy metals were sampled monthly. Some parameters such as pH and temperature by using portable multy parameters and others. Analyzed with standard methods. Heavy metals were measured by plarography method (797 Vamtro). Plankton and benthos samples were studied only in Bahmanshir station. According to results the maximum values for DO (11.1 ppm) PO4 (1.86 ppm) NO3 (8.4 ppm) and TSS (4992 ppm), pH (8.4) NO2 (0.18 ppm) BOD5 (9.06 ppm) were measured. In comparison to aquaculture water quality standards except for TSS in river stations others are located in allowable range. We didn’t observed any main changes in water quality from river to output drainage. The results of biotic parameters in river stations showed that diatoms were the most group of phytoplanktons. Zooplankton groups were Copepods, Rotifera and Protozoa. Tintinids and Nematoda larvae were the most abundant zooplankton. Benthic animals were included nine crustacean species and two annelid species. Isopods with 52% were the most and ant group

    Immunization of cultured shrimp against WSSV by use of produced recombinant vaccine (In vitro)

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    Shrimp diseases, especially viral diseases are the major limiting factors of shrimp farming activities in the world. White spot disease is one of the most pernicious viral disease that lead to serious loss in all shrimps of penaeids family. In Iran during 2002 to 2004 in Khuzestan province and in 2005 in Bushehr province, the most ponds and farms infected with white spot and the entire industry faced threat of closure. Surface proteins of virus has important role in the early stages of virus with host cell interaction, because these proteins usually enumerated as a candidate to produce a subunit and recombinant vaccines. On the other hand, these proteins can use as an important virus antigen and produce virus-specific antibodies in the preparation of diagnostic kits. In several studies proteins in the form of injection or oral vaccine has shown promising results. This study was designed in order to gain these proteins for immunization of white leg shrimp. To achieve the white spot virus genome, sampling and DNA extraction of moribund shrimps with clinical signs was done from Choebdeh farms. VP28 and VP19 protein-coding gene-specific primers were selected, and after amplification and purification were cloned in E.coli TG1. Protein expression evaluated and commercial plates were coated with inactivated bacteria containing the recombinant protein. White leg shrimp post larvae (PL30) were fed with recombinant food for 7 days then two times in 9th and 23th day after beginning of plate feeding and was challenged by white spot disease virus. The results of the first exposure (end of the seventh day after the shrimp fed with recombinant plate) showed that the lowest mortality at day 14 after exposure in different groups belong to VP28 group with cumulative mortality percent %30 ± 3.84 and the highest percentage of the Group TG1 equal to %72.22±2.93, also The highest and lowest relative percent survival, belong to the group of VP28 (60.29± 5.09%) and TG1 (4.41 ± 2.94%), respectively. In terms of mortality percent and relative percent survival, VP28 and VP 28+19 has significant difference with other groups while there was no significant difference between the groups VP19, TG1 and pMal. In the second exposure experiment (21 days after end of plate feeding) results showed that the lowest cumulative mortality in different groups belong to VP28 (%50 ± 5.09) and the highest percentage was owned by Group TG1 equal to %75.55±2.22, also the highest and the lowest of relative percent survival belong to VP28 (%32.86± 6.83) and TG1 (%0.00 ± 2.98) groups respectively. Similar to the first experiment, VP28 showed significant differences in cumulative mortality and relative percentage of survival in contrast to other group. As a general conclusion it can be noted that recombinant protein VP28 in any form that delivered to shrimp was able to protect shrimp against white spot virus. On the contrary VP19 has no this ability. The survival rate is directly related to the duration of the presence of recombinant protein in the diet

    Identification of WSSV, TSV & IHHNV in wild and cultured shrimps and crustaceans in Khuzestan province - Abadan and investigation of its pathogenicity

