1,224 research outputs found

    Klipsun Magazine, 2005, Volume 35, Issue 04 - March

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    Juggling is an art. Whether it is juggling school and grueling nightshift labor, balancing spirituality and faith with the demands of a material world or the actual craft of juggling, this skill seems to appear as a resurfacing theme in this issue of Klipsun. Traditionally, the first issue of the quarter is non-themed and contains a variety of stories. This issue appears more as a mosaic than miscellany. Individual snapshots converge to form the greater picture: our world and lives are in a state of continual tension between two effects, ideas or paths. In the midst of our juggling act, the sun still rises and sets every day. Life happens. I hope that comes across in this issue.https://cedar.wwu.edu/klipsun_magazine/1230/thumbnail.jp

    Poznaj MousmĂ©. Odmiennoƛć japoƄskiej kobiety w dzieƂach francuskich podrĂłĆŒniczek z pierwszej poƂowy XX wieku

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    From Pierre Loti to Nicolas Bouvier, via Roland Barthes and many other Western travellers, the perception of Japanese women and their otherness since the 1860s has been constantly enriched by diverse and recurring mental images linked to a certain form of exoticism and Japonism. It seems essential to enrich the reflections on the concept of the otherness of feminine discourse in order to shed new light on major issues of the history of French women travellers, the French imagination of Japan and Japanese exoticism. This article explores some avenues of reflection on the construction of the figure of the Japanese woman, a pillar theme of travel literature, present in travel writings produced by French women. How to meet the other and the other’s elsewhere when this other is also a woman? What is the perception of Japanese women in French women’s travel writings? What areas of the allegory of the elsewhere inherited from a dominant discourse of male travellers can be found (or not) in these discourses of women travellers? Beginning from the concept of MousmĂ©, introduced by Loti, and all the exotic load that results from it, the author reflects on the circumstances of encounters and the particularities of writings from the perception of the other as a female and her feminity. But it is not simply a question of entering into a purely comparative vision by confronting women travellers with dominant male travel literature. By analysing several writings in the light of a collective Japanese imagination in French, the author can reveal facets of Japanese exoticism and otherness hitherto subcontracted and intrinsically linked to women’s travel practices; but also open the door to a reflection on the importance of enriching the mental representations of Japan with narrative produced by women about women.De Pierre Loti à Nicolas Bouvier, en passant par Roland Barthes et bien d’autres encore, la perception des femmes japonaises et de leur altĂ©ritĂ© n’a cessĂ© de s’enrichir d’images mentales diverses et rĂ©currentes liĂ©es à une certaine forme d’exotisme et de japonisme. Mais que dire du discours des voyageuses françaises ? Que dire de ces femmes, grandes oubliĂ©es de l’Histoire du voyage français au Japon ? Parfois dans l’ombre de leur mari, parfois parce que l’histoire a oubliĂ© leur Ă©pisode japonais... Ou tout simplement parce que personne n’avait dĂ©sirĂ© faire parler (ou n’avait mĂȘme pu trouver) les sources léguées par ces dernières, on évoque peu leurs écrits de voyage et surtout leur perception de l’allogène japonais.Il nous paraît indispensable d’enrichir les réflexions sur le concept d’altérité d’un discours féminin afin d’apporter un nouvel éclairage à des enjeux majeurs de l’histoire des voyageuses françaises, de l’imaginaire français du Japon et de l’exotisme japonais. Il ne s’agit pas simplement d’entrer dans une vision purement comparatiste voyageurs-voyageuses, mais plutôt d’explorer d’autres facettes de l’altérité et d’autres images mentales liées à la femme Japonaise en voyageant d’un versant Ă  l’autre.Cette altérité s’entend bien sûr au sens de contact physique, de rencontre de l’autre; or, une voyageuse n’ira justement pas à la rencontre du Japon de la même façon que ses homologues masculins, ne serait-ce que parce les pratiques et enjeux du voyage en tant que femme donnent à voir (ou à ne pas voir) certaines choses et à faire l’expérience du Japon d’une autre façon. De facto, les modalités de la rencontre et les interactions produisent des perceptions qui diffèrent de celles auxquelles l’historiographie nous a habitué. L’altérité se pense alors comme une rencontre entre le « soi » occidental et l’« autre » japonais, qui se déclinent tous les deux au féminin.Dans notre article, nous explorons quelques axes de rĂ©flexion de la construction de la figure de la femme japonaise dans la littérature viatique produite par des femmes françaises liĂ©s à l’altérité, la perception de l’allogène et l’exotisme. Comment rencontre-t-on l’autre et son ailleurs quand cet autre est aussi une autre ? Quel regard portent les voyageuses françaises sur les femmes japonaises dans leurs écrits de voyage ? Existe-t-il une forme de sororité, une proximité ou bien même encore une intimité ? Comment apprĂ©hender et comprendre sa différence quand l’autre est elle aussi une femme ? L’autre est-elle un alter-ego japonais au féminin ? Quels espaces de l’allégorie de l’ailleurs hérités d’un discours dominant de voyageurs masculins est-il possible de retrouver (ou non) dans ces discours de voyageuses ?Les Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©ponses à ces questionnements permettront d’ouvrir la porte à une réflexion sur l’importance d’enrichir l’interprétation de l’altérité japonaise en analysant des discours produits par des femmes (ainsi que leur contexte de production) et en abordant entre autres des thématiques inédites dans le processus de construction de l’image de la femme japonaise et sa féminité tout en prĂ©sentant une certaine constance dans l’imaginaire exotique japonais convoquĂ© par les rĂ©cits de voyage, aussi bien fĂ©minins que masculins.Od Pierre’a Loti do Nicolasa Bouviera, przez Rolanda Barthesa i wielu innych podrĂłĆŒnikĂłw z Zachodu, postrzeganie japoƄskich kobiet i ich innoƛci od lat 60. XX wieku stale wzbogacane jest przez rĂłĆŒnorodne i powracające obrazy mentalne związane z pewną formą egzotyki i japoƄskoƛci. Wzbogacenie refleksji nad pojęciem innoƛci kobiecego dyskursu wydaje się autorce tego artykuƂu niezbędne, aby rzucić nowe ƛwiatƂo na gƂówne zagadnienia historii francuskich podrĂłĆŒniczek, francuskiego wyobraĆŒenia Japonii i japoƄskiej egzotyki. Niniejszy artykuƂ zgƂębia niektĂłre kierunki refleksji nad konstrukcją postaci japoƄskiej kobiety, filaru literatury podrĂłĆŒniczej, obecnego w zapisach z podrĂłĆŒy, ktĂłrych autorkami byƂy Francuzki. Jak spotykać się z innym i jego przestrzenią, gdy innym jest ona? Jaka jest percepcja japoƄskich kobiet w literaturze podrĂłĆŒniczej tworzonej przez Francuzki? Jakie obszary alegorii innego miejsca, odziedziczonej po dominującym dyskursie podrĂłĆŒnikĂłw pƂci męskiej, moĆŒna odnaleĆșć (lub nie) w dyskursie podrĂłĆŒniczek? Wychodząc od koncepcji MousmĂ© wprowadzonej przez Lotiego i wynikającego z niej egzotycznego Ƃadunku, autorka zastanawia się nad okolicznoƛciami kontaktu z odmiennoƛcią i specyfiką literatury dotyczącej kobiecej innoƛci z punktu widzenia kobiet. Ale nie jest to tylko kwestia wejƛcia w czysto porĂłwnawczą wizję poprzez skonfrontowanie kobiet podrĂłĆŒujących z dominującą męską literaturą podrĂłĆŒniczą. Analizując wybrane teksty w ƛwietle zbiorowej japoƄskiej wyobraĆșni, moĆŒemy ukazać aspekty japoƄskiej egzotyki i innoƛci, do tej pory nierozerwalnie związane z kobiecymi praktykami podrĂłĆŒniczymi, a takĆŒe stworzyć dogodne warunki do refleksji nad znaczeniem wzbogacenia mentalnych obrazĂłw Japonii o narrację tworzoną przez kobiety o kobietach

