20 research outputs found

    Industrial Heritage Buildings in Cyprus; Spatial Experience of the Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre

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    This study focuses on the Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre [NiMAC] in Nicosia, one of the prominent historical industrial buildings in Cyprus, which has been re-functionalized as an art centre. The overall goal of this study is to examine and clarify the human experience of the NiMAC building as part of one’s lifeworld. The main argument of the research is that proposing an effective research design for examining how a person distinguishes the components of a re-used building is possible by human responses to architecture rather than focusing on the physical aesthetics of it. Hence, the purpose of the study is to make a multi-sensory analysis to grasp how a person develops an emotional attitude in the re-functioned space which can be the core assessment of the adaptive re-use purposes. In this context, this research basically explores the main research question which is about what spatial experiences the NiMAC building is offering to people after it is re-functioned when space is experienced in a multisensory approach. Methodologically, this research design is basically created by the hybrid use of first-person, existential, and hermeneutic tactics of the phenomenological approach

    Factors affecting onset of puberty in Denizli province in Turkey

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    The relationship between the possible factors affecting pubertal onset and pubertal timing was investigated in the Denizli province in Turkey. A total number of 3311 subjects (1562 girls, 1749 boys) aged 6-16.5 years participated in this study. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Pubertal stages were assessed according to methods of Marshall and Tanner. Testicular volume was determined using Prader orchidometer. Menarcheal age was recorded. All parents and students completed different questionnaires on demographic variables affecting pubertal timing such as socioeconomic conditions, psychosocial factors, exercise, nutritional status, chronic diseases, migration and birth weight. Using distribution percentiles of pubertal stages according to age, the relation between pubertal timing and factors affecting puberty was investigated. There was no significant association between exercise, birth weight, migration, chronic disease, and socioeconomic status and age of puberty onset. Menarcheal age of overweight and obese girls was significantly lower than that of girls with normal weight. In-family stress was the cause of early puberty in girls and of delayed puberty in boys

    Tradicijske, zemljom izolirane građevine na planini Five Finger (Cipar); Procjena energetske učinkovitosti pomoću računalne simulacije pravokutne tlocrtne tipologije

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    The earth-sheltered structures play a vital role in providing long-term constant temperature for indoor environment. It is aimed to reveal that earth-sheltered structures have better thermal performance than above ground structures. Typology study and energy simulation have been carried out for the mountainous region of Cyprus. It showed that the total energy consumption for earthsheltered structure is lower than above-ground structures.Građevine izolirane zemljom imaju ključnu ulogu u osiguravanju dugotrajne postojane temperature njihovih unutrašnjih prostora. Cilj je ukazati na činjenicu da zemljom izolirane građevine proizvode bolji toplinski učinak od onih iznad razine tla. Tipologija i računalna simulacija izvedene su za planinsku regiju Cipra. Analiza pokazuje da je ukupna potrošnja energije za zemljom izolirane graðevine niža negoli za one iznad razine tla

    The Concept of ecological sustainability examined via 3D shadow analysis: the case of Amasya University Hâkimiyet Campus

