174 research outputs found

    Studying the relationship between human resource practice with organizational citizenship behavior by emphasizing the role of organizational commitment in Agricultural Banks of Golestan Province

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    The main goal of this research is studying the relationship between human resource practices with organizational citizenship behaviors by emphasizing the role of organizational commitment in Agricultural banks of Golestan province. The design of research is a definition of a sort of measurement and statistical population of 360 clerks of Agricultural Banks of Golestan province. The number of sample, according to the Krejcie and Morgan table is 186 people and for sampling the Stratified random sampling was used. Measurement tools containing three surveys which were used for measurement of human resource actions, Laawer survey (1986) and organizational commitment by measuring Meyer and Allen (1990) and consequently, for weighing the organizational citizenship of standard Podsakoff et al (1990). The findings showed that there is no meaningful relationship between the actions of human resources and organizational behaviors by pointing the role of organizational commitment in Agricultural Banks of Golestan province

    Studying the relationship between human resource practice with organizational citizenship behavior by emphasizing the role of organizational commitment in Agricultural Banks of Golestan Province

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    The main goal of this research is studying the relationship between human resource practices with organizational citizenship behaviors by emphasizing the role of organizational commitment in Agricultural banks of Golestan province. The design of research is a definition of a sort of measurement and statistical population of 360 clerks of Agricultural Banks of Golestan province. The number of sample, according to the Krejcie and Morgan table is 186 people and for sampling the Stratified random sampling was used. Measurement tools containing three surveys which were used for measurement of human resource actions, Laawer survey (1986) and organizational commitment by measuring Meyer and Allen (1990) and consequently, for weighing the organizational citizenship of standard Podsakoff et al (1990). The findings showed that there is no meaningful relationship between the actions of human resources and organizational behaviors by pointing the role of organizational commitment in Agricultural Banks of Golestan province

    Studying the relationship between human resource practice with organizational citizenship behavior by emphasizing the role of organizational commitment in Agricultural Banks of Golestan Province

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    The main goal of this research is studying the relationship between human resource practices with organizational citizenship behaviors by emphasizing the role of organizational commitment in Agricultural banks of Golestan province. The design of research is a definition of a sort of measurement and statistical population of 360 clerks of Agricultural Banks of Golestan province. The number of sample, according to the Krejcie and Morgan table is 186 people and for sampling the Stratified random sampling was used. Measurement tools containing three surveys which were used for measurement of human resource actions, Laawer survey (1986) and organizational commitment by measuring Meyer and Allen (1990) and consequently, for weighing the organizational citizenship of standard Podsakoff et al (1990). The findings showed that there is no meaningful relationship between the actions of human resources and organizational behaviors by pointing the role of organizational commitment in Agricultural Banks of Golestan province

    Evaluation of 5.8S rRNA to identify Penaeus semisulcatus and its subspecies, Penaeus semisulcatus persicus (Penaeidae) and some Decapoda species

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    The green tiger prawn, Penaeus semisulcatus is one of the most important members of the family Penaeidae in the Persian Gulf. Based on the morphological characteristics, two groups, including P. semisulcatus and its subspecies viz. P. s. persicus are recognized. This study was conducted to investigate the genetic distance between P. semisulcatus and P. s. persicus by analyzing partial sequence of 5.8S rRNA. Another objective of this study is to evaluate the ability of 5.8S rRNA to identify the species of Decapoda. The results indicated that the 5.8S rRNA gene of both P. semisulcatus and P. s. persicus were exactly identical, and sequence variation was not observed. The results also indicated that 5.8S rRNA sequences between species of the same genus of analysed species of Decapoda are conserved, and no genetic distance was observed in species level. The low evolutionary rate and efficient conservation of the 5.8S rRNA can be attributed to its role in the translation process.

    Inverse modelling of desorption tests to establish the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated sands

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    Conductivité hydraulique non saturée est un paramètre important pour caractériser le comportement des sols non saturés. Ce paramètre peut être utilisé pour modéliser l'écoulement de l'eau dans les sols. Le défaut de mesure ou d'estimation de ce paramètre avec une précision fiable peut causer des incidents catastrophiques. La mesure de la conductivité hydraulique des sols non saturés peut être longue et coûteuse. Des méthodes directes et indirectes peuvent être utilisées pour établir ce paramètre. Dans cette étude, en vue de réduire le temps et le coût de la mesure de la conductivité hydraulique des sols non saturés nécessaires par les méthodes directes, la modélisation inverse a été utilisée comme une méthode indirecte pour estimer ce paramètre. Des essais de laboratoire ont été effectués pour trouver la courbe de rétention d'eau des différents échantillons de sol étudié. Les résultats expérimentaux obtenus ont été utilisés pour effectuer la modélisation inverse, et la conductivité hydraulique non saturée de chaque échantillon a été estimé.Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is an important parameter to characterize unsaturated soils behaviour. This parameter can be used to model flow of water in soils. Failure in measuring or estimating this parameter with a reliable precision can cause catastrophic incidents. Measuring unsaturated hydraulic conductivity can be expensive and time consuming. Direct and indirect methods can be used to determine this parameter. In this study, in order to decrease the time and the expense of measuring unsaturated hydraulic conductivity by direct methods, inverse modelling was used as an indirect method to estimate this parameter. Some laboratory tests were performed to find water retention curve of different samples of the studied soil. Obtained experimental results were used to perform inverse modelling, and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of each sample was estimated