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    According to the white spot disease during 2002 until 2005 and the damages caused by the disease to the farmers a new species L.vannamei were introduced to the farming region of Abadan Choebdeh from 2006. Hight mortality occurred in Khuzestan province farms in 2007 and 2008 again. Probably viral agent was transferred to native shrimps or other aquatic animals, therefore it is very important that presence of viruses in local aquatic animals and its vectors detected. Detection of WSSV, TSVand IHHNV in aquatic animal from Khuzestan costal region imphasis to wild shrimp and craps is the main objectives of this study. So samples were taken from 10 active farms twice a week and 100 postlarves from 3 active breeding center befor stocking. Samples for viral detection were studied by molecular and histopathology asseys. Results was shown presence of the White spot virus in cultured and wild shrimp and TSV infection in only two cultured shrimps but there was negative result for IHHN virus. To study the pathogenesis of white spot virus isolated from wild and farmed shrimps, exposure method was used. Results of challenge showed that WSSV can be transmited from diseased cultured and wild shrimp to cultured shrimp. Mean mortality percent in the treatment that fed with infected wild shrimp was 38.33±10.4 and treatment that fed with infected cultured shrimp 61.66±7.63 and in the positive control treatment was 87.5±3.5

    Epidemiological study on some environmental and management parameters affecting on WSD occurrence in Fenneropenaeus indicus and Penaeus vannamei

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    For the first time white spot disease (WSD) was reported in shrimp farms of khoozestan province, in southwest of IRAN in 2002. Then in 2005 the neighbor province, boushehr, was contaminated. In 2008 WSD outbreak reported in sistan-bloochestan province in southeast of Iran. In 2015 all of southern shrimp farms of country except Hormozgan, the middle southern province, which has remained free of WSD, are being contaminated. White Spot disease suspended shrimp culture in thousands hectares of shrimp farms. Considering that white spot disease has not been observed in Hormozgan province yet, the question is; to what extent environmental and management factors participated in preventing WSD outbreak or cause WSD outbreak. In this study (20102012), the effects of environmental factors and management, stressors that decrease immune system function of shrimp are discussed. In addition, the role of pathogen as the main factor of outbreak is discussed. The goal of this study is to define environmental parameters and management practices associates with outbreak of white spot disease in affected provinces and discover reasons of being Hormozgan province free of this disease. In this study the role of the local environmental factors and management practice stressors in susceptibility to WSD was determine. Both the effects of environmental factors in water of ponds including total ammonia, nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, transparency, and temperature and management issues related to biosecurity are studied. There were overlaps on physical and chemical parameter values obtained in clear areas with contaminated areas .Results of the data analysis suggest that lack of association with WSD incidence was 7 times greater than WSD incidence despite of disease outbreak in sistan-bloochestan province, so other sources of white spot disease virus incidence was suspected in affected areas. Histopathological examinations and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests during project performance did not reveal white spot disease virus evidences in post larvae examined from khoozestan province stocked in farms but disease outbreak was happened in that farms , so we suspected to management practice include feed , pond preparation and carrier of disease. Recorded values of temperature and salinity in some months during inspection in Hormozgan province specified stressful condition that may lead to WSD outbreak, however the disease did not appear. Therefore the hypothesis that the water physical and chemical conditions are reasons to prevent disease outbreak in Hormozgan province is being rejected. The policy of Hormozgan’s fishery authorities, to replaced Fenneropenaeus indicus with specific pathogen free Litopenaeus vannamei, that is more resistant to some of diseases, before incidence of WSD in farms and to before being endemic in the Hormozgan province, made an advantage compare to affected southern provinces that introduced Litopenaeus vannamei after WSD prevalence to their farms. However it does not guarantee to maintain current trend of being Hormozgan province farms free of white spot disease. Therefore establishing the principals of biosecurity are strongly emphasized. Strategies taken by the proficient authorities in preparation of SPF shrimp broodstock can be the most important factor in preventing WSD. Regarding biosecurity principals purchased feed must be free of shrimp head powder. Construction the new shrimp farms should be as far as it could be away from contaminated areas