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    Çalışmada; küçük ölçekte kent modeli olarak değerlendirilen üniversite yerleşkesi ele alınarak Amasya ili Merkez ilçe sınırları içerisinde yer alan Amasya Üniversitesi Hâkimiyet Yerleşkesi çalışma alanı olarak seçilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı Hâkimiyet Yerleşkesi’nde yer alan eğitim ve idari binaların yeşil alanlar üzerinde oluşturdukları gölge süresi uzunlukları doğrultusunda yerleşke yeşil alanlarında kullanılan bitkilerin ışık-gölge-su isteklerine göre bitki tür seçiminin doğru olup olmadığını tespit ederek yerleşkelerin ekolojik sürdürülebilirliğe ve kent ekosistemine olan katkısını belirlemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda öncelikle literatür taraması ile arazi çalışması yapılarak yerleşkede bulunan bitki türleri tespit edilerek farklı açılardan fotoğraf çekimi yapılmıştır. Hâkimiyet Yerleşkesi’nde bulunan 3 eğitim binası ve 3 idari bina CityEngine yazılımı kullanılarak, prosedürel modelleme teknikleriyle 3 boyutlu (3B) olarak modellenmiştir. 3B Kampüs modeli, Sketchup Pro 2019 programına aktarılarak, yılın farklı aylarına göre 3B gölge analizi yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular ışığında Hâkimiyet Yerleşkesi’ndeki binaların oluşturduğu gölge sürelerinin Aralık ve Ocak aylarında daha fazla, Haziran ve Temmuz aylarında ise daha az olduğu görülmektedir. Yerleşkenin 392-400 m. ile 410-420 m. kotları arasında yerleşke sınırlarında yer alan her dem yeşil ağaç ve ağaççıklar ile çalı gruplarının binaların oluşturduğu gölgeden olumsuz etkilenmediği, 400-410 m. kot aralığında bina yakın çevrelerinde yer alan yaprağını döken ağaç ve ağaççık bitki türleri ile çalı gruplarının ise bu durumdan olumsuz etkilendiği belirlenmiştir. Bulgular dâhilinde yerleşkenin ekolojik sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanmasına yönelik önerilerde bulunulmuştur.The Amasya University Hâkimiyet Campus, located within the central district of Amasya, was chosen as the study area. The university campus was considered as a small-scale urban model. The aim of the study was to determine whether the plant species selection was correct according to the lightshadow-water requirements of the plants used in the green areas of the campus and in line with the duration of the shadows cast on the green areas of the educational and administrative buildings of the Hâkimiyet Campus and also to determine the contribution of the campus to ecological sustainability and the urban ecosystem. To this purpose, the plant species in the campus were identified by first carrying out a literature review and a field study and then taking photographs from different angles. Three educational buildings and three administrative buildings on the Hâkimiyet Campus were modeled in three-dimension (3D) using procedural modeling techniques via CityEngine software. The 3D campus model was transferred to the Sketchup Pro 2019 program and a 3D shadow analysis was performed according to different months of the year. The findings indicated that the shadows cast by the buildings on the Hâkimiyet Campus persisted for a longer time in December and January, and a shorter time in June and July. Evergreen trees, shrubs, and bush groups located on the boundaries of the campus at the elevations of 392-400 and 410-420 m were not adversely affected by the shadows of the buildings; however, those located in the vicinity of the buildings at the elevation range of 400-410 m were negatively affected by this situation. Within the scope of the findings, recommendations were made to ensure the ecological sustainability of the campus

    Investigation of Components Forming the Spatial and Landscape Character of Amasya University Yeşilırmak Campus

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    In this study, the study area was chosen as Amasya University Yeşilırmak Campus, located within the borders of Amasya province central county. The aim of the study was to investigate the components comprising the spatial character (buildings, roads and paths, parking areas, equipment elements, sports areas, social areas) and landscape character (topography, presence of plants) in terms of function, current status, environmental and aesthetic features. In line with this aim, the components comprising the spatial and landscape character of the campus were identified with field observations and the functions of the components were defined. An orthophoto for the campus was created using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and maps for the current spatial character, landscape character, social areas and parking areas were obtained. At the conclusion of the study, it is observed that, despite a significant portion of the campus surface being covered by wooded areas, the structures within the campus, such as buildings, parking areas, and vehicular and pedestrian pathways with hard surface materials, are more extensively utilized by the campus users, while the wooded areas remain largely unused. Findings revealed the current status of the campus, and recommendations were made to create a campus with distinctive identity that will be more livable and chosen more frequently by students

    Environmental impacts of adobe as a building material: The north cyprus traditional building case

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    The urgency of global climate change has drawn significant attention to the building industry over the last few years. Today, the building sector is responsible for the emission of about 23–40% of the world greenhouse gases. This is plausible owing to the various non environmental friendly materials used by modern building industry and the palpable contemporary design construct. Unlike modern buildings, traditional building materials are proven to be earth conscious and have nearly zero carbon footprints. Yet, the modernist building sector with its insatiable drive for autonomy has relegated lessons from traditional building to being primitive. Moreover, the absence of objects of industrialisation has been defined as forming conformity with poverty. Hence, this research seeks to scientifically examine Adobe as one of the traditional building materials. In that vein, the environmental impact of the use of adobe will be studied. The study also purports to adequately examine the advantages and disadvantages of the use of adobe in modern construction. Methodologically, owing to the aims of this research, a qualitative computer based simulation approach is adopted. A typical traditional Adobe building in Louroujina—North Cyprus, will be simulated through a parametric computer based simulation done using Revit Architecture, with a green studio plug-in. Software acknowledge by the United State Department of Energy (DOE 2015). This simulation procedure models the carbon emission of the building and the yearly energy consumption. Summarily, this paper posits that the successful fusion of traditional building materials such as Adobe and modern design construct will not only give birth to earth conscious building, but will also be energy efficient. Moreover, it will be a substitute building material the building industry can adopt at as a contributing solution to the omniscient global warming malady

    Pubertal development of Turkish children.