    Prevention of Violence Against Children: A Systems Readiness Assessment in CÔTE D’IVOIRE

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    Violence against children (VAC) is a global problem with significant consequences. Recognizing the need to better understand the problem of VAC in Cîte d’Ivoire (CI), the government of CI recently completed a survey on violence against children. The recent data will support an evidence-based national action plan for the prevention of VAC. Research shows that initiatives tackling specific problems will only be as successful as the community’s readiness to take action. This study applied the community readiness model to assess the readiness of the multisectoral task force (MSTF) to implement the national action plan in CI. Eight MSTF participants’ interview scores determined the overall and dimension-specific level of readiness. The findings suggest that the MSTF’s overall stage of readiness is in the “preplanning stage,” indicating that a clear recognition exists that something must be done to address the issue of VAC in CI, and there are even mechanisms to address it. Nevertheless, the present efforts are neither sufficiently focused nor comprehensive. The study also evaluated six specific dimensions of the system, revealing varying stages of readiness across dimensions. The dimension of efforts had the highest stage of readiness, whereas the dimension knowledge of efforts had the lowest stage. Based on these findings, the recommendation is to strengthen the dimensions with the lowest readiness level. The system’s immediate strategy must be to increase awareness and knowledge of all policies and programs addressing violence against children and to intensify political engagement to support existing and new programs addressing the problem

    A C3(H20) recycling pathway is a component of the intracellular complement system

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    An intracellular complement system (ICS) has recently been described in immune and nonimmune human cells. This system can be activated in a convertase-independent manner from intracellular stores of the complement component C3. The source of these stores has not been rigorously investigated. In the present study, Western blotting identified a band corresponding to C3 in freshly isolated human peripheral blood cells that was absent in corresponding cell lines. One difference between native cells and cell lines was the time absent from a fluid-phase complement source; therefore, we hypothesized that loading C3 from plasma was a route of establishing intracellular C3 stores. We found that many types of human cells specifically internalized C3(H(2)O), the hydrolytic product of C3, and not native C3, from the extracellular milieu. Uptake was rapid, saturable, and sensitive to competition with unlabeled C3(H(2)O), indicating a specific mechanism of loading. Under steady-state conditions, approximately 80% of incorporated C3(H(2)O) was returned to the extracellular space. These studies identify an ICS recycling pathway for C3(H(2)O). The loaded C3(H(2)O) represents a source of C3a, and its uptake altered the cytokine profile of activated CD4(+) T cells. Importantly, these results indicate that the impact of soluble plasma factors should be considered when performing in vitro studies assessing cellular immune function

    Selective activation of the TLR3/TICAM-1/IRF-3 patjway for safe and effective immunotherapy in mouse models

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    The 3rd International Symposium on Carcinogenic Spiral & International Symposium on Tumor Biology in Kanazawa, [DATE]: January 24(Thu)-25(Fri),2013, [Place]:Kanazawa Excel Hotel Tpkyu, Kanazawa, Japan, [Organizers]:Infection/Inflammation-Assisted Acceleration of the Carcinogenic Spiral and its Alteration through Vector Conversion of the Host Response to Tumors / Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, a MEXT Grant-in Aid Projec