    Antimutagenicity effect of Citrus nobilis

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    Currently cancer is considered as one of the main factors of mortality globally. Many chemicals in our environment can cause genetic mutations and are potentially responsible for millions of cancer-related deaths. Nowadays the scientists are looking for food materials which can potenthially prevent the cancer occurrence. The purpose of this research is to examine antimutagenicity and anticancer effect of Citrus nobilis . The Citrus nobilis  was subsequenthy evaluated in terms of antimutagenicity properties by a standard reverse mutation assay (Ames Test). This was performed with histidine auxotroph strain of Salmonella typhimurium(TA100) .Thus, it requires histidine from a foreign supply to ensure its growth.The aforementioned strain gives rise to reverted colonies when expose to carcinogen substance (Sodium Azide). In Ames Test the Citrus nobilis prevented the reverted mutations and the hindrance percent of Citrus nobilis was 72.46% . This is the first study that have revealed antimutagenicity effect of Citrus nobilis.

    An investigation on cognitive and behavioural effects of donepezil on autistic children in Winter 2020 in Gorgan Taleghani pediatric hospital

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    ObjectivesThe present investigation has been done to study the behavioraleffects of donepezil in autistic children, given that not much researchhas been carried out concerning using this drug for treating autism. Materials & MethodsA cross-sectional and analytic-descriptive study was done on twentypatients with autism, aged 4-17, who visited the neurology clinic of Gorgan’s Taleghani Pediatric Hospital and Yasha Pediatric Autism Clinic, Iran from 2019 to 2020. Demographic information, including sex, age, father’s education, mother’s education ,patient’s education, family status, other problems, and ethnicity, were documented using a checklist, having been filled in during interviews with the parents. Before the trial, ABC cognitive and behavioral tests were taken to determine the children’s current status. After the tests, these children received a daily dose of donepezil (10mg) before sleep for three months. At the end of the three months, the cognitive and behavioral tests were taken from the children once again. In order to analyze the effects of different factors on the studied variables, including irritability, lethargy, stereotypic behavior, hyperactivity, and inappropriate speech before and after the administration of donepezil in patients, a generalized linear model and to test the effects of donepezil on the studied variables, paired t-test was used. ResultsIn this study, twenty patients were registered for the investigation, 12 (60%) male and eight (40%) female. Age groups 5-6 had the highest frequency, and age group 17 had the lowest. Regardingthe parents’ education, the highest frequency was for bachelor’s degrees, and the lowest was for less-than-high school education and master’s degree. The highest frequency for the patients’ education was kindergarten (60%), and then groups without education (20%) and elementary school-level education (15%). Most of the studied patients (80%) did not have other problems besides autism, and only 20% had other problems besides autism. The family status of 15% of the families was ‘separated,’ and ethnically, most patients (80%) were Fars, while the rest (20%) were Turkmen. None of the analyzed factors (age, sex, father’s education, mother’s education, patient’s education, other problems, family status, and ethnicity) had a significant effect on the studied variables after the administration of donepezil. Among the studied variables prior to the administration of donepezil and among the analyzed factors, the father’s education, the patient’s education, other problems, and family status had only a significant effect on stereotypic behavior. The present research findings of the present research indicated that all the studied variables, including irritability, lethargy, stereotypic behavior, hyperactivity, and inappropriate speech, were significantly decreased toward the desired goal. The decreased amounts in irritability, lethargy, stereotypic behavior, hyperactivity, and inappropriate speech after the administration of donepezil were, respectively, 38%, 44%, 54%, 41%, and 54% and on average, these behaviors were reduced by 46%. ConclusionThe present investigation has shown that all the studied variables, including irritability, lethargy, stereotypic behavior, hyperactivity, and inappropriate speech, were significantly decreased towards the desired goal by 46%. This significant decrease is indicative of the effectiveness of the treatment of autism patients with donepezil, and therefore, this drug can be placed as a prominent and essential part of the medical therapy of autism. &nbsp

    SVR Algorithm as a Tool for More Optimal Intergalactic Medium Simulation in the Epoch of Reionization

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    All kinds of simulations of the intergalactic medium, such as hydrodynamic simulation, N-body simulation, numerical and semi-numerical simulation, etc., have been used to realize the history of this medium. One of these simulations is 21SSD, which is specifically focused on the epoch of reionization. This simulation deepens our understanding of the physics behind the intergalactic medium by considering the free parameters related to the Wouthuysen-Field coupling fluctuations and X-ray and Lyman line transfers in the intergalactic medium, and by presenting the plots of the power spectrum, brightness temperature, etc. in different redshifts. However, due to many physical phenomena that play significant roles in this epoch, simulations of the intergalactic medium are usually extremely complex, time-consuming, and require very powerful hardware. In this work, by using the Support Vector Regression algorithm and based on the 21SSD simulation datasets, we have tried to make the machine fully understand the brightness temperature changes in terms of redshift for different astrophysical free parameters values. At first, we trained the machine with the results of the 21SSD simulation. Then, the machine was able to predict the brightness temperature in terms of redshift with very high accuracy for other interval coefficients. Although we have used this algorithm to estimate the brightness temperature, it seems that this algorithm can be easily used for other parts of cosmology and astrophysics. With its help, it is possible to save time and obtain results with extraordinary accuracy similar to complex simulations, even with normal hardware
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