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    AIM: To investigate the pubertal development of Turkish school children, to look for possible secular trends in pubertal development. METHODS: 1,562 girls and 1,749 boys (aged 6-16.5 years) from urban and rural schools were studied. Weight and height were measured and body mass index was calculated. Pubertal stages were assessed according to Tanner. Testicular volume was determined using an orchidometer. Menarcheal age was recorded. RESULTS: In girls, mean ages at breast stage (B) were 7.74 +/- 1.08 years for B1, 10.16 +/- 0.97 for B2, 11.72 +/- 1.29 for B3, 12.97 +/- 1.17 for B4, and 13.66 +/- 0.89 for B5. Mean ages at pubic hair stage (PH) were 8.72 +/- 1.50 years for PH1, 10.57 +/- 1.39 for PH2, 12.12 +/- 1.10 for PH3, 13.10 +/- 1.04 for PH4, and 13.87 +/- 0.83 for PH5. Mean age at menarche was 12.41 years. Menarcheal age was earlier in overweight and obese children compared with that in normal children. In boys, mean ages at each maturity stage according to testis volume (G) were 8.70 +/- 1.38 years for G1, 11.76 +/- 1.28 for G2, 12.81 +/- 1.0 for G3, 13.17 +/- 0.87 for G4, and 13.87 +/- 0.98 for G5. Mean ages at PH in boys were 9.39 +/- 1.81 years for PH1, 12.02 +/- 1.33 for PH2, 13.05 +/- 0.88 for PH3, 13.42 +/- 0.87 for PH4, and 14.02 +/- 0.92 for PH5. CONCLUSIONS: The current study provides an up-to-date reference of normal sexual maturation of Turkish children. While the mean age at onset of puberty in boys was comparable to that of other populations in the world, girls were found to start pubertal development earlier than in other populations

    Pubertal development of Turkish children

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    Aim: To investigate the pubertal development of urkish school children, to look for possible secular trends in pubertal development. Methods: 1,562 girls and 1,749 boys (aged 6-16.5 years) from urban and rural schools were studied. Weight and height were measured and body mass index was calculated. Pubertal stages were assessed according to Tanner. Testicular volume was determined using an orchidometer. Menarcheal age was recorded. Results: In girls, mean ages at breast stage (B) were 7.74 ± 1.08 years for B1, 10.16 ± 0.97 for B2, 11.72 ± 1.29 for B3, 12.97 ± 1.17 for B4, and 13.66 ± 0.89 for BS. Mean ages at pubic hair stage (PH) were 8.72 ± 1.50 years for PH1, 10.57 ± 1.39 for PH2, 12.12 ± 1.10 for PH3, 13.10 ± 1.04 for PH4, and 13.87 ± 0.83 for PH5. Mean age at menarche was 12.41 years. Menarcheal age was earlier in overweight and obese children compared with that in normal children. In boys, mean ages at each maturity stage according to testis volume (G) were 8.70 ± 1.38 years for G1, 11.76 ± 1.28 for G2, 12.81 ± 1.0 for G3, 13.17 ± 0.87 for G4, and 13.87 ± 0.98 for G5. Mean ages at PH in boys were 9.39 ± 1.81 years for PH1, 12.02 ± 1.33 for PH2, 13.05 ± 0.88 for PH3, 13.42 ± 0.87 for PH4, and 14.02 ± 0.92 for PH5. Conclusions: The current study provides an up-to-date reference of normal sexual maturation of Turkish children. While the mean age at onset of puberty in boys was comparable to that of other populations in the world, girls were found to start pubertal development earlier than in other population. © Freund Publishing House Ltd., London